把img_slider.js引入html,而後編輯window.onload = (function () { ··· });中的內容。 (獲取圖片牀,按鈕,標識等元素。而後調用slideImg( container, btn_next, btn_prev, small_dots, img_num, auto_move_interval, move_speed ) 函數web
window.onload = (function () { var banner_container = document.getElementsByClassName('banners-container')[0]; //大banner圖片牀 var next = document.getElementsByClassName('next')[0]; var prev = document.getElementsByClassName('prev')[0]; var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('buttons')[0].getElementsByTagName('span'); //小圓點標識 slideImg(banner_container, next, prev, buttons, 3, 3000, 26); //參數說明見功能實現↓ }); //參數說明: // Parameter Description: // container:圖片牀; // Container: your Photos on it; // btn_next, btn_prev:切換按鈕; // Btn_next, btn_prev: toggle button(next&prev); // small_dots:小圓點標識; // Small_dots: small dot mark which picture now on focus; // img_num:圖片數量(不包括先後的附圖); // Img_num: how many pictures you have.(not including the first one and last one figures pictures); // move_speed:圖片移動速度(數值越小越快!); // Move_speed: image moving speed (the smaller the value, the faster!);
1 <!-- Created by zhangboyuan-XD on 2016/5/20 --> 2 <!-- 3 注意!若是須要顯示圖片位置的小圓點標識則必須按照demo中的格式書寫! 4 notice! If you need to display a small dot image location identification must be written in accordance with the format of the demo! 5 --> 6 7 <!doctype html> 8 <html lang="en"> 9 <head> 10 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 11 <title>imgSlider demo</title> 12 <style> 13 * { 14 margin:0; 15 padding:0; 16 -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; 17 -moz-box-sizing:border-box; 18 box-sizing:border-box; 19 } 20 21 li { 22 list-style:none; 23 } 24 25 .clear-float:after { 26 content:''; 27 width:0; 28 height:0; 29 display:block; 30 clear:both; 31 } 32 33 .banners-container { 34 position:absolute; 35 width:5900px; 36 height:340px; 37 z-index:1; 38 } 39 40 .banner-wrapper { 41 position:relative; 42 width:1180px; 43 height:340px; 44 overflow:hidden; 45 z-index:3; 46 } 47 48 .banner-wrapper img { 49 float:left; 50 } 51 52 .banner-wrapper .btn { 53 position:absolute; 54 top:146px; 55 display:block; 56 width:24px; 57 height:48px; 58 -moz-opacity:.5; 59 opacity:.5; 60 z-index:3; 61 } 62 63 .banner-wrapper .next { 64 right:0; 65 background:url("image/arrow.jpg") no-repeat 0 -48px; 66 } 67 68 .banner-wrapper .prev { 69 left:0; 70 background:url("image/arrow.jpg") no-repeat; 71 } 72 73 .banner-wrapper .buttons { 74 position:absolute; 75 height:16px; 76 width:100px; 77 bottom:10px; 78 left:590px; 79 z-index:3; 80 } 81 82 .banner-wrapper .buttons span { 83 float:left; 84 border:1px solid #fff; 85 width:16px; 86 height:16px; 87 margin-right:15px; 88 border-radius:50%; 89 -webkit-border-radius:50%; 90 -moz-border-radius:50%; 91 background:#fff; 92 cursor:pointer; 93 } 94 95 .banner-wrapper .buttons .on { 96 border-color:#5c5c5c; 97 background:#5c5c5c; 98 } 99 </style> 100 </head> 101 <body> 102 <div class="banner-wrapper"> 103 <ul class="banners-container clear-float" style="left:-1180px;"> 104 <!-- 這裏先後多出來的兩張圖是爲了實現無限循環 Before and after the extra two <li> is to achieve an infinite loop --> 105 <li><a href="#"><img src="image/banner_3.jpg" alt="banner"></a></li> 106 <li><a href="#"><img src="image/banner_1.gif" alt="banner"></a></li> 107 <li><a href="#"><img src="image/banner_2.jpg" alt="banner"></a></li> 108 <li><a href="#"><img src="image/banner_3.jpg" alt="banner"></a></li> 109 <li><a href="#"><img src="image/banner_1.gif" alt="banner"></a></li> 110 </ul> 111 <a class="next btn" href="#"></a> 112 <a class="prev btn" href="#"></a> 113 <div class="buttons"> 114 <!--注意:顯示輪播圖進度的小圓點,必須給span設置對應的index屬性1,2,3,··· --> 115 <span index="1" class="on"></span> 116 <span index="2"></span> 117 <span index="3"></span> 118 </div> 119 </div> 120 <script src="img_slider.js"></script> 121 </body> 122 </html>
1 /* 2 * Created by zhangboyuan-XD on 2016/5/20. 3 * 4 * 注意!若是須要顯示圖片位置的小圓點標識則必須按照demo中的格式書寫! 5 * notice! If you need to display a small dot image location identification must be written in accordance with the format of the demo! 6 */ 7 8 window.onload = (function () { 9 var banner_container = document.getElementsByClassName('banners-container')[0]; //大banner圖片牀 10 var next = document.getElementsByClassName('next')[0]; 11 var prev = document.getElementsByClassName('prev')[0]; 12 var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('buttons')[0].getElementsByTagName('span'); //小圓點標識 13 14 slideImg(banner_container, next, prev, buttons, 3, 3000, 26); //參數說明見功能實現↓ 15 }); 16 17 18 19 20 /**功能實現********************功能實現***********************功能實現********************功能實現*********************功能實現****************************************************/ 21 22 //參數說明: // Parameter Description: 23 // container:圖片牀; // Container: your Photos on it; 24 // btn_next, btn_prev:切換按鈕; // Btn_next, btn_prev: toggle button(next&prev); 25 // small_dots:小圓點標識; // Small_dots: small dot mark which picture now on focus; 26 // img_num:圖片數量(不包括先後的附圖); // Img_num: how many pictures you have.(not including the first one and last one figures pictures); 27 // move_speed:圖片移動速度(數值越小越快!); // Move_speed: image moving speed (the smaller the value, the faster!); 28 function slideImg(container, btn_next, btn_prev, small_dots, img_num, auto_move_interval, move_speed) { 29 var index = 1; //當前圖片下小圓點標識 //current picture identification dot 30 var img_width = -parseInt(container.style.left); //每張圖片寬 31 var timer = null; 32 var animated = false; //判斷是否移動完成 //To determine whether the move is complete 33 var active_buttons = false; 34 var active_btn_next = false; 35 var active_btn_prev = false; 36 var active_auto_move = false; 37 38 if (typeof(container) != 'object') { 39 alert("圖片牀參數傳入錯誤!"); 40 return; 41 } 42 if (typeof(btn_next) == 'object') active_btn_next = true; 43 if (typeof(btn_prev) == 'object') active_btn_prev = true; 44 if (typeof (small_dots) == 'object') active_buttons = true; 45 if (typeof(img_num) != 'number') { 46 alert("parameter \"img_num\" is not right!"); 47 return; 48 } 49 if (typeof(auto_move_interval) == 'number') active_auto_move = true; 50 if (typeof(move_speed) != 'number') { 51 move_speed = 20; 52 alert("ERROR:Function \"slideImg()\", parameter \"move_speed\" is not right!已自動修正爲20!快謝謝我爲你挽救了一切,走上人生巔峯,贏取白富美。哈哈哈哈! -zby") 53 } 54 55 //移動圖片牀 56 function animate(offset) { 57 if (offset == 0) { 58 return; 59 } 60 animated = true; 61 var auto_move_interval = 10; //每次移動間隔時間 62 var new_left = parseInt(container.style.left) + offset; //目標圖片對應的left值 //Target image corresponding to the left value 63 64 //平滑移動函數 65 var move = function () { 66 var cur_left = parseInt(container.style.left); //當前left值 67 var move_spacing = (new_left - cur_left) / move_speed; //移動間隔(逐漸減少,實現平滑移動)//Movement interval (gradually reduced, to achieve a smooth movement) 68 move_spacing = move_spacing > 0 ? Math.ceil(move_spacing) : Math.floor(move_spacing); //速度取整 69 //當速度大於0且當前left值小於目標left值時,向右移動圖片牀 // 當速度小於0且當前left值大於目標left值時,向左移動圖片牀 70 if ((move_spacing > 0 && parseInt(container.style.left) < new_left) || (move_spacing < 0 && parseInt(container.style.left) > new_left)) { 71 container.style.left = parseInt(container.style.left) + move_spacing + 'px'; 72 setTimeout(move, auto_move_interval); 73 } 74 else { 75 //移動完成 76 container.style.left = new_left + 'px'; 77 if (new_left > -img_width) { 78 container.style.left = -img_width * img_num + 'px'; 79 } 80 if (new_left < -img_width * img_num) { 81 container.style.left = -1180 + 'px'; 82 } 83 animated = false; 84 } 85 }; 86 //入口 //Entrance 87 move(); 88 } 89 90 91 //右點擊,左點擊 92 btn_next.onclick = (function () { 93 if (!active_btn_next) return; 94 95 //判斷,若是移動未完成則不進行下一次移動。 96 if (animated) { 97 return; 98 } 99 animate(-img_width); 100 //小圓點標識更新 //update small dot 101 if (index == img_num) index = 1; 102 else index += 1; 103 showButton(); 104 }); 105 btn_prev.onclick = (function () { 106 if (!active_btn_prev) return; 107 108 if (animated) { 109 return; 110 } 111 animate(img_width); 112 if (index == 1) index = img_num; 113 else index -= 1; 114 index -= 1; 115 showButton(); 116 }); 117 118 119 //點亮,熄滅小圓點 120 function showButton() { 121 if (!active_buttons) return; 122 123 //熄滅過去圓點 124 for (var i = 0; i < small_dots.length; i++) { 125 if (small_dots[i].className == 'on') { 126 small_dots[i].className = ''; 127 break; 128 } 129 } 130 //點亮當前小圓點 131 small_dots[index - 1].className = 'on'; 132 } 133 134 //點擊小圓點切換圖片 //Click the dots to change images 135 for (var i = 0; i < small_dots.length; i++) { 136 if (!active_buttons) return; 137 138 small_dots[i].onclick = (function () { 139 if (this.className == 'on' || animated) return; 140 var targetIndex = parseInt(this.getAttribute('index')); 141 var offset = -img_width * (targetIndex - index); 142 index = targetIndex; 143 animate(offset); 144 showButton(); 145 }); 146 } 147 148 149 //自動輪播 //auto play 150 function play() { 151 if (!active_auto_move) return; 152 153 timer = setTimeout(function () { 154 if (animated) { 155 return; 156 } 157 animate(-img_width); 158 if (index == img_num) index = 1; 159 else index += 1; 160 showButton(); 161 play(); 162 }, auto_move_interval); 163 } 164 165 function stop() { 166 clearTimeout(timer); 167 } 168 169 //鼠標移入暫停輪播 170 container.onmouseover = stop; 171 container.onmouseout = play; 172 //自動輪播入口 //auto play entrance 173 play(); 174 }