[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000] SQL0437W Performance for this complex query
may be sub-optimal.
Reason Code "1". SQLSTATE=01602
EXPENG-E-TYP1, The operation pack. is invalid for data type ,binary.sql
The following lists general causes of this error and their solutions were obtained from AS400.
SQL0437W Performance of this complex query may be sub-optimal. Reason code: "<reason-code>".
Cause: The statement may achieve sub-optimal performance since the complexity of the query requires resources that are not
available or optimization boundary conditions were encountered. The following is a list of reason codes:
1The join enumeration method was altered due to memory constraints
2The join enumeration method was altered due to query complexity
3Optimizer cost underflow
4Optimizer cost overflow
5Query optimization class was too low
6Optimizer ignored an invalid statistic
The statement will be processed.
Action: One or more of the following:
Increase the size of the statement heap (stmtheap) in the database configuration file. (Reason code 1)
Break the statement up into less complex SQL statements. (Reason codes 1,2,3,4)
Ensure predicates do not over-specify the answer set (Reason code 3)
Change the current query optimization class to a lower value (Reason codes 1,2,4)
Issue Runstats for the tables involved in the query (Reason codes 3,4)
Change the current query optimization class to a higher value (Reason code 5)
Reissue RUNSTATS for both the tables involved in the query and their corresponding indexes, i.e. use the AND INDEXES ALL
clause so that table and index statistics are consistent (Reason code 6)
sqlcode: +437
sqlstate: 01602less