public <T> T create(final Class<T> service) { //對傳入的service進行檢查,首先必須是接口,而且不能繼承其餘接口。 Utils.validateServiceInterface(service); if (validateEagerly) { eagerlyValidateMethods(service); } return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(service.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { service }, new InvocationHandler() { private final Platform platform = Platform.get(); private final Object[] emptyArgs = new Object[0]; @Override public @Nullable Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, @Nullable Object[] args) throws Throwable { // If the method is a method from Object then defer to normal invocation. if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) { return method.invoke(this, args); } if (platform.isDefaultMethod(method)) { return platform.invokeDefaultMethod(method, service, proxy, args); } return loadServiceMethod(method).invoke(args != null ? args : emptyArgs); } }); }