一、Print the total number of input lines:ci
END {print NR}input
二、 Print the tenth input line:it
三、Print the last field of the last input line:co
{print $NF}printf
四、Print the last field of the last input line:ab
{field=$NF} END {print field} 或者 END {print $NF}
五、Print every input line with more than four fields:
六、Print every input line in which the last field is more than 4:
七、Print the total number of fields in all input lines:
{nf=nf+NF} END {print nf}
八、Print the total number of lines that contain Beth:
/Beth/ {nlines=nlines+1} END{print nlines}
九、Print the largest first field and the line that contains it (assumes some $1 is positive):
$2>max {max=$2;maxline=$0} END {print max,maxline}
十、Print every line that has at lease one field:
十一、Print every line long than 80 characters:
十二、Print the number of fields in every line followed by the line itself:
{print NF,$0}
1三、Print the first two fields,in opposite order,of every line:
{print $2,$1}
1四、Exchange the first two fields of every line and then print the line:
1五、Print every line with the first field field replaced by the line number:
1六、Print every line after erasing the second field:
1七、Print in reverse order the fields of every line:
{for (i=NF;i>0;i=i-1)printf("%s",$i);printf("\n")}
1八、Print the sums of the fields of every line:
{sum=0;for(i=1;i<=NF;i=i+1) sum=sum+$i;print sum}
1九、Add up all fields in all lines and print the sum:
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i=i+1) sum=sum+$i} END{print sum}
20、Print every line after replacing each field by its absolute value:
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i=i+1) if($i<0) $i=-$i;print}