If you go to the current version and open up the bin
> release
folder, you'll get a ZIP file containing the relevant files as well as a Word document called RedisService.docx
with the following instructions:git
Installing the Servicegithub
This must be the first argument on the redis-server command line. Arguments after this are passed in the order they occur to Redis when the service is launched. The service will be configured as Autostart and will be launched as "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService". Upon successful installation a success message will be displayed and Redis will exit. This command does not start the service.windows
For instance:app
redis-server --service-install redis.windows.conf --loglevel verbosethis
And then later, in the same document, another example:rest
The following would install and start three separate instances of Redis as a service:code
redis-server --service-install –service-name redisService1 –port 10001server
redis-server --service-start –service-name redisService1three
redis-server --service-install –service-name redisService2 –port 10002
redis-server --service-start –service-name redisService2
redis-server --service-install –service-name redisService3 –port 10003
redis-server --service-start –service-name redisService3
From what I can gather, this appears to be the new way forward rather than messing with a separate Windows service to monitor and restart the CLI.