shutil.move(filekey, os.path.join(Special_path['difffile'], ntpath.basename(filekey) + '.txt')) shutil.move(os.path.join(Special_path['bak'], ntpath.basename(filekey)), filekey)
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 import os 3 import re 4 import hashlib 5 import shutil 6 import ntpath 7 import time 8 import sys 9 10 # 設置系統字符集,防止寫入log時出現錯誤 11 reload(sys) 12 sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') 13 CWD = os.getcwd() 14 FILE_MD5_DICT = {} # 文件MD5字典 15 ORIGIN_FILE_LIST = [] 16 17 # 特殊文件路徑字符串 18 Special_path_str = 'drops_B0503373BDA6E3C5CD4E5118C02ED13A' #drops_md5(icecoke1024) 19 bakstring = 'back_CA7CB46E9223293531C04586F3448350' #bak_md5(icecoke1) 20 logstring = 'log_8998F445923C88FF441813F0F320962C' #log_md5(icecoke2) 21 webshellstring = 'webshell_988A15AB87447653EFB4329A90FF45C5'#webshell_md5(icecoke3) 22 difffile = 'difference_3C95FA5FB01141398896EDAA8D667802' #diff_md5(icecoke4) 23 24 Special_string = 'drops_log' # 免死金牌 25 UNICODE_ENCODING = "utf-8" 26 INVALID_UNICODE_CHAR_FORMAT = r"\?%02x" 27 28 # 文件路徑字典 29 spec_base_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(CWD, Special_path_str)) 30 Special_path = { 31 'bak' : os.path.realpath(os.path.join(spec_base_path, bakstring)), 32 'log' : os.path.realpath(os.path.join(spec_base_path, logstring)), 33 'webshell' : os.path.realpath(os.path.join(spec_base_path, webshellstring)), 34 'difffile' : os.path.realpath(os.path.join(spec_base_path, difffile)), 35 } 36 37 def isListLike(value): 38 return isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)) 39 40 # 獲取Unicode編碼 41 def getUnicode(value, encoding=None, noneToNull=False): 42 43 if noneToNull and value is None: 44 return NULL 45 46 if isListLike(value): 47 value = list(getUnicode(_, encoding, noneToNull) for _ in value) 48 return value 49 50 if isinstance(value, unicode): 51 return value 52 elif isinstance(value, basestring): 53 while True: 54 try: 55 return unicode(value, encoding or UNICODE_ENCODING) 56 except UnicodeDecodeError, ex: 57 try: 58 return unicode(value, UNICODE_ENCODING) 59 except: 60 value = value[:ex.start] + "".join(INVALID_UNICODE_CHAR_FORMAT % ord(_) for _ in value[ex.start:ex.end]) + value[ex.end:] 61 else: 62 try: 63 return unicode(value) 64 except UnicodeDecodeError: 65 return unicode(str(value), errors="ignore") 66 67 # 目錄建立 68 def mkdir_p(path): 69 import errno 70 try: 71 os.makedirs(path) 72 except OSError as exc: 73 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): 74 pass 75 else: raise 76 77 # 獲取當前全部文件路徑 78 def getfilelist(cwd): 79 filelist = [] 80 for root,subdirs, files in os.walk(cwd): 81 for filepath in files: 82 originalfile = os.path.join(root, filepath) 83 if Special_path_str not in originalfile: 84 filelist.append(originalfile) 85 return filelist 86 87 # 計算機文件MD5值 88 def calcMD5(filepath): 89 try: 90 with open(filepath,'rb') as f: 91 md5obj = hashlib.md5() 92 md5obj.update(f.read()) 93 hash = md5obj.hexdigest() 94 return hash 95 # 文件MD5消失即爲文件被刪除,恢復文件 96 except Exception, e: 97 print u'[*] 文件被刪除 : ' + getUnicode(filepath) 98 shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(Special_path['bak'], ntpath.basename(filepath)), filepath) 99 for value in Special_path: 100 mkdir_p(Special_path[value]) 101 ORIGIN_FILE_LIST = getfilelist(CWD) 102 FILE_MD5_DICT = getfilemd5dict(ORIGIN_FILE_LIST) 103 print u'[+] 被刪除文件已恢復!' 104 try: 105 f = open(os.path.join(Special_path['log'], 'log.txt'), 'a') 106 f.write('deleted_file: ' + getUnicode(filepath) + ' 時間: ' + getUnicode(time.ctime()) + '\n') 107 f.close() 108 except Exception as e: 109 print u'[-] 記錄失敗 : 被刪除文件: ' + getUnicode(filepath) 110 pass 111 112 # 獲取全部文件MD5 113 def getfilemd5dict(filelist = []): 114 filemd5dict = {} 115 for ori_file in filelist: 116 if Special_path_str not in ori_file: 117 md5 = calcMD5(os.path.realpath(ori_file)) 118 if md5: 119 filemd5dict[ori_file] = md5 120 return filemd5dict 121 122 # 備份全部文件 123 def backup_file(filelist=[]): 124 for filepath in filelist: 125 if Special_path_str not in filepath: 126 shutil.copy2(filepath, Special_path['bak']) 127 128 if __name__ == '__main__': 129 print u'---------持續監測文件中------------' 130 for value in Special_path: 131 mkdir_p(Special_path[value]) 132 # 獲取全部文件路徑,並獲取全部文件的MD5,同時備份全部文件 133 ORIGIN_FILE_LIST = getfilelist(CWD) 134 FILE_MD5_DICT = getfilemd5dict(ORIGIN_FILE_LIST) 135 backup_file(ORIGIN_FILE_LIST) 136 print u'[*] 全部文件已備份完畢!' 137 while True: 138 file_list = getfilelist(CWD) 139 # 移除新上傳文件 140 diff_file_list = list(set(file_list) ^ set(ORIGIN_FILE_LIST)) 141 if len(diff_file_list) != 0: 142 for filepath in diff_file_list: 143 try: 144 f = open(filepath, 'r').read() 145 except Exception, e: 146 break 147 if Special_string not in f: 148 try: 149 print u'[*] 查殺疑似WebShell上傳文件: ' + getUnicode(filepath) 150 shutil.move(filepath, os.path.join(Special_path['webshell'], ntpath.basename(filepath) + '.txt')) 151 print u'[+] 新上傳文件已刪除!' 152 except Exception as e: 153 print u'[!] 移動文件失敗, "%s" 疑似WebShell,請及時處理.'%getUnicode(filepath) 154 try: 155 f = open(os.path.join(Special_path['log'], 'log.txt'), 'a') 156 f.write('new_file: ' + getUnicode(filepath) + ' 時間: ' + str(time.ctime()) + '\n') 157 f.close() 158 except Exception as e: 159 print u'[-] 記錄失敗 : 上傳文件: ' + getUnicode(e) 160 161 # 防止任意文件被修改,還原被修改文件 162 md5_dict = getfilemd5dict(ORIGIN_FILE_LIST) 163 for filekey in md5_dict: 164 if md5_dict[filekey] != FILE_MD5_DICT[filekey]: 165 try: 166 f = open(filekey, 'r').read() 167 except Exception, e: 168 break 169 if Special_string not in f: 170 try: 171 print u'[*] 該文件被修改 : ' + getUnicode(filekey) 172 shutil.move(filekey, os.path.join(Special_path['difffile'], ntpath.basename(filekey) + '.txt')) 173 shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(Special_path['bak'], ntpath.basename(filekey)), filekey) 174 print u'[+] 文件已復原!' 175 except Exception as e: 176 print u'[!] 移動文件失敗, "%s" 疑似WebShell,請及時處理.'%getUnicode(filekey) 177 try: 178 f = open(os.path.join(Special_path['log'], 'log.txt'), 'a') 179 f.write('difference_file: ' + getUnicode(filekey) + ' 時間: ' + getUnicode(time.ctime()) + '\n') 180 f.close() 181 except Exception as e: 182 print u'[-] 記錄失敗 : 被修改文件: ' + getUnicode(filekey) 183 pass 184 time.sleep(2)