public class RemotingSendRequestException extends RemotingException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5391285827332471674L; public RemotingSendRequestException(String addr) { this(addr, null); } public RemotingSendRequestException(String addr, Throwable cause) { super("send request to <" + addr + "> failed", cause); } }
public abstract class NettyRemotingAbstract { //...... public RemotingCommand invokeSyncImpl(final Channel channel, final RemotingCommand request, final long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException, RemotingSendRequestException, RemotingTimeoutException { final int opaque = request.getOpaque(); try { final ResponseFuture responseFuture = new ResponseFuture(channel, opaque, timeoutMillis, null, null); this.responseTable.put(opaque, responseFuture); final SocketAddress addr = channel.remoteAddress(); channel.writeAndFlush(request).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture f) throws Exception { if (f.isSuccess()) { responseFuture.setSendRequestOK(true); return; } else { responseFuture.setSendRequestOK(false); } responseTable.remove(opaque); responseFuture.setCause(f.cause()); responseFuture.putResponse(null); log.warn("send a request command to channel <" + addr + "> failed."); } }); RemotingCommand responseCommand = responseFuture.waitResponse(timeoutMillis); if (null == responseCommand) { if (responseFuture.isSendRequestOK()) { throw new RemotingTimeoutException(RemotingHelper.parseSocketAddressAddr(addr), timeoutMillis, responseFuture.getCause()); } else { throw new RemotingSendRequestException(RemotingHelper.parseSocketAddressAddr(addr), responseFuture.getCause()); } } return responseCommand; } finally { this.responseTable.remove(opaque); } } //...... }
public abstract class NettyRemotingAbstract { //...... public void invokeAsyncImpl(final Channel channel, final RemotingCommand request, final long timeoutMillis, final InvokeCallback invokeCallback) throws InterruptedException, RemotingTooMuchRequestException, RemotingTimeoutException, RemotingSendRequestException { long beginStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final int opaque = request.getOpaque(); boolean acquired = this.semaphoreAsync.tryAcquire(timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (acquired) { final SemaphoreReleaseOnlyOnce once = new SemaphoreReleaseOnlyOnce(this.semaphoreAsync); long costTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginStartTime; if (timeoutMillis < costTime) { once.release(); throw new RemotingTimeoutException("invokeAsyncImpl call timeout"); } final ResponseFuture responseFuture = new ResponseFuture(channel, opaque, timeoutMillis - costTime, invokeCallback, once); this.responseTable.put(opaque, responseFuture); try { channel.writeAndFlush(request).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture f) throws Exception { if (f.isSuccess()) { responseFuture.setSendRequestOK(true); return; } requestFail(opaque); log.warn("send a request command to channel <{}> failed.", RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(channel)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { responseFuture.release(); log.warn("send a request command to channel <" + RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(channel) + "> Exception", e); throw new RemotingSendRequestException(RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(channel), e); } } else { if (timeoutMillis <= 0) { throw new RemotingTooMuchRequestException("invokeAsyncImpl invoke too fast"); } else { String info = String.format("invokeAsyncImpl tryAcquire semaphore timeout, %dms, waiting thread nums: %d semaphoreAsyncValue: %d", timeoutMillis, this.semaphoreAsync.getQueueLength(), this.semaphoreAsync.availablePermits() ); log.warn(info); throw new RemotingTimeoutException(info); } } } //...... }
public abstract class NettyRemotingAbstract { //...... public void invokeOnewayImpl(final Channel channel, final RemotingCommand request, final long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException, RemotingTooMuchRequestException, RemotingTimeoutException, RemotingSendRequestException { request.markOnewayRPC(); boolean acquired = this.semaphoreOneway.tryAcquire(timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (acquired) { final SemaphoreReleaseOnlyOnce once = new SemaphoreReleaseOnlyOnce(this.semaphoreOneway); try { channel.writeAndFlush(request).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture f) throws Exception { once.release(); if (!f.isSuccess()) { log.warn("send a request command to channel <" + channel.remoteAddress() + "> failed."); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { once.release(); log.warn("write send a request command to channel <" + channel.remoteAddress() + "> failed."); throw new RemotingSendRequestException(RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(channel), e); } } else { if (timeoutMillis <= 0) { throw new RemotingTooMuchRequestException("invokeOnewayImpl invoke too fast"); } else { String info = String.format( "invokeOnewayImpl tryAcquire semaphore timeout, %dms, waiting thread nums: %d semaphoreAsyncValue: %d", timeoutMillis, this.semaphoreOneway.getQueueLength(), this.semaphoreOneway.availablePermits() ); log.warn(info); throw new RemotingTimeoutException(info); } } } //...... }