Qemu For ARM (3) : A Simple Way To Run ARM Kern...

As to the way to cross compile linux kernel, there's some differences from [3]-Linux Kernel的交叉編譯與配置linux

Below are steps to cross compile linux-2.6.3x for Versatile  platform.shell

1.Use Versatile defconfigapp

# make versatile_defconfig

2.Edit Makefile, set "ARCH?=arm", and set "CROSS_COMPILE?=arm-linux-tcp

3.make,then we get zImage in arch/arm/boot folderspa

4. Turn to linux-2.6.3x folder, make link to arch/arm/boot/zImage.net

#ln -s arch/arm/boot/zImage zImage

5.Copy qemu-system-arm and rootfs.img.gz to linux-2.6.3x folderdebug

6.Turn to linux-2.6.3x, and typein below words to run kernel.code

#./qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 128M -kernel zImage -initrd rootfs.img.gz -nographic --append "root=/dev/ram rdinit=/sbin/init console=ttyAMA0 debug" -redir tcp:1234::1234
