public void CreateByteFile() { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(string.Format(@"{0}\Test.dat", Environment.CurrentDirectory)); using (var fileStream = fileInfo.Open(FileMode.OpenOrCreate,FileAccess.ReadWrite,FileShare.None)) { const string msg = "Hello"; var msgAsByteArray = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(msg); fileStream.Write(msgAsByteArray,0,msgAsByteArray.Length); fileStream.Position = 0; Console.WriteLine("Your Message as an array of bytes:\n"); var bytesFormFile = new byte[msgAsByteArray.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < msgAsByteArray.Length; i++) { bytesFormFile[i] =(byte) fileStream.ReadByte(); Console.WriteLine(bytesFormFile[i]); } Console.WriteLine("\n Decoded Message: "); Console.WriteLine(Encoding.Default.GetString(bytesFormFile)); } }
public void WriteCharFile() { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(string.Format( "{0}reminders.txt", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory)); using (var streamWriter = fileInfo.CreateText()) { streamWriter.WriteLine("Don't forget Mother's Day this year..."); streamWriter.WriteLine("Don't forget Father's Day this year..."); streamWriter.WriteLine("Don't forget These numbers:"); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { streamWriter.Write(i + " "); } streamWriter.Write(streamWriter.NewLine); } Console.WriteLine("Created file and wrote some thoughts..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private StringBuilder _sb;
public override void Write(string value) { if (!this._isOpen) { __Error.WriterClosed(); } if (value != null) { this._sb.Append(value); } } StringWriter和StringBuilder的最大差別在於StringWriter繼承於TextWriter。能夠將StringWriter簡單理解爲內部存儲使用StringBuiler的一個TextWriter的實現類。這樣你就能夠經過StringWriter來使用TestWriter的API了。(MSDN的神解釋:A StringWriter is simply an implementation of TextWriter that uses a StringBuilder internally for storage. So you use StringWriter with APIs that operate on TextWriters.) 2. StringWriter,StringBuilder的另外一種描述
derives from TextWriter
, which allows various classes to write text without caring where it's going. In the case of StringWriter
, the output is just into memory. You would use this if you're calling an API which needs a TextWriter
but you only want to build up results in memory. ide
is essentially a buffer which allows you to perform multiple operations (typically appends) to a "logical string" without creating a new string object each time. You would use this to construct a string in multiple operations. oop
3.StringBuilder,String差別 性能
String 對象串聯操做老是用現有字符串和新數據建立新的對象。 ui
StringBuilder 對象維護一個緩衝區,以便容納新數據的串聯。 若是房間可用,新數據追加到緩衝區;不然,新的分配,較大的緩衝區,從原始緩衝區的數據複製到新的緩衝區,而且,新數據並追加到新的緩衝區。 this
串聯操做的性能 String 或 StringBuilder 對象的取決於內存分配的頻率。String 串聯運算始終分配內存,而 StringBuilder串聯運算分配內存,僅當 StringBuilder 對象緩衝區因太小而沒法適應新數據。spa
若是是鏈接固定的數量的string字符串,建議使用string鏈接(Use the String class if you are concatenating a fixed number of String objects)。在這種狀況下,編譯器可能甚至合併單個的串聯運算到單個操做(In that case, the compiler may even combine individual concatenation operations into a single operation.)。使用一 StringBuilder 對象是否鏈接任意字符串;例如,在中,若是使用循環鏈接隨機數用戶輸入字符串。(Use a StringBuilder object if you are concatenating an arbitrary number of strings; for example, if you're using a loop to concatenate a random number of strings of user input)