1.Service: 自動管理工做負載整個生命週期。負責建立route,configuration以及每一個service更新的revision。經過Service能夠指定路由流量使用最新的revision,仍是固定的revision。
apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Service metadata: name: helloworld-go namespace: default spec: runLatest: // RunLatest defines a simple Service. It will automatically configure a route that keeps the latest ready revision from the supplied configuration running. configuration: revisionTemplate: spec: container: image: registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/larus/helloworld-go env: - name: TARGET value: "Go Sample v1"
查看 knative-ingressgateway:dom
kubectl get svc knative-ingressgateway -n istio-system
kubectl get ksvc helloworld-go --output=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,DOMAIN:.status.domain
這裏直接使用cluster ip便可訪問ide
curl -H "Host: helloworld-go.default.example.com"
... controllers := []*controller.Impl{ configuration.NewController( opt, configurationInformer, revisionInformer, ), revision.NewController( opt, revisionInformer, kpaInformer, imageInformer, deploymentInformer, coreServiceInformer, endpointsInformer, configMapInformer, buildInformerFactory, ), route.NewController( opt, routeInformer, configurationInformer, revisionInformer, coreServiceInformer, clusterIngressInformer, ), labeler.NewRouteToConfigurationController( opt, routeInformer, configurationInformer, revisionInformer, ), service.NewController( opt, serviceInformer, configurationInformer, routeInformer, ), clusteringress.NewController( opt, clusterIngressInformer, virtualServiceInformer, ), } ...
func (c *Reconciler) reconcile(ctx context.Context, service *v1alpha1.Service) error { ... configName := resourcenames.Configuration(service) config, err := c.configurationLister.Configurations(service.Namespace).Get(configName) if errors.IsNotFound(err) { config, err = c.createConfiguration(service) ... routeName := resourcenames.Route(service) route, err := c.routeLister.Routes(service.Namespace).Get(routeName) if errors.IsNotFound(err) { route, err = c.createRoute(service) ... }
3.建立ClusterIngress:Route不直接依賴於VirtualService[https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/istio.networking.v1alpha3/#VirtualService] ,而是依賴一箇中間資源ClusterIngress,它能夠針對不一樣的網絡平臺進行不一樣的協調。目前實現是基於istio網絡平臺。
4.建立k8s service:這個Service主要爲Istio路由提供域名訪問。url
func (c *Reconciler) reconcile(ctx context.Context, r *v1alpha1.Route) error { .... // 基因而否有Ready的Revision traffic, err := c.configureTraffic(ctx, r) if traffic == nil || err != nil { // Traffic targets aren't ready, no need to configure child resources. return err } logger.Info("Updating targeted revisions.") // In all cases we will add annotations to the referred targets. This is so that when they become // routable we can know (through a listener) and attempt traffic configuration again. if err := c.reconcileTargetRevisions(ctx, traffic, r); err != nil { return err } // Update the information that makes us Addressable. r.Status.Domain = routeDomain(ctx, r) r.Status.DeprecatedDomainInternal = resourcenames.K8sServiceFullname(r) r.Status.Address = &duckv1alpha1.Addressable{ Hostname: resourcenames.K8sServiceFullname(r), } // Add the finalizer before creating the ClusterIngress so that we can be sure it gets cleaned up. if err := c.ensureFinalizer(r); err != nil { return err } logger.Info("Creating ClusterIngress.") desired := resources.MakeClusterIngress(r, traffic, ingressClassForRoute(ctx, r)) clusterIngress, err := c.reconcileClusterIngress(ctx, r, desired) if err != nil { return err } r.Status.PropagateClusterIngressStatus(clusterIngress.Status) logger.Info("Creating/Updating placeholder k8s services") if err := c.reconcilePlaceholderService(ctx, r, clusterIngress); err != nil { return err } r.Status.ObservedGeneration = r.Generation logger.Info("Route successfully synced") return nil }
apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Route metadata: name: helloworld-go namespace: default ... spec: generation: 1 traffic: - configurationName: helloworld-go percent: 100 status: ... domain: helloworld-go.default.example.com domainInternal: helloworld-go.default.svc.cluster.local traffic: - percent: 100 # 全部的流量經過這個revision revisionName: helloworld-go-00001 # 使用helloworld-go-00001 revision
這裏能夠看到經過helloworld-go配置, 找到了已經ready的helloworld-go-00001(Revision)。
1.獲取當前Configuration對應的Revision, 若不存在則建立。
func (c *Reconciler) reconcile(ctx context.Context, config *v1alpha1.Configuration) error { ... // First, fetch the revision that should exist for the current generation. lcr, err := c.latestCreatedRevision(config) if errors.IsNotFound(err) { lcr, err = c.createRevision(ctx, config) ... revName := lcr.Name // Second, set this to be the latest revision that we have created. config.Status.SetLatestCreatedRevisionName(revName) config.Status.ObservedGeneration = config.Generation // Last, determine whether we should set LatestReadyRevisionName to our // LatestCreatedRevision based on its readiness. rc := lcr.Status.GetCondition(v1alpha1.RevisionConditionReady) switch { case rc == nil || rc.Status == corev1.ConditionUnknown: logger.Infof("Revision %q of configuration %q is not ready", revName, config.Name) case rc.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue: logger.Infof("Revision %q of configuration %q is ready", revName, config.Name) created, ready := config.Status.LatestCreatedRevisionName, config.Status.LatestReadyRevisionName if ready == "" { // Surface an event for the first revision becoming ready. c.Recorder.Event(config, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "ConfigurationReady", "Configuration becomes ready") } // Update the LatestReadyRevisionName and surface an event for the transition. config.Status.SetLatestReadyRevisionName(lcr.Name) if created != ready { c.Recorder.Eventf(config, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "LatestReadyUpdate", "LatestReadyRevisionName updated to %q", lcr.Name) } ... }
apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Configuration metadata: name: helloworld-go namespace: default ... spec: generation: 1 revisionTemplate: metadata: creationTimestamp: null spec: container: env: - name: TARGET value: Go Sample v1 image: registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/larus/helloworld-go name: "" resources: {} timeoutSeconds: 300 status: ... latestCreatedRevisionName: helloworld-go-00001 latestReadyRevisionName: helloworld-go-00001 observedGeneration: 1
4.建立k8s service:根據Revision構建服務訪問Service
5.建立fluentd configmap
func (c *Reconciler) reconcile(ctx context.Context, rev *v1alpha1.Revision) error { ... if err := c.reconcileBuild(ctx, rev); err != nil { return err } bc := rev.Status.GetCondition(v1alpha1.RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded) if bc == nil || bc.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue { // There is no build, or the build completed successfully. phases := []struct { name string f func(context.Context, *v1alpha1.Revision) error }{{ name: "image digest", f: c.reconcileDigest, }, { name: "user deployment", f: c.reconcileDeployment, }, { name: "user k8s service", f: c.reconcileService, }, { // Ensures our namespace has the configuration for the fluentd sidecar. name: "fluentd configmap", f: c.reconcileFluentdConfigMap, }, { name: "KPA", f: c.reconcileKPA, }} for _, phase := range phases { if err := phase.f(ctx, rev); err != nil { logger.Errorf("Failed to reconcile %s: %v", phase.name, zap.Error(err)) return err } } } ... }
apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Service metadata: name: helloworld-go namespace: default ... spec: generation: 1 runLatest: configuration: revisionTemplate: spec: container: env: - name: TARGET value: Go Sample v1 image: registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/larus/helloworld-go timeoutSeconds: 300 status: address: hostname: helloworld-go.default.svc.cluster.local ... domain: helloworld-go.default.example.com domainInternal: helloworld-go.default.svc.cluster.local latestCreatedRevisionName: helloworld-go-00001 latestReadyRevisionName: helloworld-go-00001 observedGeneration: 1 traffic: - percent: 100 revisionName: helloworld-go-00001
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