<template> <div class="table"> <table border="1px" v-dragform> <!-- 表格標題 --> <thead> <tr > <th> </th> <th><input type="checkbox" v-if="checkboxs" v-model='checked' v-on:click='checkedAll' class="chestyle"></th> <th v-for="(item,key) in tebleTop" :key="key"><span class="formtitle" :title="item">{{item}}</span></th> </tr> </thead> <!-- 表格內容 --> <tbody> <tr v-for="(item1 ,key1) in tebleDate" :key="key1" @dblclick.stop="tableEdit(key1,item1)"> <td>{{key1+1}}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" v-if="checkboxs" :value="item1" v-model="tdPicth" class="chestyle"></td> <td v-for="(item2 ,key2) in tebleDate[key1]" :key="key2" > <span v-if="key1==i && Editchent? !thshow:true" class="formtitle" :title="item2.title">{{(item2.title?item2.title:'')}}</span> <span v-if="key1==i&& Editchent ? thshow:false" > <input type="text" v-model="itemModel[key2].title" v-if="(item2.data==null)&&(item2.time==null)"> <select v-model="item2.title " v-if="item2.data" @change ="dbselect(item2)"> <option :value= item3.value?item3.value:item3.prodCode v-for="(item3,key3) in item2.data" :key="key3">{{item3.text?item3.text:item3.prodName}}</option> </select> <input type="date" v-model="itemModel[key2].title" v-if="item2.time!=null"> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="block"> <el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange" @current-change="handleCurrentChange" :current-page="currentPage4" :page-sizes="[10, 20, 30, 40]" :page-size="10" layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total=pageTotal> </el-pagination> <button @click="export2Excelshow=true" class="excelBut"><i></i>導出</button> <export2Excel v-if="export2Excelshow" @closeExce = "export2Excelshow=false" :tebleDateAll= "tebleDateAll" :tebleDate= "tebleDate" :tebleTop="tebleTop"></export2Excel> </div> <el-dialog title="提示" :visible.sync="dialogVisible" width="30%" > <span>{{dialogVisibleTitle}}</span> <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> <el-button @click="tabremoveBut(false)">取 消</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="tabremoveBut(true)">確 定</el-button> </span> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> import export2Excel from "./exporExcel" export default { data() { return { currentPage4: 1, // Edit:false, dialogVisible: false, //提示面板 dialogVisibleTitle: "", // 面板提示信息 dialogVisibleType: "", //提示面板觸發的事件 tebleDate: [], // 某一頁的值 thshow: false, // 顯示編輯 i: Number, // 行的下標 checkboxs: true, export2Excelshow:false, checked: false, // tdPicth: [], // 點擊選中 itemModel: null, // 點擊行的值 tabkey: Number, // 編輯的下標 tebleDateSize: Array, // 獲取到的列表數據 pagesize: 10, // 每頁顯示的條數 pageTotal: 0, //總共多少條數據 }; }, components:{export2Excel}, props: ["tebleDateAll", "addTableValue", "tebleTop", "Editchent"], // Editchent:是否須要編輯功能,tebleDateAll:格單內容,tebleTop:表格標題,dbselectShow:打開編碼轉換 watch: { // 監遵從父級傳來的 表格數據變化 tebleDateAll(val) { this.tablesave() this.tebleDateSize = val; this.tebleDate = val.slice(0, 10); // 頁面默認顯示10條數據 this.pageTotal = val.length; } }, methods: { dbselect(s) { // 轉換編碼 function convert(all, val) { var title; for (var i in all) { if (all[i].prodCode == val) { title = all[i].prodName; } if (all[i].value == val) { title = all[i].text; } } return title; } var that = this function correlation(value) { // 關聯數據 for (var i in value) { console.log(); if (value[i].relevance) { for (var j in value) { if ( value[i].relevance && value[i].relevance == value[j].relevance ) { if (i != j) { if(that.dbselectShow){ if (convert(s.data, value[j].title)) { value[i].title = convert(s.data, value[j].title); } }else{ value[i].title = value[j].title } } break; } } } } } for (var i in this.tebleDate) { correlation(this.tebleDate[i]); } }, handleSizeChange(val) { // 選擇每頁顯示的數據 console.log(`每頁 ${val} 條`); this.pagesize = val; function sliceArr(array, size) { var result = []; for (var x = 0; x < Math.ceil(array.length / size); x++) { var start = x * size; var end = start + size; result.push(array.slice(start, end)); } return result; } this.tebleDate = sliceArr(this.tebleDateSize, val)[0]; }, handleCurrentChange(val) { // 選擇顯示第幾頁 function sliceArr(array, size) { var result = []; for (var x = 0; x < Math.ceil(array.length / size); x++) { var start = x * size; var end = start + size; result.push(array.slice(start, end)); } return result; } this.tebleDate = sliceArr(this.tebleDateSize, this.pagesize)[val - 1]; }, getTableVlue() { //刷新 this.$store.dispatch("Warranty/getWarranty"); }, tableEdit(key, item) { // 可編輯 console.log(this.Editchent); this.itemModel = item; // 點擊時行的值寫入到輸入默認 this.i = key; // 行的下標 this.thshow = true; // 顯示能夠輸入 this.tabkey = key; // 輸入行的下標 }, tablesave(title) { //保存 if (title) { this.dialogVisibleTitle = title; this.dialogVisible = true; this.dialogVisibleType = "tablesave"; } else { if (this.tebleDate == "") { // 判斷添加時的值不能爲空 return; } for (var i in this.tebleDate) { for (var j in this.tebleDate[i]) { if (this.tebleDate[i][j].title == "") { console.log("輸入不能爲空"); return; } } } if (this.itemModel) { console.log(this.itemModel); this.tebleDate[this.tabkey] = this.itemModel; this.thshow = false; console.log(this.tebleDate); } this.tabkey = null; } }, tabSaveSub(url) { // 提交和保存 this.tablesave(); var that = this; this.$store.dispatch(url, that); }, checkedAll() { // 全選和反選 var _this = this; console.log(_this.checked); if (this.checked) { _this.tdPicth = []; } else { _this.tdPicth = []; _this.tebleDate.forEach(function(item, key) { _this.tdPicth.push(item); }); } }, tabremoveBut(v) { // 提示面板事件 if (v) { switch (this.dialogVisibleType) { case "tabremove": this.tabremove(); this.dialogVisible = false; break; case "tablesave": this.tablesave(); this.dialogVisible = false; break; default: } } else { this.dialogVisible = false; } }, tabremove(title) { // 刪除選中 if (title) { this.dialogVisibleTitle = title; this.dialogVisible = true; this.dialogVisibleType = "tabremove"; } else { console.log(this.tdPicth); function remove(ob, val) { var ob = ob; var val = val; var index = ob.indexOf(val); if (index > -1) { ob.splice(index, 1); } return ob; } var tdPicth = this.tdPicth; for (var j in tdPicth) { console.log(j); remove(this.tebleDate, this.tdPicth[j]); // remove(this.tebleDateAll, this.tdPicth[j]); } this.tdPicth = []; } }, addTable() { //添加 table this.itemModel = this.addTableValue; this.i = this.tebleDate.length; this.tebleDate.push(this.addTableValue); this.tebleDateAll.push(this.addTableValue) this.thshow = true; }, } }; </script> <style scoped> .table{ width:100%; overflow-x: auto } th { border: 1px solid #dcdfe6; padding: 5px; white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; box-sizing: border-box; } td { white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border: 1px solid #dcdfe6; border-image: initial; padding: 5px; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; } .formtitle { display: block; width: 150px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } .chestyle { display: inline-block; padding: 3px; } input { display: inline-block; max-width: 150px; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #dcdfe6; padding: 5px; } table { width: 200%; display: block; height: 430px; overflow: auto; cursor: default; border-collapse:collapse } select { display: inline-block; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; text-align: center; padding-left: 10px; border: 1px solid #dcdfe6; } .excelBut{ position: absolute;bottom: 5px;right: 25%; border: 0;background: #fff;width: 70px; background: url("../../assets/images/export.png")no-repeat 10% 53%; color: #606266; } /* .excelBut i{width: 14px;height: 14px;display: inline-block;background: url("../../assets/images/export.png")no-repeat;} */ .block{position: relative} </style>
<tables slot ref="tablesValue" :tebleDateAll = "tebleDateAll" :Editchent= true :dbselectShow= true :addTableValue= "addTableValue" :tebleTop = "tebleTop" ></tables>
formData() { //計算屬性 //表單數據 return { f1: { title: "xxxx", name: "" }, f2: { title: "xxxx", name: "" }, f3: { title: "xxx", name: "" }, f4: { title: "xxxx", name: "", data: this.tablecategory }, f5: { title: "xxx", name: "", data: this.tableForm }, f6: { title: "建立時間從:", name: "", time: { time1: "", time2: "" } } }; }, tebleTop: [ // 表格標題數據 "xxx", "xxxx", "xxxx", "xxx(小類)", "xxxx(小類)", "xxxx", "xxx", "xxxxx" ]