這裏是總結了一下,用的工具或者平臺:readthedocs、github 、sphinx。 使用這三個工具便可輕鬆建立高效的文檔管理庫,能夠用來翻譯,水平再高一點能夠寫書。css
將sphinx生成的文檔和配置 push 到git代碼倉庫[a-test-sphinx-doc]github
evenvi@evenvi-MS-7302:~/mydoc$ git init
evenvi@evenvi-MS-7302:~/mydoc$ git add .
evenvi@evenvi-MS-7302:~/mydoc$ git commit -m "test sphinx doc"
evenvi@evenvi-MS-7302:~/mydoc$ git remote add origin https://github.com/yinlianwei/a-test-sphinx-doc.git
evenvi@evenvi-MS-7302:~/mydoc$ git push origin master
easy_install -U Sphinx
│ make.bat
│ Makefile
│ conf.py
│ index.rst
Hello World ===========
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 helloworld
make html
會看到build目錄下會生成HTML格式的文檔。同理咱們能夠make letex生成LeTex以及其餘格式。
github allows the publishing of static pages associated with a particular repository (called project pages), which you can read more about at http://pages.github.com/,
I frequently use Sphinx (http://sphinx.pocoo.org/) for documenting projects, and would like to have my docs for a repo published to the gh-pages for that repo.
This strategy uses ideas from http://lucasbardella.com/report/hosting-your-sphinx-docs-in-github/, which uses a separate directory for docs and keeps the autogenerated stuff out of the main repo. This in contrast to suggestions on http://pages.github.com/, which does stuff within the repo directory. Using a separate docs dir made things easier for me to figure out and configure easier with the Sphinx makefile.
See http://daler.github.com/sphinxdoc-test for the Sphinx-generated version of this README, created using the commands documented in it...
main repo創建一個docs文件夾,存放rst源文件)
First set up your main repo. These are the commands I used to set up this very repo (how meta!):
mkdir sphinxdoc-test
cd sphinxdoc-test
git init
touch README
git add README
git commit -m 'first commit'
git remote add origin git@github.com:daler/sphinxdoc-test.git
git push origin master
Throughout this document, I’ll refer to this as the ‘main repo’ or the ‘code dir’.
Make a dir, docs, that will store documentation source from Sphinx:
mkdir sphinxdoc-test/docs
Then set up Sphinx from the docs dir, accepting all the defaults as you see fit:
cd docs
Now we need to set up a completely new directory that will serve as the build directory for Sphinx. Here I’m calling it sphinxdoc-test-docs. Note that it’s outside of the main repo dir:
cd ..
mkdir sphinxdoc-test-docs
cd sphinxdoc-test-docs
Then clone the repo you just set up on github into a dir called html (which will be created automatically with the following command):
git clone git@github.com:daler/sphinxdoc-test.git html
cd html
The html dir now has a clone of the repo.
Next, create a new branch called gh-pages. This is a special branch name that github looks for in order to build static html pages:
git branch gh-pages
The following commands do git fancy stuff that I don’t completely understand yet, suffice to say that after these 3 commands you switch to the new branch gh-pages and the branch is cleaned out with no files in it:
git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/gh-pages # auto-switches branches to gh-pages
rm .git/index
git clean -fdx
And confirm we’re on gh-pages:
git branch
I’ll refer to this as the ‘gh-pages repo’.
OK, now the docs repo is set up. Now it’s time to make some changes to the sphinx-generated Makefile back in the main repo so that it builds documentation in our new gh-pages branch and directory, instead of cluttering the main code dir.
So go back to the code dir’s doc dir:
cd ../sphinxdoc-test
cd docs
Here are the changes we’re going to make to sphinxdoc-test/docs/Makefile . . . first, change:
BUILDDIR = build
BUILDDIR = ../../sphinxdoc-test-docs
PDF = ../manual.pdf
The first new line points to the new dir and gh-pages branch we just set up. So now, running make html in sphinxdoc-test/docs will create anhtml dir in ../../sphinxdoc-test-docs . . . and luckily, that’s exactly what we set up the gh-pages repo in.
Before the next two lines make sense, need to make another change . . . I’ve added commented lines pointing to the changes:
@echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
make -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
# ^^^
@echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
make -C $(PDFBUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
# ^^^
cp $(PDFBUILDDIR)/latex/*.pdf $(PDF)
@echo "pdflatex finished; see $(PDF)"
All these PDF build dir changes put all the LaTeX stuff in a temporary directory, and then only copy the resulting PDF file to the root dir of the main repo. So no cluttering of the main repo with autogenerated doc files, only the latest build of the PDF manual is included.
Next, I’d like to only worry about making changes in a single file (README.rst), and have that propagated to all the docs in various places. On github, if you have a README.rst file in the root dir, it’ll be converted to nice-ish looking docs. (Sphinx is much better looking, plus can include module, class, and function documentation to boot, hence going through all this trouble).
So we need to point sphinx’s index.rst to the README.rst file in the root of the main repo. Turns out that relative path names don’t work in index.rst, so here’s a workaround:
Make a new file, sphinxdoc-test/docs/source/includeme.rst. In there, put an include directive pointing to the true``README.rst``. So includeme.rstshould look like this:
.. include:: ../../README.rst
Then in index.rst, add includeme to the toctree. So the relevant part of index.rst should look something like:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
OK, we should be done with the setup now.
Commit all code and README.rst (and any other doc source files) in the main repo, like always:
git add docs
git add README.rst
git commit -m "added docs and README.rst"
Then, when you’re ready to recreate the docs:
cd docs
make html
make latexpdf
Should probably add the newly built manual:
cd ..
git add manual.pdf
git commit -m "added manual.pdf"
Next, change to the gh-pages repo dir and commit the stuff that the make html command made:
cd ../sphinxdoc-test-docs
git add .
git commit -m "rebuilt docs"
And then publish the newly built docs:
git push origin gh-pages
Rinse and repeat. Of course, you could always add a task to the Makefile to do this building and committing docs, something like:
buildandcommithtml: html latexpdf
cd $(BUILDDIR)/html; git add . ; git commit -m "rebuilt docs"; git push origin gh-pages
Anyway, now you can view your new pages on http://<user>.github.com/<repo>. So in this case, it’s http://daler.github.com/sphinxdoc-test.
The last thing we have to do is add an empty file called .nojekyll in the docs repo. This tells github’s default parsing software to ignore the sphinx-generated pages that are in the gh-pages branch. Make sure you commit it, too:
cd sphinxdoc-test-docs/html (html目錄添加nojekyll)
touch .nojekyll
git add .nojekyll
git commit -m "added .nojekyll"
So that we’re on the same page, the final directory structure looks like this:
|-- pymodule <-- whatever your normal python package dir structure is
| |-- somepythonmodule.py
| `-- othercode.py
|-- docs
| |-- Makefile <-- edited as described above
| `-- source
| |-- conf.py
| |-- includeme.rst <-- edited as described above
| `-- index.rst <-- edited as described above
|-- manual.pdf <-- created by running make latexpdf
`-- README.rst <-- where you do most of your writing
|-- doctrees <-- this dir is autogenerated, but not
| |-- environment.pickle commited to gh-pages
| |-- includeme.doctree
| |-- index.doctree
| `-- README.doctree
`-- html <-- The docs repo, on the gh-pages branch.
|-- genindex.html Everything under here is committed.
|-- includeme.html
|-- index.html
|-- objects.inv
|-- README.html
|-- search.html
|-- searchindex.js
|-- _sources
| |-- includeme.txt
| |-- index.txt
| `-- README.txt
`-- _static
|-- basic.css
|-- default.css
|-- doctools.js
|-- file.png
|-- jquery.js
|-- minus.png
|-- plus.png
|-- pygments.css
|-- searchtools.js
|-- sidebar.js
`-- underscore.js
The steps for setting this up on another machine are quite a bit simpler.
The only requirement is that the folder name that will hold the docs repo must have the same relative path name as is referred to in the Makefile. So if on one machine I had these repos in /data/repos/sphinxdoc-test and /data/repos/sphinxdoc-test-docs, I could have them as~/sphinxdoc-test-docs and ~/sphinxdoc-test respectively.
First set up the main repo; in this example I’m putting it right in my home directory. Cloning will automatically create a directory, so you don’t have to make one:
cd ~
git clone git@github.com:daler/sphinxdoc-test.git
OK, that’s done. Now to set up the docs repo. For this, just like for setting it up in the first place, you need to create a dir first (making sure it’s the same name referred to in the edited Makefile) and then change to it and clone the html part of the repo:
cd ~
mkdir sphinxdoc-test-docs
cd sphinxdoc-test-docs
git clone git@github.com:daler/sphinxdoc-test.git html
Now there’s a slight problem – in the newly cloned html dir, there only appears to be one branch and it’s the master branch:
git branch
# * master
The following command will create a local tracking branch to the gh-pages branch:
git checkout -b gh-pages remotes/origin/gh-pages
Now the directories are set up the same way they were in the original setup described above.
Now that everything is set up, general workflow is to:
In the main repo:
- edit and commit code as usual
- document stuff in README.rst, commit it as usual
- document stuff that will be in the documentation, but not on the main page, in other .rst files in thedocs directory.
- change to docs dir and run make html to generate the html docs in your docs repo. This should not make any changes to the main repo, so you don’t have to commit again
- if you’re making a PDF manual, make that too with make latexpdf. Depending on where you’re putting the PDF manual, you’ll have to commit and push the new version as well.
- git push
- change to the docs repo
Next, in the docs repo:
- change to the docs repo (make sure you’re in the html dir)
- check to make sure you’re on the gh-pages branch
- git commit -a -m "rebuilt docs"
- git push origin gh-pages