本文參考了Unity官網的Mastering Unity Project Folder Structure - Version Control Systems和Using External Version Control Systems with Unity。html
Assembly-CSharp-vs.csproj and Assembly-CSharp.csproj – Visual Studio (with -vs suffix) and MonoDevelop project files generated for your C# scripts.緩存
Assembly-CSharp-vs.csproj 和 Assembly-CSharp.csproj :Visual Studio(帶有-vs後綴)和MonoDevelop爲C#腳本生成的項目文件。編輯器
Assembly-UnityScript-vs.unityproj and Assembly-UnityScript.unityproj – the same project files but for JavaScript scripts.oop
Assembly-UnityScript-vs.unityproj 和 Assembly-UnityScript.unityproj:相同的項目文件,只不過是爲JavaScript腳本。ui
testproject.sln and testproject-csharp.sln – solution files for IDEs, first one includes all C#, JavaScript and Boo projects, while the second one – only C# projects and is designed to be opened in Visual Studio, because VS doesn’t know to handle JavaScript and Boo projects.this
testproject.sln 和 testproject-csharp.sln:IDE的解決方案文件,第一個包括全部的C#、JavaScript和Boo腳本;而第二個只包括C#腳本,被設計用來在Visual Studio中打開,由於VS不知道如何處理JavaScript和Boo項目。spa
testproject.userprefs and testproject-csharp.userprefs – configuration files where MonoDevelop stores current opened files, breakpoints, watches etc.設計
testproject.userprefs 和 testproject-csharp.userprefs:MonoDevelop用來存儲當前打開文件、斷點、觀測等的配置文件。3d
Assets – folder where all game resources are stored, including scripts, textures, sound, custom editors etc. Definitely the most important folder in your project.
ProjectSettings – in this folder Unity stores all project settings like Physics, Tags, Player settings etc. In other words everything you setup from Edit → Project Settings set of menus goes into this folder.
ProjectSettings:在這個文件夾中Unity存儲全部的項目設置,如物理、標籤、角色設置等。或者說,全部你從 Edit → Project 的菜單中設置的都在這個文件夾中。
Library – local cache for imported assets, when using external version control system should be completely ignored.
obj and Temp – folders for temporary files generated during build, first one used by MonoDevelop, second – by Unity.
obj 和 Temp:存儲構建時產生的臨時文件的文件夾,第一個用於MonoDevelop,第二個用於Unity。
Visible Meta files
。Force Text
=============== Unity generated =============== Temp/ Library/ ===================================== Visual Studio / MonoDevelop generated ===================================== ExportedObj/ obj/ *.svd *.userprefs /*.csproj *.pidb *.suo /*.sln *.user *.unityproj *.booproj ============ OS generated ============ .DS_Store .DS_Store? ._* .Spotlight-V100 .Trashes ehthumbs.db Thumbs.db