Installation LEK Cluster

The structure of cluster like this:node

We used four VM:redis

A   ubuntu12.04ubuntu

B   ubuntu12.04elasticsearch

C    ubuntu14.04ui

D   ubuntu14.04this

Building up this cluster is not complicated: same as installing single node LEK, just add a Redis which act as a broker!spa

We use redis 3.0.2, you can install it like this:code

$ wget
$ tar xzf redis-3.0.2.tar.gz
$ cd redis-3.0.2
$ make //build
$ make install  //install
$ cd utils
$ ./ //The script will ask you a few questions and will setup everything you need to run Redis properly as a background daemon that will start again on system reboots.

Now, everything has installed. We can run this cluster and just make the kibana get data from shipper.server

In shipper B and D,  the logstash’s  configuration file:blog

input {
   file {
      path => ['/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/kern.log']
      type => "syslog"
output {
   redis {
   data_type => "channel"
   key =>  "logstash-*"
   host => ""
   port => 6379

In A, the logstash’s configuration file:

input {
  redis {
        data_type => "pattern_channel"
        key => "logstash-*"
        host => ""
        port => "6379"
output {
  stdout { }
  elasticsearch {
        host => ""
        protocol => "http"

After all these, then yon can run your cluster smoothly.
