能夠在線安裝 ./kibana-plugin install https://github.com/sirensolut...git
也能夠離線安裝 ./kibana-plugin install file:../../sentinl-v6.2.4.zip file 關鍵字不能漏掉github
[root@elk-181 bin]# ./kibana-plugin install file:/root/sentinl-v6.2.4.zip Attempting to transfer from file:/root/sentinl-v6.2.4.zip Transferring 130048021 bytes.................... Transfer complete Retrieving metadata from plugin archive Extracting plugin archive Extraction complete Optimizing and caching browser bundles... Plugin installation complete
安裝sentinl後kibana可能會關閉, 啓動kibanaweb
點擊new-> 點擊watchers前面的」加號「json
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