A和B若是想安全交換公鑰,就必須經過CA(證書頒發機構) 證書的通訊過程 A和B首先都內置了CA的公鑰centos
PKI: Public Key Infrastructure 安全
簽證機構:CA(Certificate Authority) bash
註冊機構:RA 服務器
證書吊銷列表:CRL app
證書存取庫: X.509:定義了證書的結構以及認證協議標準 dom
版本號 序列號 簽名算法 頒發者 有效期限 主體名稱 主體公鑰 CRL分發點 擴展信息 發行者簽名
SSL(Secure Socket Layer)和TLS(Transport Layer Security )自己是一個東西
實現功能: 機密性 認證 完整性 重放保護(正確一樣的數據不能重複發送)
客戶端和服務器端認證對方身份(依賴於PKI體系,利用數字證書進行 身份認證),並協商通訊中使用的安全參數、密碼套件以及主密鑰.
後續通訊使用的全部密鑰都是 經過MasterSecret生成。
taobao 證書 https的通訊過程
taobao 證書內容包含 SCA(Ptaobao) CA密鑰加密簽名過的taobao公鑰 + CA證書描述+過時時間+證書其它信息 taobao網站把證書發給客戶端
客戶端因爲信任CA而且拿到了CA的公鑰,就能夠解密SCA(Ptaobao) 得到taobao的公鑰 Ptaobao
客戶端(瀏覽器)會在本地生成一個對稱密鑰(key)用taobao的公鑰加密發送給taobao Ptaobao(key) sendto taobao
taobao經過本身的私鑰解密獲得客戶端發送過來的key Staobao(Ptaobao(key)) = key 這樣在客戶端和服務端都存在相同的對稱密鑰key
base64編碼 是6bit編碼 包含字符a-z,A-Z,/,+ 總共64個符號
openssl genrsa -out /PATH/TO/PRIVATEKEY.FILE NUM_BITS (umask 077; openssl genrsa –out test.key –des 2048) -des表示對密鑰對稱稱加密
openssl rsa -in test.key –out test2.key 將加密key解密
openssl rsa -in PRIVATEKEYFILE –pubout –out PUBLICKEYFILE openssl rsa –in test.key –pubout –out test.key.pub
1. 建立CA重要的配置文件openssl的配置文件:/etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf
2. 默認CA的工做目錄在 /etc/pki/CA
1 [root@centos7 ~]# cd /etc/pki/CA 2 #建立CA服務器的私鑰 3 [root@centos7 CA]# (umask 077;openssl genrsa -out private/cakey.pem 4096) 4 Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus 5 ...................................................++ 6 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................++ 7 e is 65537 (0x10001) 8 [root@centos7 CA]# ls private 9 cakey.pem 10 11 #根CA給本身的私鑰簽名證書 12 [root@centos7 CA]# openssl req -new -x509 -key private/cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 3650 13 You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated 14 into your certificate request. 15 What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. 16 There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank 17 For some fields there will be a default value, 18 If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. 19 ----- 20 Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:CN 21 State or Province Name (full name) []:beijing 22 Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:beijing 23 Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:mage 24 Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:M30 25 Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:www.yxh.com 26 Email Address []: 27 #以可讀的文本格式顯示證書內容 28 [root@centos7 CA]# openssl x509 -in cacert.pem -noout -text 29 Certificate: 30 Data: 31 Version: 3 (0x2) 32 Serial Number: 33 f9:72:0f:e1:6c:80:e3:aa 34 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 35 Issuer: C=CN, ST=beijing, L=beijing, O=mage, OU=M30, CN=www.yxh.com 36 Validity 37 Not Before: May 19 08:58:14 2018 GMT 38 Not After : May 16 08:58:14 2028 GMT 39 Subject: C=CN, ST=beijing, L=beijing, O=mage, OU=M30, CN=www.yxh.com 40 Subject Public Key Info: 41 Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption 42 Public-Key: (4096 bit) 43 Modulus: 44 00:e4:70:ef:fe:9a:43:87:41:ca:05:3d:a6:98:df: 45 89:19:64:ac:fb:24:04:42:be:bc:87:7a:e9:b5:be: 46 9d:21:40:cf:c7:08:a1:ab:8e:03:92:29:e9:50:ed: 47 dd:8d:06:3c:5f:fa:23:9f:96:04:76:b9:be:56:43: 48 58:f8:43:db:24:cf:79:87:be:cc:bd:c0:af:41:04: 49 d4:e1:6b:78:fb:b1:74:8e:25:93:22:9e:f1:22:98: 50 97:7e:dd:dc:af:45:97:93:16:93:8a:89:5c:b0:00: 51 62:a5:2f:72:ec:54:aa:3a:ec:0b:24:72:34:4a:c0: 52 70:ab:02:d8:36:53:93:d1:cc:98:43:a9:a8:f2:3b: 53 b7:fb:be:44:64:9d:c6:bb:7d:16:b5:39:d1:1f:6d: 54 e2:89:c7:9f:b7:e6:10:87:37:01:41:25:af:61:b5: 55 7c:93:3c:bd:75:cb:46:ff:0e:e2:58:92:aa:25:2b: 56 06:b1:25:27:e5:7d:76:02:d8:c5:63:db:d0:e6:ab: 57 ef:ce:69:37:7e:eb:b1:f3:59:05:e1:bf:47:b7:d1: 58 4c:59:45:c9:d6:f0:35:dd:95:b0:c2:69:5b:7e:83: 59 3e:64:8e:66:28:ba:06:f4:99:30:00:4d:76:72:a3: 60 16:d7:7e:f1:9e:9d:fe:15:88:d0:b8:e4:8f:cd:56: 61 c3:89:5c:cf:40:a5:2b:9d:38:56:e2:30:09:85:22: 62 b2:f6:58:20:c2:c0:65:b9:0e:61:f0:b3:a2:94:ea: 63 57:72:77:90:26:7d:90:11:98:18:52:ab:dc:a1:78: 64 68:0d:f0:d8:6b:01:c5:5d:e5:ca:a5:36:68:81:ba: 65 ca:4c:b9:98:fd:f4:54:e3:eb:7f:3d:30:50:34:a6: 66 5e:38:1c:82:93:9b:91:76:34:ab:df:e8:95:dd:2e: 67 d0:c6:98:c5:77:a6:67:13:aa:96:3f:7c:70:7e:54: 68 50:77:cc:5c:d0:70:34:93:90:4a:83:25:d8:1e:1d: 69 6c:17:3c:84:20:df:ee:78:28:e7:63:7f:d5:44:9c: 70 c3:cb:ec:78:a7:2f:05:dc:e7:e9:20:32:34:38:66: 71 fc:1f:54:79:64:bc:92:e9:59:c5:bf:35:4c:aa:1f: 72 93:7a:e7:8c:29:b2:58:03:bf:4f:19:36:da:2f:bd: 73 00:e0:0e:cd:32:09:0b:c7:1d:6c:12:19:b4:fa:4c: 74 a2:b0:24:be:d3:1e:47:55:17:c3:14:ce:cd:af:01: 75 ca:d8:48:44:12:40:99:f2:9f:87:1e:ea:2f:cb:0f: 76 a7:0d:b7:99:d5:e1:3b:68:50:00:80:6f:59:7c:19: 77 96:72:51:bb:9d:6b:02:01:c1:7b:88:d9:20:57:64: 78 1f:86:95 79 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) 80 X509v3 extensions: 81 X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 82 C6:80:BB:D0:7D:12:F4:EF:1A:69:CD:92:D3:F7:E1:3D:8A:27:CD:76 83 X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 84 keyid:C6:80:BB:D0:7D:12:F4:EF:1A:69:CD:92:D3:F7:E1:3D:8A:27:CD:76 85 86 X509v3 Basic Constraints: 87 CA:TRUE 88 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 89 a0:df:1a:b4:22:69:a7:8f:92:8b:c0:67:91:66:df:5f:0f:47: 90 2d:2e:6a:fd:d7:21:48:29:46:e7:7e:9b:6a:46:32:04:39:c2: 91 fb:06:2e:eb:d2:f5:25:16:f7:03:f9:d1:e5:d1:d8:1d:96:8e: 92 22:fc:37:d7:22:97:36:4c:2c:f2:8f:09:24:5b:61:a2:29:13: 93 48:21:c9:db:1e:1e:24:18:d0:02:2f:ff:35:fd:21:4c:b6:af: 94 36:33:8a:d0:2f:22:75:f4:89:8b:99:4f:32:69:55:35:13:35: 95 00:d4:f3:82:44:5f:25:a8:82:1c:51:01:31:e2:7b:c0:72:0a: 96 5d:a8:a8:37:30:a7:64:e5:2b:86:e4:92:57:59:ae:0b:a9:7b: 97 fa:be:64:be:7a:d4:f1:6a:1d:9e:07:d4:79:7d:9c:d9:c5:98: 98 ec:fc:d0:0d:55:45:41:81:c9:5a:d1:0e:ba:f1:14:c1:43:ea: 99 26:62:a3:c2:8f:fe:54:fe:03:9d:8c:ca:96:48:66:9f:83:88: 100 c3:e7:d8:6b:e9:43:34:3c:77:b6:2f:97:54:65:39:74:09:a5: 101 a3:c6:d1:aa:52:7b:d3:91:44:32:ee:1a:45:40:ff:1e:46:b9: 102 47:06:68:6e:91:a6:88:77:4a:df:07:bd:81:ae:6e:a0:2d:67: 103 39:15:b6:9b:28:e3:0a:34:bf:0d:f0:01:af:8a:f2:2b:8b:3f: 104 12:a7:8b:cf:c4:eb:c5:bc:58:58:10:6a:84:85:26:01:39:9a: 105 fa:aa:1a:dc:83:46:61:1b:12:90:ad:5a:d7:67:78:68:a9:8c: 106 72:71:f0:64:b7:bf:08:85:9b:71:4a:3f:00:94:43:a7:73:3b: 107 c3:95:da:07:1f:8b:ca:f4:d7:a4:af:34:95:42:a5:e0:46:e8: 108 18:22:29:c4:b7:b0:a0:9a:7b:e8:e5:b1:11:67:07:f3:7d:bd: 109 f7:2f:5f:65:5e:32:5d:0c:65:a1:70:ad:50:6c:02:5c:a5:e6: 110 0c:41:c9:26:9d:95:c4:1b:df:26:a2:43:4f:b6:e0:98:6f:ba: 111 cb:83:e6:1c:00:ba:d6:48:cc:a4:2e:8d:cc:6c:f4:9d:5a:ee: 112 62:0e:57:e2:2e:1f:8c:6c:cd:a3:2d:63:4b:0f:6b:11:bd:18: 113 47:23:0b:b7:7c:fc:d5:45:01:6e:72:a0:7c:43:29:6b:ef:dd: 114 33:d1:39:2a:14:cd:c3:2e:91:4f:78:3d:e2:08:a5:dd:bd:00: 115 aa:18:19:48:03:3a:a1:9d:1c:e7:c3:87:51:a4:42:7a:fd:7f: 116 90:40:c6:bb:ba:8e:22:be:63:5a:10:bb:a4:fd:ef:21:4f:d1: 117 84:a9:fb:2e:61:cc:b0:76 118 119 [root@centos7 CA]# openssl x509 -in cacert.pem -noout -issuer 120 issuer= /C=CN/ST=beijing/L=beijing/O=mage/OU=M30/CN=www.yxh.com
1.生成私鑰文件 [root@yxh6 data]# (umask 077;openssl genrsa -out app.key 1024) Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus ..............................++++++ .....................++++++ e is 65537 (0x10001) [root@yxh6 data]# ls app.key 2.利用私鑰文件生成申請文件 [root@yxh6 data]# openssl req -new -key app.key -out app.csr You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. ----- Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:CN State or Province Name (full name) []:beijing Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:beijing Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:mage Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:M30 Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:www.yxh.com Email Address []: Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: An optional company name []: [root@yxh6 data]# ls app.csr app.key 3.將申請文件發送給CA scp app.csr 4.CA頒發證書 回到CA服務器執行頒發證書 touch index.txt echo 0F > serial [root@centos7 CA]# openssl ca -in app.csr -out certs/app.crt -days 100 Using configuration from /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf Check that the request matches the signature Signature ok Certificate Details: Serial Number: 15 (0xf) Validity Not Before: May 19 09:35:37 2018 GMT Not After : Aug 27 09:35:37 2018 GMT Subject: countryName = CN stateOrProvinceName = beijing organizationName = mage organizationalUnitName = M30 commonName = www.yxh.com X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 71:DC:D4:AE:8A:5A:16:A4:13:62:D7:3A:C9:C7:DD:A7:9C:95:B0:4F X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:C6:80:BB:D0:7D:12:F4:EF:1A:69:CD:92:D3:F7:E1:3D:8A:27:CD:76 Certificate is to be certified until Aug 27 09:35:37 2018 GMT (100 days) Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y 1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y Write out database with 1 new entries Data Base Updated [root@centos7 certs]# ls app.crt 5.證書發送客戶端 scp app.csr 客戶端能夠拿着這個證書在應用程序中使用
須要.pem(cacert.pem)後綴名改爲windows能識別的.cer(cacert.cer)或者.crt 點擊安裝證書能夠把此證書安裝到可信任的證書路徑中
openssl x509 -in /PATH/FROM/CERT_FILE -noout -text|issuer|subject|serial|dates
openssl ca -status SERIAL 查看指定編號的證書狀態
openssl x509 -in /PATH/FROM/CERT_FILE -noout -serial -subject
在CA上,根據客戶提交的serial與subject信息,對比檢驗是否與index.txt文件中的信息一致,吊 銷證書:
openssl ca -revoke /etc/pki/CA/newcerts/SERIAL.pem
指定第一個吊銷證書的編號,注意:第一次更新證書吊銷列表前,才須要執行 echo 01 > /etc/pki/CA/crlnumber
更新證書吊銷列表 openssl ca -gencrl -out /etc/pki/CA/crl.pem
查看crl文件: openssl crl -in /etc/pki/CA/crl.pem -noout -text
ssh: secure shell, protocol, 22/tcp, 安全的遠程登陸
2.客戶端將公鑰拷貝給服務端並重命名爲 authorized_keys
1.客戶端配置文件 /etc/ssh/ssh_config ssh服務端的配置文件 /etc/ssh/sshd_config
實現指定用戶無密碼鏈接,默認是root用戶 在ssh-copy-id命令中指定特定的用戶名就會把公鑰文件拷貝到指定用戶的家目錄下
ssh-copy-id yxh@
1.在客戶端生成密鑰對 [root@yxh6 data]# ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: 84:69:ce:6b:19:1d:09:c4:94:66:06:2e:76:57:8b:0b root@yxh6.localdomain The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | .=+.. | | . ** o | | o E+* = | | . o * + . | | = S | | + | | + | | . | | | +-----------------+ [root@yxh6 data]# cd /root/.ssh [root@yxh6 .ssh]# ls id_rsa id_rsa.pub known_hosts 2.把公鑰複製到服務端主機 [root@yxh6 .ssh]# ssh-copy-id root@'s password: Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh ''", and check in: .ssh/authorized_keys to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting. 3.直接鏈接遠程主機 [root@yxh6 .ssh]# ssh Last login: Sat May 19 17:31:50 2018 from this is etc/motd,welcome.... [root@centos7 ~]#
2.ssh-copy-id A
3.scp -rp /root/.ssh B:/root
4.scp -rp /root/.ssh C:/root
#Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
#root@'s password:
1 生成ip列表文件 2 [root@centos7 .ssh]# cat ip.txt 3 4 5 6 #!/bin/bash 7 rpm -q expect &> /dev/null || yum install -y expect 8 ssh-keygen -P "" -f "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" 9 password=root 10 while read ipaddr;do 11 echo $ipaddr 12 expect <<EOF 13 spawn ssh-copy-id $ipaddr 14 expect { 15 "yes/no" { send "yes\n";exp_continue } 16 "password:" { send "$password\n" } 17 } 18 expect eof 19 EOF 20 done < ip.txt 21 22 給腳本文件設置執行權限 23 chmod +x ssh_key.sh 24 25 執行腳本 26 ./ssh_key.sh