GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema) .instrumentation(new TracingInstrumentation()) .build();
class CustomInstrumentationState implements InstrumentationState { private Map<String, Object> anyStateYouLike = new HashMap<>(); void recordTiming(String key, long time) { anyStateYouLike.put(key, time); } } class CustomInstrumentation extends SimpleInstrumentation { @Override public InstrumentationState createState() { // // instrumentation state is passed during each invocation of an Instrumentation method // and allows you to put stateful data away and reference it during the query execution // return new CustomInstrumentationState(); } @Override public InstrumentationContext<ExecutionResult> beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters parameters) { long startNanos = System.nanoTime(); return new SimpleInstrumentationContext<ExecutionResult>() { @Override public void onCompleted(ExecutionResult result, Throwable t) { CustomInstrumentationState state = parameters.getInstrumentationState(); state.recordTiming(parameters.getQuery(), System.nanoTime() - startNanos); } }; } @Override public DataFetcher<?> instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?> dataFetcher, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters parameters) { // // this allows you to intercept the data fetcher used to fetch a field and provide another one, perhaps // that enforces certain behaviours or has certain side effects on the data // return dataFetcher; } @Override public CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult> instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult executionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters parameters) { // // this allows you to instrument the execution result some how. For example the Tracing support uses this to put // the `extensions` map of data in place // return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(executionResult); } }
List<Instrumentation> chainedList = new ArrayList<>(); chainedList.add(new FooInstrumentation()); chainedList.add(new BarInstrumentation()); ChainedInstrumentation chainedInstrumentation = new ChainedInstrumentation(chainedList); GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema) .instrumentation(chainedInstrumentation) .build();
ExecutionPath fieldPath = ExecutionPath.parse("/user"); FieldValidation fieldValidation = new SimpleFieldValidation() .addRule(fieldPath, new BiFunction<FieldAndArguments, FieldValidationEnvironment, Optional<GraphQLError>>() { @Override public Optional<GraphQLError> apply(FieldAndArguments fieldAndArguments, FieldValidationEnvironment environment) { String nameArg = fieldAndArguments.getFieldArgument("name"); if (nameArg.length() > 255) { return Optional.of(environment.mkError("Invalid user name", fieldAndArguments)); } return Optional.empty(); } }); FieldValidationInstrumentation instrumentation = new FieldValidationInstrumentation( fieldValidation ); GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema) .instrumentation(instrumentation) .build();