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Rockets are fascinating. There are many different systems of rockets that launch satellites and other payloads into space (and back). In this semester-long project, we will develop and test a simple Web application, http://www.allaboutrockets.com, that registers and maintains orbital rockets, launches, and launch service providers.git
As a small software development house, you and your partner(s) have been contracted to build an online application (http://www.allaboutrockets.com) for maintaining information about orbital rockets. The system will support the following functionality:github
Each project group will have the following tools set up for it on a server hosted by the university.app
In your development and testing, we will make use of the following main languages/frameworks/technologies. These technologies will not all be needed at the start, and they will be gradually introduced into the assignments.ide
This project will be divided into three parts: unit testing, integration testing and system testing. You will continually add functionality to the project and test it. An overview of the three assignments is as follows.工具
Test planning and system setup: plan the testing approach, correctly setting up development and testing environment, and understanding and extending the code base provided (using a TDD approach).測試
Unit (and some integration) testing: perform unit testing on the system and develop a plan for integration testing.網站
Integration testing and software quality: continue to write unit tests and integration tests for the system. These tests will also need to be automatically executed on the continuous integration server.ui