is an open source, compiled and statically typed programming language created by google.python
The primary focus of Golang is to make the development of highly available and scalable web apps simple and easy.linux
Golang的主要關注點在於使開發高可用的,可擴展的web apps簡單便捷。web
Why would you choose Golang as your service side programming language when there are tonnes of other languages such as python, ruby, nodejs... that do the same job.編程
Here are some of the pros which I found in choosing Goruby
Golang is supported on all the three platforms Mac, Windows and Linux. You can download the binary for the corresponding platform from golang.org/dl/服務器
Download the OS X installer from golang.org/dl/. Double tap to start the installation. Follow the prompts and this should have Golang installed in 多線程
and would have also added the folder 併發
to your PATH environment variable.
Download the MSI installer from golang.org/dl/. Double tap to start the installation and follow the prompts. This will install Golang in location
and will also add the directory
to your path environment variable.
Download the tar file from golang.org/dl/ and unzip it to /usr/local.
Add /usr/local/go/bin to the PATH environment variable. This should install go in linux.