




  • 固定行數:調用setRowNum測試

  • 固定列數:調用setColNumthis

這還須要修改一下cocos2d-x的TableView類的聲明,主要是聲明一些member function爲virtual:lua

class TableView : public ScrollView, public ScrollViewDelegate
    enum class VerticalFillOrder
    /** Empty contructor of TableView */
    static TableView* create();
     * An intialized table view object
     * @param dataSource data source
     * @param size view size
     * @return table view
     * @code
     * when this function bound to js or lua,the input params are changed
     * in js:var create(var jsObject,var size)
     * in lua:local create(var size)
     * in lua:
     * @endcode
    static TableView* create(TableViewDataSource* dataSource, Size size);
     * An initialized table view object
     * @param dataSource data source;
     * @param size view size
     * @param container parent object for cells
     * @return table view
     * @code
     * when this function bound to js or lua,the input params are changed
     * in js:var create(var jsObject,var size,var container)
     * in lua:local create(var size, var container)
     * in lua:
     * @endcode
    static TableView* create(TableViewDataSource* dataSource, Size size, Node *container);
     * @js ctor
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    virtual ~TableView();

    virtual bool initWithViewSize(Size size, Node* container = NULL);

     * data source
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    virtual TableViewDataSource* getDataSource() { return _dataSource; }
     * when this function bound to js or lua,the input params are changed
     * in js:var setDataSource(var jsSource)
     * in lua:local setDataSource()
     * @endcode
    virtual void setDataSource(TableViewDataSource* source) { _dataSource = source; }
     * delegate
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    virtual TableViewDelegate* getDelegate() { return _tableViewDelegate; }
     * @code
     * when this function bound to js or lua,the input params are changed
     * in js:var setDelegate(var jsDelegate)
     * in lua:local setDelegate()
     * @endcode
    virtual void setDelegate(TableViewDelegate* pDelegate) { _tableViewDelegate = pDelegate; }

     * determines how cell is ordered and filled in the view.
    virtual void setVerticalFillOrder(VerticalFillOrder order);
    virtual VerticalFillOrder getVerticalFillOrder();

     * Updates the content of the cell at a given index.
     * @param idx index to find a cell
    virtual void updateCellAtIndex(ssize_t idx);
     * Inserts a new cell at a given index
     * @param idx location to insert
    virtual void insertCellAtIndex(ssize_t idx);
     * Removes a cell at a given index
     * @param idx index to find a cell
    virtual void removeCellAtIndex(ssize_t idx);
     * reloads data from data source.  the view will be refreshed.
    virtual void reloadData();
     * Dequeues a free cell if available. nil if not.
     * @return free cell
    virtual TableViewCell *dequeueCell();

     * Returns an existing cell at a given index. Returns nil if a cell is nonexistent at the moment of query.
     * @param idx index
     * @return a cell at a given index
    virtual TableViewCell *cellAtIndex(ssize_t idx);

    // Overrides
    virtual void scrollViewDidScroll(ScrollView* view) override;
    virtual void scrollViewDidZoom(ScrollView* view)  override {}
    virtual bool onTouchBegan(Touch *pTouch, Event *pEvent) override;
    virtual void onTouchMoved(Touch *pTouch, Event *pEvent) override;
    virtual void onTouchEnded(Touch *pTouch, Event *pEvent) override;
    virtual void onTouchCancelled(Touch *pTouch, Event *pEvent) override;

    virtual long __indexFromOffset(Vec2 offset);
    virtual long _indexFromOffset(Vec2 offset);
    virtual Vec2 __offsetFromIndex(ssize_t index);
    virtual Vec2 _offsetFromIndex(ssize_t index);

    virtual void _moveCellOutOfSight(TableViewCell *cell);
    virtual void _setIndexForCell(ssize_t index, TableViewCell *cell);
    virtual void _addCellIfNecessary(TableViewCell * cell);

    virtual void _updateCellPositions();

    TableViewCell *_touchedCell;
     * vertical direction of cell filling
    VerticalFillOrder _vordering;

     * index set to query the indexes of the cells used.
    std::set<ssize_t>* _indices;

     * vector with all cell positions
    std::vector<float> _vCellsPositions;
    //NSMutableIndexSet *indices_;
     * cells that are currently in the table
    Vector<TableViewCell*> _cellsUsed;
     * free list of cells
    Vector<TableViewCell*> _cellsFreed;
     * weak link to the data source object
    TableViewDataSource* _dataSource;
     * weak link to the delegate object
    TableViewDelegate* _tableViewDelegate;

    Direction _oldDirection;

    bool _isUsedCellsDirty;

    virtual void _updateContentSize();



