Check if evaluating the expression in thespecified expression language returns true.正則表達式
參數api |
說明數組 |
expr框架 |
表達式ide |
lang |
指明腳本語言 |
errorCode |
錯誤編碼(共有屬性) (能夠修改爲本身的異常編碼串) net.sf.oval.constraint.Assert(默認值) |
message |
錯誤描述(共有屬性) |
when |
前置條件(共有屬性) |
示例:下面驗證登陸名必須是用戶名或用戶編碼; when表示前置條件;
@Assert(expr="_value==_this.userName || _value ==_this.userCode" ,
lang="groovy",message="login name error." , ,when="groovy:_this.status>0")
private String loginName;
private int status;
Check if the value is false. (檢查值是否爲假或真)
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisfied when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
Check if the value is true.
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisified when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
@AssertNull說明:Check if null. 與@NotNull相反;
參數 |
說明 |
connect(boolean) |
Specifies if a connection to the URL should be attempted to verify its validity. 是否發起鏈接進行嘗試; |
Check if the value is a valid URL. (檢查值是否爲有效的URL)
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisfied when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
參數 |
說明 |
Class<? extendsCheckWithCheck.SimpleCheck> |
value Check class to use for validation. 指明驗證類 |
ignoreIfNull |
this constraint will be ignored if the value to check is null |
Check the value by a method of the sameclass that takes the value as argument and returns true if valid and false ifinvalid.
@CheckWith(value=CheckAge.class,message="agemust in (18~65)")
private int age;
publicclass CheckAge implements CheckWithCheck.SimpleCheck {
private static final long serialVersionUID =1L;
public boolean isSatisfied(ObjectvalidatedObject, Object value) {
User user = (User)validatedObject;
int age = user.getAge();
if(age <18 || age > 65)
return false;
return true;
參數 |
說明 |
min |
/** * The upper date compared against in the format specified with the dateFormat parameter. * If not specified then no upper boundary check is performed.<br> * Special values are: * <ul> * <li><code>now</code> * <li><code>today</code> * <li><code>yesterday</code> * <li><code>tomorrow</code> * </ul> */ |
max |
/** * The lower date compared against in the format specified with the dateFormat parameter. * If not specified then no lower boundary check is performed.<br> * Special values are: * <ul> * <li><code>now</code> * <li><code>today</code> * <li><code>yesterday</code> * <li><code>tomorrow</code> * </ul> */ |
Check if the date is within the a daterange.
Note: This constraint is also satisfied when the value to validate isnull, therefore you might also need to specified @NotNull
@Future(message="date isfuture.") 不能驗證字符串,改用自定義類型@CFuture
@Past(message="date is past.") 不能驗證字符串,改用自定義類型@CPast
@DateRange(min="2010-10-01",max="now",message="dateis error.")
private String birthday;
Check if the value is a valid e-mailaddress. The check is performed based on a regular expression.
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisfied when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
@Email(message="email is error.")
private String email;
參數 |
說明 |
boolean useGetter |
useGetter default false;
Check if value equals the value of thereferenced field.
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisfied when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
@EqualToField(value="userName",message="mustequals userName",useGetter=true)
private String userCode;
@NotNull(message="not null")
@NotEqualToField(value="userCode",message="can'tequals userCode")
private String userName;
參數 |
說明 |
value |
ignoreCase(boolean) |
ignoreCase default false; |
Check if the string contains a certainsubstring.
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisfied when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
@HasSubstring(value="san",ignoreCase=true,message="mustcontains 'san'")
privateString userCode;
參數 |
說明 |
max |
min |
默認值爲0 |
@MaxLength和 @MinLength只有value屬性;表示和value進行比較;
Checkif the string representation has certain length. 檢查字符串的長度
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisfied when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
private String code;
final int len =valueToValidate.toString().length();
return len >= min && len <=max;
參數 |
說明 |
max |
min |
@MaxSize 和 @MinSize只有value屬性;表示和value進行比較,判斷array,map, or collection大小;
Check if the array,map, or collection has the given size. For objects of other types thelength of their String representation will be checked. 檢查array、map或集合的大小;其餘類型的對象檢查對應字符串的長度;建議字符長度使用@Length驗證。
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisfied when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
參數 |
說明 |
value 字符串數組 |
ignoreCase |
默認值false |
Check if the string representation iscontained in the given string array.
Note: This constraint is also satisfiedwhen the value to validate is null, therefore you might also need to specified@NotNull
參數 |
說明 |
NotBlank |
Check if the string representation is not empty and does not only contain white spaces. |
NotNull |
Check if not null. |
NotEmpty |
Check if the string representation is not empty (""). |
Check if the number is greater or equalzero. 檢查值是否爲非負數
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisfied when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
@Range 有max和min 屬性,檢查數值類型的範圍;
Check if the number is in the given range.(和Double進行比較)
Check if the number is greater than orequal to X.
Check if the number is smaller than orequal to X.
Check if the String representation has thegiven max/min number of integral and fractional digits.
maxFraction = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
maxInteger = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
minFraction = 0;
minInteger = 0;
Check if the specified regular expressionpattern is or not matched. 正則表達式驗證
Note: Thisconstraint is also satisfied when the value to validate is null, therefore youmight also need to specified @NotNull
參數 |
說明 |
pattern |
The regular expression(s) that must match or not match |
Check the value by a method of the sameclass that takes the value as argument and returns true if valid and false ifinvalid.
參數 |
說明 |
methodName String |
name a the single parameter method to use for validation
Class<?> parameterType |
type of the method parameter 方法的參數,及被驗證值的類型 |
@Constraint(checkWith = CPastCheck.class)
public @interface CPast {
Stringmessage() default "日期必須小於如今.";
StringdateFormat() default "yyyy-MM-dd";
public class CPastCheck extends AbstractAnnotationCheck<CPast> {
private static final longserialVersionUID = 1L;
private StringdateFormat;
public voidconfigure(final CPast constraintAnnotation) {
public booleanisSatisfied(Object validatedObject, Object valueToValidate,
OValContextcontext, Validator validator) throws OValException {
SimpleDateFormatsdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
if(valueToValidate instanceof String) {
try {
Datedate = sdf.parse((String) valueToValidate);
returndate.before(new Date());
}catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
public StringgetDateFormat() {
public voidsetDateFormat(String dateFormat) {
this.dateFormat= dateFormat;