pip安裝 pydub,SpeechRecognitionjson
pip install pydub pip install SpeechRecognition
@itchat.msg_register(RECORDING) def tuling_reply(msg):
其中用的是RECORDING是由於以前代碼最開始有from itchat.content import *,不然就要使用itchat.content.RECORDINGbash
def func1:
----- 等價於 ------
func1 = de( func1 )微信
1. 去調用de函數,de函數的入口參數就是那個叫「func1」的函數;
2. de函數被執行,入口參數的(也就是func1函數)會被調用(執行);
參考https://blog.csdn.net/972301/article/details/59537712和 https://blog.csdn.net/fwenzhou/article/details/8733857
1 import binascii 2 import hashlib 3 import hmac 4 import urllib.parse 5 import urllib.request 6 import time 7 import random 8 import base64 9 10 def asr(msg): 11 msg['Text'](msg['FileName'])#保存mp3語音 12 timeData = str(int(time.time())) # 時間戳 13 nonceData = int(random.random()*10000) # Nonce,官網給的信息:隨機正整數,與 Timestamp 聯合起來, 用於防止重放攻擊 14 with open(msg['FileName'], 'rb') as f: 15 voiceData = f.read()#讀取mp3語音,得到byte數據,格式是b'\x..' 16 os.remove(msg['FileName'])#刪除mp3語音 17 DataLenData = len(voiceData)#讀取未base64編碼以前的文件長度 18 tmp = int(timeData)#time stamp 19 signDictData = {#須要注意的是字典的key值要按照ascii碼升序排序,並不必定是字典序,可使用sorted(signDictData.keys())來查看ascii碼排序結果 20 'Action' : actionData, 21 'Data': base64.b64encode(voiceData).decode('utf8'),#base64編碼,編碼後是二進制,再用decode解碼 22 # 'Data': voiceData, 23 'DataLen': DataLenData, 24 'EngSerViceType': EngSerViceTypeData, 25 'Nonce' : nonceData, 26 'ProjectId':0, 27 'Region': 'ap-shanghai', 28 'SecretId' : secretId, 29 # 'SignatureMethod': 'HmacSHA256',#加密算法可選,不指定這個參數默認是HmacSHA1加密 30 'SourceType': SourceTypeData, 31 'SubServiceType': SubServiceTypeData, 32 'Timestamp' : tmp, 33 'UsrAudioKey': UsrAudioKeyData, 34 'Version': versionData, 35 'VoiceFormat': VoiceFormatData 36 } 37 # 請求方法 + 請求主機 +請求路徑 + ? + 請求字符串 38 requestStr = "%s%s%s%s%s"%(requestMethod,uriData,"/","?",dictToStr(signDictData)) 39 # signData = urllib.parse.quote(sign(secretKey,requestStr,'HmacSHA1')) 40 #生成簽名字符的時候必定是使用的沒有通過urlencode編碼的requestStr字符串,下面的加了encode的就是把字符串變成byte,sha1是算法,decode是把二進制解碼爲字符串。digest()是把hmac.new()的結果解析成字符串,而後通過base64編碼爲byte,再解碼爲字符串 41 signData = binascii.b2a_base64(hmac.new(secretKey.encode('utf-8'), requestStr.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha1).digest())[:-1].decode() 42 # 上述操做是實現簽名,下面即進行請求 43 # 先創建請求參數, 此處參數只在簽名時多了一個Signature 44 actionArgs = { 45 'Action' : actionData, 46 'Data': base64.b64encode(voiceData).decode('utf8'), 47 # 'Data': voiceData, 48 'DataLen': DataLenData, 49 'EngSerViceType': EngSerViceTypeData, 50 'Nonce' : nonceData, 51 'ProjectId':0, 52 'Region': 'ap-shanghai', 53 'SecretId' : secretId, 54 'SourceType': SourceTypeData, 55 'SubServiceType': SubServiceTypeData, 56 'Timestamp' : tmp, 57 'UsrAudioKey': UsrAudioKeyData, 58 'Version': versionData, 59 'VoiceFormat': VoiceFormatData, 60 "Signature": signData 61 } 62 # 根據uri構建請求的url 63 requestUrl = "https://%s/?"%(uriData) 64 # 將請求的url和參數進行拼接,使用urlencode會修改掉參數中的/和=等符號的表示方式 65 requestUrlWithArgs = requestUrl + urllib.parse.urlencode(actionArgs) 66 67 # actionArgs = signDictData #這是深複製,兩個字典就是一個字典 68 # actionArgs["Signature"] = signData 69 70 # # 根據uri構建請求的url 71 # requestUrl = "https://%s/?"%(uriData) 72 # # 將請求的url和參數進行拼接 73 # requestUrlWithArgs = requestUrl + dictToStr(actionArgs) 74 75 # 得到response 76 responseData = urllib.request.urlopen(requestUrlWithArgs).read().decode("utf-8")# 根據uri構建 77 # return json.loads(responseData)["Response"]["Error"]["Message"] #處理錯誤消息 78 return json.loads(responseData)["Response"]["Result"]#處理正確消息
嘗試了微軟語音識別,7天免費的那個,官方文檔對於REST接口的參考太少了,而且都不是python的,這時候我在github上發現了一個SpeechRecognition項目,原來覺得是隻有谷歌語音識別的接口,嘗試了一下結果果真被牆了,用了代理以後仍是沒法訪問,而後我就看了github主頁的Transcribe an audio file,在裏面找到了不止一個接口,其中就有Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition的例程,調用很是簡單,只須要語音文件和密鑰,而且支持語音文件的格式轉碼,自動給你轉成對應必應api的語音參數格式,各位能夠本身進入r.recognize_bing()函數定義,在裏面詳細描述瞭如何使用必應語音服務,在這裏把原話複製下來供參考:
""" Performs speech recognition on ``audio_data`` (an ``AudioData`` instance), using the Microsoft Bing Speech API. The Microsoft Bing Speech API key is specified by ``key``. Unfortunately, these are not available without `signing up for an account <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-ca/pricing/details/cognitive-services/speech-api/>`__ with Microsoft Azure. To get the API key, go to the `Microsoft Azure Portal Resources <https://portal.azure.com/>`__ page, go to "All Resources" > "Add" > "See All" > Search "Bing Speech API > "Create", and fill in the form to make a "Bing Speech API" resource. On the resulting page (which is also accessible from the "All Resources" page in the Azure Portal), go to the "Show Access Keys" page, which will have two API keys, either of which can be used for the `key` parameter. Microsoft Bing Speech API keys are 32-character lowercase hexadecimal strings. The recognition language is determined by ``language``, a BCP-47 language tag like ``"en-US"`` (US English) or ``"fr-FR"`` (International French), defaulting to US English. A list of supported language values can be found in the `API documentation <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech/api-reference-rest/bingvoicerecognition#recognition-language>`__ under "Interactive and dictation mode". Returns the most likely transcription if ``show_all`` is false (the default). Otherwise, returns the `raw API response <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech/api-reference-rest/bingvoicerecognition#sample-responses>`__ as a JSON dictionary. Raises a ``speech_recognition.UnknownValueError`` exception if the speech is unintelligible. Raises a ``speech_recognition.RequestError`` exception if the speech recognition operation failed, if the key isn't valid, or if there is no internet connection. """
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import requests import itchat import json from itchat.content import * import os import speech_recognition as sr from pydub import AudioSegment def get_response_tuling(msg): # 這裏咱們就像在「3. 實現最簡單的與圖靈機器人的交互」中作的同樣 # 構造了要發送給服務器的數據 apiUrl = 'http://www.tuling123.com/openapi/api' data = { 'key' : '8edce3ce905a4c1dbb965e6b35c3834d', 'info' : msg, 'userid' : 'wechat-robot', } try: r = requests.post(apiUrl, data=data).json() # 字典的get方法在字典沒有'text'值的時候會返回None而不會拋出異常 return r.get('text') # 爲了防止服務器沒有正常響應致使程序異常退出,這裏用try-except捕獲了異常 # 若是服務器沒能正常交互(返回非json或沒法鏈接),那麼就會進入下面的return except: # 將會返回一個None return def asr(msg): #語音消息識別轉文字輸出 msg['Text'](msg['FileName']) song = AudioSegment.from_mp3(msg['FileName']) song.export("tmp.wav", format="wav") r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.AudioFile('tmp.wav') as source: audio = r.record(source) # read the entire audio file os.remove('tmp.wav') os.remove(msg['FileName']) # recognize speech using Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition BING_KEY = "======修改爲你本身的密鑰=======" # Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition API keys 32-character lowercase hexadecimal strings try: text = r.recognize_bing(audio, key=BING_KEY,language="zh-CN") print("Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition thinks you said " + text) return text except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition could not understand audio") except sr.RequestError as e: print("Could not request results from Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition service; {0}".format(e)) @itchat.msg_register(TEXT)#由於以前把itchat.content所有import了,裏面有TEXT變量 def tuling_reply_text(msg): # 註冊文字消息獲取後的處理 # 爲了保證在圖靈Key出現問題的時候仍舊能夠回覆,這裏設置一個默認回覆 defaultReply = 'I received a: ' + msg['Text'] return get_response_tuling(msg['Text']) or defaultReply @itchat.msg_register(RECORDING) def tuling_reply(msg): # 註冊語音消息獲取後的處理 # 爲了保證在圖靈Key出現問題的時候仍舊能夠回覆,這裏設置一個默認回覆 defaultReply = 'I received a: ' + msg['Type'] # 若是圖靈Key出現問題,那麼reply將會是None asrMessage = asr(msg) return get_response_tuling(asrMessage) or defaultReply # 爲了讓實驗過程更加方便(修改程序不用屢次掃碼),咱們使用熱啓動hotReload=True itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True) itchat.run()