代碼連接: https://github.com/hoijui/DIP/tree/master/ex04/src/main/native 感謝做者。git
//wiener.h #ifndef WIENER_H #define WIENER_H #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv; // function headers of not yet implemented functions /** * Function applies inverse filter to restore a degraded image. * @param degraded degraded input image * @param filter filter which caused degradation * @return restored output image */ Mat inverseFilter(Mat& degraded, Mat& filter); /** * Function applies wiener filter to restore a degraded image. * @param degraded degraded input image * @param filter filter which caused degradation * @param snr signal to noise ratio of the input image * @return restored output image */ Mat wienerFilter(Mat& degraded, Mat& filter, double snr); /** * Creates a filter kernel matrix of a certain type and size. * @param kernel where to store the generated kernel to * @param kSize size of the kernel (kSize * kSize) * @param name name of the type of kernel to generate; possible values: * "gaussian", "uniform" */ void createKernel(Mat& kernel, int kSize, string name = "gaussian"); /** * Performs a circular shift in (dx,dy) direction. * @param in input matrix * @param out circular shifted matrix * @param dx shift in x-direction * @param dy shift in y-direction */ void circShift(Mat& in, Mat& out, int dx, int dy); // function headers of given functions /** * Function degrades a given image with gaussian blur and additive gaussian noise. * @param img input image * @param degradedImg degraded output image * @param filterDev standard deviation of kernel for gaussian blur * @param snr signal to noise ratio for additive gaussian noise * @return the used gaussian kernel */ Mat degradeImage(Mat& img, Mat& degradedImg, double filterDev, double snr); /** * Function displays image (after proper normalization). * @param win Window name * @param img Image that shall be displayed * @param cut whether to cut or scale values outside of [0,255] range */ void showImage(const char* win, Mat img, bool cut = true); #endif // WIENER_H
//wiener.cpp #include <iostream> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> // function headers of not yet implemented functions #include "wiener.h" static void circShiftXXX(Mat& in, Mat& out, int dx, int dy){ int dstI, dstJ; for(int i=0; i<in.rows;i++) { dstI = i+dx; if(dstI<0) { dstI += out.rows; } else if(dstI>=out.rows){ dstI -= out.rows; } for(int j=0; j<in.cols;j++) { dstJ = j+dy; if(dstJ<0) { dstJ += out.cols; } else if(dstJ>=out.cols){ dstJ -= out.cols; } out.at<float>(dstI,dstJ) = in.at<float>(i,j); } } } static Mat inverseAndWiener(Mat& s, Mat& p, double snr, bool inverse) { const bool wiener = !inverse; // Pad input image to avoid ringing artifacts along image borders. int bH = p.cols; int bV = p.rows; Mat sBorder; copyMakeBorder(s, sBorder, bV, bV, bH, bH, BORDER_REPLICATE); // Allocate some memory like it is going out of style. Mat pBigShifted = Mat::zeros(sBorder.size(), CV_32F); Mat P = Mat::zeros(sBorder.size(), CV_32F); Mat S = Mat::zeros(sBorder.size(), CV_32F); Mat OApprox = Mat::zeros(sBorder.size(), CV_32F); Mat oApprox = Mat::zeros(sBorder.size(), CV_32F); // Shift kernel. const int pHalf = p.rows / 2; circShiftXXX(p, pBigShifted, -pHalf, -pHalf); // Transform shifted kernel and degrated input image into frequency domain. // Note: DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT means that we want the complex result to be stored // in a two-channel matrix as opposed to the default compressed output. dft(pBigShifted, P, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); dft(sBorder, S, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); if (inverse) { const double epsilon = 0.05f; // Remove frequencies whose magnitude is below epsilon * max(freqKernel magnitude). double maxMagnitude; minMaxLoc(abs(P), 0, &maxMagnitude); const double threshold = maxMagnitude * epsilon; for (int ri = 0; ri < P.rows; ri++) { for (int ci = 0; ci < P.cols; ci++) { if (norm(P.at<Vec2f>(ri, ci)) < threshold) { P.at<Vec2f>(ri, ci) = threshold; } } } } // OpenCV only provides a multiplication operation for complex matrices, so we need // to calculate the inverse (1/H) of our filter spectrum first. Since it is complex // we need to compute 1/H = H*/(HH*) = H*/(Re(H)^2+Im(H)^2), where H* -> complex conjugate of H. // Multiply spectrum of the degrated image with the complex conjugate of the frequency spectrum // of the filter. const bool conjFreqKernel = true; mulSpectrums(S, P, OApprox, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT, conjFreqKernel); // I * H* // Split kernel spectrum into real and imaginary parts. Mat PChannels[] = {Mat::zeros(sBorder.size(), CV_32F), Mat::zeros(sBorder.size(), CV_32F)}; split(P, PChannels); // 0:real, 1:imaginary // Calculate squared magnitude (Re(H)^2 + Im(H)^2) of filter spectrum. Mat freqKernelSqMagnitude = Mat::zeros(sBorder.rows, sBorder.cols, CV_32F); magnitude(PChannels[0], PChannels[1], freqKernelSqMagnitude); // freqKernelSqMagnitude = magnitude pow(PChannels[0], 2, freqKernelSqMagnitude); // freqKernelSqMagnitude = magnitude^2 = Re(H)^2 + Im(H)^2 if (wiener) { // Add 1 / SNR^2 to the squared filter kernel magnitude. freqKernelSqMagnitude += 1 / pow(snr, 2.0); } // Split frequency spectrum of degradedPadded image into real and imaginary parts. Mat OApproxChannels[] = {Mat::zeros(sBorder.size(), CV_32FC1), Mat::zeros(sBorder.size(), CV_32F)}; split(OApprox, OApproxChannels); // Divide each plane by the squared magnitude of the kernel frequency spectrum. // What we have done up to this point: (I * H*) / (Re(H)^2 + Im(H)^2) = I/H divide(OApproxChannels[0], freqKernelSqMagnitude, OApproxChannels[0]); // Re(I) / (Re(H)^2 + Im(H)^2) divide(OApproxChannels[1], freqKernelSqMagnitude, OApproxChannels[1]); // Im(I) / (Re(H)^2 + Im(H)^2) // Merge real and imaginary parts of the image frequency spectrum. merge(OApproxChannels, 2, OApprox); // Inverse DFT. // Note: DFT_REAL_OUTPUT means that we want the output to be a one-channel matrix again. dft(OApprox, oApprox, DFT_INVERSE | DFT_SCALE | DFT_REAL_OUTPUT); // Crop output image to original size. oApprox = oApprox(Rect(bH, bV, oApprox.cols - (bH * 2), oApprox.rows - (bV * 2))); return oApprox; } Mat inverseFilter(Mat& degraded, Mat& filter) { return inverseAndWiener(degraded, filter, -1.0, true); } Mat wienerFilter(Mat& degraded, Mat& filter, double snr) { return inverseAndWiener(degraded, filter, snr, false); } void circShift(Mat& in, Mat& out, int dx, int dy) { const int h = in.rows; const int w = in.cols; // out = Mat::zeros(h, w, in.type()); for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { int yNew = y + dy; if (yNew < 0) { yNew = yNew + h; } else if (yNew >= h) { yNew = yNew - h; } for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { int xNew = x + dx; if (xNew < 0) { xNew = xNew + w; } else if (xNew >= w) { xNew = xNew - w; } out.at<float>(yNew, xNew) = in.at<float>(y, x); } } }
//mian.cpp #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include "wiener.h" using namespace cv; using namespace std; Mat degradeImage(Mat& img, Mat& degradedImg, double filterDev, double snr); void showImage(const char* win, Mat img, bool cut); int main() { const char* win_1 = "Original Image"; const char* win_2 = "Degraded Image"; const char* win_3 = "Restored Image: Inverse filter"; const char* win_4 = "Restored Image: Wiener filter"; namedWindow(win_1); namedWindow(win_2); namedWindow(win_3); namedWindow(win_4); // load image, path in argv[1] cout << "load image" << endl; Mat img = imread("lena.jpg", 0); // convert U8 to 32F img.convertTo(img, CV_32FC1); cout << " > done" << endl; // show and safe gray-scale version of original image showImage(win_1, img); imwrite("original.png", img); // degrade image cout << "degrade image" << endl; double filterDev = 9; double snr = 10; //10000; Mat degradedImg; Mat gaussKernel = degradeImage(img, degradedImg, filterDev, snr); cout << " > done" << endl; // show and safe degraded image showImage(win_2, degradedImg); imwrite("degraded.png", degradedImg); // inverse filter cout << "inverse filter" << endl; Mat restoredImgInverseFilter = inverseFilter(degradedImg, gaussKernel); cout << " > done" << endl; // show and safe restored image showImage(win_3, restoredImgInverseFilter); imwrite("restored_inverse.png", restoredImgInverseFilter); // wiener filter cout << "wiener filter" << endl; Mat restoredImgWienerFilter = wienerFilter(degradedImg, gaussKernel, snr); cout << " > done" << endl; // show and safe restored image showImage(win_4, restoredImgWienerFilter, false); imwrite("restored_wiener.png", restoredImgWienerFilter); // wait waitKey(0); return 0; } /* ************************* *** GIVEN FUNCTIONS *** ************************* */ Mat degradeImage(Mat& img, Mat& degradedImg, double filterDev, double snr) { int kSize = round(filterDev * 3)*2 - 1; Mat gaussKernel = getGaussianKernel(kSize, filterDev, CV_32FC1); gaussKernel = gaussKernel * gaussKernel.t(); filter2D(img, degradedImg, -1, gaussKernel); Mat mean, stddev; meanStdDev(img, mean, stddev); Mat noise = Mat::zeros(img.rows, img.cols, CV_32FC1); randn(noise, 0, stddev.at<double>(0) / snr); degradedImg = degradedImg + noise; threshold(degradedImg, degradedImg, 255, 255, CV_THRESH_TRUNC); threshold(degradedImg, degradedImg, 0, 0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO); return gaussKernel; } void showImage(const char* win, Mat img, bool cut) { Mat tmp = img.clone(); if (tmp.channels() == 1) { if (cut) { threshold(tmp, tmp, 255, 255, CV_THRESH_TRUNC); threshold(tmp, tmp, 0, 0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO); } else { normalize(tmp, tmp, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); } tmp.convertTo(tmp, CV_8UC1); } else { tmp.convertTo(tmp, CV_8UC3); } imshow(win, tmp); }