[RxJS] Refactoring CombineLatest to WithLatestFrom

This lesson shows why it’s preferable to using withLatestFrom instead of combineLatest in certain scenarios.ios


Timer will continue until you enter the number in the input field:less

    .do((x)=> console.log(x))
        input$.do((x)=> console.log(x)),
        (timer, input)=> ({count: timer.count, text: input})
    .takeWhile((data)=> data.count <= 3)
    .filter((data)=> data.count === parseInt(data.text))
    .reduce((acc, curr)=> acc + 1, 0)
        (x)=> console.log(x),
        err=> console.log(err),
        ()=> console.log('complete')


In this case, withLatestFrom() works the same way:ui

    .do((x)=> console.log(x))
        input$.do((x)=> console.log(x)),
        (timer, input)=> ({count: timer.count, text: input})
    .takeWhile((data)=> data.count <= 3)
    .filter((data)=> data.count === parseInt(data.text))
    .reduce((acc, curr)=> acc + 1, 0)
        (x)=> console.log(x),
        err=> console.log(err),
        ()=> console.log('complete')


But let's say we only want the timer log out 3 times then it should hit the complete block, logout "complete":this

    .do((x)=> console.log(x))
    .takeWhile((data)=> data.count <= 3)
        input$.do((x)=> console.log(x)),
        (timer, input)=> ({count: timer.count, text: input})
    .filter((data)=> data.count === parseInt(data.text))
    .reduce((acc, curr)=> acc + 1, 0)
        (x)=> console.log(x),
        err=> console.log(err),
        ()=> console.log('complete')

then it only works with withLatestFrom() NOT combimeLatest().spa

The reason for that is combimeLatest require both timer$ and input$. But withLatestFrom() only need $timer.code
