原文地址:http://www.javashuo.com/article/p-wzgjtnbc-e.html html
Given a nested list of integers represented as a string, implement a parser to deserialize it.git
Each element is either an integer, or a list -- whose elements may also be integers or other lists.數組
Note: You may assume that the string is well-formed:app
, [
, -
, ]
. Example 1:函數
Given s = "324", You should return a NestedInteger object which contains a single integer 324.
Example 2:this
Given s = "[123,[456,[789]]]", Return a NestedInteger object containing a nested list with 2 elements: 1. An integer containing value 123. 2. A nested list containing two elements: i. An integer containing value 456. ii. A nested list with one element: a. An integer containing value 789.
, [
, -
, ]
示例 1:htm
給定 s = "324", 你應該返回一個 NestedInteger 對象,其中只包含整數值 324。
示例 2:
給定 s = "[123,[456,[789]]]", 返回一個 NestedInteger 對象包含一個有兩個元素的嵌套列表: 1. 一個 integer 包含值 123 2. 一個包含兩個元素的嵌套列表: i. 一個 integer 包含值 456 ii. 一個包含一個元素的嵌套列表 a. 一個 integer 包含值 789
1 /** 2 * // This is the interface that allows for creating nested lists. 3 * // You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation 4 * class NestedInteger { 5 * // Return true if this NestedInteger holds a single integer, rather than a nested list. 6 * public func isInteger() -> Bool 7 * 8 * // Return the single integer that this NestedInteger holds, if it holds a single integer 9 * // The result is undefined if this NestedInteger holds a nested list 10 * public func getInteger() -> Int 11 * 12 * // Set this NestedInteger to hold a single integer. 13 * public func setInteger(value: Int) 14 * 15 * // Set this NestedInteger to hold a nested list and adds a nested integer to it. 16 * public func add(elem: NestedInteger) 17 * 18 * // Return the nested list that this NestedInteger holds, if it holds a nested list 19 * // The result is undefined if this NestedInteger holds a single integer 20 * public func getList() -> [NestedInteger] 21 * } 22 */ 23 class Solution { 24 func deserialize(_ s: String) -> NestedInteger { 25 if s[s.startIndex] != "[" { 26 let n = Int(s)! 27 let nest = NestedInteger() 28 nest.setInteger(n) 29 return nest 30 } 31 var stack = [NestedInteger]() 32 var num = "" 33 for c in s.characters { 34 if c == "[" { 35 stack.append(NestedInteger()) 36 } else if c == "]"{ 37 let last = stack.removeLast() 38 if !num.isEmpty { 39 let n = Int(num)! 40 let nest = NestedInteger() 41 nest.setInteger(n) 42 last.add(nest) 43 num = "" 44 } 45 if stack.isEmpty { 46 return last 47 } 48 if last.isInteger() { 49 stack[stack.count-1].setInteger(last.getInteger()) 50 } else { 51 stack[stack.count-1].add(last) 52 } 53 } else if c == "," { 54 if let n = Int(num) { 55 let nest = NestedInteger() 56 nest.setInteger(n) 57 stack[stack.count-1].add(nest) 58 num = "" 59 } 60 } else { 61 num.append(c) 62 } 63 } 64 return NestedInteger() 65 } 66 }
1 extension String { 2 func digitInt(offset: String.Index) -> Int { 3 return Int(self[offset].unicodeScalars.first!.value - "0".unicodeScalars.first!.value) 4 } 5 } 6 7 fileprivate let one2nine = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "123456789") 8 fileprivate let zero2nine = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0123456789") 9 10 class Solution { 11 12 //listOrInt: list | integer 13 //list: [ listOrInt (, listOrInt)* ] 14 //integer: -? (1-9)?(0-9)* 15 16 private func consumeListOrInt(offset: String.Index, s: String) -> (parsed: NestedInteger, offset: String.Index)? { 17 if let consumedList = consumeList(offset: offset, s: s) { 18 return consumedList 19 } 20 if let consumedInt = consumeInt(offset: offset, s: s) { 21 return consumedInt 22 } 23 return nil 24 } 25 26 private func consumeList(offset: String.Index, s: String) -> (parsed: NestedInteger, offset: String.Index)? { 27 guard s[offset] == "[" else { 28 return nil 29 } 30 31 let result = NestedInteger() 32 var newOffset = s.index(after: offset) 33 if let firstElem = consumeListOrInt(offset: newOffset, s: s) { 34 result.add(firstElem.parsed) 35 newOffset = firstElem.offset 36 while true { 37 guard s[newOffset] == "," else { 38 break 39 } 40 newOffset = s.index(after: newOffset) 41 guard let elem = consumeListOrInt(offset: newOffset, s: s) else { 42 break 43 } 44 newOffset = elem.offset 45 result.add(elem.parsed) 46 } 47 } 48 49 guard s[newOffset] == "]" else { 50 return nil; 51 } 52 return (result, s.index(after: newOffset)) 53 } 54 55 private func consumeInt(offset: String.Index, s: String) -> (parsed: NestedInteger, offset: String.Index)? { 56 let result = NestedInteger() 57 var integer: Int = 0 58 var positive = true 59 var newOffset = offset 60 if s[offset] == "-" { 61 positive = false 62 newOffset = s.index(after: offset) 63 } 64 guard newOffset < s.endIndex else { 65 return nil 66 } 67 if s[newOffset] == "0" { 68 result.setInteger(0) 69 return (result, s.index(after: newOffset)) 70 } 71 guard one2nine.contains(s[newOffset].unicodeScalars.first!) else { 72 return nil 73 } 74 integer = s.digitInt(offset: newOffset) * (positive ? 1 : -1) 75 newOffset = s.index(after: newOffset) 76 while true { 77 guard newOffset < s.endIndex else { 78 break 79 } 80 guard zero2nine.contains(s[newOffset].unicodeScalars.first!) else { 81 break 82 } 83 integer = integer * 10 + s.digitInt(offset: newOffset) * (positive ? 1 : -1) 84 newOffset = s.index(after: newOffset) 85 } 86 result.setInteger(integer) 87 return (result, newOffset) 88 } 89 90 func deserialize(_ s: String) -> NestedInteger { 91 guard let (parsed, offset) = consumeListOrInt(offset: s.startIndex, s: s) else { 92 fatalError() 93 } 94 if offset != s.endIndex { 95 fatalError() 96 } 97 return parsed 98 } 99 }
1 class Solution { 2 func deserialize(_ s: String) -> NestedInteger { 3 if s.count == 0 {return NestedInteger()} 4 if s[0] != "[" {return NestedInteger(Int(atoi(s)))} 5 if s.count <= 2 {return NestedInteger()} 6 var res:NestedInteger = NestedInteger() 7 var start:Int = 1 8 var cnt:Int = 0 9 for i in 1..<s.count 10 { 11 if cnt == 0 && (s[i] == "," || i == s.count - 1) 12 { 13 res.add(deserialize(s.subString(start, i - start))) 14 start = i + 1 15 } 16 else if s[i] == "[" {cnt += 1} 17 else if s[i] == "]" {cnt -= 1} 18 } 19 return res 20 } 21 } 22 23 extension String { 24 //subscript函數能夠檢索數組中的值 25 //直接按照索引方式截取指定索引的字符 26 subscript (_ i: Int) -> Character { 27 //讀取字符 28 get {return self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: i)]} 29 } 30 31 // 截取字符串:指定索引和字符數 32 // - begin: 開始截取處索引 33 // - count: 截取的字符數量 34 func subString(_ begin:Int,_ count:Int) -> String { 35 let start = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: max(0, begin)) 36 let end = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: min(self.count, begin + count)) 37 return String(self[start..<end]) 38 } 39 }