Blocking Master shows how to create an application for a serial interface using the synchronous API of QSerialPort in a worker thread.編程
QSerialPort supports two programming alternatives:
- The asynchronous (non-blocking) alternative. Operations are scheduled and performed when the control returns to the Qt event loop. TheQSerialPort class emits a signal when the operation is finished. For example, the write() method returns immediately. When the data is sent to the serial port, the QSerialPort class emits the bytesWritten() signal.
- The synchronous (blocking) alternative. In headless and multithreaded applications, the wait method can be called (in this case,waitForReadyRead()) to suspend the calling thread until the operation has completed.
- 異步(不阻塞)兩者選擇一種。當控制返回到Qt事件循環時,調度並執行操做。QSerialPort類在操做完成時發出一個信號。例如,write()方法當即返回。當數據被髮送到串行端口時,QSerialPort類會發出bytes筆試()信號。
- 同步(阻塞)的選擇。在無頭的和多線程的應用程序中,能夠調用wait方法(在本例中,waitForReadyRead())暫停呼叫線程,直到操做完成。