一、Image Position (0020,0032): specifies the x, y, and z coordinates of the upper left hand corner of the image. In other words, this tag specifies the coordinates of the the first voxel transmitted.post
圖像位置:指示了圖像左上角的第一個像素的空間座標(x,y,z)。 也就是DICOM文件傳輸的第一個像素的座標ui
二、Image Orientation (0020,0037): specifies the direction cosines of the first row and the first column with respect to the patient. The direction of the axes are defined by the patients orientation to ensure LPS system ( x-axis increasing to the left hand side of the patient, y-axis increasing to the posterior side of the patient and z-axis increasing toward the head of the patient )this
圖像方向:指示了圖像第一行和第一列相對於病人的方向cosine。 座標軸的方向是根據病人的方向來肯定的(X軸指向病人的左手邊,y軸指向病人的後面,Z軸指向病人的頭部。url
三、Patient position( 0018,5100) : Patient position descriptor relative to the equipment. Required for CT and MR images. Possible values: HFP= head first-prone, HFS=head first-supine, HFDR= head first-decibitus right, HFDL = head first-decubiturs left, FFP = feet first-prone, FFS, FFDR, FFDL.spa
病人的位置: 是描述病人相對於CT或者MR等成像設備的位置。 HFP:頭部在前,俯臥; HFS:頭在前,仰臥.net
某個切片 m:
0020,0032 Image Position (Patient): -99.8046875/-282.8046875/94.25
0020,0037 Image Orientation (Patient): 1/0/0/0/1/0
0020,0032 Image Position (Patient): -99.8046875/-282.8046875/157.5
0020,0037 Image Orientation (Patient): 1/0/0/0/1/0
1. Image Orientation:
在醫學影像處理軟件中,最多見的是將導入系統的MRI/CT序列以三視圖的形式進行呈現,分別爲軸狀位(Transverse/Axisplane)、冠狀位(Coronal/Frontal plane)和矢狀位(Sagittal plane)。如下圖顯示的是這三個方位對應的切面方位,以及在成像過程當中對應的座標系。
圖1 成像座標系
圖2 三視圖
2. Software and Coding
圖3 醫學軟件中標準三視圖與MPR變換後的圖像方位
- char *
- ImageOrientationLayer::ComputeOrientation(Vector3D vector)
- {
- char *orientation=new char[4];
- char *optr = orientation;
- *optr='\0';
- char orientationX = vector.getX() < 0 ? 'R' : 'L';
- char orientationY = vector.getY() < 0 ? 'A' : 'P';
- char orientationZ = vector.getZ() < 0 ? 'F' : 'H';
- double absX = fabs(vector.getX());
- double absY = fabs(vector.getY());
- double absZ = fabs(vector.getZ());
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
- if (absX>.0001 && absX>absY && absX>absZ) {
- *optr++=orientationX;
- absX=0;
- }
- else if (absY>.0001 && absY>absX && absY>absZ) {
- *optr++=orientationY;
- absY=0;
- }
- else if (absZ>.0001 && absZ>absX && absZ>absY) {
- *optr++=orientationZ;
- absZ=0;
- }
- else break;
- *optr='\0';
- }
- return orientation;
- }