1 name = 'daniel' 2 3 print(name.capitalize()) #首字母大寫 4 >>>daniel 5 print(name.count('a')) #統計指定的字符 6 >>>1 7 print(name.center(50,'-')) #一共打印50個字符,不夠就用-代替,將name放在中間 8 >>>----------------------daniel---------------------- 9 print(name.endswith('el')) #判斷結尾是否是'el' 10 >>>True 11 print(name.expandtabs(tabsize=30)) #若是在一個字符前面輸入\t(tab)的話就會自動打印三十個空格 12 >>>daniel 13 print(name.find('a')) #查找制定字符的位置 14 >>>1 15 names = '{name} is {year} years old' 16 print(names.format(name='Daniel',year=18)) #爲臨時變量賦值 17 >>>Daniel is 18 years old 18 print(name.index('d')) #獲取指定字符的下標 19 >>>0 20 print(name.isdigit()) #判斷變量是不是證書 21 >>>Flase 22 print(name.isalnum()) #判斷變量是否爲阿拉伯字符(包含數字和英文) 23 >>>True 24 print(name.isalpha()) #判斷變量是否爲純英文字符 25 >>>True 26 print(name.isdecimal()) #判斷變量爲10進制數字 27 >>>False 28 print(name.isidentifier()) #判斷是否是一個合法的變量名 29 >>>True 30 print(name.islower()) #判斷變量是否爲小寫 31 >>>True 32 print(name.isnumeric()) #判斷變量是否只有數字 33 >>>False 34 print(name.istitle()) #判斷變量是不是首字母大寫(每一個單詞) 35 >>>False 36 print(name.isprintable()) #判斷是否能打印 37 >>>True 38 print(name.isupper()) #判斷是否所有都是大寫 39 >>>False 40 print('+'.join(['1','2','3'])) #將列表中的東西加入到'+',不能是str,若是是數字就要''放入 41 >>>1+2+3 42 print(name.ljust(50,'*')) #打印五十個字符,不夠就用*代替放在右邊 43 >>>daniel******************************************** 44 print(name.lrjust(50,'*')) #與上面相反 45 print(name.lower()) #將大寫變成小寫 46 >>>daniel 47 print(name.upper()) #將小寫變成大寫 48 >>>DANIEL 49 print('\nDanile'.lstrip) #刪除左邊的空格 50 print('Daniel\n'.rstrip) #刪除右邊的空格 51 print('\nDaniel\n'.strip) #刪除全部的空格 52 print('DanielDD'.replace('D','d',1)) #替換後面的1表示只替換第一個 53 >>>danielDD 54 print('Daniel DD'.rfind('D')) #找到指定的值的最右邊的下標 55 >>>8 56 print('Daniel 1 2 3 4'.split()) #使用指定的字符爲分隔符,分割成列表,默認爲空格 57 >>>['Daniel', '1', '2', '3', '4'] 58 print('Daniel 1 2 3 4'.splitlines()) #同上,可識別不一樣系統 59 print('Dianiel'.swapcase()) #大寫變小寫 60 >>>dANIEL 61 name = "Daniel","Man" 62 print('is'.join(name)) #字符串拼接 63 >>>Danieliszhaoyue
a = set([1,2,3,4,5]) #建立數值集合 b = set(['Hello']) #建立字符集合 c = set([1,3,5,888]) print(a | b) #a和b的並集 print(a.union(b)) #同上 >>>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'Hello'} print(a & c) #a和c的交集 print(a.intersection(c)) #同上 >>>{1, 3, 5} print(a - c) #a和c的差集 print(a.difference(c)) #同上 >>>{2, 4} print(a ^ c) #對稱差集,在a或b中,不會同時在二者中 print(a.symmetric_difference(c)) #同上 >>>{2, 4, 888}
1 c.add('xxx') #添加一項 2 a.update([111,222,333]) #添加多項 3 print(a,c) 4 >>>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 333, 111, 222} {1, 3, 5, 'xxx', 888} 5 6 a.remove(5) #刪除一項 7 print(a) 8 >>>{1, 2, 3, 4, 333, 111, 222} 9 10 print(len(a)) #a的長度,跟list的index同樣 11 >>>7 12 13 print(3 in a) #判斷3是否是在a裏面,也能夠判斷其它的集合 14 >>>True 15 16 print(3 not in a) #與上相反 17 >>>False 18 19 print(b.issubset(a)) #判斷b中的全部元素a裏面是否都有 20 print(b <= a) #意思同上 21 >>>Flase 22 23 print(b.issuperset(a)) #判斷a裏的全部元素b是否全有 24 print(b >= a) #意思同上 25 >>>Flase
1 你等着一輛火車, 2 它會把你帶到遠方. 3 你明白本身但願火車把你帶到哪兒, 4 不過你也心存猶豫, 5 但這一切都沒有關係. 6 ——由於咱們在一塊兒.
1 f = open('E:/python/file/test.txt') 2 print('first line:',f.readline()) 3 >>>first line: 你等着一輛火車, 4 print(f.read()) 5 >>>它會把你帶到遠方. 6 你明白本身但願火車把你帶到哪兒, 7 不過你也心存猶豫, 8 但這一切都沒有關係. 9 ——由於咱們在一塊兒.
"+" 表示能夠同時讀寫某個文件
"U"表示在讀取時,能夠將 \r \n \r\n自動轉換成 \n (與 r 或 r+ 模式同使用)
1 f.tell() #查看如今的光標位置 2 3 f.seek(0) #指定光標回到哪裏,多用於文件從新讀取,和tell一塊兒使用 4 5 f.flush() #刷新 6 7 f.truncate(10) #截斷,默認從0開始,後面是結束 8 print(f.read()) 9 >>>你等着一輛
1 #with 語句 2 #爲了不打開文件後忘記關閉,能夠經過管理上下文,即: 3 4 with open('file','r') as f: #與f = open('file','r')同樣 5 6 7 如此方式,當with代碼塊執行完畢時,內部會自動關閉並釋放文件資源。 8 9 在Python 2.7 後,with又支持同時對多個文件的上下文進行管理,即: 10 11 with open('file1','r') as f1 , open('file2','r') as f2:
1).在python2默認編碼是ASCII, python3裏默認是unicode
2).unicode 分爲 utf-32(佔4個字節),utf-16(佔兩個字節),utf-8(佔1-4個字節), so utf-16就是如今最經常使用的unicode版本, 不過在文件裏存的仍是utf-8,由於utf8省空間
3).在py3中encode,在轉碼的同時還會把string 變成bytes類型,decode在解碼的同時還會把bytes變回string
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
ServerName www.baidu.com
ErrorLog "logs/baidu.com-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/baidu.com-access.log" common
backend www.baidu.com
server weight 100 maxconn 2000
server weight 100 maxconn 2000
backend www.sina.com
server weight 100 maxconn 3000
server weight 100 maxconn 3000
1 # -*-conding:utf-8-*- 2 #Author:Daniel 3 4 import os 5 6 def file_operation(filename,data_backend,return_list,type): 7 ''' 8 統一文件操做接口 9 :param filename: 傳入原文件名字 10 :param data_backend: 本身拼接一個完整的"backend" 11 :param return_list: "backend"下"server"字段,以一個列表存放 12 :param type: 文件類型,用於具體操做文件 13 :return: 14 ''' 15 if type == 'query': 16 tag = False 17 data_list = [] 18 with open(filename, 'r') as f: 19 for i in f: 20 if i.strip() == data_backend: 21 tag = True 22 continue 23 if tag and i.startswith("backend"): 24 tag = False 25 break 26 if tag and i: 27 data_list.append(i.strip()) 28 return data_list 29 elif type == 'add': 30 with open(filename, 'r') as read_file, \ 31 open("haproxy_new.txt", 'w') as write_file: 32 for i in read_file: 33 write_file.write(i) 34 for i in return_list: 35 if i.startswith("backend"): 36 write_file.write(i + "\n") 37 else: 38 write_file.write("%s%s\n" % (' ' * 4, i)) 39 os.remove(filename) 40 os.rename("haproxy_new.txt", filename) 41 elif type == 'change': 42 with open(filename, 'r') as read_file, \ 43 open("haproxy_new.txt", 'w') as write_file: 44 tag = False 45 tag_2 = False 46 for i in read_file: 47 if i.strip() == data_backend: 48 tag = True 49 continue 50 if i.startswith("backend"): 51 tag = False 52 if not tag: 53 write_file.write(i) 54 else: 55 if not tag_2: 56 for i in return_list: 57 if i.startswith("backend"): 58 write_file.write(i + "\n") 59 else: 60 write_file.write("%s%s\n" % (' ' * 4, i)) 61 tag_2 = True 62 os.remove(filename) 63 os.rename("haproxy_new.txt", filename) 64 65 else: 66 print("啥也不是") 67 68 def query(data): 69 ''' 70 用戶查詢接口 71 :param data:用戶輸入的數據,例子:www.baidu.com 72 :return: 73 ''' 74 data_backend = "backend %s" % data 75 return_list = file_operation('haproxy.txt',data_backend,None,type='query') 76 for i in return_list: 77 print(i) 78 return return_list 79 80 def add(data): 81 ''' 82 用戶添加接口 83 :param data:用戶輸入的數據,必須是字典形式,例如{"backend":"www.faker.com","server":"","weight":"20","maxconn":3000} 84 這裏,文件若是沒有backend字段會將這個字典存進去,若是有則會存server字段 85 :return: 86 ''' 87 backend = data["backend"] #取值 88 return_list = query(backend) #取值,query函數返回的一個列表 89 data_backend = "backend %s" % backend #本身拼接的backend字段 90 server_value = "server %s %s wieght %s maxconn %s" % (data["server"],\ 91 data["server"],\ 92 data["weight"],\ 93 data["maxconn"]) #本身拼接的server字段 94 if not return_list: 95 return_list.append(data_backend) 96 return_list.append(server_value) 97 file_operation("haproxy.txt",data_backend,return_list,type="add") 98 else: 99 return_list.insert(0,data_backend) 100 if server_value not in return_list: 101 return_list.append(server_value) 102 file_operation("haproxy.txt", data_backend, return_list, type="change") 103 104 def remove(data): 105 ''' 106 用戶刪除接口 107 :param data: 用戶輸入的數據,必須是字典形式,例如{"backend":"www.faker.com","server":"","weight":"20","maxconn":3000} 108 這裏,文件若是沒有backend字段或者server字段會出現提示信息,若是有則刪除server字段 109 :return: 110 ''' 111 backend = data["backend"] 112 return_list = query(backend) 113 data_backend = "backend %s" % backend 114 server_value = "server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s" % (data["server"],\ 115 data["server"],\ 116 data["weight"],\ 117 data["maxconn"]) 118 if not return_list or server_value not in return_list: 119 print("\033[31;1m沒找到\033[0m") 120 121 else: 122 return_list.insert(0,data_backend) 123 return_list.remove(server_value) 124 file_operation("haproxy.txt", data_backend, return_list, type="change") 125 126 def modify(data): 127 ''' 128 用戶輸入的數據,必須是列表形式,例如[{"backend":"www.faker.com","server":"","weight":"20","maxconn":3000}, 129 {"backend":"www.faker.com","server":"","weight":"20","maxconn":3000}] 130 這裏,文件若是沒有backend字段或者server字段會出現提示信息,若是有則修改server字段,列表第0個值爲舊值,第二個值則爲新值 131 :param data:"data"傳進來是個列表,0爲要修改的舊值,1爲修改的新值 132 :return: 133 ''' 134 backend = data[0]["backend"] 135 return_list = query(backend) 136 data_backend = "backend %s" % backend 137 old_server_value = "server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s" % (data[0]["server"],\ 138 data[0]["server"],\ 139 data[0]["weight"],\ 140 data[0]["maxconn"]) 141 new_server_value = "server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s" % (data[1]["server"],\ 142 data[1]["server"],\ 143 data[1]["weight"],\ 144 data[1]["maxconn"]) 145 if not return_list or old_server_value not in return_list: 146 print("\033[31;1m沒找着\033[0m") 147 else: 148 return_list.insert(0,data_backend) 149 index = return_list.index(old_server_value) 150 return_list[index] = new_server_value 151 file_operation("haproxy.txt", data_backend, return_list, type="change") 152 153 if __name__ == '__main__': 154 options = ''' 155 1.查詢 156 2.添加 157 3.刪除 158 4.修改 159 5.退出 160 ''' 161 options_dict = { 162 "1":query, 163 '2':add, 164 "3":remove, 165 "4":modify, 166 "5":exit, 167 } 168 while True: 169 print(options) 170 choice = input("選擇>>:").strip() 171 if len(choice) == 0 or choice not in options_dict:continue 172 if choice == '5':break 173 174 data = input("數據>>:").strip() 175 if choice != '1': 176 data = eval(data) 177 options_dict[choice](data)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: Daniel 4 5 import os 6 7 def query(data): 8 if not data: 9 data=input("請輸入你要查詢的域名>>:").strip() 10 backend_data = "backend %s" % data 11 tmp_list = [] 12 tag = False 13 with open("httpd.txt","r") as r_file: 14 for line in r_file: 15 if line.strip() == backend_data: 16 tmp_list.insert(0,backend_data) 17 tag = True 18 continue 19 if tag and line.startswith("backend"): 20 tag = False 21 if tag: 22 tmp_list.append(line.strip()) 23 return tmp_list 24 25 26 def add(data): 27 backend = data["backend"] 28 backend_data = "backend %s" % backend 29 tmp_list = query(backend) 30 splicing_server = "server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s" % (data["server"]["server"], \ 31 data["server"]["server"], \ 32 data["server"]["weight"],\ 33 data["server"]["maxconn"]) 34 35 if not tmp_list: 36 tmp_list.append(backend_data) 37 tmp_list.append(splicing_server) 38 with open("httpd.txt", 'r') as r_file, \ 39 open("http_new.txt", 'w')as w_file: 40 for r_line in r_file: 41 w_file.write(r_line) 42 for i in tmp_list: 43 if i.startswith("backend"): 44 w_file.write(i + "\n") 45 else: 46 w_file.write("%s%s" % (" " *4,i)) 47 else: 48 if splicing_server in tmp_list: 49 print("此條目已存在") 50 return 51 else: 52 tmp_list.append(splicing_server) 53 ops(tmp_list,backend_data) 54 print("添加完畢") 55 56 def delete(data): 57 backend = data["backend"] 58 backend_data = "backend %s" % backend 59 tmp_list = query(backend) 60 splicing_server = "server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s" % (data["server"]["server"], \ 61 data["server"]["server"], \ 62 data["server"]["weight"],\ 63 data["server"]["maxconn"]) 64 if not tmp_list: 65 print("很差意思,沒有backend記錄,請仔細檢查一下") 66 return 67 else: 68 if splicing_server not in tmp_list: 69 print("很差意思,沒有這條server記錄") 70 return 71 else: 72 tmp_list.remove(splicing_server) 73 ops(tmp_list,backend_data) 74 print("刪除完畢") 75 76 def update(data): 77 if not data: 78 data = input("請輸入你要更新的域名記錄:") 79 # backend = data["backend"] 80 # backend_data = "backend %s" % backend 81 tmp_list = query(data) 82 # splicing_server = "server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s" % (data["server"]["server"], \ 83 # data["server"]["server"], \ 84 # data["server"]["weight"], \ 85 # data["server"]["maxconn"]) 86 if not tmp_list: 87 print("沒有這個域名記錄") 88 return 89 else: 90 for i in tmp_list: 91 print(i) 92 server_record = input("請輸入你要修改的Server記錄>>:") 93 if server_record not in tmp_list: 94 print("沒有這條Server記錄") 95 else: 96 backend_data = "backend %s" % data 97 new_record = input("請輸入新修改的記錄>>:") 98 index = tmp_list.index(server_record) 99 tmp_list[index] = new_record 100 ops(tmp_list,backend_data) 101 102 103 def ops(tmp_list,backend_data): 104 tag = False 105 write = False 106 with open("httpd.txt", 'r') as r_file, \ 107 open("http_new.txt", 'w')as w_file: 108 for i in r_file: 109 if i.startswith(backend_data): 110 tag = True 111 continue 112 if not tag: 113 w_file.write(i) 114 if tag and not write: 115 for i in tmp_list: 116 if i.startswith("backend"): 117 w_file.write(i + "\n") 118 else: 119 w_file.write("%s%s" % (" " * 4, i + "\n")) 120 write = True 121 if tag and write and i.startswith("backend"): 122 w_file.write(i) 123 tag = False 124 os.remove("httpd.txt") 125 os.rename("http_new.txt", "httpd.txt") 126 127 if __name__ == '__main__': 128 msg=''' 129 1: 查詢 130 2: 添加 131 3: 刪除 132 4: 更新 133 5: 退出 134 ''' 135 menu_dic = { 136 "1":query, 137 "2":add, 138 "3":delete, 139 "4":update, 140 } 141 while True: 142 print(msg) 143 choice = input(">>:").strip() 144 if choice == "5": 145 break 146 if choice not in msg or len(choice) == 0: 147 continue 148 if choice != "1" and choice !="4": 149 data = input("數據>>:").strip() 150 try: 151 data = eval(data) 152 res = menu_dic[choice](data) 153 except: 154 print("對不起,你輸入的數據格式不對,(字典格式)") 155 continue 156 else: 157 data="" 158 res = menu_dic[choice](data) 159 if type(res) == list: 160 if not res: 161 print("沒有!") 162 else: 163 for i in res: 164 print(i)