生成3D GIS平臺,集成和可視化AEC(建築,工程,建築)區域和傳統的3D空間信息(3D GIS)。將AEC和3D GIS集成到Web瀏覽器中,室內,室外,沒法區分。您能夠瀏覽和協做進行大規模BIM(建築信息模型),JT(Jupiter Tessellation)和3D GIS文件,而無需在Web瀏覽器上安裝任何程序。java
Project Import File -> import -> General -> Projects from Folder or Archive
。C:\git\repository\mago3djs> npm install
C:\git\repository\mago3djs> npm install -g gulp
C:\f4d\projectname (Create a directory for each project under the data folder, the root folder)
C:\F4DConverter>F4DConverter.exe #inputFolder C:\demo_f4d #outputFolder C:\f4d\projectname #log C:\demo_f4d/logTest.txt #indexing y
C:\mago3djs>mklink /d "C:\git\repository\mago3djs\f4d" "C:\f4d" (delete is rmdir data)
{ //attributes area "attributes" : { "isPhysical" : false, "nodeType": "root", "projectType": "project Type" }, //Child node area "children" : [ ], //Location information area "data_key" : "Project name", "data_name" : "Project name" }
找到要渲染的目錄//Child node area "children" : [ { "attributes" : { "isPhysical" : true, "nodeType" : "..." }, "children" : [ ], "data_key" : "Unique identifier", "data_name" : "Data name", "latitude" : Enter latitude, "longitude" : Enter longitude, "height" : Enter height, "heading" : Enter heading, "pitch" : Enter pitch, "roll" : Enter roll } ]
若是要加載多個項目,請在初始化頁面時輸入要加載的鍵值"geo_data_default_projects": [ "data.json" ]
"geo_init_latitude": "Enter latitude", "geo_init_longitude": "Enter longitude"
"geo_cesium_ion_token": "cesium ion token"
// If you run the server privately C:\git\repository\mago3djs>node server.js // If you run the server as public C:\git\repository\mago3djs>node server.js --public true
// Cesium http:localhost/sample/cesium.html // WorlWind http:localhost/sample/worldwind.html