1 字符串判斷前端
str1 = str2 當兩個串有相同內容、長度時爲真
str1 != str2 當串str1和str2不等時爲真
-n str1 當串的長度大於0時爲真(串非空)
-z str1 當串的長度爲0時爲真(空串)
str1 當串str1爲非空時爲真java
\ > \ < 比較大小的時候 可使用大於號,小於號,可是需轉義。例如 [ "2006.01.23" \> "2005.03.01" ] && echo dayu || echo budayupython
2 數字的判斷mysql
int1 -eq int2 兩數相等爲真
int1 -ne int2 兩數不等爲真
int1 -gt int2 int1大於int2爲真
int1 -ge int2 int1大於等於int2爲真
int1 -lt int2 int1小於int2爲真
int1 -le int2 int1小於等於int2爲真linux
3 文件的判斷android
-r file 用戶可讀爲真
-w file 用戶可寫爲真
-x file 用戶可執行爲真
-f file 文件爲正規文件爲真
-d file 文件爲目錄爲真
-c file 文件爲字符特殊文件爲真
-b file 文件爲塊特殊文件爲真
-s file 文件大小非0時爲真
-t file 當文件描述符(默認爲1)指定的設備爲終端時爲真nginx
3 複雜邏輯判斷c++
-a 與
-o 或
! 非web
if [ `echo $str | grep -e regexp` ];then .
if [ "$test"x = "test"x ]; then
1 使用單個等號
2 注意到等號兩邊各有一個空格:這是unix shell的要求
3 注意到"$test"x最後的x,這是特地安排的,由於當$test爲空的時候,上面的表達式就變成了x = testx,顯然是不相等的。而若是沒有這個x,表達式就會報錯:[: =: unary operator expected
整數比較 須要注意的是 要麼使用[]和gt組合 要麼使用大於號和雙括號組合
-eq 等於,如:if [ "$a" -eq "$b" ]
-ne 不等於,如:if [ "$a" -ne "$b" ]
-gt 大於,如:if [ "$a" -gt "$b" ]
-ge 大於等於,如:if [ "$a" -ge "$b" ]
-lt 小於,如:if [ "$a" -lt "$b" ]
-le 小於等於,如:if [ "$a" -le "$b" ]
大於(須要雙括號),如:(("$a" > "$b"))
>= 大於等於(須要雙括號),如:(("$a" >= "$b"))
= 等於,如:if [ "$a" = "$b" ]
== 等於,如:if [ "$a" == "$b" ],與=等價
1 [[ $a == z* ]] # 若是$a以"z"開頭(模式匹配)那麼將爲true
2 [[ $a == "z*" ]] # 若是$a等於z*(字符匹配),那麼結果爲true
4 [ $a == z* ] # File globbing 和word splitting將會發生
5 [ "$a" == "z*" ] # 若是$a等於z*(字符匹配),那麼結果爲true
一點解釋,關於File globbing是一種關於文件的速記法,好比"*.c"就是,再如~也是.
可是file globbing並非嚴格的正則表達式,雖然絕大多數狀況下結構比較像.
!= 不等於,如:if [ "$a" != "$b" ]
if [[ "$a" > "$b" ]]
if [ "$a" \> "$b" ]
具體參考Example 26-11來查看這個操做符應用的例子.
-z 字符串爲"null".就是長度爲0.
-n 字符串不爲"null"
使用-n在[]結構中測試必需要用""把變量引發來.使用一個未被""的字符串來使用! -z
if [ 條件判斷一 ] && (||) [ 條件判斷二 ]; then
elif [ 條件判斷三 ] && (||) [ 條件判斷四 ]; then
if 使用的表達式
if 條件 then Command else Command fi 別忘了這個結尾 |
If語句忘告終尾fi test.sh: line 14: syntax error: unexpected end of fi |
if 的三種條件表達式
if command then if 函數 then |
命令執行成功,等於返回0 (好比grep ,找到匹配) 執行失敗,返回非0 (grep,沒找到匹配) |
if [ expression_r_r_r ] then |
表達式結果爲真,則返回0,if把0值引向then |
if test expression_r_r_r then |
表達式結果爲假,則返回非0,if把非0值引向then |
[ ] && ——快捷if
[ -f "/etc/shadow" ] && echo "This computer uses shadow passwors" |
&& 能夠理解爲then 若是左邊的表達式爲真則執行右邊的語句 |
shell if | c語言if |
0爲真,走then | 正好相反,非0走then |
不支持整數變量直接if 必須:if [ i –ne 0 ] 但支持字符串變量直接if if [ str ] 若是字符串非0 |
支持變量直接if if (i ) |
=================================以command做爲if 條件===================================
以多條command或者函數做爲if 條件
echo –n 「input:」 read user if 多條指令,這些命令之間至關於「and」(與) grep $user /etc/passwd >/tmp/null who -u | grep $user then 上邊的指令都執行成功,返回值$?爲0,0爲真,運行then echo "$user has logged" else 指令執行失敗,$?爲1,運行else echo "$user has not logged" fi |
# sh test.sh input : macg macg pts/0 May 15 15:55 . 2075 ( macg has logged # sh test.sh input : ddd ddd has not logged |
以函數做爲if條件 (函數就至關於command,函數的優勢是其return值能夠自定義)
if 以函數做爲if條件, getyn then 函數reture值0爲真,走then echo " your answer is yes" else 函數return值非0爲假,走else echo "your anser is no" fi |
if command 等價於 command+if $?
$ vi testsh.sh #!/bin/sh if cat 111-tmp.txt | grep ting1 then echo found else echo "no found" fi |
$ vi testsh.sh #!/bin/sh cat 111-tmp.txt | grep ting1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo $? echo found else echo $? echo "no found" fi |
$ sh testsh.sh no found |
$ sh testsh.sh 1 no found |
$ vi 111-tmp.txt that is 222file thisting1 is 111file $ sh testsh.sh thisting1 is 111file found |
$ vi 111-tmp.txt that is 222file thisting1 is 111file $ sh testsh.sh thisting1 is 111file 0 found |
========================================以條件表達式做爲 if條件=============================
傳統if 從句子——以條件表達式做爲 if條件
if [ 條件表達式 ]
- 文件表達式
if [ -d ... ] 若是目錄存在
if [ -s file ] 若是文件存在且非空
if [ -r file ] 若是文件存在且可讀
if [ -w file ] 若是文件存在且可寫
if [ -x file ] 若是文件存在且可執行
- 整數變量表達式
if [ int1 -ne int2 ] 若是不等於
if [ int1 -ge int2 ] 若是>=
if [ int1 -gt int2 ] 若是>
if [ int1 -le int2 ] 若是<=
if [ int1 -lt int2 ] 若是<
- 字符串變量表達式
if [ $string1 != $string2 ] 若是string1不等於string2
if [ -n $string ] 若是string 非空(非0),返回0(true)
if [ -z $string ] 若是string 爲空
if [ $sting ] 若是string 非空,返回0 (和-n相似)
if [ a = b ] ;then echo equal else echo no equal fi |
[macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input a: 5 input b: 5 no equal (等於表達式沒比較$a和$b,而是比較和a和b,天然a!=b) |
if [ $a = $b ] ;then echo equal else echo no equal fi |
[macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input a: 5 input b: 5 equal |
-eq -ne -lt -nt只能用於整數,不適用於字符串,字符串等於用賦值號=
[macg@machome ~]$ vi test.sh echo -n "input your choice:" read var if [ $var -eq "yes" ] then echo $var fi [macg@machome ~]$ sh -x test.sh input your choice: y test.sh: line 3: test: y: integer expression_r_r_r expected 指望整數形式,即-eq不支持字符串 |
=放在別的地方是賦值,放在if [ ] 裏就是字符串等於,shell裏面沒有==的,那是c語言的等於
無空格的字符串,能夠加" ",也能夠不加
[macg@machome ~]$ vi test.sh echo "input a:" read a echo "input is $a" if [ $a = 123 ] ; then echo equal123 fi |
[macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input a: 123 input is 123 equal123 |
= 做爲等於時,其兩邊都必須加空格,不然失效
等號也是操做符,必須和其餘變量,關鍵字,用空格格開 (等號作賦值號時正好相反,兩邊不能有空格)
[macg@machome ~]$ vi test.sh echo "input your choice:" read var if [ $var="yes" ] then echo $var echo "input is correct" else echo $var echo "input error" fi |
[macg@machome ~]$ vi test.sh echo "input your choice:" read var if [ $var = "yes" ] 在等號兩邊加空格 then echo $var echo "input is correct" else echo $var echo "input error" fi |
[macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: y y input is correct [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: n n input is correct 輸錯了也走then,都走then,爲何? 由於if把$var="yes"連讀成一個變量,而此變量爲空,返回1,則走else |
[macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: y y input error [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: no no input error 一切正常 |
If [ $ANS ] 等價於 if [ -n $ANS ]
若是字符串變量非空(then) , 空(else)
echo "input your choice:" read ANS if [ $ANS ] then echo no empty else echo empth fi |
[macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: 回車 empth 說明「回車」就是空串 [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: 34 no empty |
整數條件表達式,大於,小於,s hell裏沒有> 和< ,會被看成尖括號,只有-ge,-gt,-le,lt
[macg@machome ~]$ vi test.sh echo "input a:" read a if [ $a -ge 100 ] ; then echo 3bit else echo 2bit fi |
[macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input a: 123 3bit [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input a: 20 2bit |
整數操做符號-ge,-gt,-le,-lt, 別忘了加-
if test $a ge 100 ; then [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh test.sh: line 4: test: ge: binary operator expected |
if test $a -ge 100 ; then [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input a: 123 3bit |
邏輯非 ! 條件表達式的相反
if [ ! 表達式 ]
if [ ! -d $num ] 若是不存在目錄$num
邏輯與 –a 條件表達式的並列
if [ 表達式1 –a 表達式2 ]
邏輯或 -o 條件表達式的或
if [ 表達式1 –o 表達式2 ]
- 表達式與前面的= != -d –f –x -ne -eq -lt等合用
- 邏輯符號就正常的接其餘表達式,沒有任何括號( ),就是並列
- 注意邏輯與-a與邏輯或-o很容易和其餘字符串或文件的運算符號搞混了
[macg@mac-home ~]$ vi test.sh : echo "input the num:" read num echo "input is $num" if [ -z "$JHHOME" -a -d $HOME/$num ] 若是變量$JHHOME爲空,且$HOME/$num目錄存在 then JHHOME=$HOME/$num 則賦值 fi echo "JHHOME is $JHHOME" |
----------------------- [macg@mac-home ~]$ sh test.sh input the num: ppp input is ppp JHHOME is 目錄-d $HOME/$num 不存在,因此$JHHOME沒被then賦值 |
[macg@mac-home ~]$ mkdir ppp [macg@mac-home ~]$ sh test.sh input the num: ppp input is ppp JHHOME is /home/macg/ppp |
echo "input your choice:" read ANS if [ $ANS="Yes" -o $ANS="yes" -o $ANS="y" -o $ANS="Y" ] then ANS="y" else ANS="n" fi echo $ANS |
[macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: n y [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: no y 爲何輸入不是yes,結果還是y(走then) 由於=被連讀了,成了變量$ANS="Yes",而變量又爲空,因此走else了 |
[macg@machome ~]$ vi test.sh echo "input your choice:" read ANS echo "input your choice:" read ANS if [ $ANS = "Yes" -o $ANS = "yes" -o $ANS = "y" -o $ANS = "Y" ] then ANS="y" else ANS="n" fi echo $ANS |
[macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: no n [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: yes y [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh input your choice: y y |
===================以 test 條件表達式 做爲if條件===================================
if test $num -eq 0 等價於 if [ $num –eq 0 ]
test 表達式,沒有 [ ]
if test $num -eq 0
echo "try again"
echo "good"
man test
[macg@machome ~]$ man test [(1) User Commands [(1) SYNOPSIS test EXPRESSION [ EXPRESSION ] [-n] STRING the length of STRING is nonzero -n和直接$str都是非0條件 -z STRING the length of STRING is zero STRING1 = STRING2 the strings are equal STRING1 != STRING2 the strings are not equal INTEGER1 -eq INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -ge INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is greater than or equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -gt INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is greater than INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -le INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is less than or equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -lt INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is less than INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -ne INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is not equal to INTEGER2 FILE1 -nt FILE2 FILE1 is newer (modification date) than FILE2 FILE1 -ot FILE2 FILE1 is older than FILE2 -b FILE FILE exists and is block special -c FILE FILE exists and is character special -d FILE FILE exists and is a directory -e FILE FILE exists 文件存在 -f FILE FILE exists and is a regular file 文件存在且是普通文件 -h FILE FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as -L) -L FILE FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as -h) -G FILE FILE exists and is owned by the effective group ID -O FILE FILE exists and is owned by the effective user ID -p FILE FILE exists and is a named pipe -s FILE FILE exists and has a size greater than zero -S FILE FILE exists and is a socket -w FILE FILE exists and is writable -x FILE FILE exists and is executable |
&& 若是是「前面」,則「後面」 [ -f /var/run/dhcpd.pid ] && rm /var/run/dhcpd.pid 檢查 文件是否存在,若是存在就刪掉 |
|| 若是不是「前面」,則後面 [ -f /usr/sbin/dhcpd ] || exit 0 檢驗文件是否存在,若是存在就退出 |
用簡化 if 和$1,$2,$3來檢測參數,不合理就調用help
[ -z "$1" ] && help 若是第一個參數不存在(-z 字符串長度爲0 )
[ "$1" = "-h" ] && help 若是第一個參數是-h,就顯示help
[ -f "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" ] && rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
cp ifcfg-eth0.bridge /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
[ -f "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1" ] && rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
cp ifcfg-eth1.bridge /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
[ -f "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1" ] && rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1
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