% hg add -- pll3.inc pll3.vhd pll3_inst.vhd pllClock.vhdthis
waiting for lock on working directory of X:\woks\2017\proj\FPGAFW@proj held by ''spa
關閉TortoiseHg後,刪除這個文件: .hg/wlock.net
TortoiseHg: 4.5.3code
it should be : delete the file .hg/wlockrem
Mercurial repositories can sometimes be left in a locked state. A lock is created whenever a client is connected to a repository. But, this lock is not removed if the client got disconnected, say over the network. If any client now tries to change the repository (say push changes), Mercurial complains that it is waiting for the lock.io
Here is an example:class
P:\Foobar>hg push
pushing to Q:\FoobarRep
waiting for lock on repository Q:\FoobarRep held by 'Computer42:9999'cli
In this example, Mercurial is complaining that a lock is still being held by a client from the computer named Computer42 over port 9999.
Delete the lock file in the .hg\store directory of the repository. In the example above, delete the file Q:\FoobarRep\.hg\store\lock