Vivado Design Suite用戶指南之約束的使用第一部分(介紹部分)


首先是介紹部分:這部分講述的是Migrating From UCF Constraints to XDC Constraints(從UCF約束遷移到XDC約束)和About XDC Constraints(講述的是特色,屬性,還有如何輸入XDC文件)oop



You can enter XDC constraints in several ways, at different points in the flow.
• Store the constraints in one or more XDC files.
To load the XDC file in memory, do one of the following:
° Use the read_xdc command.
° Add it to one of your project constraints sets.
XDC files only accept the set, list,and expr built-in Tcl commands. See Appendix A, Supported XDC and SDC Commands for a complete list of supported commands.
• Generate the constraints with an unmanaged Tcl script.
To execute the Tcl script, do one of the following:
° Run the source command.
° Use the read_xdc -unmanaged command.
° Add the Tcl script to one of your project constraints sets.3d


         2.將其添加到您的一個項目約束集中。XDC文件只接受set,list和expr內置Tcl命令。 有關支持的命令的完整列表,請參閱附錄A,支持的XDC和SDC命令。orm

          2.使用read_xdc -unmanaged命令。


TIP: Unlike XDC files, unmanaged Tcl scripts can include any common Tcl command for selecting
design objects and defining design constraints, including conditional and looping control structures.
IMPORTANT: The Vivado Design Suite allows you to mix XDC files and Tcl scripts in the same
constraints set. Modified constraints are saved back to their original location only if they originally
came from an XDC file, and not from an unmanaged Tcl script. A constraint generated by a Tcl script is
not managed by the Vivado Design Suite and cannot be interactively modified. For more information,
see Chapter 2, Constraints Methodology.
IMPORTANT: For XDC constraints, there is a difference in behavior between the commands source
and read_xdc. The constraints imported with the source command are not saved in the checkpoint
in the same order as they are imported. The constraints imported with read_xdc are saved first and
then those imported with source. To save all the constraints in the same order as they are applied to
the design, use read_xdc -unmanaged instead of source.ip


Vivado Design Suite容許您在相同的約束集中混合XDC文件和Tcl腳本。 僅當修改的約束最初來自XDC文件而不是來自非託管Tcl腳本時,它們纔會保存回原始位置。 由Tcl腳本生成的約束不禁Vivado Design Suite管理,沒法進行交互式修改。 有關更多信息,請參閱第2章,約束方法。

對於XDC約束,命令source和read_xdc之間的行爲存在差別。 使用source命令導入的約束不會以與導入時相同的順序保存在檢查點中。 首先保存使用read_xdc導入的約束,而後保存使用source導入的約束。 要以與應用於設計相同的順序保存全部約束,請使用read_xdc -unmanaged而不是source。

要在將設計加載到內存後驗證特定約束的語法或影響,請使用Tcl控制檯和Vivado Design Suite報告功能。 這對於分析和調試時序約束和物理約束特別有用



