從界面開始提及,整個工程中的窗口都是繼承自Window這個類的,這個類封裝最重要的一個成員就是HWND _hSelf,這個就是用來存放CreateWindow函數返回的窗口句柄,其次就是父窗口句柄HWND _hParent,以及實例HINSTANCE _hInst。還提供了許多窗口都可以用到的方法,都是以虛函數的方法來提供的,好比display函數用來顯示窗口,reSizeTo用來調整窗口,redraw用來重繪窗口等等許多函數。有了Window類,後面的就容易理解一些了,其中整個NotePad++的主窗口類Notepad_plus_Window繼承自Window,notepad++中全部的對話框都是繼承自StaticDialog的,而StaticDialog也是繼承自Window這個父類的。下面是Window類的源碼:api
class Window { public: Window(): _hInst(NULL), _hParent(NULL), _hSelf(NULL){}; virtual ~Window() {}; virtual void init(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND parent) { _hInst = hInst; _hParent = parent; } virtual void destroy() = 0; virtual void display(bool toShow = true) const { ::ShowWindow(_hSelf, toShow?SW_SHOW:SW_HIDE); }; virtual void reSizeTo(RECT & rc) // should NEVER be const !!! { ::MoveWindow(_hSelf, rc.left,, rc.right, rc.bottom, TRUE); redraw(); }; virtual void reSizeToWH(RECT & rc) // should NEVER be const { ::MoveWindow(_hSelf, rc.left,, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -, TRUE); redraw(); }; virtual void redraw(bool forceUpdate = false) const { ::InvalidateRect(_hSelf, NULL, TRUE); if (forceUpdate) ::UpdateWindow(_hSelf); }; virtual void getClientRect(RECT & rc) const { ::GetClientRect(_hSelf, &rc); }; virtual void getWindowRect(RECT & rc) const { ::GetWindowRect(_hSelf, &rc); }; virtual int getWidth() const { RECT rc; ::GetClientRect(_hSelf, &rc); return (rc.right - rc.left); }; virtual int getHeight() const { RECT rc; ::GetClientRect(_hSelf, &rc); if (::IsWindowVisible(_hSelf) == TRUE) return (rc.bottom -; return 0; }; virtual bool isVisible() const { return (::IsWindowVisible(_hSelf)?true:false); }; HWND getHSelf() const { //assert(_hSelf != 0); return _hSelf; }; HWND getHParent() const { return _hParent; }; void getFocus() const { ::SetFocus(_hSelf); }; HINSTANCE getHinst() const { //assert(_hInst != 0); return _hInst; }; protected: HINSTANCE _hInst; HWND _hParent; HWND _hSelf; };
class Notepad_plus_Window : public Window { public: Notepad_plus_Window() : _isPrelaunch(false), _disablePluginsManager(false) {}; void init(HINSTANCE, HWND, const TCHAR *cmdLine, CmdLineParams *cmdLineParams); bool isDlgsMsg(MSG *msg) const; HACCEL getAccTable() const { return _notepad_plus_plus_core.getAccTable(); }; bool emergency(generic_string emergencySavedDir) { return _notepad_plus_plus_core.emergency(emergencySavedDir); }; bool isPrelaunch() const { return _isPrelaunch; }; void setIsPrelaunch(bool val) { _isPrelaunch = val; }; virtual void destroy(){ ::DestroyWindow(_hSelf); }; static const TCHAR * getClassName() { return _className; }; static HWND gNppHWND; //static handle to Notepad++ window, NULL if non-existant private: Notepad_plus _notepad_plus_plus_core; //窗口過程函數 static LRESULT CALLBACK Notepad_plus_Proc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT runProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static const TCHAR _className[32]; bool _isPrelaunch; bool _disablePluginsManager; std::string _userQuote; // keep the availability of this string for thread using };
以後當我第一次看到了MSG msg;這句代碼,我很高興,說明消息循環要開始了,後面要透明瞭,可是在此以前首先執行了notepad_plus_plus.init(hInstance, NULL, quotFileName.c_str(), &cmdLineParams); notepad_plus_plus我以前說過是主界面對象,這個對象在初始化的時候基本沒幹什麼事情,反而在這裏要露肌肉了,由於init()函數太過龐大,容我先傳上WinMain函數的代碼再來解釋這個函數:
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int) { LPTSTR cmdLine = ::GetCommandLine(); ParamVector params; parseCommandLine(cmdLine, params); MiniDumper mdump; //for debugging purposes. bool TheFirstOne = true; ::SetLastError(NO_ERROR); ::CreateMutex(NULL, false, TEXT("nppInstance")); if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) TheFirstOne = false; bool isParamePresent; bool showHelp = isInList(FLAG_HELP, params); bool isMultiInst = isInList(FLAG_MULTI_INSTANCE, params); CmdLineParams cmdLineParams; cmdLineParams._isNoTab = isInList(FLAG_NOTABBAR, params); cmdLineParams._isNoPlugin = isInList(FLAG_NO_PLUGIN, params); cmdLineParams._isReadOnly = isInList(FLAG_READONLY, params); cmdLineParams._isNoSession = isInList(FLAG_NOSESSION, params); cmdLineParams._isPreLaunch = isInList(FLAG_SYSTRAY, params); cmdLineParams._alwaysOnTop = isInList(FLAG_ALWAYS_ON_TOP, params); cmdLineParams._showLoadingTime = isInList(FLAG_LOADINGTIME, params); cmdLineParams._isSessionFile = isInList(FLAG_OPENSESSIONFILE, params); cmdLineParams._isRecursive = isInList(FLAG_RECURSIVE, params); cmdLineParams._langType = getLangTypeFromParam(params); cmdLineParams._localizationPath = getLocalizationPathFromParam(params); cmdLineParams._line2go = getNumberFromParam('n', params, isParamePresent); cmdLineParams._column2go = getNumberFromParam('c', params, isParamePresent); cmdLineParams._point.x = getNumberFromParam('x', params, cmdLineParams._isPointXValid); cmdLineParams._point.y = getNumberFromParam('y', params, cmdLineParams._isPointYValid); cmdLineParams._easterEggName = getEasterEggNameFromParam(params, cmdLineParams._quoteType); if (showHelp) { ::MessageBox(NULL, COMMAND_ARG_HELP, TEXT("Notepad++ Command Argument Help"), MB_OK); } NppParameters *pNppParameters = NppParameters::getInstance(); if (cmdLineParams._localizationPath != TEXT("")) { pNppParameters->setStartWithLocFileName(cmdLineParams._localizationPath); } pNppParameters->load(); // override the settings if notepad style is present if (pNppParameters->asNotepadStyle()) { isMultiInst = true; cmdLineParams._isNoTab = true; cmdLineParams._isNoSession = true; } // override the settings if multiInst is choosen by user in the preference dialog const NppGUI & nppGUI = pNppParameters->getNppGUI(); if (nppGUI._multiInstSetting == multiInst) { isMultiInst = true; // Only the first launch remembers the session if (!TheFirstOne) cmdLineParams._isNoSession = true; } generic_string quotFileName = TEXT(""); // tell the running instance the FULL path to the new files to load size_t nrFilesToOpen = params.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < nrFilesToOpen; ++i) { const TCHAR * currentFile =; if (currentFile[0]) { //check if relative or full path. Relative paths dont have a colon for driveletter quotFileName += TEXT("\""); quotFileName += relativeFilePathToFullFilePath(currentFile); quotFileName += TEXT("\" "); } } //Only after loading all the file paths set the working directory ::SetCurrentDirectory(NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppPath().c_str()); //force working directory to path of module, preventing lock if ((!isMultiInst) && (!TheFirstOne)) { HWND hNotepad_plus = ::FindWindow(Notepad_plus_Window::getClassName(), NULL); for (int i = 0 ;!hNotepad_plus && i < 5 ; ++i) { Sleep(100); hNotepad_plus = ::FindWindow(Notepad_plus_Window::getClassName(), NULL); } if (hNotepad_plus) { // First of all, destroy static object NppParameters pNppParameters->destroyInstance(); MainFileManager->destroyInstance(); int sw = 0; if (::IsZoomed(hNotepad_plus)) sw = SW_MAXIMIZE; else if (::IsIconic(hNotepad_plus)) sw = SW_RESTORE; /* REMOVED else sw = SW_SHOW; // IMPORTANT !!! ::ShowWindow(hNotepad_plus, sw); DEVOMER*/ /* ADDED */ if (sw != 0) ::ShowWindow(hNotepad_plus, sw); /* DEDDA */ ::SetForegroundWindow(hNotepad_plus); if (params.size() > 0) //if there are files to open, use the WM_COPYDATA system { COPYDATASTRUCT paramData; paramData.dwData = COPYDATA_PARAMS; paramData.lpData = &cmdLineParams; paramData.cbData = sizeof(cmdLineParams); COPYDATASTRUCT fileNamesData; fileNamesData.dwData = COPYDATA_FILENAMES; fileNamesData.lpData = (void *)quotFileName.c_str(); fileNamesData.cbData = long(quotFileName.length() + 1)*(sizeof(TCHAR)); ::SendMessage(hNotepad_plus, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)hInstance, (LPARAM)¶mData); ::SendMessage(hNotepad_plus, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)hInstance, (LPARAM)&fileNamesData); } return 0; } } //最重要的主界面對象在此處建立 具體事物封裝在類中 Notepad_plus_Window notepad_plus_plus; NppGUI & nppGui = (NppGUI &)pNppParameters->getNppGUI(); generic_string updaterDir = pNppParameters->getNppPath(); updaterDir += TEXT("\\updater\\"); generic_string updaterFullPath = updaterDir + TEXT("GUP.exe"); generic_string version = TEXT("-v"); version += VERSION_VALUE; bool isUpExist = nppGui._doesExistUpdater = (::PathFileExists(updaterFullPath.c_str()) == TRUE); bool doUpdate = nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._doAutoUpdate; if (doUpdate) // check more detail { Date today(0); if (today < nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._nextUpdateDate) doUpdate = false; } // wingup doesn't work with the obsolet security layer (API) under xp since downloadings are secured with SSL on winVer ver = pNppParameters->getWinVersion(); bool isGtXP = ver > WV_XP; //若是是第一個實例 具備升級版本在 確認升級 windows版本大於xp則升級 調用的是ShellExcute程序 if (TheFirstOne && isUpExist && doUpdate && isGtXP) { Process updater(updaterFullPath.c_str(), version.c_str(), updaterDir.c_str());; // Update next update date if (nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._intervalDays < 0) // Make sure interval days value is positive nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._intervalDays = 0 - nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._intervalDays; nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._nextUpdateDate = Date(nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._intervalDays); } MSG msg; msg.wParam = 0; Win32Exception::installHandler(); try { notepad_plus_plus.init(hInstance, NULL, quotFileName.c_str(), &cmdLineParams); // Tell UAC that lower integrity processes are allowed to send WM_COPYDATA messages to this process (or window) // This allows opening new files to already opened elevated Notepad++ process via explorer context menu. if (ver >= WV_VISTA || ver == WV_UNKNOWN) { HMODULE hDll = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("user32.dll")); if (hDll) { // According to MSDN ChangeWindowMessageFilter may not be supported in future versions of Windows, // that is why we use ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx if it is available (windows version >= Win7). if(pNppParameters->getWinVersion() == WV_VISTA) { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MESSAGEFILTERFUNC)(UINT message,DWORD dwFlag); //const DWORD MSGFLT_ADD = 1; MESSAGEFILTERFUNC func = (MESSAGEFILTERFUNC)::GetProcAddress( hDll, "ChangeWindowMessageFilter" ); if (func) { func(WM_COPYDATA, MSGFLT_ADD); } } else { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MESSAGEFILTERFUNCEX)(HWND hWnd,UINT message,DWORD action,VOID* pChangeFilterStruct); //const DWORD MSGFLT_ALLOW = 1; MESSAGEFILTERFUNCEX func = (MESSAGEFILTERFUNCEX)::GetProcAddress( hDll, "ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx" ); if (func) { func(notepad_plus_plus.getHSelf(), WM_COPYDATA, MSGFLT_ALLOW, NULL ); } } } } bool going = true; while (going) { going = ::GetMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) != 0; if (going) { // if the message doesn't belong to the notepad_plus_plus's dialog if (!notepad_plus_plus.isDlgsMsg(&msg)) { //翻譯鍵盤加速鍵 if (::TranslateAccelerator(notepad_plus_plus.getHSelf(), notepad_plus_plus.getAccTable(), &msg) == 0) { ::TranslateMessage(&msg); ::DispatchMessageW(&msg); } } } } } catch(int i) { TCHAR str[50] = TEXT("God Damned Exception : "); TCHAR code[10]; wsprintf(code, TEXT("%d"), i); ::MessageBox(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, lstrcat(str, code), TEXT("Int Exception"), MB_OK); doException(notepad_plus_plus); } catch(std::runtime_error & ex) { ::MessageBoxA(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, ex.what(), "Runtime Exception", MB_OK); doException(notepad_plus_plus); } catch (const Win32Exception & ex) { TCHAR message[1024]; //TODO: sane number wsprintf(message, TEXT("An exception occured. Notepad++ cannot recover and must be shut down.\r\nThe exception details are as follows:\r\n") TEXT("Code:\t0x%08X\r\nType:\t%S\r\nException address: 0x%08X"), ex.code(), ex.what(), (long)ex.where()); ::MessageBox(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, message, TEXT("Win32Exception"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); mdump.writeDump(; doException(notepad_plus_plus); } catch(std::exception & ex) { ::MessageBoxA(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, ex.what(), "General Exception", MB_OK); doException(notepad_plus_plus); } catch(...) { //this shouldnt ever have to happen ::MessageBoxA(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, "An exception that we did not yet found its name is just caught", "Unknown Exception", MB_OK); doException(notepad_plus_plus); } return (UINT)msg.wParam; }
LRESULT Notepad_plus_Window::runProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT result = FALSE; switch (Message) { case WM_CREATE: { try{ _notepad_plus_plus_core._pPublicInterface = this; result = _notepad_plus_plus_core.init(hwnd); } catch (std::exception ex) { ::MessageBoxA(_notepad_plus_plus_core._pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), ex.what(), "Exception On WM_CREATE", MB_OK); exit(-1); } } break; default: if (this) return _notepad_plus_plus_core.process(hwnd, Message, wParam, lParam); } return result; }
int tabBarStatus = nppGUI._tabStatus; _toReduceTabBar = ((tabBarStatus & TAB_REDUCE) != 0); int iconDpiDynamicalSize = NppParameters::getInstance()->_dpiManager.scaleY(_toReduceTabBar?13:20); _docTabIconList.create(iconDpiDynamicalSize, _pPublicInterface->getHinst(), docTabIconIDs, sizeof(docTabIconIDs)/sizeof(int)); _mainDocTab.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd, &_mainEditView, &_docTabIconList); _subDocTab.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd, &_subEditView, &_docTabIconList);
_configStyleDlg.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd);
_preference.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd);
TabBarPlus::doDragNDrop(true); if (_toReduceTabBar) { HFONT hf = (HFONT)::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); if (hf) { ::SendMessage(_mainDocTab.getHSelf(), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hf, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); ::SendMessage(_subDocTab.getHSelf(), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hf, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); } int tabDpiDynamicalHeight = NppParameters::getInstance()->_dpiManager.scaleY(20); int tabDpiDynamicalWidth = NppParameters::getInstance()->_dpiManager.scaleX(45); TabCtrl_SetItemSize(_mainDocTab.getHSelf(), tabDpiDynamicalWidth, tabDpiDynamicalHeight); TabCtrl_SetItemSize(_subDocTab.getHSelf(), tabDpiDynamicalWidth, tabDpiDynamicalHeight); } _mainDocTab.display(); TabBarPlus::doDragNDrop((tabBarStatus & TAB_DRAGNDROP) != 0); TabBarPlus::setDrawTopBar((tabBarStatus & TAB_DRAWTOPBAR) != 0); TabBarPlus::setDrawInactiveTab((tabBarStatus & TAB_DRAWINACTIVETAB) != 0); TabBarPlus::setDrawTabCloseButton((tabBarStatus & TAB_CLOSEBUTTON) != 0); TabBarPlus::setDbClk2Close((tabBarStatus & TAB_DBCLK2CLOSE) != 0); TabBarPlus::setVertical((tabBarStatus & TAB_VERTICAL) != 0); drawTabbarColoursFromStylerArray();
bool isVertical = (nppGUI._splitterPos == POS_VERTICAL); _subSplitter.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd); _subSplitter.create(&_mainDocTab, &_subDocTab, 8, DYNAMIC, 50, isVertical); //--Status Bar Section--// bool willBeShown = nppGUI._statusBarShow; _statusBar.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd, 6); _statusBar.setPartWidth(STATUSBAR_DOC_SIZE, 200); _statusBar.setPartWidth(STATUSBAR_CUR_POS, 260); _statusBar.setPartWidth(STATUSBAR_EOF_FORMAT, 110); _statusBar.setPartWidth(STATUSBAR_UNICODE_TYPE, 120); _statusBar.setPartWidth(STATUSBAR_TYPING_MODE, 30); _statusBar.display(willBeShown);
std::vector<MacroShortcut> & macros = pNppParam->getMacroList(); HMENU hMacroMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, MENUINDEX_MACRO); size_t const posBase = 6; size_t nbMacro = macros.size(); if (nbMacro >= 1) ::InsertMenu(hMacroMenu, posBase - 1, MF_BYPOSITION, (unsigned int)-1, 0); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nbMacro ; ++i) { ::InsertMenu(hMacroMenu, posBase + i, MF_BYPOSITION, ID_MACRO + i, macros[i].toMenuItemString().c_str()); } if (nbMacro >= 1) { ::InsertMenu(hMacroMenu, posBase + nbMacro + 1, MF_BYPOSITION, (unsigned int)-1, 0); ::InsertMenu(hMacroMenu, posBase + nbMacro + 2, MF_BYCOMMAND, IDM_SETTING_SHORTCUT_MAPPER_MACRO, TEXT("Modify Shortcut/Delete Macro...")); } // Run Menu std::vector<UserCommand> & userCommands = pNppParam->getUserCommandList(); HMENU hRunMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, MENUINDEX_RUN); int const runPosBase = 2; size_t nbUserCommand = userCommands.size(); if (nbUserCommand >= 1) ::InsertMenu(hRunMenu, runPosBase - 1, MF_BYPOSITION, (unsigned int)-1, 0); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nbUserCommand ; ++i) { ::InsertMenu(hRunMenu, runPosBase + i, MF_BYPOSITION, ID_USER_CMD + i, userCommands[i].toMenuItemString().c_str()); } if (nbUserCommand >= 1) { ::InsertMenu(hRunMenu, runPosBase + nbUserCommand + 1, MF_BYPOSITION, (unsigned int)-1, 0); ::InsertMenu(hRunMenu, runPosBase + nbUserCommand + 2, MF_BYCOMMAND, IDM_SETTING_SHORTCUT_MAPPER_RUN, TEXT("Modify Shortcut/Delete Command...")); } // Updater menu item if (!nppGUI._doesExistUpdater) { ::DeleteMenu(_mainMenuHandle, IDM_UPDATE_NPP, MF_BYCOMMAND); ::DeleteMenu(_mainMenuHandle, IDM_CONFUPDATERPROXY, MF_BYCOMMAND); HMENU hHelpMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, MENUINDEX_PLUGINS + 1); if (!hHelpMenu) hHelpMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, MENUINDEX_PLUGINS); if (hHelpMenu) ::DeleteMenu(hHelpMenu, 7, MF_BYPOSITION); // SEPARATOR ::DrawMenuBar(hwnd); } //Languages Menu HMENU hLangMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, MENUINDEX_LANGUAGE); // Add external languages to menu for (int i = 0 ; i < pNppParam->getNbExternalLang() ; ++i) { ExternalLangContainer & externalLangContainer = pNppParam->getELCFromIndex(i); int numLangs = ::GetMenuItemCount(hLangMenu); const int bufferSize = 100; TCHAR buffer[bufferSize]; int x; for(x = 0; (x == 0 || lstrcmp(externalLangContainer._name, buffer) > 0) && x < numLangs; ++x) { ::GetMenuString(hLangMenu, x, buffer, bufferSize, MF_BYPOSITION); } ::InsertMenu(hLangMenu, x-1, MF_BYPOSITION, IDM_LANG_EXTERNAL + i, externalLangContainer._name); } if (nppGUI._excludedLangList.size() > 0) { for (size_t i = 0, len = nppGUI._excludedLangList.size(); i < len ; ++i) { int cmdID = pNppParam->langTypeToCommandID(nppGUI._excludedLangList[i]._langType); const int itemSize = 256; TCHAR itemName[itemSize]; ::GetMenuString(hLangMenu, cmdID, itemName, itemSize, MF_BYCOMMAND); nppGUI._excludedLangList[i]._cmdID = cmdID; nppGUI._excludedLangList[i]._langName = itemName; ::DeleteMenu(hLangMenu, cmdID, MF_BYCOMMAND); DrawMenuBar(hwnd); } }
//File Menu HMENU hFileMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, MENUINDEX_FILE); int nbLRFile = pNppParam->getNbLRFile(); //int pos = IDM_FILEMENU_LASTONE - IDM_FILE + 1 /* +1 : because of IDM_FILE_PRINTNOW */; _lastRecentFileList.initMenu(hFileMenu, IDM_FILEMENU_LASTONE + 1, IDM_FILEMENU_EXISTCMDPOSITION, &_accelerator, pNppParam->putRecentFileInSubMenu()); _lastRecentFileList.setLangEncoding(_nativeLangSpeaker.getLangEncoding()); for (int i = 0 ; i < nbLRFile ; ++i) { generic_string * stdStr = pNppParam->getLRFile(i); if (!nppGUI._checkHistoryFiles || PathFileExists(stdStr->c_str())) { _lastRecentFileList.add(stdStr->c_str()); } } //Plugin menu _pluginsManager.setMenu(_mainMenuHandle, NULL); //Main menu is loaded, now load context menu items //主菜單和右鍵菜單的初始化 pNppParam->getContextMenuFromXmlTree(_mainMenuHandle, _pluginsManager.getMenuHandle()); if (pNppParam->hasCustomContextMenu()) { _mainEditView.execute(SCI_USEPOPUP, FALSE); _subEditView.execute(SCI_USEPOPUP, FALSE); } //尋找nativeLang.xml文件 若是有這個文件 就可以經過這個文件來進行改變notepad++更改語言 generic_string pluginsTrans, windowTrans; _nativeLangSpeaker.changeMenuLang(_mainMenuHandle, pluginsTrans, windowTrans); ::DrawMenuBar(hwnd); if (_pluginsManager.hasPlugins() && pluginsTrans != TEXT("")) { ::ModifyMenu(_mainMenuHandle, MENUINDEX_PLUGINS, MF_BYPOSITION, 0, pluginsTrans.c_str()); } //Windows menu _windowsMenu.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), _mainMenuHandle, windowTrans.c_str()); // Update context menu strings (translated) vector<MenuItemUnit> & tmp = pNppParam->getContextMenuItems(); size_t len = tmp.size(); TCHAR menuName[64]; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < len ; ++i) { if (tmp[i]._itemName == TEXT("")) { ::GetMenuString(_mainMenuHandle, tmp[i]._cmdID, menuName, 64, MF_BYCOMMAND); tmp[i]._itemName = purgeMenuItemString(menuName); } }
後面就是程序另外一大功能了,添加程序快捷鍵,做者將這些快捷鍵分開管理了,其實添加快捷鍵的代碼仍是比較麻煩的,主要的仍是先將普通菜單欄的一些菜單項的快捷鍵設置好,其次是插件的快捷鍵,宏的快捷鍵,用戶自定義的快捷鍵,右鍵菜單。分別是都是用vector來保存的:vector<CommandShortcut> vector<MacroShortcut> vector<UserCommand> vector<PluginCmdShortcut>。在這期間將英語設置成了用戶以前自定義的語言:
vector<CommandShortcut> & shortcuts = pNppParam->getUserShortcuts(); len = shortcuts.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { CommandShortcut & csc = shortcuts[i]; if (!csc.getName()[0]) { //no predefined name, get name from menu and use that ::GetMenuString(_mainMenuHandle, csc.getID(), menuName, 64, MF_BYCOMMAND); //獲得現有的菜單項 若是須要改變的則改變 csc.setName(purgeMenuItemString(menuName, true).c_str()); } } //notepad++將快捷鍵分紅了幾個部分 不管如何 最終都放在了快捷鍵表中了 //Translate non-menu shortcuts //請注意 此爲非菜單的快捷鍵 此處包括scint的快捷鍵 _nativeLangSpeaker.changeShortcutLang(); //Update plugin shortcuts, all plugin commands should be available now //插件的快捷鍵映射 pNppParam->reloadPluginCmds();
void Accelerator::updateShortcuts() { vector<int> IFAccIds; IFAccIds.push_back(IDM_SEARCH_FINDNEXT); IFAccIds.push_back(IDM_SEARCH_FINDPREV); IFAccIds.push_back(IDM_SEARCH_FINDINCREMENT); NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance(); vector<CommandShortcut> & shortcuts = pNppParam->getUserShortcuts(); vector<MacroShortcut> & macros = pNppParam->getMacroList(); vector<UserCommand> & userCommands = pNppParam->getUserCommandList(); vector<PluginCmdShortcut> & pluginCommands = pNppParam->getPluginCommandList(); size_t nbMenu = shortcuts.size(); size_t nbMacro = macros.size(); size_t nbUserCmd = userCommands.size(); size_t nbPluginCmd = pluginCommands.size(); if (_pAccelArray) delete [] _pAccelArray; _pAccelArray = new ACCEL[nbMenu+nbMacro+nbUserCmd+nbPluginCmd]; vector<ACCEL> IFAcc; int offset = 0; size_t i = 0; //no validation performed, it might be that invalid shortcuts are being used by default. Allows user to 'hack', might be a good thing for(i = 0; i < nbMenu; ++i) { if (shortcuts[i].isEnabled()) { _pAccelArray[offset].cmd = (WORD)(shortcuts[i].getID()); _pAccelArray[offset].fVirt = shortcuts[i].getAcceleratorModifiers(); _pAccelArray[offset].key = shortcuts[i].getKeyCombo()._key; // Special extra handling for shortcuts shared by Incremental Find dialog if (std::find(IFAccIds.begin(), IFAccIds.end(), shortcuts[i].getID()) != IFAccIds.end()) IFAcc.push_back(_pAccelArray[offset]); ++offset; } } for(i = 0; i < nbMacro; ++i) { if (macros[i].isEnabled()) { _pAccelArray[offset].cmd = (WORD)(macros[i].getID()); _pAccelArray[offset].fVirt = macros[i].getAcceleratorModifiers(); _pAccelArray[offset].key = macros[i].getKeyCombo()._key; ++offset; } } for(i = 0; i < nbUserCmd; ++i) { if (userCommands[i].isEnabled()) { _pAccelArray[offset].cmd = (WORD)(userCommands[i].getID()); _pAccelArray[offset].fVirt = userCommands[i].getAcceleratorModifiers(); _pAccelArray[offset].key = userCommands[i].getKeyCombo()._key; ++offset; } } for(i = 0; i < nbPluginCmd; ++i) { if (pluginCommands[i].isEnabled()) { _pAccelArray[offset].cmd = (WORD)(pluginCommands[i].getID()); _pAccelArray[offset].fVirt = pluginCommands[i].getAcceleratorModifiers(); _pAccelArray[offset].key = pluginCommands[i].getKeyCombo()._key; ++offset; } } _nbAccelItems = offset; updateFullMenu(); //update the table if (_hAccTable) ::DestroyAcceleratorTable(_hAccTable); //將pAccelArray轉換成爲加速鍵表 _hAccTable = ::CreateAcceleratorTable(_pAccelArray, _nbAccelItems); if (_hIncFindAccTab) ::DestroyAcceleratorTable(_hIncFindAccTab); size_t nb = IFAcc.size(); ACCEL *tmpAccelArray = new ACCEL[nb]; for (i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { tmpAccelArray[i] = IFAcc[i]; } // Incremental Find的減速鍵 是共享的 _hIncFindAccTab = ::CreateAcceleratorTable(tmpAccelArray, nb); delete [] tmpAccelArray; return; }
vector<HWND> scints; scints.push_back(_mainEditView.getHSelf()); scints.push_back(_subEditView.getHSelf()); _scintaccelerator.init(&scints, _mainMenuHandle, hwnd); pNppParam->setScintillaAccelerator(&_scintaccelerator); _scintaccelerator.updateKeys();
_findReplaceDlg.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd, &_pEditView); _incrementFindDlg.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd, &_findReplaceDlg, _nativeLangSpeaker.isRTL()); _incrementFindDlg.addToRebar(&_rebarBottom); _goToLineDlg.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd, &_pEditView); _findCharsInRangeDlg.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd, &_pEditView); _colEditorDlg.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd, &_pEditView); _aboutDlg.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd); _runDlg.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd); _runMacroDlg.init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), hwnd);
int uddStatus = nppGUI._userDefineDlgStatus; UserDefineDialog *udd = _pEditView->getUserDefineDlg(); bool uddShow = false; switch (uddStatus) { case UDD_SHOW : // show & undocked udd->doDialog(true, _nativeLangSpeaker.isRTL()); _nativeLangSpeaker.changeUserDefineLang(udd); uddShow = true; break; case UDD_DOCKED : { // hide & docked _isUDDocked = true; break;} case (UDD_SHOW | UDD_DOCKED) : // show & docked udd->doDialog(true, _nativeLangSpeaker.isRTL()); _nativeLangSpeaker.changeUserDefineLang(udd); ::SendMessage(udd->getHSelf(), WM_COMMAND, IDC_DOCK_BUTTON, 0); uddShow = true; break; default : // hide & undocked break; }
case IDC_DOCK_BUTTON : { int msg = WM_UNDOCK_USERDEFINE_DLG; if (_status == UNDOCK) { if (pNppParam->isTransparentAvailable()) { pNppParam->removeTransparent(_hSelf); ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_UD_TRANSPARENT_CHECK), SW_HIDE); ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_UD_PERCENTAGE_SLIDER), SW_HIDE); ::UpdateWindow(_hSelf); } msg = WM_DOCK_USERDEFINE_DLG; } changeStyle(); if (_status == UNDOCK) { if (pNppParam->isTransparentAvailable()) { bool isChecked = (BST_CHECKED == ::SendDlgItemMessage(_hSelf, IDC_UD_TRANSPARENT_CHECK, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); if (isChecked) { int percent = ::SendDlgItemMessage(_hSelf, IDC_UD_PERCENTAGE_SLIDER, TBM_GETPOS, 0, 0); pNppParam->SetTransparent(_hSelf, percent); } ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_UD_TRANSPARENT_CHECK), SW_SHOW); ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_UD_PERCENTAGE_SLIDER), SW_SHOW); } } ::SendMessage(_hParent, msg, 0, 0); return TRUE;
case WM_DOCK_USERDEFINE_DLG: { dockUserDlg(); return TRUE; }
void Notepad_plus::dockUserDlg() { if (!_pMainSplitter) { _pMainSplitter = new SplitterContainer; _pMainSplitter->init(_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), _pPublicInterface->getHSelf()); Window *pWindow; //只要主窗口或者子窗口有一個是活動的 就將pwindow設置爲第二分離器 //int i = _mainWindowStatus&(WindowMainActive | WindowSubActive); if (_mainWindowStatus & (WindowMainActive | WindowSubActive)) pWindow = &_subSplitter; else pWindow = _pDocTab; //mainwindow 是一個splittercontainer 包含了兩個窗口和一個分離器 _pMainSplitter->create(pWindow, ScintillaEditView::getUserDefineDlg(), 8, RIGHT_FIX, 45); } if (bothActive()) _pMainSplitter->setWin0(&_subSplitter); else _pMainSplitter->setWin0(_pDocTab); _pMainSplitter->display(); //主窗口的狀態加上用戶自定義窗口活動 _mainWindowStatus |= WindowUserActive; _pMainWindow = _pMainSplitter; ::SendMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), WM_SIZE, 0, 0); }
case WM_SIZE: { RECT rc; _pPublicInterface->getClientRect(rc); if (lParam == 0) { lParam = MAKELPARAM(rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -; } ::MoveWindow(_rebarTop.getHSelf(), 0, 0, rc.right, _rebarTop.getHeight(), TRUE); _statusBar.adjustParts(rc.right); ::SendMessage(_statusBar.getHSelf(), WM_SIZE, wParam, lParam); int rebarBottomHeight = _rebarBottom.getHeight(); int statusBarHeight = _statusBar.getHeight(); ::MoveWindow(_rebarBottom.getHSelf(), 0, rc.bottom - rebarBottomHeight - statusBarHeight, rc.right, rebarBottomHeight, TRUE); getMainClientRect(rc); //每次改變都要改變dockingManager的size _dockingManager.reSizeTo(rc); if (_pDocMap) { _pDocMap->doMove(); _pDocMap->reloadMap(); } result = TRUE; } break;
void DockingManager::reSizeTo(RECT & rc) { // store current size of client area _rect = rc; // prepare size of work area _rcWork = rc; if (_isInitialized == FALSE) return; // set top container _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].left = rc.left; _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].top =; _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].right = rc.right-rc.left; _vSplitter[CONT_TOP]->display(false); if (_vContainer[CONT_TOP]->isVisible()) { += _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].bottom + SPLITTER_WIDTH; _rcWork.bottom -= _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].bottom + SPLITTER_WIDTH; // set size of splitter RECT rc = {_dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].left , _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].top + _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].bottom, _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].right , SPLITTER_WIDTH}; _vSplitter[CONT_TOP]->reSizeTo(rc); } // set bottom container _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_BOTTOM].left = rc.left; _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_BOTTOM].top = + rc.bottom - _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_BOTTOM].bottom; _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_BOTTOM].right = rc.right-rc.left; // create temporary rect for bottom container RECT rcBottom = _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_BOTTOM]; _vSplitter[CONT_BOTTOM]->display(false); if (_vContainer[CONT_BOTTOM]->isVisible()) { _rcWork.bottom -= _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_BOTTOM].bottom + SPLITTER_WIDTH; // correct the visibility of bottom container when height is NULL if (_rcWork.bottom < { = + + SPLITTER_WIDTH; rcBottom.bottom += _rcWork.bottom -; _rcWork.bottom =; } if ((rcBottom.bottom + SPLITTER_WIDTH) < 0) { _rcWork.bottom = rc.bottom - _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].bottom; } // set size of splitter RECT rc = {rcBottom.left, - SPLITTER_WIDTH, rcBottom.right, SPLITTER_WIDTH}; _vSplitter[CONT_BOTTOM]->reSizeTo(rc); } // set left container _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].left = rc.left; _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].top =; _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].bottom = _rcWork.bottom; _vSplitter[CONT_LEFT]->display(false); if (_vContainer[CONT_LEFT]->isVisible()) { _rcWork.left += _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].right + SPLITTER_WIDTH; _rcWork.right -= _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].right + SPLITTER_WIDTH; // set size of splitter RECT rc = {_dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].right, _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].top, SPLITTER_WIDTH, _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].bottom}; _vSplitter[CONT_LEFT]->reSizeTo(rc); } // set right container _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_RIGHT].left = rc.right - _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_RIGHT].right; _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_RIGHT].top =; _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_RIGHT].bottom = _rcWork.bottom; // create temporary rect for right container RECT rcRight = _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_RIGHT]; _vSplitter[CONT_RIGHT]->display(false); if (_vContainer[CONT_RIGHT]->isVisible()) { _rcWork.right -= _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_RIGHT].right + SPLITTER_WIDTH; // correct the visibility of right container when width is NULL if (_rcWork.right < 15) { rcRight.left = _rcWork.left + 15 + SPLITTER_WIDTH; rcRight.right += _rcWork.right - 15; _rcWork.right = 15; } // set size of splitter RECT rc = {rcRight.left - SPLITTER_WIDTH,, SPLITTER_WIDTH, rcRight.bottom}; _vSplitter[CONT_RIGHT]->reSizeTo(rc); } // set window positions of container if (_vContainer[CONT_BOTTOM]->isVisible()) { ::SetWindowPos(_vContainer[CONT_BOTTOM]->getHSelf(), NULL, rcBottom.left , , rcBottom.right , rcBottom.bottom, SWP_NOZORDER); _vSplitter[CONT_BOTTOM]->display(); } if (_vContainer[CONT_TOP]->isVisible()) { ::SetWindowPos(_vContainer[CONT_TOP]->getHSelf(), NULL, _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].left , _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].top , _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].right , _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_TOP].bottom, SWP_NOZORDER); _vSplitter[CONT_TOP]->display(); } if (_vContainer[CONT_RIGHT]->isVisible()) { ::SetWindowPos(_vContainer[CONT_RIGHT]->getHSelf(), NULL, rcRight.left , , rcRight.right , rcRight.bottom, SWP_NOZORDER); _vSplitter[CONT_RIGHT]->display(); } if (_vContainer[CONT_LEFT]->isVisible()) { ::SetWindowPos(_vContainer[CONT_LEFT]->getHSelf(), NULL, _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].left , _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].top , _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].right , _dockData.rcRegion[CONT_LEFT].bottom, SWP_NOZORDER); _vSplitter[CONT_LEFT]->display(); } //此處的mainwindow是containtersplitter (*_ppMainWindow)->reSizeTo(_rcWork); }
//將整個mainwindow移動到除了dockdialog所處的地方 此處爲總體移動 其內部的移動在splittercontainer的resize消息中 void reSizeTo(RECT & rc) { _x = rc.left; _y =; ::MoveWindow(_hSelf, _x, _y, rc.right, rc.bottom, FALSE); _splitter.resizeSpliter(); };
void Splitter::resizeSpliter(RECT *pRect) { RECT rect; if (pRect) rect = *pRect; else ::GetClientRect(_hParent,&rect); if (_dwFlags & SV_HORIZONTAL) { // for a Horizontal spliter the width remains the same // as the width of the parent window, so get the new width of the parent. _rect.right = rect.right; //if resizeing should be done proportionately. if (_dwFlags & SV_RESIZEWTHPERCNT) = ((rect.bottom * _splitPercent)/100); else // soit la fenetre en haut soit la fenetre en bas qui est fixee //神奇的出現了一句法語 = getSplitterFixPosY(); } else { // for a (default) Vertical spliter the height remains the same // as the height of the parent window, so get the new height of the parent. _rect.bottom = rect.bottom; //if resizeing should be done proportionately. if (_dwFlags & SV_RESIZEWTHPERCNT) { _rect.left = ((rect.right * _splitPercent)/100); } else // soit la fenetre gauche soit la fenetre droit qui est fixee _rect.left = getSplitterFixPosX(); } ::MoveWindow(_hSelf, _rect.left,, _rect.right, _rect.bottom, TRUE); //傳遞splitter的左上角的點的左邊wparam爲left座標 lparam爲top座標 ::SendMessage(_hParent, WM_RESIZE_CONTAINER, _rect.left,; RECT rc; getClientRect(rc); _clickZone2BR.right = getClickZone(WIDTH); _clickZone2BR.bottom = getClickZone(HEIGHT); _clickZone2BR.left = rc.right - _clickZone2BR.right; = rc.bottom - _clickZone2BR.bottom; //force the window to repaint, to make sure the splitter is visible // in the new position. redraw(); }
// // Initialize the default foreground & background color // //不管有多少種風格 只要這種風格的id是style_default就OK StyleArray & globalStyles = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getGlobalStylers(); int i = globalStyles.getStylerIndexByID(STYLE_DEFAULT); if (i != -1) { Style & style = globalStyles.getStyler(i); (NppParameters::getInstance())->setCurrentDefaultFgColor(style._fgColor); (NppParameters::getInstance())->setCurrentDefaultBgColor(style._bgColor); } // // launch the plugin dlg memorized at the last session // DockingManagerData &dmd = nppGUI._dockingData; _dockingManager.setDockedContSize(CONT_LEFT , nppGUI._dockingData._leftWidth); _dockingManager.setDockedContSize(CONT_RIGHT , nppGUI._dockingData._rightWidth); _dockingManager.setDockedContSize(CONT_TOP , nppGUI._dockingData._topHeight); _dockingManager.setDockedContSize(CONT_BOTTOM, nppGUI._dockingData._bottomHight); for (size_t i = 0, len = dmd._pluginDockInfo.size(); i < len ; ++i) { PluginDlgDockingInfo & pdi = dmd._pluginDockInfo[i]; if (pdi._isVisible) { if (pdi._name == NPP_INTERNAL_FUCTION_STR) { _internalFuncIDs.push_back(pdi._internalID); } else { _pluginsManager.runPluginCommand(pdi._name.c_str(), pdi._internalID); } } } for (size_t i = 0, len = dmd._containerTabInfo.size(); i < len; ++i) { ContainerTabInfo & cti = dmd._containerTabInfo[i]; _dockingManager.setActiveTab(cti._cont, cti._activeTab); } //Load initial docs into doctab loadBufferIntoView(_mainEditView.getCurrentBufferID(), MAIN_VIEW); loadBufferIntoView(_subEditView.getCurrentBufferID(), SUB_VIEW); activateBuffer(_mainEditView.getCurrentBufferID(), MAIN_VIEW); activateBuffer(_subEditView.getCurrentBufferID(), SUB_VIEW); //::SetFocus(_mainEditView.getHSelf()); _mainEditView.getFocus(); return TRUE;