【編者按】本文做者爲 Bryan Helmig,主要介紹 Python 應用性能分析的三種進階方案。文章系國內 ITOM 管理平臺 OneAPM 編譯呈現。html
咱們應該忽略一些微小的效率提高,幾乎在 97% 的狀況下,都是如此:過早的優化是萬惡之源。—— Donald Knuthpython
若是不先想一想Knuth的這句名言,就開始進行優化工做,是不明智的。然而,有時你爲了得到某些特性不假思索就寫下了O(N^2) 這樣的代碼,雖然你很快就忘記它們了,它們卻可能反咬你一口,給你帶來麻煩:本文就是爲這種狀況而準備的。git
import time def timefunc(f): def f_timer(*args, **kwargs): start = time.time() result = f(*args, **kwargs) end = time.time() print f.__name__, 'took', end - start, 'time' return result return f_timer def get_number(): for x in xrange(5000000): yield x @timefunc def expensive_function(): for x in get_number(): i = x ^ x ^ x return 'some result!' # prints "expensive_function took 0.72583088875 seconds" result = expensive_function()
import time class timewith(): def __init__(self, name=''): self.name = name self.start = time.time() @property def elapsed(self): return time.time() - self.start def checkpoint(self, name=''): print '{timer} {checkpoint} took {elapsed} seconds'.format( timer=self.name, checkpoint=name, elapsed=self.elapsed, ).strip() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.checkpoint('finished') pass def get_number(): for x in xrange(5000000): yield x def expensive_function(): for x in get_number(): i = x ^ x ^ x return 'some result!' # prints something like: # fancy thing done with something took 0.582462072372 seconds # fancy thing done with something else took 1.75355315208 seconds # fancy thing finished took 1.7535982132 seconds with timewith('fancy thing') as timer: expensive_function() timer.checkpoint('done with something') expensive_function() expensive_function() timer.checkpoint('done with something else') # or directly timer = timewith('fancy thing') expensive_function() timer.checkpoint('done with something')
有了計時器,你還須要進行一些「挖掘」工做。 封裝一些更爲高級的函數,而後肯定問題根源之所在,進而深刻可疑的函數,不斷重複。當你發現運行特別緩慢的代碼以後,修復它,而後進行測試以確認修復成功。ide
提示:不要忘了便捷的 timeit 模塊!將它用於小段代碼塊的基準校驗比實際測試更加有用。
import cProfile def do_cprofile(func): def profiled_func(*args, **kwargs): profile = cProfile.Profile() try: profile.enable() result = func(*args, **kwargs) profile.disable() return result finally: profile.print_stats() return profiled_func def get_number(): for x in xrange(5000000): yield x @do_cprofile def expensive_function(): for x in get_number(): i = x ^ x ^ x return 'some result!' # perform profiling result = expensive_function()
5000003 function calls in 1.626 seconds Ordered by: standard name ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 5000001 0.571 0.000 0.571 0.000 timers.py:92(get_number) 1 1.055 1.055 1.626 1.626 timers.py:96(expensive_function) 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}
若是內建分析器是大型槍械,line profiler就比如是離子炮。它很是的重量級且強大,使用起來也很是有趣。
在這個例子裏,咱們會用很是棒的kernprof line-profiler,做爲 line_profiler PyPi包。爲了方便使用,咱們會再次用裝飾器進行封裝,同時也能夠防止咱們把它留在生產代碼裏(由於它比蝸牛還慢)。
try: from line_profiler import LineProfiler def do_profile(follow=[]): def inner(func): def profiled_func(*args, **kwargs): try: profiler = LineProfiler() profiler.add_function(func) for f in follow: profiler.add_function(f) profiler.enable_by_count() return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: profiler.print_stats() return profiled_func return inner except ImportError: def do_profile(follow=[]): "Helpful if you accidentally leave in production!" def inner(func): def nothing(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) return nothing return inner def get_number(): for x in xrange(5000000): yield x @do_profile(follow=[get_number]) def expensive_function(): for x in get_number(): i = x ^ x ^ x return 'some result!' result = expensive_function()
Timer unit: 1e-06 s File: test.py Function: get_number at line 43Total time: 4.44195 s Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents ============================================================== 43 def get_number(): 44 5000001 2223313 0.4 50.1 for x in xrange(5000000): 45 5000000 2218638 0.4 49.9 yield x File: test.py Function: expensive_function at line 47Total time: 16.828 s Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents ============================================================== 47 def expensive_function(): 48 5000001 14090530 2.8 83.7 for x in get_number(): 49 5000000 2737480 0.5 16.3 i = x ^ x ^ x 50 1 0 0.0 0.0 return 'some result!'
這些細節能讓咱們更容易理解函數內部原理。 此外,若是須要研究第三方庫,你能夠將其導入,直接輸到裝飾器中。
你應該使用簡單的工具(好比計時器或內建分析器)對測試用例(特別是那些你很是熟悉的代碼)進行基本檢查,而後使用更慢但更加細緻的工具,好比 line_profiler
若是你仍然以爲程序運行太過緩慢,而後開始進行對比屬性訪問(ttribute accessing)方法,或調整相等檢查(equality checking)方法等晦澀的調整,你可能已經拔苗助長了。你應該考慮以下方法:
3.使用更多的優化數據結構(經過 Numpy,Pandas等)
4.編寫一個 C擴展
PS: 點此查看代碼實例。此外,點此學習如何如魚得水地調試 Python 程序。
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