class MultiWidget(Widget): """ A widget that is composed of multiple widgets. Its render() method is different than other widgets', because it has to figure out how to split a single value for display in multiple widgets. The ``value`` argument can be one of two things: * A list. * A normal value (e.g., a string) that has been "compressed" from a list of values. In the second case -- i.e., if the value is NOT a list -- render() will first "decompress" the value into a list before rendering it. It does so by calling the decompress() method, which MultiWidget subclasses must implement. This method takes a single "compressed" value and returns a list. When render() does its HTML rendering, each value in the list is rendered with the corresponding widget -- the first value is rendered in the first widget, the second value is rendered in the second widget, etc. Subclasses may implement format_output(), which takes the list of rendered widgets and returns a string of HTML that formats them any way you'd like. You'll probably want to use this class with MultiValueField. """ def __init__(self, widgets, attrs=None): self.widgets = [w() if isinstance(w, type) else w for w in widgets] super(MultiWidget, self).__init__(attrs) @property def is_hidden(self): return all(w.is_hidden for w in self.widgets) def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): if self.is_localized: for widget in self.widgets: widget.is_localized = self.is_localized # value is a list of values, each corresponding to a widget # in self.widgets. if not isinstance(value, list): value = self.decompress(value) output = [] final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs) id_ = final_attrs.get('id', None) for i, widget in enumerate(self.widgets): try: widget_value = value[i] except IndexError: widget_value = None if id_: final_attrs = dict(final_attrs, id='%s_%s' % (id_, i)) output.append(widget.render(name + '_%s' % i, widget_value, final_attrs)) return mark_safe(self.format_output(output)) def id_for_label(self, id_): # See the comment for RadioSelect.id_for_label() if id_: id_ += '_0' return id_ def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): return [widget.value_from_datadict(data, files, name + '_%s' % i) for i, widget in enumerate(self.widgets)] def format_output(self, rendered_widgets): """ Given a list of rendered widgets (as strings), returns a Unicode string representing the HTML for the whole lot. This hook allows you to format the HTML design of the widgets, if needed. """ return ''.join(rendered_widgets) def decompress(self, value): """ Returns a list of decompressed values for the given compressed value. The given value can be assumed to be valid, but not necessarily non-empty. """ raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement this method.') def _get_media(self): "Media for a multiwidget is the combination of all media of the subwidgets" media = Media() for w in self.widgets: media = media + return media media = property(_get_media) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): obj = super(MultiWidget, self).__deepcopy__(memo) obj.widgets = copy.deepcopy(self.widgets) return obj @property def needs_multipart_form(self): return any(w.needs_multipart_form for w in self.widgets)
最後返回html語句前, 會調用format_output方法,組織每一個widget的render結果(即對應的html語句)。默認 ''.join(rendered_widgets),直接鏈接。能夠複寫這個方法,產生本身的語句格式。ui
class SplitDateTimeWidget(MultiWidget): """ A Widget that splits datetime input into two <input type="text"> boxes. """ supports_microseconds = False def __init__(self, attrs=None, date_format=None, time_format=None): widgets = (DateInput(attrs=attrs, format=date_format), TimeInput(attrs=attrs, format=time_format)) super(SplitDateTimeWidget, self).__init__(widgets, attrs) def decompress(self, value): if value: value = to_current_timezone(value) return [, value.time().replace(microsecond=0)] return [None, None] class SplitHiddenDateTimeWidget(SplitDateTimeWidget): """ A Widget that splits datetime input into two <input type="hidden"> inputs. """ def __init__(self, attrs=None, date_format=None, time_format=None): super(SplitHiddenDateTimeWidget, self).__init__(attrs, date_format, time_format) for widget in self.widgets: widget.input_type = 'hidden'