CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AuthControl] (
[NiceName] VARCHAR (200) NULL,
[FormFullName] VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL,
[ControlName] VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AuthUser] (
[AuthControlID] INT NOT NULL,
[UserName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
[IsEnable] BIT NOT NULL,
[IsVisible] BIT NOT NULL
public static void AuthUserControl(System.Windows.Forms.Form form, HRBase.UserRight login) { HRBase.UserRight.DataBaseOperate DB = (HRBase.UserRight.DataBaseOperate)login.NewDataBase("wsprint", "WERP", HRBase.UserRight.DataBaseOperate.Debug.Formal); string cmd = $@"select * from AuthControl a left join AuthUser b on a.id = b.AuthControlID where a.FormFullName = '{(form.GetType().FullName)}'"; DataTable dt = DB.SelectToTable(cmd); //有行時才控制 foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { //Control控制 try { if (form.Controls.Find(row["ControlName"].ToString(), true).Length > 0) { //默承認視不可用 form.Controls.Find(row["ControlName"].ToString(), true)[0].Enabled = false; form.Controls.Find(row["ControlName"].ToString(), true)[0].Visible = true; //設定用戶設置 DataRow[] dtrow = dt.Select($@"FormFullName = '{(form.GetType().FullName)}' and ControlName = '{(row["ControlName"].ToString())}' and UserName = '{(login.UserId)}'"); if(dtrow.Count() > 0) { form.Controls.Find(dtrow[0]["ControlName"].ToString(), true)[0].Enabled = (bool)(dtrow[0]["IsEnable"] ?? false); form.Controls.Find(dtrow[0]["ControlName"].ToString(), true)[0].Visible = (bool)(dtrow[0]["IsVisible"] ?? true); } } } catch { } //菜單控制 try { if (form.MainMenuStrip.Items.Find(row["ControlName"].ToString(), true).Length > 0) { //默承認視不可用 form.MainMenuStrip.Items.Find(row["ControlName"].ToString(), true)[0].Enabled = false; form.MainMenuStrip.Items.Find(row["ControlName"].ToString(), true)[0].Visible = true; //設定用戶設置 DataRow[] dtrow = dt.Select($@"FormFullName = '{(form.GetType().FullName)}' and ControlName = '{(row["ControlName"].ToString())}' and UserName = '{(login.UserId)}'"); if (dtrow.Count() > 0) { form.MainMenuStrip.Items.Find(dtrow[0]["ControlName"].ToString(), true)[0].Enabled = (bool)(dtrow[0]["IsEnable"] ?? false); form.MainMenuStrip.Items.Find(dtrow[0]["ControlName"].ToString(), true)[0].Visible = (bool)(dtrow[0]["IsVisible"] ?? true); } } } catch { } } }
public partial class SelectAuthControlForm : Form { DataTable dt1=new DataTable(), dt2 = new DataTable(); /// <summary> /// 選擇的窗體FullName /// </summary> /// <value>The full name of the select form.</value> public string SelectFormFullName { get;private set; } /// <summary> /// 選擇的窗體上的控件Name /// </summary> /// <value>The name of the select control.</value> public string SelectControlName { get;private set; } public SelectAuthControlForm() { InitializeComponent(); dt1.Columns.Add("Text"); dt1.Columns.Add("FullName"); dt2.Columns.Add("Text"); dt2.Columns.Add("Name"); } private void SelectAuthControlForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; this.Show(); dataGridView1.AddColumn("Text", "窗體標題"); dataGridView1.AddColumn("FullName", "窗體類名"); dataGridView2.AddColumn("Text", "控件文本"); dataGridView2.AddColumn("Name", "控件類名"); Application.DoEvents(); var classes = Assembly.Load("erp").GetTypes(); foreach (var item in classes) { if ((item.BaseType != null ? item.BaseType.Name : "") == "Form") { try { var obj = Assembly.Load("erp").CreateInstance(item.FullName); PropertyInfo propertyText = obj.GetType().GetProperty("Text"); //獲取指定名稱的屬性 string valueText = propertyText.GetValue(obj, null).ToString(); //獲取屬性值 DataRow row = dt1.Rows.Add(valueText, item.FullName); } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } dataGridView1.SetDataSource(dt1); this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; Application.DoEvents(); } private void AddTabControl(TabPage page) { foreach (Control con in page.Controls) { Type type = con.GetType(); string str1 = con.GetType().GetProperty("Text").GetValue(con, null).ToString(); string strname1 = con.GetType().GetProperty("Name").GetValue(con, null).ToString(); if (((Control)con).Controls.Count > 0) { AddControlInList(type.FullName); } else { PropertyInfo propertyText = con.GetType().GetProperty("Text"); //獲取指定名稱的屬性 string valueText = propertyText.GetValue(con, null).ToString(); //獲取屬性值 PropertyInfo propertyName = con.GetType().GetProperty("Name"); //獲取指定名稱的屬性 string valueName = propertyName.GetValue(con, null).ToString(); //獲取屬性值 dt2.Rows.Add(con.Text, con.Name); } } } private void AddControlInList(string fullName) { var obj = Assembly.Load("erp").CreateInstance(fullName); if (obj == null) return; foreach (Control con in ((Control)obj).Controls) { Type type = con.GetType(); if(type.FullName == "System.Windows.Forms.TabControl") { foreach(TabPage page in ((TabControl)con).TabPages) { AddTabControl(page); } } switch (type.BaseType.Name) { case "ToolStrip": string str = con.GetType().GetProperty("Text").GetValue(con, null).ToString(); string strname = con.GetType().GetProperty("Name").GetValue(con, null).ToString(); if (((ToolStrip)con).Items.Count > 0) AddMenuInList((ToolStrip)con); else { dt2.Rows.Add(con.Text, con.Name); } break; default: string str1 = con.GetType().GetProperty("Text").GetValue(con, null).ToString(); string strname1 = con.GetType().GetProperty("Name").GetValue(con, null).ToString(); if (((Control)con).Controls.Count > 0) { AddControlInList(type.FullName); } else { PropertyInfo propertyText = con.GetType().GetProperty("Text"); //獲取指定名稱的屬性 string valueText = propertyText.GetValue(con, null).ToString(); //獲取屬性值 PropertyInfo propertyName = con.GetType().GetProperty("Name"); //獲取指定名稱的屬性 string valueName = propertyName.GetValue(con, null).ToString(); //獲取屬性值 dt2.Rows.Add(con.Text, con.Name); } break; } } } private void dataGridView1_RowEnter(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { dt2.Rows.Clear(); if (e.RowIndex > -1) { string fillName = dataGridView1["FullName", e.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; AddControlInList(fillName); dataGridView2.SetDataSource(dt2); this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; } } private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dataGridView1.CurrentRow != null && dataGridView2.CurrentRow != null) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; SelectFormFullName = dataGridView1["FullName", dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index].Value.ToString(); SelectControlName = dataGridView2["Name", dataGridView2.CurrentRow.Index].Value.ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show("沒有選擇有效的控件!!!"); } } private void AddMenuInList(object obj) { ToolStrip ts = obj as ToolStrip; if (ts != null) { foreach (object con in ts.Items) { ToolStripDropDown tdd = con as ToolStripDropDown; if (tdd != null) { dt2.Rows.Add(tdd.Text , tdd.Name); if (tdd.Items.Count > 0) AddMenuInList(tdd); } ToolStripMenuItem tsm = con as ToolStripMenuItem; if (tsm != null) { dt2.Rows.Add(tsm.Text , tsm.Name); if (tsm.DropDownItems.Count > 0) AddMenuInList(tsm); } } } ToolStripMenuItem ts1 = obj as ToolStripMenuItem; if (ts1 != null) { foreach (object con in ts1.DropDownItems) { ToolStripDropDown tdd = con as ToolStripDropDown; if (tdd != null) { dt2.Rows.Add(tdd.Text, tdd.Name); if (tdd.Items.Count > 0) AddMenuInList(tdd); } ToolStripMenuItem tsm = con as ToolStripMenuItem; if (tsm != null) { dt2.Rows.Add(tsm.Text, tsm.Name); if (tsm.DropDownItems.Count > 0) AddMenuInList(tsm); } } } } }