Spring Boot 容器選擇 Undertow 而不是 Tomcat

Spring Boot 內嵌容器Undertow參數設置


# 設置IO線程數, 它主要執行非阻塞的任務,它們會負責多個鏈接, 默認設置每一個CPU核心一個線程
# 不要設置過大,若是過大,啓動項目會報錯:打開文件數過多

# 阻塞任務線程池, 當執行相似servlet請求阻塞IO操做, undertow會從這個線程池中取得線程
# 它的值設置取決於系統線程執行任務的阻塞係數,默認值是IO線程數*8

# 如下的配置會影響buffer,這些buffer會用於服務器鏈接的IO操做,有點相似netty的池化內存管理
# 每塊buffer的空間大小,越小的空間被利用越充分,不要設置太大,以避免影響其餘應用,合適便可

# 每一個區分配的buffer數量 , 因此pool的大小是buffer-size * buffers-per-region

# 是否分配的直接內存(NIO直接分配的堆外內存)



ioThreads = Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 2);

workerThreads = ioThreads * 8;

//smaller than 64mb of ram we use 512b buffers
if (maxMemory < 64 * 1024 * 1024) {
    //use 512b buffers
    directBuffers = false;
    bufferSize = 512;
} else if (maxMemory < 128 * 1024 * 1024) {
    //use 1k buffers
    directBuffers = true;
    bufferSize = 1024;
} else {
    //use 16k buffers for best performance
    //as 16k is generally the max amount of data that can be sent in a single write() call
    directBuffers = true;
    bufferSize = 1024 * 16 - 20; //the 20 is to allow some space for protocol headers, see UNDERTOW-1209



Spring Boot內嵌容器支持Tomcat、Jetty、Undertow。爲何選擇Undertow?spring

這裏有一篇文章,時間 2017年1月26日發佈的:
Tomcat vs. Jetty vs. Undertow: Comparison of Spring Boot Embedded Servlet Containersapache

1. Setup Spring Boot Application

We will use Maven to setup a new project in Eclipse with the appropriate dependencies. We will use the starter parent for this example but the dependencies in a production application will likely be altered to streamline, optimize or customize.json

1.1 Setup Spring Boot Dependencies

The default embedded servlet container is Tomcat. This version of Spring Web 1.4.3 brings in Tomcat version 8.5.6.tomcat


   <!-- TOMCAT -->

1.2 Setup Spring Boot Main Application and Controllers

To setup the Spring Boot application you include the @SpringBootApplication annotation in your Main class. The @SpringBootApplication annotation brings in @SpringBootConfiguration@EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScanannotations.websocket


public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
   SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

You may choose to eliminate this annotation and add the @SpringBootConfiguration alone or to another class that allows you to customize the configuration. The @ComponentScan will scan your application for items like the @Controller you will need to setup a RESTful service. The following controller will return a simple 「Hello World」 string from a HTTP GET request. We have also included in the bundled example another endpoint mapping that returns a complex object type.


public class SampleController {

private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;

public String home() {
   return "Hello World!";

1.3 Key Configuration Parameters

The default properties for all the embedded servlet containers are the same. Some of the most important properties to consider are the properties for configuring startup information like ports and application name, TSL, access logs, compression and many more.

For example, to configure SSL add the following to key value pairs to the application.properties.



1.4 How to Find Additional Parameters

To explore the parameters for Spring boot applications you can add the Spring actuator dependency and the @ConfigurationProperties annotation to your Main class. You then visit the /configprops endpoint on your application to get a list of the available properties.


public class Application {




1.5 Change version of Embedded Servlet Containers

The embedded servlet container versions are defined in the following parent dependency from the pom. You can change the version of the embedded servlet container by explicitly including the dependency and identifying a new version in the pom. We will show you how in the examples below.



2. Tomcat

As Tomcat is the default embedded servlet container there is nothing you need to do to the default implementation to use Tomcat. You can change the version of Tomcat you are using or change properties in the pom.xml or application.properties files.

2.2 Change Version of Tomcat



3. Jetty

To change the embedded servlet container to Jetty you need to edit the pom file to remove the Tomcat dependency and add Jetty.

3.1 Change to Jetty (version 9.3.14)



4. Undertow

To change the embedded servlet container to Undertow you need to edit the pom file to remove the Tomcat dependency and add Undertow.

4.1 Change to Undertow (version 1.3.24 final)

Notice the undertow version included in the spring boot starter is incorrect, referring to 1.3.25. You’ll need to change it to 1.3.24.Final for this to work at the time of this article.



5. Performance and Load

In this example, we will analyze both the peformance of HTTP requests and the memory footprint at startup of all three embedded servlet containers. We used JMeter to measure performance by simulating load and JVisualVM to look at the memory footprint.

5.1 Measure Performance

In this example, we will analyze both the peformance of simple RESTFul GET requests that return a string and more complex GET requests that return complex JSON objects. JMeter is the tool used to measure the performance of the the three different types of containers. The key to setting up this test was establishing thread groups with the appropriate load, a counter to dynamically update the input to the API and report viewers to display or aggregate the results. For the simple string examples, we used a thread group with 1000 threads that would loop 3 times through the sequence. It also used a ramp up time of 10 seconds. For the complex object examples, we used the same parameters but did not loop.

JMeter Tomcat Thread Group

JMeter Tomcat Summary Report

5.1.1 Tomcat Simple String
Label # Samples Average Min Max Std. Dev. Error % Throughput Received KB/sec Sent KB/sec Avg. Bytes
Startup 3000 7 1 549 35.78374361 0 293.8583603 55.95935572 55.67238466 195
Others 3000 1 0 45 1.359661682 0 287.8802418 54.82094449 54.53981144 195
Others 3000 1 0 24 1.155032275 0 292.1129503 55.62697785 55.3417113 195 Complex Object with Dynamic Data
Label # Samples Average Min Max Std. Dev. Error % Throughput Received KB/sec Sent KB/sec Avg. Bytes
Startup 1000 114 3 1601 322.8671905 0 97.68486861 202.3335999 19.93763432 2121
Others 1000 3 2 17 1.328216473 0 97.88566954 202.7495167 19.9786181 2121
Others 1000 2 1 16 1.110529603 0 98.52216749 204.0678879 20.10852833 2121
Others 1000 2 1 21 1.344498419 0 98.53187506 204.0879951 20.11050966 2121

5.1.2 Jetty Simple Object
Label # Samples Average Min Max Std. Dev. Error % Throughput Received KB/sec Sent KB/sec Avg. Bytes
Startup 3000 7 0 561 40.13705065 0 291.5168594 56.0828333 55.22878 197
Others 3000 1 0 21 1.058925031 0 293.5995302 56.48350338 55.6233485 197
Others 3000 1 0 21 0.926034317 0 294.3485086 56.62759395 55.7652448 197 Complex Object with Dynamic Data
Label # Samples Average Min Max Std. Dev. Error % Throughput Received KB/sec Sent KB/sec Avg. Bytes
Startup 1000 110 3 1397 278.7961107 0 98.13542689 203.3626717 19.93375859 2122
Others 1000 3 2 20 1.500210319 0 98.48335631 204.0836739 20.00443175 2122
Others 1000 3 2 45 2.729377218 0 98.29942003 203.7025091 19.96706969 2122

5.1.3 Undertow Simple Object
Label # Samples Average Min Max Std. Dev. Error % Throughput Received KB/sec Sent KB/sec Avg. Bytes
Startup 3000 6 0 451 31.6188702 0 295.6830278 63.81440346 56.01807363 221
Others 3000 1 0 22 1.255447862 0 292.7400468 63.17924839 55.46051669 221
Others 3000 1 0 18 1.559477975 0 294.3773918 63.53262069 55.77071681 221 Complex Object with Dynamic Data
Label # Samples Average Min Max Std. Dev. Error % Throughput Received KB/sec Sent KB/sec Avg. Bytes
Startup 1000 70 3 1114 197.1333241 0 97.059109 203.3969361 19.62044201 2145.893
Startup 1000 42 3 852 132.6443576 0 98.02960494 205.6324135 20.00799554 2148
Others 1000 3 2 19 1.293570253 0 98.55129595 206.6305004 20.01823199 2147
Others 1000 2 2 27 1.659250132 0 98.74592673 207.0385788 20.05776637 2147
Others 1000 2 1 17 1.260904041 0 98.28975821 206.0821395 19.96510714 2147


5.2 Measure Memory

To measure the memory of each embedded servlet container we looked at the memory usage on startup. JVisualVM is a tool provided with the Java Development Kit for visualizing the memory and footprint of java applications. We used this tool to show the initial startup impact of each of the three embedded servlet containers. The heap size and thread counts are key in analyzing this initial footprint. The ten threads that are common to all three containers include: JMX server connection timeout, RMI Scheduler, RMI TCP Connection (2), RMI TCP Accept, Attach Listener, DestroyJavaVM, Signal Dispatcher, Finalizer and Reference Handler.

JVisualVM Report

5.2.2 Tomcat

Heap Size: 697,827,328 B
Used: 124,260,976 B
Max: 2,147,483,648 B

Threads: 17 Live, 22 Started

5.2.3 Jetty

Heap Size: 628,621,312 B
Used: 311,476,776 B
Max: 2,147,483,648 B

Threads: 19 Live, 22 Started

5.2.4 Undertow

Heap Size: 630,718,464 B
Used: 114,599,536 B
Max: 2,147,483,648 B

Threads: 17 Live, 20 Started

6. 對比

6.1 性能


資源消耗:JETY啓動時內存佔用最大,使用311 MB。Tomcat和Undertow的初始腳印類似,在120 MB左右,Undertow出如今114 MB的最低水平。響應頭中的關鍵差別在於默認狀況下默認狀況下包括HTTP持久鏈接。該頭將在支持持久鏈接的客戶端中使用,以經過重用鏈接細節來優化性能。

6.1.1 Tomcat Response Headers

Content-Type →application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date →Mon, 09 Jan 2017 02:23:26 GMT
Transfer-Encoding →chunked
X-Application-Context →JcgSpringBootContainers:# Application index.

6.1.2 Jetty Response Headers

Content-Type →application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date →Mon, 09 Jan 2017 02:29:21 GMT
Transfer-Encoding →chunked
X-Application-Context →JcgSpringBootContainers:# Application index.


6.1.3 Undertow Response Headers

Connection →keep-alive
Content-Type →application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date →Mon, 09 Jan 2017 02:20:25 GMT
Transfer-Encoding →chunked
X-Application-Context →JcgSpringBootContainers:# Application index.

7. 結論

這些數字代表Undertow在性能和內存使用方面是最好的。使人鼓舞的是,Undertow 正在接受最新的能力,並默認爲持久的鏈接。這些數字並不表示在這個例子中使用的負載有顯著的性能差別,但我想它們會縮放,若是性能是最重要的因素,則Undertow 是應用程序的正確匹配。認爲一個組織可能由於熟悉它的能力而喜歡嵌入的servlet容器也是合理的。不少時候默認設置將不得不改變,由於應用程序要求包括性能、內存使用和功能。


在Spring Boot中使用 Undertow 而不是 Tomcat




server.undertow.accesslog.dir= # Undertow access log directory.
server.undertow.accesslog.enabled=false # Enable access log.
server.undertow.accesslog.pattern=common # Format pattern for access logs.
server.undertow.accesslog.prefix=access_log. # Log file name prefix.
server.undertow.accesslog.rotate=true # Enable access log rotation.
server.undertow.accesslog.suffix=log # Log file name suffix.
server.undertow.buffer-size= # Size of each buffer in bytes.
server.undertow.buffers-per-region= # Number of buffer per region.
server.undertow.direct-buffers= # Allocate buffers outside the Java heap.
server.undertow.io-threads= # Number of I/O threads to create for the worker.
server.undertow.max-http-post-size=0 # Maximum size in bytes of the HTTP post content.
server.undertow.worker-threads= # Number of worker threads.

三、使用 Undertow 監聽多個端口示例:

public UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory embeddedServletContainerFactory() {
    UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory = new UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory();
    factory.addBuilderCustomizers(new UndertowBuilderCustomizer() {

        public void customize(Builder builder) {
            builder.addHttpListener(8080, "");

    return factory;