



聽說在1970年,荷蘭科學家Paulien Hogeweg和Ben Hesper最先在荷蘭語中創造了"bioinformatica"一詞,英語中的"bioinformatics" 在1978年首次被使用。這兩位科學家當時使用該詞來表示:ios

The study of information processes in biotic systems.git

該定義中有兩個關鍵詞:生物系統(biotic systems)和信息過程(information processes)。可是這裏的"信息過程"不太好理解。web

此外,從該領域的著名期刊——"bioinformatics"期刊名稱的變化也能夠從另外一個角度來考證"生物信息學"這個詞的接受程度。"bioinformatics"創立於1985年,更名前的期刊名爲:Computer Applications in the Biosciences (CABIOS)同時也是國際計算生物學會(the International Society for Computational Biology, ISCB)的會刊,在1998年改成如今的名字。算法





Bioinformatics /ˌbaɪ.oʊˌɪnfərˈmætɪks/ (About this soundlisten) is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines biology, computer science, information engineering, mathematics and statistics to analyze and interpret biological data. Bioinformatics has been used for in silico analyses of biological queries using mathematical and statistical techniques.express

Bioinformatics and computational biology involve the analysis of biological data, particularly DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. The field of bioinformatics experienced explosive growth starting in the mid-1990s, driven largely by the Human Genome Project and by rapid advances in DNA sequencing technology.api

The primary goal of bioinformatics is to increase the understanding of biological processes.微信

這裏的定義強調交叉學科以及對生物學數據的理解,認爲最主要的生物學數據是DNA、RNA和蛋白質的序列數據。並指出生物信息學最重要的目標是增長對生物過程的理解。 網絡



【定義2】下面是NIH Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative在2000年給出的定義:

Research, development, or application of computational tools and approaches for expanding the use of biological, medical, behavioral or health data, including those to acquire, store, organize, archive, analyze, or visualize such data.




【定義3】2001年,人類基因組計劃尚未完成。下面是2001年發表的一篇標題爲"What is bioinformatics? A proposed definition and overview of the field"的論文中的解釋:

Bioinformatics is conceptualizing biology in terms of macromolecules (in the sense of physical-chemistry) and then applying 「informatics」 techniques (derived from disciplines such as applied maths, computer science, and statistics) to understand and organize the information associated with these molecules, on a large-scale.

Analyses in bioinformatics predominantly focus on three types of large datasets available in molecular biology: macromolecular structures, genome sequences, and the results of functional genomics experiments (eg expression data). Additional information includes the text of scientific papers and 「relationship data」 from metabolic pathways, taxonomy trees, and protein-protein interaction networks.



圖1:The Bioinformatics Spectrum, from http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/what-is-it/



A key approach in genomic research is to divide the cellular contents into distinct sub-population, each given an -omic term. Broadly, these 'omes can be divided into those that represent a population of molecules, and those that define their actions. For example, the proteome is the full complement of proteins encoded by the genome, and the secretome is the part of it secreted from the cell.

各類不一樣的組學列表(OMES TABLE):http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/what-is-it/omes/



Bioinformatics is the application of computer technology to the management of biological information. Computers are used to gather, store, analyze and integrate biological and genetic information which can then be applied to gene-based drug discovery and development.

該定義中的生物信息(biological information)能夠理解爲生物數據,強調數據的採集、存儲、分析和整合。最後還給出了生物信息學的應用:基於基因的藥物開發。該定義直到2017年,還有其餘網站引用




Bioinformatics is the science of developing computer databases and algorithms for the purpose of speeding up and enhancing biological research.
New academic programs are training students in bioinformatics by providing them with backgrounds in molecular biology, engineering, ethics and computer science, including database design and analytical approaches to data mining.



【定義6】下面是英屬哥倫比亞大學THE SCIENCE CREATIVE QUARTERLY上面的一篇文章給出的定義:

Bioinformatics involves the integration of computers, software tools, and databases in an effort to address biological questions.

Many scientists today refer to the next wave in bioinformatics as systems biology, an approach to tackle new and complex biological questions. Systems biology involves the integration of genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics information to create a whole system view of a biological entity.

The genes involved in the pathway, how they interact, and how modifications change the outcomes downstream, can all be modeled using systems biology. Any system where the information can be represented digitally offers a potential application for bioinformatics. Thus bioinformatics can be applied from single cells to whole ecosystems.

Genome sequence by itself has limited information. To interpret genomic information(基因組信息的解釋), comparative analysis of sequences needs to be done and an important reagent for these analyses are the publicly accessible sequence databases. Without the databases of sequences (such as GenBank), in which biologists have captured information about their sequence of interest, much of the rich information obtained from genome sequencing projects would not be available(公共數據庫的重要性).

The same way developments in microscopy foreshadowed discoveries in cell biology, new discoveries in information technology and molecular biology are foreshadowing discoveries in bioinformatics.

In many ways, bioinformatics provides the tools for applying scientific method to large-scale data and should be seen as a scientific approach for asking many new and different types of biological questions.

Although technology enables bioinformatics, bioinformatics is still very much about biology. Biological questions drive all bioinformatics experiments. Important biological questions can be addressed by bioinformatics and include understanding the genotype-phenotype connection for human disease, understanding structure to function relationships for proteins, and understanding biological networks.



  • 生物信息學不只僅能夠做爲工具來解決問題,也應該被當成一種科學方法來提出新的和不一樣類型的生物學問題;
  • 儘管生物信息學依賴於技術,可是全部的生物信息學實驗仍是被生物學問題所驅動;
  • 一些能夠用生物信息學來處理的重要生物學問題:理解基因型-表型在人類疾病中的關聯,理解蛋白質結構與功能之間的關係,理解生物網絡;
  • 生物信息學的進步也依賴於生產數據的工具和技術(例如新的更便宜的測序技術,高通量生物芯片技術,更精確的質譜技術等)的進步。



【定義7】下面兩個定義收錄於聖地亞哥州立大學(San Diego State University)計算機科學與生物學教授Dr. Robert Edwards的一篇博客中:

「Bioinformatics is the application of statistics and computer science to the field of molecular biology. It includes computational biology, algorithm development, statistics techniques, data modeling and visualization.」 – Owen White (2010)

「Bioinformatics is a science where we integrate computer science, genetics and genomics.」 – Atul Butte (2010)






It is debatable whether bioinformatics and the discipline computational biology, literally "biology that involves computation," are the same or distinct. To some, both bioinformatics and computational biology are defined as any use of computers for processing any biologically-derived information, whether DNA sequences or breast X-rays. Therefore, there are other fields, e.g. medical imaging / image analysis, that might be considered part of bioinformatics. This would be the broadest definition of the term. But, in practice, the definition used by most people is even narrower; bioinformatics to them is a synonym for computational molecular biology: any use of computers to characterize the molecular components of living things.

 從信息學的角度來看,會強調包含在生物數據中的信息(數據 - 信息 - 知識):

To others, bioinformatics is a grammatical contraction of "biological informatics" and is therefore related to the computer science disciplines of information science and/or information technology. This definition would thus emphasize the information contained within the biological data, also implying that large amounts of data would be managed and/or analyzed.


Most biologists talk about "doing bioinformatics" when they use computers to store, retrieve, analyze or predict the composition or the structure of biomolecules. As computers become more powerful you could probably add simulate to this list of bioinformatics verbs. "Biomolecules" include your genetic material---nucleic acids---and the products of your genes: proteins. These are the concerns of pre-genomic or "classical" bioinformatics, which deal primarily with sequence analysis.
Fredj Tekaia at the Institut Pasteur offers this definition of bioinformatics:
"The mathematical, statistical and computing methods that aim to solve biological problems using DNA and amino acid sequences and related information."


The greatest achievement of bioinformatics methods, the Human Genome Project, is practically complete. Because of this the nature and priorities of bioinformatics research and applications have changed. People often talk portentously of our living in the "post-genomic" era. This affects bioinformatics in several ways:

Now that we possess multiple whole genomes, we can look for differences and similarities between all the genes of multiple species. From such studies we can draw particular conclusions about species and general ones about evolution. This kind of science is often referred to as comparative genomics.

There are now technologies designed to measure the relative number of copies of a genetic message (levels of gene expression) at different stages in development or disease or in different tissues. Such technologies, such as DNA microarrays will grow in importance(新的檢測技術).

Other, more direct, large-scale ways of identifying gene functions and associations (for example yeast two-hybrid methods) will grow in significance and with them the accompanying bioinformatics of functional genomics.

There will be a general shift in emphasis (of sequence analysis especially) from genes themselves to gene products.

This will lead to: 

  • attempts to catalog the activities and characterize interactions between all gene products (in humans): proteomics ); 
  • attempts to crystallography and or predict the structures of all proteins (in humans): structural genomics.

What some people refer to as research or medical informatics, the management of all biomedical experimental data associated with particular molecules or patients---from mass spectroscopy, to in vitro assays to clinical side-effects---will move from the concern of those working in drug company and hospital I.T. (information technology) into the mainstream of cell and molecular biology and migrate from the commercial and clinical to academic sectors.
It is worth noting that all of the above post-genomic areas of research depend upon established, pre-genomic sequence analysis techniques.



It is a mathematically interesting property of most large biological molecules that they are polymers; ordered chains of simpler molecular modules called monomers. Think of the monomers as beads or building blocks which, despite having different colors and shapes, all have the same thickness and the same way of connecting to one another. Monomers that can combine in a chain are of the same general class, but each kind of monomer in that class has its own well-defined set of characteristics. And many monomer molecules can be joined together to form a single, far larger, macromolecule. Macromolecules can have exquisitely specific informational content and/or chemical properties. According to this scheme, the monomers in a given macromolecule of DNA or protein can be treated computationally as letters of an alphabet, put together in pre-programmed arrangements to carry messages or do work in a cell.

There are also whole other disciplines of biologically-inspired computation, e.g. genetic algorithms, AI, and neural networks. Often these areas interact in strange ways. Neural networks, inspired by crude models of the functioning of nerve cells in the brain, are used in a program called PHD to predict, surprisingly accurately, the secondary structures of proteins from their primary sequences.



【定義9】阿肯色大學小石城分校(University of Arkansas at Little Rock, UALR)在BIOINFORMATICS PROGRAM中對生物信息的解釋:

  • As a discipline that builds upon the fields of computer and information science, bioinformatics relies heavily upon strategies to acquire, store, organize, archive, analyze, and visualize data.
  • As a discipline that builds upon computational biology, bioinformatics encompasses the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavioral, and social systems.
  • As a discipline that builds upon the life, health, and medical sciences, bioinformatics supports medical informatics; gene mapping in pedigrees and population studies; functional-, structural-, and pharmaco-genomics; proteomics, and dozens of other evolving 「-omics.」
  • As a discipline that builds upon the basic sciences, bioinformatics depends on a strong foundation of chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, biology, genetics, and molecular biology which allows interpretation of biological data in a meaningful context.
  • As a discipline whose core is mathematics and statistics, bioinformatics applies these fields in ways that provide insight to make the vast, diverse, and complex life sciences data more understandable and useful, to uncover new biological insights, and to provide new perspectives to discern unifying principles.

In short, bioinformaticians (or bioinformaticists) bring a multidisciplinary perspective to many of the critical problems facing the health-science profession today.


  • 創建在計算機和信息學科之上的生物信息學,側重於數據的採集、存取、分析及可視化;
  • 創建在計算生物學之上的生物信息學,側重於數據分析和理論方法的開發,以及數學模型和計算機模擬技術在生物學研究中的應用;
  • 創建在生命科學和醫學之上的生物信息學,側重於醫學信息數據和各類不一樣的組學數據的分析;
  • 創建在基礎科學之上的生物信息學,側重於在更基礎的層面(化學結構、生化過程等)對生物學數據進行解釋;
  • 創建在數學和統計學之上的生物信息學,側重於對大量、不一樣類型的複雜數據(例如高維數據或高度異質性的數據)進行分析;




【定義10】生物信息學家Dr. Maria Nattestad用下面的話向非科學家介紹本身的工做:

I use computers to analyze biological data.


 圖2:生物信息學 vs 數據科學

按照上圖的理解,生物信息學就是一種特別的數據科學。Dr. Maria Nattestad認爲生物信息學很是有趣的緣由之一是:該學科彙集了不一樣領域的人,這些人帶着不一樣的背景和傾向,使用不一樣的方式來思考生物學問題。她將生物信息學分紅了如下三個部分:

  1. Data analysis is the most natural starting point for biologists and involves the most domain expertise because it specifically involves interpreting the data. The ability to detect oddities or interesting patterns in the data can heavily depend on your knowledge of the biological system the data comes from.
  2. Bioinformatics software development is an approach to bioinformatics that I see computer scientists naturally take on. They may also do data analysis, but will have a hard time resisting building real software products. The software they develop can take many forms, from command-line tools to web applications.
  3. Modeling is very fashionable with physicists and mathematicians. You can tell their work apart by the fact that it’s full of equations and written in LateX.



【定義11】2018年是瑞士生物信息學研究所(Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, SIB)創建20週年。在其官網上對生物信息學的定義以下:

 The application of computer technology to the understanding and effective use of biological and clinical data. It is the discipline that stores, analyses and interprets the ‘big data’ generated by life science experiments, or clinical data, using computer science.



Databases and knowledgebases for storing, retrieving and organizing biological information to maximize the value of biological data;

Software tools for modelling, visualizing, analysing, interpreting and comparing biological data;

Computing and storage infrastructure to process large amounts of data;

Analysis of complex biological datasets or systems in the context of particular research projects;

Research in a wide variety of biological fields using computer- and data science and leading to applications in diverse areas, from agriculture to precision medicine.

Bioinformatics is thus a multidisciplinary field bringing together biologists, computer scientists and mathematicians, as well as statisticians and physicists.


【定義12】下面是賓夕法尼亞州立大學的生物信息學教授István Albert,在他的書《The Biostar Handbook: A Beginner's Guide to Bioinformatics》中對生物信息學的定義:

Bioinformatics is a data science that investigates how information is stored within and processed by living organisms.



In its early days––perhaps until the beginning of the 2000s––bioinformatics was synonymous with sequence analysis. Scientists typically obtained just a few DNA sequences, then analyzed them for various properties. Today, sequence analysis is still central to the work of bioinformaticians, but it has also grown well beyond it.

In the mid-2000s, the so-called next-generation, high-throughput sequencing instruments (such as the Illumina HiSeq) made it possible to measure the full genomic content of a cell in a single experimental run. With that, the quantity of data shot up immensely as scientists were able to capture a snapshot of everything that is DNA-related.

These new technologies have transformed bioinformatics into an entirely new field of data science that builds on the "classical bioinformatics" to process, investigate, and summarize massive data sets of extraordinary complexity.



But what is bioinformatics, really? 

So now that you know what bioinformatics is all about, you're probably wondering what it's like to practice it day-in-day-out as a bioinformatician. The truth is, it's not easy. Just take a look at this "Biostar Quote of the Day" from Brent Pedersen in Very Bad Things:
I've been doing bioinformatics for about 10 years now. I used to joke with a friend of mine that most of our work was converting between file formats. We don't joke about that anymore.

Jokes aside, modern bioinformatics relies heavily on file and data processing. The data sets are large and contain complex interconnected information. A bioinformatician's job is to simplify massive datasets and search them for the information that is relevant for the given study. Essentially, bioinformatics is the art of finding the needle in the haystack.










爲了完成上述任務,大體能夠分爲三個步驟:數據的管理(已有數據的註釋、存儲、檢索和數據交換,以及新數據的提交);數據分析工具的開發;工具的使用以及對結果生物學意義的解釋。我很是認同Dr. Raunak Shrestha在他的博客中的說法:生物信息學的終極目標是在分子水平理解一個活細胞是如何工做的。


若是要問我最喜歡哪一個定義,除了我本身的定義以外,我最喜歡在一段視頻中看到的定義:Bioinformatics: Where code meets biology.














