HDP 2.4 V3 sandboxhtml
hue 4.0.0java
2.1 修改%HUE_CODE_HOME%/hue/maven/pom.xml版本,以下: python
<hadoop-mr1.version>2.7.1</hadoop-mr1.version> <hadoop.version>2.7.1</hadoop.version> <spark.version>1.6.0</spark.version>
2.2 將hadoop-core修改成hadoop-common(core會報錯找不到)mysql
2.3 將hadoop-test的版本改成1.2.1:git
2.4 刪除多餘文件,不然編譯時會報錯github
2.5 編譯安裝
PREFIX=/usr/local/hue-4.0.0-release/ make clean //指定要安裝的目錄
rm -rf /usr/local/hue-4.0.0-release/*
PREFIX=/usr/local/hue-4.0.0-release/ make install
hdp 2.4 V3 的 spark thrift server 默認端口是10015,咱們將此信息配置到 /usr/hdp/current/spark-thriftserver/conf/hive-site.xml中,以下:(我沒找到在ambari啓動spark thrift-server的入口,只能手動啓動)
<configuration> <property> <name>hive.metastore.uris</name> <value>thrift://sandbox.hortonworks.com:9083</value> </property> <property> <name>hive.server2.thrift.port</name> <value>10015</value> <description> Port number of HiveServer2 Thrift interface. Can be overridden by setting $HIVE_SERVER2_THRIFT_PORT </description> </property> <!-- <property> <name>hive.server2.thrift.bind.host</name> <value>localhost</value> <description> Bind host on which to run the HiveServer2 Thrift interface. Can be overridden by setting $HIVE_SERVER2_THRIFT_BIND_HOST </description> </property> --> </configuration>
cd /usr/hdp/current/spark-thriftserver/ sbin/start-thriftserver.sh --master yarn --deploy-mode client
4.1 反註釋 [[interpreters]] 下的 sparksql,以下:
[[interpreters]] # Define the name and how to connect and execute the language. [[[hive]]] # The name of the snippet. name=Hive # The backend connection to use to communicate with the server. interface=hiveserver2 [[[impala]]] name=Impala interface=hiveserver2 [[[sparksql]]] name=SparkSql interface=hiveserver2 [[[spark]]] name=Scala interface=livy [[[pyspark]]] name=PySpark interface=livy [[[r]]] name=R interface=livy [[[jar]]] name=Spark Submit Jar interface=livy-batch
4.2 配置spark 的livy server 以下:
# Settings to configure the Spark application.
# Host address of the Livy Server.
# Port of the Livy Server.
# Configure Livy to start in local 'process' mode, or 'yarn' workers.
# Whether Livy requires client to perform Kerberos authentication.
# Host of the Sql Server
# Port of the Sql Server
注意:端口配置爲spark-thrift server 端口10015
5.1 確保spark-thrift server已經啓動
cd /usr/hdp/current/spark-thriftserver/
sbin/start-thriftserver.sh --master yarn --deploy-mode client
5.2 啓動hue
cd /usr/local/hue-4.0.0-release/hue/ build/env/bin/supervisor
5.3 登陸hue,選擇notebook-editor-sparksql,錄入sql
5.4 打開yarn頁面,能夠看到當前有一個spark thrift server 的job。
5.5 執行5.3 的sql,點擊5.4 job 右側的applicationMaster ,進入spark頁面,能夠看到以下spark job。在stages頁面,咱們能夠看到執行的sql,
5.6 待執行完成以後,查看hue頁面,能夠看到查到的數據以下:
至此,說明 hue發起的請求,spark thrift server 已經接收到,且可以正常執行。
細心的讀者可能發現了,咱們配置了livy server,可是卻沒有啓動livy-server。
在此說明:spark sql 執行(使用 spark sql [[interpreters]] )的時候,不使用livy server。直接把sql 提交到了 spark 的thrift server 上,可是要讀取livy server中的sql_server_port變量
只有在使用spark scala 這些interpreters的時候,纔會用到 livy-server
# Hue configuration file # =================================== # # For complete documentation about the contents of this file, run # $ <hue_root>/build/env/bin/hue config_help # # All .ini files under the current directory are treated equally. Their # contents are merged to form the Hue configuration, which can # can be viewed on the Hue at # http://<hue_host>:<port>/dump_config ########################################################################### # General configuration for core Desktop features (authentication, etc) ########################################################################### [desktop] # Set this to a random string, the longer the better. # This is used for secure hashing in the session store. secret_key=asjlkajfslajflalfj # Execute this script to produce the Django secret key. This will be used when # 'secret_key' is not set. ## secret_key_script= # Webserver listens on this address and port http_host= http_port=8890 # Choose whether to enable the new Hue 4 interface. is_hue_4=true # A comma-separated list of available Hue load balancers ## hue_load_balancer= # Time zone name # time_zone=America/Los_Angeles time_zone=Asia/Shanghai # Enable or disable Django debug mode. django_debug_mode=false # Enable or disable database debug mode. ## database_logging=false # Whether to send debug messages from JavaScript to the server logs. ## send_dbug_messages=false # Enable or disable backtrace for server error http_500_debug_mode=false # Enable or disable memory profiling. ## memory_profiler=false # Server email for internal error messages ## django_server_email='hue@localhost.localdomain' # Email backend ## django_email_backend=django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend # Webserver runs as this user server_user=root server_group=root # This should be the Hue admin and proxy user default_user=root # This should be the hadoop cluster admin default_hdfs_superuser=hdfs # If set to false, runcpserver will not actually start the web server. # Used if Apache is being used as a WSGI container. ## enable_server=yes # Number of threads used by the CherryPy web server ## cherrypy_server_threads=40 # This property specifies the maximum size of the receive buffer in bytes in thrift sasl communication (default 2 MB). ## sasl_max_buffer=2 * 1024 * 1024 # Filename of SSL Certificate ## ssl_certificate= # Filename of SSL RSA Private Key ## ssl_private_key= # Filename of SSL Certificate Chain ## ssl_certificate_chain= # SSL certificate password ## ssl_password= # Execute this script to produce the SSL password. This will be used when 'ssl_password' is not set. ## ssl_password_script= # X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff This is a HTTP response header feature that helps prevent attacks based on MIME-type confusion. ## secure_content_type_nosniff=true # X-Xss-Protection: \"1; mode=block\" This is a HTTP response header feature to force XSS protection. ## secure_browser_xss_filter=true # X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff This is a HTTP response header feature that helps prevent attacks based on MIME-type confusion. ## secure_content_security_policy="script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *.google-analytics.com *.doubleclick.net data:;img-src 'self' *.google-analytics.com *.doubleclick.net http://*.tile.osm.org *.tile.osm.org *.gstatic.com data:;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' fonts.googleapis.com;connect-src 'self';frame-src *;child-src 'self' data: *.vimeo.com;object-src 'none'" # Strict-Transport-Security HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS) is a policy which is communicated by the server to the user agent via HTTP response header field name 「Strict-Transport-Security」. HSTS policy specifies a period of time during which the user agent(browser) should only access the server in a secure fashion(https). ## secure_ssl_redirect=False ## secure_redirect_host= ## secure_redirect_exempt=[] ## secure_hsts_seconds=31536000 ## secure_hsts_include_subdomains=true # List of allowed and disallowed ciphers in cipher list format. # See http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html for more information on # cipher list format. This list is from # https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS v3.7 intermediate # recommendation, which should be compatible with Firefox 1, Chrome 1, IE 7, # Opera 5 and Safari 1. ## ssl_cipher_list=ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:!DSS:!DH:!ADH # Path to default Certificate Authority certificates. ## ssl_cacerts=/etc/hue/cacerts.pem # Choose whether Hue should validate certificates received from the server. ## validate=true # Default LDAP/PAM/.. username and password of the hue user used for authentications with other services. # Inactive if password is empty. # e.g. LDAP pass-through authentication for HiveServer2 or Impala. Apps can override them individually. ## auth_username=hue ## auth_password= # Default encoding for site data ## default_site_encoding=utf-8 # Help improve Hue with anonymous usage analytics. # Use Google Analytics to see how many times an application or specific section of an application is used, nothing more. ## collect_usage=true # Tile layer server URL for the Leaflet map charts # Read more on http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#tilelayer # Make sure you add the tile domain to the img-src section of the 'secure_content_security_policy' configuration parameter as well. ## leaflet_tile_layer=http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png # The copyright message for the specified Leaflet maps Tile Layer ## leaflet_tile_layer_attribution='© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' # X-Frame-Options HTTP header value. Use 'DENY' to deny framing completely ## http_x_frame_options=SAMEORIGIN # Enable X-Forwarded-Host header if the load balancer requires it. ## use_x_forwarded_host=true # Support for HTTPS termination at the load-balancer level with SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER. ## secure_proxy_ssl_header=false # Comma-separated list of Django middleware classes to use. # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/middleware/ for more details on middlewares in Django. ## middleware=desktop.auth.backend.LdapSynchronizationBackend # Comma-separated list of regular expressions, which match the redirect URL. # For example, to restrict to your local domain and FQDN, the following value can be used: # ^\/.*$,^http:\/\/www.mydomain.com\/.*$ ## redirect_whitelist=^(\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+.*|\/)$ # Comma separated list of apps to not load at server startup. # e.g.: pig,zookeeper app_blacklist=impala,security # Id of the cluster where Hue is located. ## cluster_id='default' # Choose whether to show the new SQL editor. ## use_new_editor=true # Choose whether to show the improved assist panel and the right context panel ## use_new_side_panels=false # Editor autocomplete timeout (ms) when fetching columns, fields, tables etc. # To disable this type of autocompletion set the value to 0. ## editor_autocomplete_timeout=30000 # Enable saved default configurations for Hive, Impala, Spark, and Oozie. ## use_default_configuration=false # The directory where to store the auditing logs. Auditing is disable if the value is empty. # e.g. /var/log/hue/audit.log ## audit_event_log_dir= # Size in KB/MB/GB for audit log to rollover. ## audit_log_max_file_size=100MB # A json file containing a list of log redaction rules for cleaning sensitive data # from log files. It is defined as: # # { # "version": 1, # "rules": [ # { # "description": "This is the first rule", # "trigger": "triggerstring 1", # "search": "regex 1", # "replace": "replace 1" # }, # { # "description": "This is the second rule", # "trigger": "triggerstring 2", # "search": "regex 2", # "replace": "replace 2" # } # ] # } # # Redaction works by searching a string for the [TRIGGER] string. If found, # the [REGEX] is used to replace sensitive information with the # [REDACTION_MASK]. If specified with 'log_redaction_string', the # 'log_redaction_string' rules will be executed after the # 'log_redaction_file' rules. # # For example, here is a file that would redact passwords and social security numbers: # { # "version": 1, # "rules": [ # { # "description": "Redact passwords", # "trigger": "password", # "search": "password=\".*\"", # "replace": "password=\"???\"" # }, # { # "description": "Redact social security numbers", # "trigger": "", # "search": "\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}", # "replace": "XXX-XX-XXXX" # } # ] # } ## log_redaction_file= # Comma separated list of strings representing the host/domain names that the Hue server can serve. # e.g.: localhost,domain1,* ## allowed_hosts="*" # Administrators # ---------------- [[django_admins]] ## [[[admin1]]] ## name=john ## email=john@doe.com # UI customizations # ------------------- [[custom]] # Top banner HTML code # e.g. <H4>Test Lab A2 Hue Services</H4> ## banner_top_html='<div style="padding: 4px; text-align: center; background-color: #003F6C; color: #DBE8F1">This is Hue 4 Beta! - Please feel free to email any feedback / questions to <a href="mailto:team@gethue.com" target="_blank" style="color: #FFF; font-weight: bold">team@gethue.com</a> or <a href="https://twitter.com/gethue" target="_blank" style="color: #FFF; font-weight: bold">@gethue</a>.</div>' # Login splash HTML code # e.g. WARNING: You are required to have authorization before you proceed ## login_splash_html=<h4>GetHue.com</h4><br/><br/>WARNING: You have accessed a computer managed by GetHue. You are required to have authorization from GetHue before you proceed. # Cache timeout in milliseconds for the assist, autocomplete, etc. # defaults to 86400000 (1 day), set to 0 to disable caching ## cacheable_ttl=86400000 # SVG code to replace the default Hue logo in the top bar and sign in screen # e.g. <image xlink:href="/static/desktop/art/hue-logo-mini-white.png" x="0" y="0" height="40" width="160" /> ## logo_svg= # Configuration options for user authentication into the web application # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[auth]] # Authentication backend. Common settings are: # - django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend (entirely Django backend) # - desktop.auth.backend.AllowAllBackend (allows everyone) # - desktop.auth.backend.AllowFirstUserDjangoBackend # (Default. Relies on Django and user manager, after the first login) # - desktop.auth.backend.LdapBackend # - desktop.auth.backend.PamBackend # - desktop.auth.backend.SpnegoDjangoBackend # - desktop.auth.backend.RemoteUserDjangoBackend # - libsaml.backend.SAML2Backend # - libopenid.backend.OpenIDBackend # - liboauth.backend.OAuthBackend # (New oauth, support Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin # Multiple Authentication backends are supported by specifying a comma-separated list in order of priority. # However, in order to enable OAuthBackend, it must be the ONLY backend configured. ## backend=desktop.auth.backend.AllowFirstUserDjangoBackend # Class which defines extra accessor methods for User objects. ## user_aug=desktop.auth.backend.DefaultUserAugmentor # The service to use when querying PAM. ## pam_service=login # When using the desktop.auth.backend.RemoteUserDjangoBackend, this sets # the normalized name of the header that contains the remote user. # The HTTP header in the request is converted to a key by converting # all characters to uppercase, replacing any hyphens with underscores # and adding an HTTP_ prefix to the name. So, for example, if the header # is called Remote-User that would be configured as HTTP_REMOTE_USER # # Defaults to HTTP_REMOTE_USER ## remote_user_header=HTTP_REMOTE_USER # Ignore the case of usernames when searching for existing users. # Supported in remoteUserDjangoBackend and SpnegoDjangoBackend ## ignore_username_case=true # Forcibly cast usernames to lowercase, takes precedence over force_username_uppercase # Supported in remoteUserDjangoBackend and SpnegoDjangoBackend ## force_username_lowercase=true # Forcibly cast usernames to uppercase, cannot be combined with force_username_lowercase ## force_username_uppercase=false # Users will expire after they have not logged in for 'n' amount of seconds. # A negative number means that users will never expire. ## expires_after=-1 # Apply 'expires_after' to superusers. ## expire_superusers=true # Users will automatically be logged out after 'n' seconds of inactivity. # A negative number means that idle sessions will not be timed out. idle_session_timeout=-1 # Force users to change password on first login with desktop.auth.backend.AllowFirstUserDjangoBackend ## change_default_password=false # Number of login attempts allowed before a record is created for failed logins ## login_failure_limit=3 # After number of allowed login attempts are exceeded, do we lock out this IP and optionally user agent? ## login_lock_out_at_failure=false # If set, defines period of inactivity in hours after which failed logins will be forgotten. # A value of 0 or None will disable this check. Default: None ## login_cooloff_time=None # If True, lock out based on an IP address AND a user agent. # This means requests from different user agents but from the same IP are treated differently. ## login_lock_out_use_user_agent=false # If True, lock out based on IP and user ## login_lock_out_by_combination_user_and_ip=false # If True, it will look for the IP address from the header defined at reverse_proxy_header. ## behind_reverse_proxy=false # If behind_reverse_proxy is True, it will look for the IP address from this header. Default: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR ## reverse_proxy_header=HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR # Configuration options for connecting to LDAP and Active Directory # ------------------------------------------------------------------- [[ldap]] # The search base for finding users and groups ## base_dn="DC=mycompany,DC=com" # URL of the LDAP server ## ldap_url=ldap://auth.mycompany.com # The NT domain used for LDAP authentication ## nt_domain=mycompany.com # A PEM-format file containing certificates for the CA's that # Hue will trust for authentication over TLS. # The certificate for the CA that signed the # LDAP server certificate must be included among these certificates. # See more here http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/tls.html. ## ldap_cert= ## use_start_tls=true # Distinguished name of the user to bind as -- not necessary if the LDAP server # supports anonymous searches ## bind_dn="CN=ServiceAccount,DC=mycompany,DC=com" # Password of the bind user -- not necessary if the LDAP server supports # anonymous searches ## bind_password= # Execute this script to produce the bind user password. This will be used # when 'bind_password' is not set. ## bind_password_script= # Pattern for searching for usernames -- Use <username> for the parameter # For use when using LdapBackend for Hue authentication ## ldap_username_pattern="uid=<username>,ou=People,dc=mycompany,dc=com" # Create users in Hue when they try to login with their LDAP credentials # For use when using LdapBackend for Hue authentication ## create_users_on_login = true # Synchronize a users groups when they login ## sync_groups_on_login=false # Ignore the case of usernames when searching for existing users in Hue. ## ignore_username_case=true # Force usernames to lowercase when creating new users from LDAP. # Takes precedence over force_username_uppercase ## force_username_lowercase=true # Force usernames to uppercase, cannot be combined with force_username_lowercase ## force_username_uppercase=false # Use search bind authentication. ## search_bind_authentication=true # Choose which kind of subgrouping to use: nested or suboordinate (deprecated). ## subgroups=suboordinate # Define the number of levels to search for nested members. ## nested_members_search_depth=10 # Whether or not to follow referrals ## follow_referrals=false # Enable python-ldap debugging. ## debug=false # Sets the debug level within the underlying LDAP C lib. ## debug_level=255 # Possible values for trace_level are 0 for no logging, 1 for only logging the method calls with arguments, # 2 for logging the method calls with arguments and the complete results and 9 for also logging the traceback of method calls. ## trace_level=0 [[[users]]] # Base filter for searching for users ## user_filter="objectclass=*" # The username attribute in the LDAP schema ## user_name_attr=sAMAccountName [[[groups]]] # Base filter for searching for groups ## group_filter="objectclass=*" # The group name attribute in the LDAP schema ## group_name_attr=cn # The attribute of the group object which identifies the members of the group ## group_member_attr=members [[[ldap_servers]]] ## [[[[mycompany]]]] # The search base for finding users and groups ## base_dn="DC=mycompany,DC=com" # URL of the LDAP server ## ldap_url=ldap://auth.mycompany.com # The NT domain used for LDAP authentication ## nt_domain=mycompany.com # A PEM-format file containing certificates for the CA's that # Hue will trust for authentication over TLS. # The certificate for the CA that signed the # LDAP server certificate must be included among these certificates. # See more here http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/tls.html. ## ldap_cert= ## use_start_tls=true # Distinguished name of the user to bind as -- not necessary if the LDAP server # supports anonymous searches ## bind_dn="CN=ServiceAccount,DC=mycompany,DC=com" # Password of the bind user -- not necessary if the LDAP server supports # anonymous searches ## bind_password= # Execute this script to produce the bind user password. This will be used # when 'bind_password' is not set. ## bind_password_script= # Pattern for searching for usernames -- Use <username> for the parameter # For use when using LdapBackend for Hue authentication ## ldap_username_pattern="uid=<username>,ou=People,dc=mycompany,dc=com" ## Use search bind authentication. ## search_bind_authentication=true # Whether or not to follow referrals ## follow_referrals=false # Enable python-ldap debugging. ## debug=false # Sets the debug level within the underlying LDAP C lib. ## debug_level=255 # Possible values for trace_level are 0 for no logging, 1 for only logging the method calls with arguments, # 2 for logging the method calls with arguments and the complete results and 9 for also logging the traceback of method calls. ## trace_level=0 ## [[[[[users]]]]] # Base filter for searching for users ## user_filter="objectclass=Person" # The username attribute in the LDAP schema ## user_name_attr=sAMAccountName ## [[[[[groups]]]]] # Base filter for searching for groups ## group_filter="objectclass=groupOfNames" # The username attribute in the LDAP schema ## group_name_attr=cn # Configuration options for specifying the Source Version Control. # ---------------------------------------------------------------- [[vcs]] ## [[[git-read-only]]] ## Base URL to Remote Server # remote_url=https://github.com/cloudera/hue/tree/master ## Base URL to Version Control API # api_url=https://api.github.com ## [[[github]]] ## Base URL to Remote Server # remote_url=https://github.com/cloudera/hue/tree/master ## Base URL to Version Control API # api_url=https://api.github.com # These will be necessary when you want to write back to the repository. ## Client ID for Authorized Application # client_id= ## Client Secret for Authorized Application # client_secret= ## [[[svn]] ## Base URL to Remote Server # remote_url=https://github.com/cloudera/hue/tree/master ## Base URL to Version Control API # api_url=https://api.github.com # These will be necessary when you want to write back to the repository. ## Client ID for Authorized Application # client_id= ## Client Secret for Authorized Application # client_secret= # Configuration options for specifying the Desktop Database. For more info, # see http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/settings/#database-engine # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[database]] # Database engine is typically one of: # postgresql_psycopg2, mysql, sqlite3 or oracle. # # Note that for sqlite3, 'name', below is a path to the filename. For other backends, it is the database name # Note for Oracle, options={"threaded":true} must be set in order to avoid crashes. # Note for Oracle, you can use the Oracle Service Name by setting "host=" and "port=" and then "name=<host>:<port>/<service_name>". # Note for MariaDB use the 'mysql' engine. ## engine=sqlite3 ## host= ## port= ## user= ## password= engine=mysql host=localhost port=3306 user=hive password=hive name=hive # conn_max_age option to make database connection persistent value in seconds # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/databases/#persistent-connections ## conn_max_age=0 # Execute this script to produce the database password. This will be used when 'password' is not set. ## password_script=/path/script ## name=desktop/desktop.db ## options={} # Database schema, to be used only when public schema is revoked in postgres ## schema=public # Configuration options for specifying the Desktop session. # For more info, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/topics/http/sessions/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[session]] # The cookie containing the users' session ID will expire after this amount of time in seconds. # Default is 2 weeks. ## ttl=1209600 # The cookie containing the users' session ID and csrf cookie will be secure. # Should only be enabled with HTTPS. ## secure=false # The cookie containing the users' session ID and csrf cookie will use the HTTP only flag. ## http_only=true # Use session-length cookies. Logs out the user when she closes the browser window. ## expire_at_browser_close=false # Configuration options for connecting to an external SMTP server # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[smtp]] # The SMTP server information for email notification delivery host=localhost port=25 user= password= # Whether to use a TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server tls=no # Default email address to use for various automated notification from Hue ## default_from_email=hue@localhost # Configuration options for Kerberos integration for secured Hadoop clusters # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[kerberos]] # Path to Hue's Kerberos keytab file ## hue_keytab= # Kerberos principal name for Hue ## hue_principal=hue/hostname.foo.com # Path to kinit ## kinit_path=/path/to/kinit # Configuration options for using OAuthBackend (Core) login # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[oauth]] # The Consumer key of the application ## consumer_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # The Consumer secret of the application ## consumer_secret=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # The Request token URL ## request_token_url=https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token # The Access token URL ## access_token_url=https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token # The Authorize URL ## authenticate_url=https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize # Configuration options for Metrics # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[metrics]] # Enable the metrics URL "/desktop/metrics" ## enable_web_metrics=True # If specified, Hue will write metrics to this file. ## location=/var/log/hue/metrics.json # Time in milliseconds on how frequently to collect metrics ## collection_interval=30000 ########################################################################### # Settings to configure the snippets available in the Notebook ########################################################################### [notebook] ## Show the notebook menu or not # show_notebooks=true ## Flag to enable the selection of queries from files, saved queries into the editor or as snippet. # enable_external_statements=true ## Flag to enable the bulk submission of queries as a background task through Oozie. # enable_batch_execute=true ## Flag to enable the SQL query builder of the table assist. # enable_query_builder=true ## Flag to enable the creation of a coordinator for the current SQL query. # enable_query_scheduling=false ## Main flag to override the automatic starting of the DBProxy server. # enable_dbproxy_server=true ## Classpath to be appended to the default DBProxy server classpath. # dbproxy_extra_classpath= ## Comma separated list of interpreters that should be shown on the wheel. This list takes precedence over the ## order in which the interpreter entries appear. Only the first 5 interpreters will appear on the wheel. # interpreters_shown_on_wheel= # One entry for each type of snippet. [[interpreters]] # Define the name and how to connect and execute the language. [[[hive]]] # The name of the snippet. name=Hive # The backend connection to use to communicate with the server. interface=hiveserver2 [[[impala]]] name=Impala interface=hiveserver2 [[[sparksql]]] name=SparkSql interface=hiveserver2 [[[spark]]] name=Scala interface=livy [[[pyspark]]] name=PySpark interface=livy [[[r]]] name=R interface=livy [[[jar]]] name=Spark Submit Jar interface=livy-batch [[[py]]] name=Spark Submit Python interface=livy-batch [[[text]]] name=Text interface=text [[[markdown]]] name=Markdown interface=text [[[mysql]]] name = MySQL interface=rdbms [[[sqlite]]] name = SQLite interface=rdbms [[[postgresql]]] name = PostgreSQL interface=rdbms [[[oracle]]] name = Oracle interface=rdbms [[[solr]]] name = Solr SQL interface=solr ## Name of the collection handler # options='{"collection": "default"}' [[[pig]]] name=Pig interface=oozie [[[java]]] name=Java interface=oozie [[[spark2]]] name=Spark interface=oozie [[[mapreduce]]] name=MapReduce interface=oozie [[[sqoop1]]] name=Sqoop1 interface=oozie [[[distcp]]] name=Distcp interface=oozie [[[shell]]] name=Shell interface=oozie #[[[mysql]]] # name=MySql JDBC # interface=jdbc # ## Specific options for connecting to the server. # ## The JDBC connectors, e.g. mysql.jar, need to be in the CLASSPATH environment variable. # ## If 'user' and 'password' are omitted, they will be prompted in the UI. # options='{"url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hue", "driver": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "user": "root", "password": "root"}' ########################################################################### # Settings to configure your Analytics Dashboards ########################################################################### [dashboard] ## Activate the Dashboard link in the menu. # is_enabled=true ## Activate the SQL Dashboard (beta). # has_sql_enabled=false [[engines]] # [[[solr]]] ## Requires Solr 6+ # analytics=false # nesting=false # [[[sql]]] # analytics=true # nesting=false ########################################################################### # Settings to configure your Hadoop cluster. ########################################################################### [hadoop] # Configuration for HDFS NameNode # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[hdfs_clusters]] # HA support by using HttpFs [[[default]]] # Enter the filesystem uri fs_defaultfs=hdfs://localhost:8020 # NameNode logical name. ## logical_name= # Use WebHdfs/HttpFs as the communication mechanism. # Domain should be the NameNode or HttpFs host. # Default port is 14000 for HttpFs. webhdfs_url=http://localhost:50070/webhdfs/v1 # Change this if your HDFS cluster is Kerberos-secured ## security_enabled=false # In secure mode (HTTPS), if SSL certificates from YARN Rest APIs # have to be verified against certificate authority ## ssl_cert_ca_verify=True # Directory of the Hadoop configuration hadoop_conf_dir='/etc/hadoop/conf' # Configuration for YARN (MR2) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[yarn_clusters]] [[[default]]] # Enter the host on which you are running the ResourceManager resourcemanager_host=localhost # The port where the ResourceManager IPC listens on resourcemanager_port=8032 # Whether to submit jobs to this cluster submit_to=True # Resource Manager logical name (required for HA) ## logical_name= # Change this if your YARN cluster is Kerberos-secured ## security_enabled=false # URL of the ResourceManager API resourcemanager_api_url=http://localhost:8088 # URL of the ProxyServer API proxy_api_url=http://localhost:8088 # URL of the HistoryServer API history_server_api_url=http://localhost:19888 # URL of the Spark History Server spark_history_server_url=http://localhost:18088 # In secure mode (HTTPS), if SSL certificates from YARN Rest APIs # have to be verified against certificate authority ## ssl_cert_ca_verify=True # HA support by specifying multiple clusters. # Redefine different properties there. # e.g. # [[[ha]]] # Resource Manager logical name (required for HA) ## logical_name=my-rm-name # Un-comment to enable ## submit_to=True # URL of the ResourceManager API ## resourcemanager_api_url=http://localhost:8088 # ... # Configuration for MapReduce (MR1) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[mapred_clusters]] [[[default]]] # Enter the host on which you are running the Hadoop JobTracker jobtracker_host=localhost # The port where the JobTracker IPC listens on ## jobtracker_port=8021 # JobTracker logical name for HA ## logical_name= # Thrift plug-in port for the JobTracker ## thrift_port=9290 # Whether to submit jobs to this cluster submit_to=False # Change this if your MapReduce cluster is Kerberos-secured ## security_enabled=false # HA support by specifying multiple clusters # e.g. # [[[ha]]] # Enter the logical name of the JobTrackers ## logical_name=my-jt-name ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Beeswax with Hive ########################################################################### [beeswax] # Host where HiveServer2 is running. # If Kerberos security is enabled, use fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). hive_server_host=localhost # Port where HiveServer2 Thrift server runs on. hive_server_port=10000 # Hive configuration directory, where hive-site.xml is located hive_conf_dir=/etc/hive/conf # Timeout in seconds for thrift calls to Hive service ## server_conn_timeout=120 # Choose whether to use the old GetLog() thrift call from before Hive 0.14 to retrieve the logs. # If false, use the FetchResults() thrift call from Hive 1.0 or more instead. ## use_get_log_api=false # Limit the number of partitions that can be listed. ## list_partitions_limit=10000 # The maximum number of partitions that will be included in the SELECT * LIMIT sample query for partitioned tables. ## query_partitions_limit=10 # A limit to the number of rows that can be downloaded from a query before it is truncated. # A value of -1 means there will be no limit. ## download_row_limit=100000 # Hue will try to close the Hive query when the user leaves the editor page. # This will free all the query resources in HiveServer2, but also make its results inaccessible. ## close_queries=false # Hue will use at most this many HiveServer2 sessions per user at a time. ## max_number_of_sessions=1 # Thrift version to use when communicating with HiveServer2. # New column format is from version 7. ## thrift_version=7 # A comma-separated list of white-listed Hive configuration properties that users are authorized to set. ## config_whitelist=hive.map.aggr,hive.exec.compress.output,hive.exec.parallel,hive.execution.engine,mapreduce.job.queuename # Override the default desktop username and password of the hue user used for authentications with other services. # e.g. Used for LDAP/PAM pass-through authentication. ## auth_username=hue ## auth_password= [[ssl]] # Path to Certificate Authority certificates. ## cacerts=/etc/hue/cacerts.pem # Choose whether Hue should validate certificates received from the server. ## validate=true ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Metastore ########################################################################### [metastore] # Flag to turn on the new version of the create table wizard. ## enable_new_create_table=true ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Impala ########################################################################### [impala] # Host of the Impala Server (one of the Impalad) ## server_host=localhost # Port of the Impala Server ## server_port=21050 # Kerberos principal ## impala_principal=impala/hostname.foo.com # Turn on/off impersonation mechanism when talking to Impala ## impersonation_enabled=False # Number of initial rows of a result set to ask Impala to cache in order # to support re-fetching them for downloading them. # Set to 0 for disabling the option and backward compatibility. ## querycache_rows=50000 # Timeout in seconds for thrift calls ## server_conn_timeout=120 # Hue will try to close the Impala query when the user leaves the editor page. # This will free all the query resources in Impala, but also make its results inaccessible. ## close_queries=true # If > 0, the query will be timed out (i.e. cancelled) if Impala does not do any work # (compute or send back results) for that query within QUERY_TIMEOUT_S seconds. ## query_timeout_s=600 # If > 0, the session will be timed out (i.e. cancelled) if Impala does not do any work # (compute or send back results) for that session within QUERY_TIMEOUT_S seconds (default 1 hour). ## session_timeout_s=3600 # Override the desktop default username and password of the hue user used for authentications with other services. # e.g. Used for LDAP/PAM pass-through authentication. ## auth_username=hue ## auth_password= # A comma-separated list of white-listed Impala configuration properties that users are authorized to set. # config_whitelist=debug_action,explain_level,mem_limit,optimize_partition_key_scans,query_timeout_s,request_pool # Path to the impala configuration dir which has impalad_flags file ## impala_conf_dir=${HUE_CONF_DIR}/impala-conf [[ssl]] # SSL communication enabled for this server. ## enabled=false # Path to Certificate Authority certificates. ## cacerts=/etc/hue/cacerts.pem # Choose whether Hue should validate certificates received from the server. ## validate=true ########################################################################### # Settings to configure the Spark application. ########################################################################### [spark] # Host address of the Livy Server. livy_server_host=localhost # Port of the Livy Server. livy_server_port=8998 # Configure Livy to start in local 'process' mode, or 'yarn' workers. livy_server_session_kind=yarn # Whether Livy requires client to perform Kerberos authentication. security_enabled=false # Host of the Sql Server sql_server_host=localhost # Port of the Sql Server sql_server_port=10015 ########################################################################### # Settings to configure the Oozie app ########################################################################### [oozie] # Location on local FS where the examples are stored. ## local_data_dir=..../examples # Location on local FS where the data for the examples is stored. ## sample_data_dir=...thirdparty/sample_data # Location on HDFS where the oozie examples and workflows are stored. # Parameters are $TIME and $USER, e.g. /user/$USER/hue/workspaces/workflow-$TIME ## remote_data_dir=/user/hue/oozie/workspaces # Maximum of Oozie workflows or coodinators to retrieve in one API call. ## oozie_jobs_count=100 # Use Cron format for defining the frequency of a Coordinator instead of the old frequency number/unit. ## enable_cron_scheduling=true # Flag to enable the saved Editor queries to be dragged and dropped into a workflow. ## enable_document_action=true # Flag to enable Oozie backend filtering instead of doing it at the page level in Javascript. Requires Oozie 4.3+. ## enable_oozie_backend_filtering=true # Flag to enable the Impala action. ## enable_impala_action=false ########################################################################### # Settings to configure the Filebrowser app ########################################################################### [filebrowser] # Location on local filesystem where the uploaded archives are temporary stored. ## archive_upload_tempdir=/tmp # Show Download Button for HDFS file browser. ## show_download_button=false # Show Upload Button for HDFS file browser. ## show_upload_button=false # Flag to enable the extraction of a uploaded archive in HDFS. ## enable_extract_uploaded_archive=false ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Pig ########################################################################### [pig] # Location of piggybank.jar on local filesystem. ## local_sample_dir=/usr/share/hue/apps/pig/examples # Location piggybank.jar will be copied to in HDFS. ## remote_data_dir=/user/hue/pig/examples ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Sqoop2 ########################################################################### [sqoop] # For autocompletion, fill out the librdbms section. # Sqoop server URL server_url=http://localhost:12000/sqoop # Path to configuration directory sqoop_conf_dir=/etc/sqoop2/conf ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Proxy ########################################################################### [proxy] # Comma-separated list of regular expressions, # which match 'host:port' of requested proxy target. whitelist=(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1):(50030|50070|50060|50075) # Comma-separated list of regular expressions, # which match any prefix of 'host:port/path' of requested proxy target. # This does not support matching GET parameters. ## blacklist= ########################################################################### # Settings to configure HBase Browser ########################################################################### [hbase] # Comma-separated list of HBase Thrift servers for clusters in the format of '(name|host:port)'. # Use full hostname with security. # If using Kerberos we assume GSSAPI SASL, not PLAIN. hbase_clusters=(Cluster|localhost:9090) # HBase configuration directory, where hbase-site.xml is located. hbase_conf_dir=/etc/hbase/conf # Hard limit of rows or columns per row fetched before truncating. ## truncate_limit = 500 # 'buffered' is the default of the HBase Thrift Server and supports security. # 'framed' can be used to chunk up responses, # which is useful when used in conjunction with the nonblocking server in Thrift. ## thrift_transport=buffered ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Solr Search ########################################################################### [search] # URL of the Solr Server ## solr_url=http://localhost:8983/solr/ # Requires FQDN in solr_url if enabled ## security_enabled=false ## Query sent when no term is entered ## empty_query=*:* ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Solr API lib ########################################################################### [libsolr] # Choose whether Hue should validate certificates received from the server. ## ssl_cert_ca_verify=true # Default path to Solr in ZooKeeper. ## solr_zk_path=/solr ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Solr Indexer ########################################################################### [indexer] # Location of the solrctl binary. ## solrctl_path=/usr/bin/solrctl # Flag to turn on the morphline based Solr indexer. ## enable_new_indexer=false # Oozie workspace template for indexing. ## config_indexer_libs_path=/tmp/smart_indexer_lib # Flag to turn on the new metadata importer. ## enable_new_importer=false ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Job Designer ########################################################################### [jobsub] # Location on local FS where examples and template are stored. ## local_data_dir=..../data # Location on local FS where sample data is stored ## sample_data_dir=...thirdparty/sample_data ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Job Browser. ########################################################################### [jobbrowser] # Share submitted jobs information with all users. If set to false, # submitted jobs are visible only to the owner and administrators. ## share_jobs=true # Whether to disalbe the job kill button for all users in the jobbrowser ## disable_killing_jobs=false # Offset in bytes where a negative offset will fetch the last N bytes for the given log file (default 1MB). ## log_offset=-1000000 # Maximum number of jobs to fetch and display when pagination is not supported for the type. ## max_job_fetch=500 # Show the version 2 of app which unifies all the past browsers into one. ## enable_v2=false ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Sentry / Security App. ########################################################################### [security] # Use Sentry API V1 for Hive. ## hive_v1=true # Use Sentry API V2 for Hive. ## hive_v2=false # Use Sentry API V2 for Solr. ## solr_v2=true ########################################################################### # Settings to configure the Zookeeper application. ########################################################################### [zookeeper] [[clusters]] [[[default]]] # Zookeeper ensemble. Comma separated list of Host/Port. # e.g. localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183 host_ports=localhost:2181 # The URL of the REST contrib service (required for znode browsing). rest_url=http://localhost:9998 # Name of Kerberos principal when using security. principal_name=zookeeper ########################################################################### # Settings for the User Admin application ########################################################################### [useradmin] # Default home directory permissions ## home_dir_permissions=0755 # The name of the default user group that users will be a member of ## default_user_group=default [[password_policy]] # Set password policy to all users. The default policy requires password to be at least 8 characters long, # and contain both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. ## is_enabled=false ## pwd_regex="^(?=.*?[A-Z])(?=(.*[a-z]){1,})(?=(.*[\d]){1,})(?=(.*[\W_]){1,}).{8,}$" ## pwd_hint="The password must be at least 8 characters long, and must contain both uppercase and lowercase letters, at least one number, and at least one special character." ## pwd_error_message="The password must be at least 8 characters long, and must contain both uppercase and lowercase letters, at least one number, and at least one special character." ########################################################################### # Settings to configure liboozie ########################################################################### [liboozie] # The URL where the Oozie service runs on. This is required in order for # users to submit jobs. Empty value disables the config check. ## oozie_url=http://localhost:11000/oozie # Requires FQDN in oozie_url if enabled ## security_enabled=false # Location on HDFS where the workflows/coordinator are deployed when submitted. ## remote_deployement_dir=/user/hue/oozie/deployments ########################################################################### # Settings for the AWS lib ########################################################################### [aws] [[aws_accounts]] # Default AWS account ## [[[default]]] # AWS credentials ## access_key_id= ## secret_access_key= ## security_token= # Execute this script to produce the AWS access key ID. ## access_key_id_script=/path/access_key_id.sh # Execute this script to produce the AWS secret access key. ## secret_access_key_script=/path/secret_access_key.sh # Allow to use either environment variables or # EC2 InstanceProfile to retrieve AWS credentials. ## allow_environment_credentials=yes # AWS region to use, if no region is specified, will attempt to connect to standard s3.amazonaws.com endpoint ## region=us-east-1 # Endpoint overrides ## host= # Proxy address and port ## proxy_address= ## proxy_port=8080 ## proxy_user= ## proxy_pass= # Secure connections are the default, but this can be explicitly overridden: ## is_secure=true # The default calling format uses https://<bucket-name>.s3.amazonaws.com but # this may not make sense if DNS is not configured in this way for custom endpoints. # e.g. Use boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat for https://s3.amazonaws.com/<bucket-name> ## calling_format=boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat ########################################################################### # Settings for the Sentry lib ########################################################################### [libsentry] # Hostname or IP of server. ## hostname=localhost # Port the sentry service is running on. ## port=8038 # Sentry configuration directory, where sentry-site.xml is located. ## sentry_conf_dir=/etc/sentry/conf # Number of seconds when the privilege list of a user is cached. ## privilege_checker_caching=30 ########################################################################### # Settings to configure the ZooKeeper Lib ########################################################################### [libzookeeper] # ZooKeeper ensemble. Comma separated list of Host/Port. # e.g. localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183 ## ensemble=localhost:2181 # Name of Kerberos principal when using security. ## principal_name=zookeeper ########################################################################### # Settings for the RDBMS application ########################################################################### [librdbms] # The RDBMS app can have any number of databases configured in the databases # section. A database is known by its section name # (IE sqlite, mysql, psql, and oracle in the list below). [[databases]] # sqlite configuration. ## [[[sqlite]]] # Name to show in the UI. ## nice_name=SQLite # For SQLite, name defines the path to the database. ## name=/tmp/sqlite.db # Database backend to use. ## engine=sqlite # Database options to send to the server when connecting. # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/databases/ ## options={} # mysql, oracle, or postgresql configuration. ## [[[mysql]]] # Name to show in the UI. ## nice_name="My SQL DB" # For MySQL and PostgreSQL, name is the name of the database. # For Oracle, Name is instance of the Oracle server. For express edition # this is 'xe' by default. ## name=mysqldb # Database backend to use. This can be: # 1. mysql # 2. postgresql # 3. oracle ## engine=mysql # IP or hostname of the database to connect to. ## host=localhost # Port the database server is listening to. Defaults are: # 1. MySQL: 3306 # 2. PostgreSQL: 5432 # 3. Oracle Express Edition: 1521 ## port=3306 # Username to authenticate with when connecting to the database. ## user=example # Password matching the username to authenticate with when # connecting to the database. ## password=example # Database options to send to the server when connecting. # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/databases/ ## options={} ########################################################################### # Settings to configure SAML ########################################################################### [libsaml] # Xmlsec1 binary path. This program should be executable by the user running Hue. ## xmlsec_binary=/usr/local/bin/xmlsec1 # Entity ID for Hue acting as service provider. # Can also accept a pattern where '<base_url>' will be replaced with server URL base. ## entity_id="<base_url>/saml2/metadata/" # Create users from SSO on login. ## create_users_on_login=true # Required attributes to ask for from IdP. # This requires a comma separated list. ## required_attributes=uid # Optional attributes to ask for from IdP. # This requires a comma separated list. ## optional_attributes= # IdP metadata in the form of a file. This is generally an XML file containing metadata that the Identity Provider generates. ## metadata_file= # Private key to encrypt metadata with. ## key_file= # Signed certificate to send along with encrypted metadata. ## cert_file= # Path to a file containing the password private key. ## key_file_password=/path/key # Execute this script to produce the private key password. This will be used when 'key_file_password' is not set. ## key_file_password_script=/path/pwd.sh # A mapping from attributes in the response from the IdP to django user attributes. ## user_attribute_mapping={'uid': ('username', )} # Have Hue initiated authn requests be signed and provide a certificate. ## authn_requests_signed=false # Have Hue initiated logout requests be signed and provide a certificate. ## logout_requests_signed=false # Username can be sourced from 'attributes' or 'nameid'. ## username_source=attributes # Performs the logout or not. ## logout_enabled=true ########################################################################### # Settings to configure OpenID ########################################################################### [libopenid] # (Required) OpenId SSO endpoint url. ## server_endpoint_url=https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id # OpenId 1.1 identity url prefix to be used instead of SSO endpoint url # This is only supported if you are using an OpenId 1.1 endpoint ## identity_url_prefix=https://app.onelogin.com/openid/your_company.com/ # Create users from OPENID on login. ## create_users_on_login=true # Use email for username ## use_email_for_username=true ########################################################################### # Settings to configure OAuth ########################################################################### [liboauth] # NOTE: # To work, each of the active (i.e. uncommented) service must have # applications created on the social network. # Then the "consumer key" and "consumer secret" must be provided here. # # The addresses where to do so are: # Twitter: https://dev.twitter.com/apps # Google+ : https://cloud.google.com/ # Facebook: https://developers.facebook.com/apps # Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer # # Additionnaly, the following must be set in the application settings: # Twitter: Callback URL (aka Redirect URL) must be set to http://YOUR_HUE_IP_OR_DOMAIN_NAME/oauth/social_login/oauth_authenticated # Google+ : CONSENT SCREEN must have email address # Facebook: Sandbox Mode must be DISABLED # Linkedin: "In OAuth User Agreement", r_emailaddress is REQUIRED # The Consumer key of the application ## consumer_key_twitter= ## consumer_key_google= ## consumer_key_facebook= ## consumer_key_linkedin= # The Consumer secret of the application ## consumer_secret_twitter= ## consumer_secret_google= ## consumer_secret_facebook= ## consumer_secret_linkedin= # The Request token URL ## request_token_url_twitter=https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token ## request_token_url_google=https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth ## request_token_url_linkedin=https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/authorization ## request_token_url_facebook=https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize # The Access token URL ## access_token_url_twitter=https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token ## access_token_url_google=https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token ## access_token_url_facebook=https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token ## access_token_url_linkedin=https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/accessToken # The Authenticate URL ## authenticate_url_twitter=https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize ## authenticate_url_google=https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo?access_token= ## authenticate_url_facebook=https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token= ## authenticate_url_linkedin=https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~:(email-address)?format=json&oauth2_access_token= # Username Map. Json Hash format. # Replaces username parts in order to simplify usernames obtained # Example: {"@sub1.domain.com":"_S1", "@sub2.domain.com":"_S2"} # converts 'email@sub1.domain.com' to 'email_S1' ## username_map={} # Whitelisted domains (only applies to Google OAuth). CSV format. ## whitelisted_domains_google= ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Metadata ########################################################################### [metadata] [[optimizer]] # Hostname to Optimizer API or compatible service. ## hostname=navoptapi.us-west-1.optimizer.altus.cloudera.com # The name of the key of the service. ## auth_key_id=e0819f3a-1e6f-4904-be69-5b704bacd1245 # The private part of the key associated with the auth_key. ## auth_key_secret='-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY....' # Execute this script to produce the auth_key secret. This will be used when `auth_key_secret` is not set. ## auth_key_secret_script=/path/to/script.sh # The name of the workload where queries are uploaded and optimizations are calculated from. Automatically guessed from auth_key and cluster_id if not specified. ## tenant_id= # Perform Sentry privilege filtering. # Default to true automatically if the cluster is secure. ## apply_sentry_permissions=False # Cache timeout in milliseconds for the Optimizer metadata used in assist, autocomplete, etc. # Defaults to 1 hour, set to 0 to disable caching. ## cacheable_ttl=3600000 # Automatically upload queries after their execution in order to improve recommendations. ## auto_upload_queries=true # Allow admins to upload the last N executed queries in the quick start wizard. Use 0 to disable. ## query_history_upload_limit=10000 [[navigator]] # Navigator API URL (without version suffix). ## api_url=http://localhost:7187/api # Which authentication to use: CM or external via LDAP or SAML. ## navmetadataserver_auth_type=CMDB # Username of the CM user used for authentication. ## navmetadataserver_cmdb_user=hue # CM password of the user used for authentication. ## navmetadataserver_cmdb_password= # Execute this script to produce the CM password. This will be used when the plain password is not set. # navmetadataserver_cmdb_password_script= # Username of the LDAP user used for authentication. ## navmetadataserver_ldap_user=hue # LDAP password of the user used for authentication. ## navmetadataserver_ldap_ppassword= # Execute this script to produce the LDAP password. This will be used when the plain password is not set. ## navmetadataserver_ldap_password_script= # Username of the SAML user used for authentication. ## navmetadataserver_saml_user=hue ## SAML password of the user used for authentication. # navmetadataserver_saml_password= # Execute this script to produce the SAML password. This will be used when the plain password is not set. ## navmetadataserver_saml_password_script= # Perform Sentry privilege filtering. # Default to true automatically if the cluster is secure. ## apply_sentry_permissions=False # Max number of items to fetch in one call in object search. ## fetch_size_search=450 # Max number of items to fetch in one call in object search autocomplete. ## fetch_size_search_interactive=450 # If metadata search is enabled, also show the search box in the left assist. ## enable_file_search=false