1.1 Introduction (computer abstractions and technology)

1.1 Introduction api


Welcome to this book! 歡迎來到這本書。promise

We are delighted to have this apportunity to convey the excitement of the world of computer systems.app


一.delight/dilait/ CET4 delighting, delighted,delightsthis

1. N-uncount 不可數名詞 delight is a feeling of very great pleasure. 高興,欣喜idea

Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and delight. 整個房子,目之所及不停帶來驚奇和欣喜。spa

Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby. 安德魯聽到雷切爾給那個嬰兒起的愛稱時,高興地叫起來。設計

2. PHRASE 習語orm

If someone takes  delight or takes a delight in something, they get a lot of pleasure from it. 以...爲樂three

Haig took obvious delight in proving his citics wrong.


3. N-count  可數名詞 You can reffer to something or someone that gives you gives you great pleasure or enjoyment as a delight. 樂事,樂趣:

The air-craft was a delight to fly. 駕乘這種飛機是一件樂事。

4.VT及物動詞 If something delights you, it gives you a lot of pleasure. 使高興;使欣喜

She has created a style of music that has delighted audiences all over the world. 她創立了一種爲全世界聽衆所喜好的音樂風格。

二. convey  CET4 /kənvei/ conveys; conveying; conveyed;

1. VT 及物動詞 To convey information or feelings means to cause them to be cause them to be known or understood by someone. 傳達

When  I returned home, I tried to convey the wonder of this machine to my husband. 回到家以後, 我設法讓我丈夫知道這臺機器的神奇之處。

In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy. 她的每一張畫都有一種直觀性。

This is not a dry and dreary field, where progress is glacial and where new ideas atrophy from neglect.



 三.dreary /driəri/ CET6+ drearier, dreariest

1. adj. 形容詞

If you describe something as dreary, you mean that it is dull and depressing. 沉悶的;枯燥無味的;

... a dreary little town in the Midwest. ... 中西部一個沉悶的小鎮。

四. glacial /gleiʃəl/  1. adj. 形容詞, technical 技術

glacial means relating to or produced by glaciers or ice. 冰河的;冰的

... a true glacial landscape with U-shaped valleys.   ... U 形山谷中的真正的冰河地貌。

2. adj 形容詞If you say that something moves or changes at a glacial pace, you are emphasizing that it moves or changes very slowly. [usu adj. n] 很是緩慢的;

Change occurs at a glacial pace. 變化來得極爲緩慢。

五. atrophy /ætrəfi/ n. 萎縮;衰退;

vt. & vi (使) 萎縮,(使)虛脫;(使)衰退;

六. neglect  CET4 /nigləkt/ neglects, neglecting, neglected

1. VT及物動詞 If you neglect someone or something, you fail to take care of them properly. 疏於照管

The woman denied that she neglected her child. 那位婦女否定疏於照管她的孩子。

Feed plants and they grow, neglect them and they suffer. 給植物施肥,它們就生長;疏於照管,它們就遭殃。

2. N-uncount 不可數名詞 neglect is also a noun.疏於照管。

The town's old quayside is collapsing after years of neglect. 這座小鎮的舊碼頭在多年疏於保養後快要坍塌了。

3. VT 及物動詞 If you neglect someone or something, you fail to give them the amount of attention that they deserve. 忽視

He'd given too much to his career, worked long hours, neglected her. 他在事業上投入太多了,長時間地工做,冷落了她。

ne+glect+ed  ADJ. 形容詞 被忽視的

The fact that she is not coming today makes her grandfather feel lonely and neglected. 她今天不來了,這讓她的祖母感到孤單。 

... a neglected aspect of the city's forgotten history. ... 這座城市被遺忘的歷史中一個被忽略的方面。

VT 及物動詞

If you neglect to do something that you ought to do or neglect your duty, you fail to do it. 疏忽

We often neglect to make proper use of our bodies. 咱們常常疏忽了合理使用咱們的身體。


No! Computers are the product of incredibly vibrant information technology industry,  all aspect of which are responsible for almost 10% of the gross national product of the United States, and whose economy has become department in part on the rapid improvements in information  technology promised by Moore's Law.

七. incredible/inkrədibəl/  CET4 

1. ADJ. 形容詞

If you describle something or someone as incredible, you like them very much or are impressed by them, because they are extremely or usually good. 極好的

The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain.  這場雨事後,野花將開得很是好。

.in+cred+ibly // adv 副詞 [adv+adj/adv] 極好地

Their father was incredibly good-looking. 他的父親十分英俊。

adj. 形容詞

If you say that something is incredible, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising, and you can not believe it is really true, although it may be . 難以置信的

It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war. 在戰爭期間,人們仍然想踢足球,這彷佛難以想象。

.in+cred+ibly   adv. 副詞  難以置信地

Incredibly, some people do not like the name. 難以置信的是, 有些人不喜歡這個名字。

ADJ. 形容詞

You use incredible to emphasize the degree, amount, or intensity of something. 很是的

I worked an incredible amount of hours. 我工做的時間極長。

in+cred+ibly   ADV 副詞

[ADV +adj/adv] 很是地

It was incredibly hard work. 那是個很是艱辛的工做。

八. vibrant /vaibrənt/ 

1. adj 形容詞

Someone or something that is vibrant is full of life, energy, and enthusiasm. 充滿活力的

Tom felt himself being drawn toward her vibrant personality. 湯姆感到自已正被她充滿活力的個性所吸引。

... Shakespeare's vibrant language. ... 莎士比亞那充滿活力的語言。

. vi+bran+cy

She was a woman with extra-ordinary vibrancy and extra-ordinary knowledge. 她是一個活力四射、知識淵博的女性。

ADJ 形容詞

vibrant colors are very bright and clear.鮮亮的;色彩;

Horizon blue, corn yellow, and pistachio green are just three of the vibrant colors in this range.


. vi+brant+ly  adv 副詞 [adv adj] 鮮亮地

... a selection of vibrantly colored French cast-iron saucepans. 一套精選的色彩鮮亮的法國鑄鐵燉鍋。

This unusual industry embraces innovation at a breath-taking rate.

九.innovation /inəveiʃən/  CET6  innovations

1. N-count 可數名詞

An innovation is a new thing or a new method of doing something. 新事物;新方法;

They produced the first vegetarian beanburger an innovation which was rapidly exported. 他們製造出第一個素式豆堡包一種被迅速銷往國外的新食品。

2. N-uncount 不可數名詞

innovation is the introduction of new ideas, methods, or things. 創新;革新;

We must promote originality, inspire creativity and encourage innovation. 咱們必須提倡首創性,激發創造力,鼓勵創新。

 十. embrace/imbreis/ embraces, embracing, embraced

1. v-recip 相互動詞

If you embrace someone, you put your arms around them and hold them tightly, usually in order to show your love or affection for them. You can also say that two people embrace. 擁抱

Penelope came forward and embraced her sister. 佩內洛普走上前擁抱了她的妹妹。

At first people were sort of crying for joy and embracing each other. 開始時, 人們有點喜極而泣,互相擁抱。

2.N-count 可數名詞 embrace is also a noun. 擁抱。

... a young couple locked in an embrace. ...牢牢相擁的年輕一對。

3. VT 及物動詞  Formal 正式

If you embrace a change, political system, or idea, you accept it and start supporting it or believing in it. 欣然接受, 信奉

He embraces the new information age. 他歡迎新的信息時代。

4. N-sing 單數型名詞; embrace is also a noun. 欣然接受;信奉;

The marriage signaled James's embrace of the Catholic faith. 這場婚姻標誌着詹姆士對天主教的信奉。

5. VT 及物動詞

If something embraces a group of people, things, or ideas, it includes them in a larger group or category. 囊括

... a theory that would embrace field of human endeavor. ... 一個會囊括整我的類奮鬥領域的理論。


In the last 30 years, there have been a number of new computers whose introduction appeared to revolutionize the computer industry; these revolutions were cut short only because someone else even better computer.

十一. revolution // CET4


1. N-count 可數名詞

A revolution is a successful attempt by a large group of people to change the political system of their country by force. 革命

The period since the revolution has been one of political turmoil. 自革命以來的這一段時期是一個動盪的時期。

2. N-count 可數名詞

A revolution in a particular area of human activity is an important change in that area. 重大變革

The nineteenth century witnessed a revolution in ship design and propulsion.

19 世紀經歷了船舶設計和推動上的一次重大變革。
