在Java中,當你須要統一處理異常的時候,你是會選擇catch (Exception),仍是直接catch (Throwable)?java
其實只要是Throwable和其子類都是能夠throw和catch的,那麼若是在須要統一處理異常的地方,咱們應該catch (Throwable th) 仍是 catch (Exception)呢?spring
這兩種處理的區別在於,catch throwable會把Error和其餘繼承Throwable的類捕捉到。而catch Exception只會捕捉Exception極其子類,捕捉的範圍更小。先不考慮有其餘的類繼承了Throwable的狀況下(附錄A),第一種catch至關於比第二種catch多捕捉了把Error和其子類。json
An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch. Most such errors are abnormal conditions. The ThreadDeath error, though a "normal" condition, is also a subclass of Error because most applications should not try to catch it.網絡
A method is not required to declare in its throws clause any subclasses of Error that might be thrown during the execution of the method but not caught, since these errors are abnormal conditions that should never occur.app
Java Lanuage Spec 7 中也提到:Error繼承自Throwable而不是繼承自Exception,是爲了方便程序可使用 "catch (Exception)"來捕捉異常而不會把Error也捕捉在內,由於Exception發生後能夠進行一些恢復工做的,可是Error發生後通常是不可恢復的。框架
The class Error is a separate subclass ofThrowable, distinct from Exception in the class hierarchy, to allow programs to use the idiom "} catch (Exception e) { " (§11.2.3) to catch all exceptions from which recovery may be possible without catching errors from which recovery is typically not possible.ui
已經不難看出,Java自己設計思路就是但願你們catch Exception就足夠了,若是有Error發生,catch了也不會有什麼做用(附錄B)。spa
假設進行網絡鏈接操做的時候,IOException 發生了,多是網絡中斷,我能夠再嘗試幾回。
假設OutOfMemoryError發生了,就算被捕捉了,能夠有什麼手段讓程序正常運行下去嗎? 假設ExceptionInInitializerError發生了,類沒法被正常初始化,這個是能夠經過捕捉來恢復的嗎?