def fib_direct(n): assert n > 0, 'invalid n' if n < 3: return 1 else: return fib_direct(n - 1) + fib_direct(n - 2)
。T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2),用常係數線性齊次遞推方程的解法,解出遞推方程的特徵根,特徵根裏最大的n次方就是它的時間複雜度O(1.618^n),指數級增加。github
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def shout(word="yes"): return word.capitalize() + "!" print shout() # outputs: Yes! """ As an object, you can assign the function to a variable like any other object. Notice we don't use parentheses: we are not calling the function, we are putting the function "shout" into the variable "scream". """ scream = shout print scream() # outputs: Yes! """ More than that, it means you can remove the old name 'shout', and the function will still be accessible from 'scream'. """ del shout try: print shout() except NameError, e: print e # outputs: name 'shout' is not defined print scream() # outputs: 'Yes!'
def talk(): # You can define a function on the fly in "talk" def whisper(word="yes"): return word.lower()+"..." print whisper() """ You call "talk", that defines "whisper" EVERY TIME you call it, then "whisper" is called in "talk". """ talk() # outputs: yes... # But "whisper" DOES NOT EXIST outside "talk". try: print whisper() except NameError, e: print e # outputs : name 'whisper' is not defined
def get_talk(kind="shout"): def whisper(word="yes"): return word.lower() + "..." def shout(word="yes"): return word.capitalize() + "!" return whisper if kind == "whisper" else shout # Get the function and assign it to a variable talk = get_talk() # You can see that "talk" is here a function object: print talk # outputs : <function shout at 0x107ae9578> print talk() # outputs : Yes! # And you can even use it directly if you feel wild: print get_talk("whisper")() # outputs : yes...
def whisper(word="yes"): return word.lower() + "..." def do_something_before(func): print "I do something before." print "Now the function you gave me:\n", func() do_something_before(whisper) """outputs I do something before. Now the function you gave me: yes... """
def my_shiny_new_decorator(a_function_to_decorate): """ Inside, the decorator defines a function on the fly: the wrapper. This function is going to be wrapped around the original function so it can execute code before and after it. """ def the_wrapper_around_the_original_function(): """ Put here the code you want to be executed BEFORE the original function is called """ print "Before the function runs" # Call the function here (using parentheses) a_function_to_decorate() """ Put here the code you want to be executed AFTER the original function is called """ print "After the function runs" """ At this point, "a_function_to_decorate" HAS NEVER BEEN EXECUTED. We return the wrapper function we have just created. The wrapper contains the function and the code to execute before and after. It’s ready to use! """ return the_wrapper_around_the_original_function # Now imagine you create a function you don't want to ever touch again. def a_stand_alone_function(): print "I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me" a_stand_alone_function() # outputs: I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me """ Well, you can decorate it to extend its behavior. Just pass it to the decorator, it will wrap it dynamically in any code you want and return you a new function ready to be used: """ a_stand_alone_function_decorated = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function) a_stand_alone_function_decorated() """outputs: Before the function runs I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me After the function runs """
a_stand_alone_function = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function)
@my_shiny_new_decorator def another_stand_alone_function(): print "Leave me alone" another_stand_alone_function() """outputs: Before the function runs Leave me alone After the function runs """
是another_stand_alone_function = my_shiny_new_decorator(another_stand_alone_function)
def bread(func): def wrapper(): print "</''''''\>" func() print "<\______/>" return wrapper def ingredients(func): def wrapper(): print "#tomatoes#" func() print "~salad~" return wrapper def sandwich(food="--ham--"): print food sandwich() # outputs: --ham-- sandwich = bread(ingredients(sandwich)) sandwich() """outputs: </''''''\> #tomatoes# --ham-- ~salad~ <\______/> """
@bread @ingredients def sandwich_2(food="--ham_2--"): print food sandwich_2()
@ingredients @bread def strange_sandwich(food="--ham--"): print food strange_sandwich() """outputs: #tomatoes# </''''''\> --ham-- <\______/> ~salad~ """
def a_decorator_passing_arguments(function_to_decorate): def a_wrapper_accepting_arguments(arg1, arg2): print "I got args! Look:", arg1, arg2 function_to_decorate(arg1, arg2) return a_wrapper_accepting_arguments """ Since when you are calling the function returned by the decorator, you are calling the wrapper, passing arguments to the wrapper will let it pass them to the decorated function """ @a_decorator_passing_arguments def print_full_name(first_name, last_name): print "My name is", first_name, last_name print_full_name("Peter", "Venkman") """outputs: I got args! Look: Peter Venkman My name is Peter Venkman """
def method_friendly_decorator(method_to_decorate): def wrapper(self, lie): lie = lie - 3 return method_to_decorate(self, lie) return wrapper class Lucy(object): def __init__(self): self.age = 32 @method_friendly_decorator def sayYourAge(self, lie): print "I am %s, what did you think?" % (self.age + lie) l = Lucy() l.sayYourAge(-3) # outputs: I am 26, what did you think?
咱們還能夠建立一個通用的裝飾器,能夠用於全部的方法或者函數,並且不用考慮它的參數狀況。這時候,咱們要用到*args, **kwargs
def a_decorator_passing_arbitrary_arguments(function_to_decorate): # The wrapper accepts any arguments def a_wrapper_accepting_arbitrary_arguments(*args, **kwargs): print "Do I have args?:" print args print kwargs # Then you unpack the arguments, here *args, **kwargs # If you are not familiar with unpacking, check: # http://www.saltycrane.com/blog/2008/01/how-to-use-args-and-kwargs-in-python/ function_to_decorate(*args, **kwargs) return a_wrapper_accepting_arbitrary_arguments
另外還有一些高級用法,這裏不作詳細說明,能夠在How can I make a chain of function decorators in Python?進一步深刻了解裝飾器。
裝飾器封裝了函數,這使得調試函數變得困難。不過在python 2.5引入了functools
# For debugging, the stacktrace prints you the function __name__ def foo(): print "foo" print foo.__name__ # outputs: foo def bar(func): def wrapper(): print "bar" return func() return wrapper @bar def foo(): print "foo" print foo.__name__ # outputs: wrapper import functools def bar(func): # We say that "wrapper", is wrapping "func" # and the magic begins @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(): print "bar" return func() return wrapper @bar def foo(): print "foo" print foo.__name__ # outputs: foo
from functools import wraps def cache(func): caches = {} @wraps(func) def wrap(*args): if args not in caches: caches[args] = func(*args) return caches[args] return wrap @cache def fib_cache(n): assert n > 0, 'invalid n' if n < 3: return 1 else: return fib_cache(n - 1) + fib_cache(n - 2)
How can I make a chain of function decorators in Python?
how to use args and kwargs in python?
Fibonacci, recursion and decorators