Given the radius and x-y positions of the center of a circle, write a function randPoint which generates a uniform random point in the circle. Note: 1. input and output values are in floating-point. 2. radius and x-y position of the center of the circle is passed into the class constructor. 3. a point on the circumference of the circle is considered to be in the circle. 4. randPoint returns a size 2 array containing x-position and y-position of the random point, in that order. Example 1: Input: ["Solution","randPoint","randPoint","randPoint"] [[1,0,0],[],[],[]] Output: [null,[-0.72939,-0.65505],[-0.78502,-0.28626],[-0.83119,-0.19803]] Example 2: Input: ["Solution","randPoint","randPoint","randPoint"] [[10,5,-7.5],[],[],[]] Output: [null,[11.52438,-8.33273],[2.46992,-16.21705],[11.13430,-12.42337]] Explanation of Input Syntax: The input is two lists: the subroutines called and their arguments. Solution's constructor has three arguments, the radius, x-position of the center, and y-position of the center of the circle. randPoint has no arguments. Arguments are always wrapped with a list, even if there aren't any.
該思路很簡單,即取可以容下該圓的最小正方形,而且隨機生成該正方形內的點。若是點不在圓內,則繼續從新生成。正方形內等機率的隨機點很好生成,能夠直接利用JAVA內置的隨機數生成器便可。x座標的隨機數範圍爲[x-radius, x+radius], y座標的隨機數範圍爲[y-radius, y+radius]。代碼以下:網絡
public double[] randPoint2() { double x0 = x_center - radius; double y0 = y_center - radius; while(true) { double xg = x0 + Math.random() * radius * 2; double yg = y0 + Math.random() * radius * 2; if (Math.pow((xg - x_center) , 2) + Math.pow((yg - y_center), 2) <= radius * radius) return new double[]{xg, yg}; } }
假如咱們可以利用極座標的思想,先從(0, 360]度之間生成一個隨機的角度,再在[0, radius]之間生成一個隨機的長度,理論上就能夠了。可是經過這種方式生成的隨機點會明顯的在靠近圓心的位置密度更大,以下圖所示(圖片來源於網絡):app
接着要先介紹兩個機率論中的概念:機率密度函數(probability density function 簡稱pdf)和累計分佈函數(Cumulative Distribution Function 簡稱 cdf)。函數
機率密度函數是指某個隨機數生成器生成的數字在某個點附近的機率值。好比如今有一個隨機數生成器可以等機率生成[a,b]區間的任意一個數,則其pdf(x)= 1/(b-a)
累計分佈函數對離散變量而言,全部小於等於a的值出現機率的和。仍是以[a,b]區間的等機率隨機數生成器爲例,cdf(x)表示隨機數生成器生成的數位於[a,x]區間內的機率,其值爲cdf(x)=(x-a)/(b-a) a<=x<=b
public double[] randPoint() { double len= Math.sqrt(Math.random())*radius; double deg= Math.random()*2*Math.PI; double x= x_center+len*Math.cos(deg); double y= y_center+len*Math.sin(deg); return new double[]{x,y}; }