Docker Pure-ftpd Server

Pull down latest version with docker:mysql
docker pull stilliard/pure-ftpd:hardened
Often needing to run as sudo
, e.g. sudo docker pull stilliard/pure-ftpd
If you want to make changes, my advice is to either change the run command when running it or extend this image to make any changes rather than forking the project.
This is because rebuilding the entire docker image via a fork can be very slow as it rebuilds the entire pure-ftpd package from source.git
To change the command run on start you could use the command:
option if using docker-compose
, or with docker run
directly you could use:github
docker run --rm -d --name ftpd_server -p 21:21 -p 30000-30009:30000-30009 stilliard/pure-ftpd:hardened bash / -c 30 -C 10 -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb -E -j -R -P localhost -p 30000:30059
To extend it you can create a new project with a DOCKERFILE
like so:web
FROM stilliard/pure-ftpd
# e.g. you could change the defult command run:
CMD / -c 30 -C 10 -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb -E -j -R -P $PUBLICHOST -p 30000:30059
Then you can build your own image, docker build --rm -t my-pure-ftp .
, where my-pure-ftp is the name you want to build assql
Starting it
docker run -d --name ftpd_server -p 21:21 -p 30000-30009:30000-30009 -e "PUBLICHOST=localhost" stilliard/pure-ftpd:hardened
Or for your own image, replace stilliard/pure-ftpd with the name you built it with, e.g. my-pure-ftpshell
You can also pass ADDED_FLAGS as an env variable to add additional options such as --tls to the pure-ftpd command.
e.g. -e "ADDED_FLAGS=--tls=2"
Operating it
docker exec -it ftpd_server /bin/bash
Setting runtime FTP user
To create a user on the ftp container, use the following environment variables: FTP_USER_NAME
is the root directory of the new user.
Example usage:
docker run -e FTP_USER_NAME=bob -e FTP_USER_PASS=12345 -e FTP_USER_HOME=/home/bob stilliard/pure-ftpd
If you wish to set the UID
of the FTP user, use the FTP_USER_UID
environment variables.
Using different passive ports
To use passive ports in a different range (eg: 10000-10009
), use the following setup:
docker run -e FTP_PASSIVE_PORTS=10000:10009 --expose=10000-10009 -p 21:21 -p 10000-10009:10000-10009
You may need the --expose=
option, because default passive ports exposed are 30000
to 30009
Example usage once inside
Create an ftp user: e.g. bob with chroot access only to /home/ftpusers/bob
pure-pw useradd bob -f /etc/pure-ftpd/passwd/pureftpd.passwd -m -u ftpuser -d /home/ftpusers/bob
No restart should be needed.
If you have any trouble with volume permissions due to the uid or gid of the created user you can change the -u flag for the uid you would like to use and/or specify -g with the group id as well. For more information see issue #35.
More info on usage here:
Test your connection
From the host machine:
ftp -p localhost 21
Docker compose
Docker compose can help you simplify the orchestration of your containers.
We have a simple example of the docker compose.
& here's a more detailed example using wordpress with ftp using this image.
Max clients
By default we set 5 max clients at once, but you can increase this by using the following environment variable FTP_MAX_CLIENTS
, e.g. to FTP_MAX_CLIENTS=50
and then also increasing the number of public ports opened from FTP_PASSIVE_PORTS=30000:30009
. You'll also want to open those ports when running docker run. In addition you can specify the maximum connections per ip by setting the environment variable FTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS
. By default the value is 5.
All Pure-ftpd flags available:
To get verbose logs add the following to your docker run
-e "ADDED_FLAGS=-d -d"
Then if you exec into the container you could watch over the log with tail -f /var/log/messages
Want a transfer log file? add the following to your docker run
-e "ADDED_FLAGS=-O w3c:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log"
Latest versions
Previous version before tags were introduced
- incase you want to roll back to before we started using debian jessie
Specific pure-ftpd versions
- jessie + specific versions, e.g. jessie-1.0.36
- hardened + specific versions
Check the tags on github for available versions, feel free to submit issues and/or pull requests for newer versions
Usage of specific tags: sudo docker pull stilliard/pure-ftpd:hardened-1.0.36
An arm64 build is also available here: - Thanks @zhabba
Our default pure-ftpd options explained
/usr/sbin/pure-ftpd # path to pure-ftpd executable
-c 5 # --maxclientsnumber (no more than 5 people at once)
-C 5 # --maxclientsperip (no more than 5 requests from the same ip)
-l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb # --login (login file for virtual users)
-E # --noanonymous (only real users)
-j # --createhomedir (auto create home directory if it doesnt already exist)
-R # --nochmod (prevent usage of the CHMOD command)
-P $PUBLICHOST # IP/Host setting for PASV support, passed in your the PUBLICHOST env var
-p 30000:30009 # PASV port range (10 ports for 5 max clients)
-tls 1 # Enables optional TLS support
For more information please see man pure-ftpd
, or visit:
Why so many ports opened?
This is for PASV support, please see: #5 PASV not fun :)
Docker Volumes
There are a few spots onto which you can mount a docker volume to configure the server and persist uploaded data. It's recommended to use them in production.
The ftp's data volume (by convention).
A directory containing the single pureftps.passwd
file which contains the user database (i.e., all virtual users, their passwords and their home directories). This is read on startup of the container and updated by the pure-pw useradd -f /etc/pure- ftpd/passwd/pureftpd.passwd ...
A directory containing a single pure-ftpd.pem
file with the server's SSL certificates for TLS support. Optional TLS is automatically enabled when the container finds this file on startup.
Keep user database in a volume
You may want to keep your user database through the successive image builds. It is possible with Docker volumes.
Create a named volume:
docker volume create --name my-db-volume
Specify it when running the container:
docker run -d --name ftpd_server -p 21:21 -p 30000-30009:30000-30009 -e "PUBLICHOST=localhost" -v my-db-volume:/etc/pure-ftpd/passwd stilliard/pure-ftpd:hardened
When an user is added, you need to use the password file which is in the volume:
pure-pw useradd bob -f /etc/pure-ftpd/passwd/pureftpd.passwd -m -u ftpuser -d /home/ftpusers/bob
(Thanks to the -m option, you don't need to call pure-pw mkdb with this syntax).
Changing a password
e.g. to change the password for user "bob":
pure-pw passwd bob -f /etc/pure-ftpd/passwd/pureftpd.passwd -m
Development (via git clone)
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd docker-pure-ftpd
# Build the image
make build
# Run container in background:
make run
# enter a bash shell inside the container:
make enter
# test that it's all working with
make test
If you want to enable tls (for ftps connections), you need to have a valid certificate. You can get one from one of the certificate authorities that you'll find when googling this topic. The certificate (containing private key and certificate) needs to be at:
Use docker volumes to get the certificate there at runtime. The container will automatically enable optional TLS when it detect the file at this location.
You can also self-sign a certificate, which is certainly the easiest way to start out. Self signed certificates come with certain drawbacks, but it might be better to have a self signed one than none at all.
Here's how to create a self-signed certificate from within the container:
mkdir -p /etc/ssl/private
openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd-dhparams.pem 2048
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout \
/etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem \
-out /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem
chmod 600 /etc/ssl/private/*.pem
Automatic TLS certificate generation
contains --tls
and file /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem
does not exists it is possible to generate self-signed certificate if TLS_CN
and TLS_C
are set.
Keep in mind that if no volume is set for /etc/ssl/private/
directory generated certificates won't be persisted and new ones will be generated on each start.
You can also pass -e "TLS_USE_DSAPRAM=true"
for faster generated certificates though this option is not recommended for production.
Thanks for the help on stackoverflow with this!
Also thanks to all the awesome contributors that have made this project amazing!
vi /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf
# #
# Configuration file for pure-ftpd wrappers #
# #
# If you want to run Pure-FTPd with this configuration
# instead of command-line options, please run the
# following command :
# /usr/sbin/ /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf
# Please don't forget to have a look at documentation at
# for a complete list of
# options.
# Cage in every user in his home directory
ChrootEveryone yes
# If the previous option is set to "no", members of the following group
# won't be caged. Others will be. If you don't want chroot()ing anyone,
# just comment out ChrootEveryone and TrustedGID.
# TrustedGID 100
# Turn on compatibility hacks for broken clients
BrokenClientsCompatibility no
# Maximum number of simultaneous users
MaxClientsNumber 10
# Fork in background
Daemonize yes
# Maximum number of sim clients with the same IP address
MaxClientsPerIP 8
# If you want to log all client commands, set this to "yes".
# This directive can be duplicated to also log server responses.
VerboseLog no
# List dot-files even when the client doesn't send "-a".
DisplayDotFiles yes
# Don't allow authenticated users - have a public anonymous FTP only.
AnonymousOnly no
# Disallow anonymous connections. Only allow authenticated users.
NoAnonymous yes
# Syslog facility (auth, authpriv, daemon, ftp, security, user, local*)
# The default facility is "ftp". "none" disables logging.
#默認( facility )是 "ftp"。 "none" 將禁止日誌。
SyslogFacility ftp
# Display fortune cookies
# FortunesFile /usr/share/fortune/zippy
# Don't resolve host names in log files. Logs are less verbose, but
# it uses less bandwidth. Set this to "yes" on very busy servers or
# if you don't have a working DNS.
DontResolve yes
# Maximum idle time in minutes (default = 15 minutes)
#MaxIdleTime 15
# LDAP configuration file (see README.LDAP)
# LDAPConfigFile /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-ldap.conf
# MySQL configuration file (see README.MySQL)
# MySQLConfigFile /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-mysql.conf
# Postgres configuration file (see README.PGSQL)
# PGSQLConfigFile /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-pgsql.conf
# PureDB user database (see README.Virtual-Users)
PureDB /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb
# Path to pure-authd socket (see README.Authentication-Modules)
#驗證服務pure-authd 的socket 路徑
# ExtAuth /var/run/ftpd.sock
# If you want to enable PAM authentication, uncomment the following line
#啓用 PAM 認證方式
PAMAuthentication yes
# If you want simple Unix (/etc/passwd) authentication, uncomment this
# UnixAuthentication yes
# Please note that LDAPConfigFile, MySQLConfigFile, PAMAuthentication and
# UnixAuthentication can be used only once, but they can be combined
# together. For instance, if you use MySQLConfigFile, then UnixAuthentication,
# the SQL server will be asked. If the SQL authentication fails because the
# user wasn't found, another try # will be done with /etc/passwd and
# /etc/shadow. If the SQL authentication fails because the password was wrong,
# the authentication chain stops here. Authentication methods are chained in
# the order they are given.
# 'ls' recursion limits. The first argument is the maximum number of
# files to be displayed. The second one is the max subdirectories depth
LimitRecursion 100000 1
# Are anonymous users allowed to create new directories ?
AnonymousCanCreateDirs no
# If the system is more loaded than the following value,
# anonymous users aren't allowed to download.
MaxLoad 2
# Port range for passive connections replies. - for firewalling.
#FTP啓用主動模式時用到的端口範圍,建議設置爲31888 to 36888
PassivePortRange 31888 36888
# Force an IP address in PASV/EPSV/SPSV replies. - for NAT.
# Symbolic host names are also accepted for gateways with dynamic IP
# addresses.
#強制一個IP地址使用被動響應( PASV/EPSV/SPSV replies)
# Upload/download ratio for anonymous users.
# AnonymousRatio 1 10
# Upload/download ratio for all users.
# This directive superscedes the previous one.
# UserRatio 1 10
# Disallow downloading of files owned by "ftp", ie.
# files that were uploaded but not validated by a local admin.
AntiWarez yes
# IP address/port to listen to (default=all IP and port 21).
#服務監聽的IP 地址和端口。(缺省是全部IP地址和21端口)
# Bind,21
# Maximum bandwidth for anonymous users in KB/s
# AnonymousBandwidth 8
# Maximum bandwidth for *all* users (including anonymous) in KB/s
# Use AnonymousBandwidth *or* UserBandwidth, both makes no sense.
# UserBandwidth 8
# File creation mask. <umask for files>:<umask for dirs> .
# 177:077 if you feel paranoid.
Umask 133:022
# Minimum UID for an authenticated user to log in.
MinUID 1000
# Do not use the /etc/ftpusers file to disable accounts. We're already
# using MinUID to block users with uid < 1000
UseFtpUsers no
# Allow FXP transfers for authenticated users.
#是否僅容許認證用戶進行 FXP 傳輸?默認爲no,這裏改yes
AllowUserFXP yes
# Allow anonymous FXP for anonymous and non-anonymous users.
#是否對匿名用戶和非匿名用戶容許進行匿名 FXP 傳輸。
AllowAnonymousFXP no
# Users can't delete/write files beginning with a dot ('.')
# even if they own them. If TrustedGID is enabled, this group
# will have access to dot-files, though.
#用戶不能刪除和寫點文件(文件名以 '.' 開頭的文件),即便用戶是文件的全部者也不行。
ProhibitDotFilesWrite no
# Prohibit *reading* of files beginning with a dot (.history, .ssh...)
ProhibitDotFilesRead no
# Never overwrite files. When a file whose name already exist is uploaded,
# it get automatically renamed to file.1, file.2, file.3, ...
AutoRename no
# Disallow anonymous users to upload new files (no = upload is allowed)
AnonymousCantUpload yes
# Only connections to this specific IP address are allowed to be
# non-anonymous. You can use this directive to open several public IPs for
# anonymous FTP, and keep a private firewalled IP for remote administration.
# You can also only allow a non-routable local IP (like 10.x.x.x) to
# authenticate, and keep a public anon-only FTP server on another IP.
# If you want to add the PID to every logged line, uncomment the following
# line.
#若是須要爲日誌每一行添加 PID 去掉下面行的註釋
LogPID yes
# Create an additional log file with transfers logged in a Apache-like format :
# - jedi [13/Dec/1975:19:36:39] "GET /ftp/linux.tar.bz2" 200 21809338
# This log file can then be processed by www traffic analyzers.
AltLog clf:/var/log/pureftpd.log
# Create an additional log file with transfers logged in a format optimized
# for statistic reports.
# AltLog stats:/var/log/pureftpd.log
# Create an additional log file with transfers logged in the standard W3C
# format (compatible with most commercial log analyzers)
# AltLog w3c:/var/log/pureftpd.log
# Disallow the CHMOD command. Users can't change perms of their files.
#設置爲yes時,不接受 CHMOD 命令。用戶不能更改他們文件的屬性。
#NoChmod yes
# Allow users to resume and upload files, but *NOT* to delete them.
#KeepAllFiles yes
# Automatically create home directories if they are missing
CreateHomeDir no
# Enable virtual quotas. The first number is the max number of files.
# The second number is the max size of megabytes.
# So 1000:10 limits every user to 1000 files and 10 Mb.
#刪除註釋後,啓用配額管理,1000:10 就限制每個用戶只能使用 1000 個文件,共10Mb。
#Quota 1000:10
# If your pure-ftpd has been compiled with standalone support, you can change
# the location of the pid file. The default is /var/run/
#PIDFile /var/run/
# If your pure-ftpd has been compiled with pure-uploadscript support,
# this will make pure-ftpd write info about new uploads to
# /var/run/pure-ftpd.upload.pipe so pure-uploadscript can read it and
# spawn a script to handle the upload.
# Don't enable this option if you don't actually use pure-uploadscript.
# 若是你的 pure-ftpd 編譯時加入了 pure-uploadscript 支持,這個指令將會使 pure-ftpd
# 發送關於新上傳的狀況信息到 /var/run/pure-ftpd.upload.pipe,這樣 pure-uploadscript
# 就能讀而後調用一個腳本去處理新的上傳。
#CallUploadScript yes
# This option is useful with servers where anonymous upload is
# allowed. As /var/ftp is in /var, it save some space and protect
# the log files. When the partition is more that X percent full,
# new uploads are disallowed.
MaxDiskUsage 99
# Set to 'yes' if you don't want your users to rename files.
NoRename no
# Be 'customer proof' : workaround against common customer mistakes like
# 'chmod 0 public_html', that are valid, but that could cause ignorant
# customers to lock their files, and then keep your technical support busy
# with silly issues. If you're sure all your users have some basic Unix
# knowledge, this feature is useless. If you're a hosting service, enable it.
CustomerProof yes
# Per-user concurrency limits. It will only work if the FTP server has
# been compiled with --with-peruserlimits (and this is the case on
# most binary distributions) .
# The format is : <max sessions per user>:<max anonymous sessions>
# For instance, 3:20 means that the same authenticated user can have 3 active
# sessions max. And there are 20 anonymous sessions max.
#3:20 意思是同一個認證用戶最大能夠有3個同時活動的進程。並且同時最多隻能有20個匿名用戶進程。
# PerUserLimits 3:20
# When a file is uploaded and there is already a previous version of the file
# with the same name, the old file will neither get removed nor truncated.
# Upload will take place in a temporary file and once the upload is complete,
# the switch to the new version will be atomic. For instance, when a large PHP
# script is being uploaded, the web server will still serve the old version and
# immediatly switch to the new one as soon as the full file will have been
# transfered. This option is incompatible with virtual
# yes文件相同直接刪除舊的,no先保留再更新
NoTruncate yes
# This option can accept three values :
# 0 : disable SSL/TLS encryption layer (default).
# 1 : accept both traditional and encrypted sessions.
# 2 : refuse connections that don't use SSL/TLS security mechanisms,
# including anonymous sessions.
# Do _not_ uncomment this blindly. Be sure that :
# 1) Your server has been compiled with SSL/TLS support (--with-tls),
# 2) A valid certificate is in place,
# 3) Only compatible clients will log in.
# TLS 1
# OpenSSL ciphers suite for TLS sessions.
# Prefix with -C: in order to require valid client certificates.
# If -C: is used, make sure that clients' public keys are installed
# on the server.
# SSL is disabled by default. TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 are available by
# default.
# TLSCipherSuite HIGH
# Certificate file, for TLS
# CertFile /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem
# Listen only to IPv4 addresses in standalone mode (ie. disable IPv6)
# By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.
IPV4Only yes
# Listen only to IPv6 addresses in standalone mode (ie. disable IPv4)
# By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.
# IPV6Only yes
# UTF-8 support for file names (RFC 2640)
# Define charset of the server filesystem and optionnally the default charset
# for remote clients if they don't use UTF-8.
# Works only if pure-ftpd has been compiled with --with-rfc2640
FileSystemCharset UTF-8
ClientCharset UTF-8
/usr/sbin/groupadd -f ftpgroup;/usr/sbin/useradd -g ftpgroup ftpuser
pure-pw useradd ftpnow -d /whoisyourdaddy -u ftpuser -m
//pure-pw useradd 虛擬用戶名 –u 寄生到系統用戶名 –d FTP目錄 –m(把用戶密碼加入PDB數據庫中,不須要重啓FTP)
chown ftpuser.ftpgroup /whoisyourdaddy -R

centos 7.4 64bit系統下pure-ftpd的操做命令
systemctl start pure-ftpd.service
systemctl stop pure-ftpd.service
systemctl restart pure-ftpd.service
systemctl status pure-ftpd.service
systemctl enable pure-ftpd.service
這時,用戶的信息會被從指定的 passwd 文件中刪除,可是用戶的 home 目錄會被保留,須要手工刪除。
在 /etc/pureftpd.passwd 文件中記錄的信息,但不方便用戶的閱讀,所以 pure-ftpd 提供了顯示用戶信息的命令。其語法是:
pure-ftp鏈接不上,報錯 530 Login authentication failed 處理方法
其中核心報錯爲:「account disabled」帳戶被禁用,
# Minimum UID for an authenticated user to log in.
MinUID 500