原文地址: Hexo + Github 我的博客設置以及優化javascript
hexo new page "categories" # 新增分類 hexo new page "tags" # 新增標籤 hexo new page "about" # 新增關於
能夠在對應的 index.md
中添加 comments: false
而後再主題配置文件 _config.yml
menu: 首頁: / || home 關於: /about/ || user 標籤: /tags/ || tags 分類: /categories/ || th 歸檔: /archives/ || archive
src: theme-next-canvas-nestjava
canvas_nest: //cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/theme-next/theme-next-canvas-nest@1.0.0/canvas-nest.min.js canvas_nest_nomobile: //cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/theme-next/theme-next-canvas-nest@1.0.0/canvas-nest-nomobile.min.js
canvas_nest: enable: true onmobile: true # display on mobile or not color: "0,0,255" # RGB values, use ',' to separate opacity: 0.5 # the opacity of line: 0~1 zIndex: -1 # z-index property of the background count: 99 # the number of lines
主題配置文件 _config.yml
avatar: [頭像路徑]
修改模板 /themes/next/layout/_macro/post.swig
, 搜索 rel="tag">#
, 將 #
換成 <i class="fa fa-tag"></i>
TODO: 發佈後無效
在 themes/*/layout/_partials/head/head.swig
中在 </script>
(function(){ if('{{ page.password }}'){ if (prompt('請輸入密碼') !== '{{ page.password }}'){ alert('密碼錯誤'); history.back(); } } })();
--- title: 2018 date: 2018-10-25 16:10:03 password: 123456 ---
skip_render: README.md
npm install hexo-symbols-count-time --save
symbols_count_time: symbols: true time: true total_symbols: true total_time: true
# Post wordcount display settings # Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-symbols-count-time symbols_count_time: separated_meta: true item_text_post: true item_text_total: false awl: 4 # Average Word Length (chars count in word). Default: 4. wpm: 275 # Words Per Minute. Default: 275.
在 themes/layout/_parrials/footer.swing
<span id="sitetime"></span> <script language=javascript> function siteTime(){ window.setTimeout("siteTime()", 1000); var seconds = 1000; var minutes = seconds * 60; var hours = minutes * 60; var days = hours * 24; var years = days * 365; var today = new Date(); var todayYear = today.getFullYear(); var todayMonth = today.getMonth()+1; var todayDate = today.getDate(); var todayHour = today.getHours(); var todayMinute = today.getMinutes(); var todaySecond = today.getSeconds(); var t1 = Date.UTC(2018,06,07,12,00,00); // 設置創建網站的時間 var t2 = Date.UTC(todayYear,todayMonth,todayDate,todayHour,todayMinute,todaySecond); var diff = t2-t1; var diffYears = Math.floor(diff/years); var diffDays = Math.floor((diff/days)-diffYears*365); var diffHours = Math.floor((diff-(diffYears*365+diffDays)*days)/hours); var diffMinutes = Math.floor((diff-(diffYears*365+diffDays)*days-diffHours*hours)/minutes); var diffSeconds = Math.floor((diff-(diffYears*365+diffDays)*days-diffHours*hours-diffMinutes*minutes)/seconds); document.getElementById("sitetime").innerHTML=" 已運行"+diffYears+" 年 "+diffDays+" 天 "+diffHours+" 小時 "+diffMinutes+" 分鐘 "+diffSeconds+" 秒"; } siteTime(); </script>
# For example, you put your favicons into `hexo-site/source/images` directory. # Then need to rename & redefine them on any other names, otherwise icons from Next will rewrite your custom icons in Hexo. favicon: #small: /images/favicon-16x16-next.png small: /images/Memento.ico medium: /images/favicon-32x32-next.png apple_touch_icon: /images/apple-touch-icon-next.png safari_pinned_tab: /images/logo.svg #android_manifest: /images/manifest.json #ms_browserconfig: /images/browserconfig.xml
TODO: 首頁 index.html 會出現異常,沒法用 gulp 壓縮
文件中的字體獲取方法:get_font_family(config) { custom_family = hexo-config('font.' + config + '.family') // 在這裏把引號去除 return custom_family is a 'string' ? unquote(custom_family) : null }
global: # external: true will load this font family from host. external: true family: '"Consolas", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial'
卸載原裝的 hexo-generator-index
, 並安裝 hexo-generator-index-pin-top
npm uninstall hexo-generator-index --save npm install hexo-generator-index-pin-top --save
而後在文章中添加 top
--- title: 2018 date: 2018-10-25 16:10:03 top: 10 ---
設置置頂標記, 定位 /themes/next/layout/_macro/post.swig
的 <div class="post-meta">
{% if post.top %} <i class="fa fa-thumb-tack"></i> <font color=7D26CD>置頂</font> <span class="post-meta-divider">|</span> {% endif %}
參考: theme-next-pace
目錄下;# Progress bar in the top during page loading. # Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-pace pace: true # Themes list: # pace-theme-big-counter | pace-theme-bounce | pace-theme-barber-shop | pace-theme-center-atom # pace-theme-center-circle | pace-theme-center-radar | pace-theme-center-simple | pace-theme-corner-indicator # pace-theme-fill-left | pace-theme-flash | pace-theme-loading-bar | pace-theme-mac-osx | pace-theme-minimal pace_theme: pace-theme-minimal
npm install hexo-generator-searchdb --save
search: path: search.xml field: post format: html limit: 10000
# Local search # Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-generator-searchdb local_search: enable: true # If auto, trigger search by changing input. # If manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search button. trigger: auto # Show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1 top_n_per_article: 1 # Unescape html strings to the readable one. unescape: false
在 next
back2top: enable: true # Back to top in sidebar. sidebar: true # Scroll percent label in b2t button. scrollpercent: true
# Follow me on GitHub banner in right-top corner. github_banner: enable: true permalink: https://github.com/Memento1990 title: Follow me on GitHub
TODO: Firefox 瀏覽器下失效
# Show Views / Visitors of the website / page with busuanzi. # Get more information on http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi busuanzi_count: enable: true total_visitors: true total_visitors_icon: user total_views: true total_views_icon: eye post_views: true post_views_icon: eye
在路徑 \themes\next\layout\_macro
中新建 passage-end-tag.swig
<div> {% if not is_index %} <div style="text-align:center;color: #ccc;font-size:14px;">-------------本文至此結束<i class="fa fa-heartbeat"></i>感謝您的閱讀-------------</div> {% endif %} </div>
接着打開 \themes\next\layout\_macro\post.swig
文件, 在 post-body
以後, post-footer
<div> {% if not is_index %} {% include 'passage-end-tag.swig' %} {% endif %} </div>
# 文章末尾添加「本文結束」標記 passage_end_tag: enabled: true
參考: hexo-addlink
npm install hexo-addlink --save
addlink: before_text: hello # text before the post link after_text: bye # text after the post link
# Automatically Excerpt. Not recommend. # Use <!-- more --> in the post to control excerpt accurately. auto_excerpt: enable: true length: 150
font: enable: true # Uri of fonts host, e.g. //fonts.googleapis.com (Default). host: //fonts.lug.ustc.edu.cn # 中科大 # //fonts.geekzu.org # 極客族 # //fonts.css.network # 捷速網絡 香港
安裝 gulp
npm install gulp -g npm install gulp-minify-css gulp-uglify gulp-htmlmin gulp-htmlclean gulp-imagemin gulp --save
在 Hexo 站點根目錄下新建 gulpfile.js
腳本文件, 代碼:
var gulp = require('gulp'); var minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin'); var htmlclean = require('gulp-htmlclean'); var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'); var del = require('del'); var Hexo = require('hexo'); // 清除public文件夾 gulp.task('clean', function () { return del(['public/**/*']); }); // 利用Hexo API 來生成博客內容, 效果和在命令行運行: hexo g 同樣 // generate html with 'hexo generate' var hexo = new Hexo(process.cwd(), {}); gulp.task('generate', function (cb) { hexo.init().then(function () { return hexo.call('generate', { watch: false }); }).then(function () { return hexo.exit(); }).then(function () { return cb() }).catch(function (err) { console.log(err); hexo.exit(err); return cb(err); }) }) // 壓縮 public 目錄 css gulp.task('minify-css', function () { return gulp.src('./public/**/*.css') .pipe(minifycss()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./public')); }); // 壓縮 public 目錄 html gulp.task('minify-html', function () { return gulp.src('./public/**/*.html') .pipe(htmlclean()) .pipe(htmlmin({ removeComments: true, minifyJS: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyURLs: true, }).on('error', function(e){ console.log(e); })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./public')) }); // 壓縮 public/js 目錄 js gulp.task('minify-js', function () { return gulp.src('./public/**/*.js') .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./public')); }); // 壓縮public目錄下的全部img: 這個採用默認配置 gulp.task('minify-img', function () { return gulp.src('./public/images/**/*.*') .pipe(imagemin()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./public/images')) }) // 同上,壓縮圖片,這裏採用了: 最大化壓縮效果。 gulp.task('minify-img-aggressive', function () { return gulp.src('./public/images/**/*.*') .pipe(imagemin( [imagemin.gifsicle({ 'optimizationLevel': 3 }), imagemin.jpegtran({ 'progressive': true }), imagemin.optipng({ 'optimizationLevel': 7 }), imagemin.svgo()], { 'verbose': true })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./public/images')) }) // 執行順序: 清除public目錄 → 產生原始博客內容 → 執行壓縮混淆 gulp.task('build', gulp.series('clean', 'generate', gulp.parallel('minify-html', 'minify-css', 'minify-js', 'minify-img-aggressive')), function (cb) { }); gulp.task('default', gulp.series(['build']))
而後每次執行 gulp
命令後就會自動執行 clean
, generate
, [同步執行相關壓縮方法]
參數 | 描述 | 默認值 |
layout | 佈局 | |
title | 標題 | |
date | 創建日期 | 文件創建日期 |
updated | 更新日期 | 文件更新日期 |
comments | 開啓文章的評論功能 | true |
tags | 標籤(不適用於分頁) | |
categories | 分類(不適用於分頁) | |
permalink | 覆蓋文章網址 |