交換機 Switch安全
路由器 Router服務器
組件 Component網絡
傳輸控制協議 TCPapp
互聯網協議 IPide
萬維網 WWW計算機網絡
入侵檢測和防護系統 IDPSserver
超文本傳輸控制協議 HTTP網絡安全
電子郵件 E-mailip
文件傳輸協議 FTPci
防火牆 Firewall
入侵檢測系統 IDS
網絡安全 Network Safety
開放系統互聯 OSI
A LAN is used for communications in s small community in which resources, such as(printers),software,and servera,are shared. each device connected to(packets)data frames among multiple users of other local area networks. In LANs,(forward)are additional headers appended for local routing.These new-looking packets are known as(address).
As with most application-layer protocola,SMTP has two sides:a client side, which executes on the senders mail server, and a servee side, which executes on the recipients mail server.
As with most application-layer protocols, SMTP has two sides:a client aide,which executes on the senders mail server,and a server side,which executes on the recipients mail server.
In the star topology,all users are directly connected to a central user through two unidirectional links:onefor uplink and the other for downlink.
A computer network is a group of xomputers that are connected to each other for the purpose of communication.
WANs are used to connect LANs and other types of networks together,so that users and computers in one location can communicate with users and computers in other locations.