



一. that引導的賓語從句。


  • I can study English well。 我能把英語學好。
    → I believe that I can study English well. 我 相信 我能把英語學好。app

  • I’ve come back. 我已經回來了。
    → She knows that I’ve come back. 她 知道 我已經回來了。less

二. if/whether引導的賓語從句。

通常疑問句充當賓語時,須要在疑問句句首加 if 或者 whether,並把通常疑問句改成陳述句語序。ide

if 或 whether 意爲 「是否」 ,在句中不作成分,但不能夠省略。ui

  • Are you a doctor? 你是一名醫生嗎?
    → I want to know if you are a doctor. 我 想知道 你是不是一名醫生。this

  • Have you finished your work? 你的工做作完了嗎?
    → I want to know if you have finished you work. 我 想知道 你的工做是否作完了。idea

    對於這部分if或者whether引導的賓語從句關鍵就在於首先要加上一個詞 if 或者whether 其次要把疑問句語序改成陳述句語序。ssr

  • Will you go abroad? 你會出國嗎?
    → I want to know if you will go abroad. 我 想知道 你是否會出國。翻譯

  • Are you listening to me? 你在聽我說嗎?
    → I want to know if you are listening to me? 我想知道你是否在聽我說。


  • Do you love me? 你 愛 我嘛?
    → I want to know if you love me. 我 想知道 你是否愛我。

    Do you love me? Do放在賓語從句裏就沒有do了,由於在賓語從句要陳述句語序。陳述句裏 你愛我 就直接是You love me。 疑問句當中爲了要構成一個疑問句的語序因此纔給它憑空加了一個do。那麼變成陳述句語序的時候就要把那個do去掉。

  • Dose Mary need any help? Mary須要個人幫助嗎?
    → I want to know if Mary needs any help. 我 想知道 Mary是否須要個人幫助。

    這句話中Dose沒有了 ,但必須體現出來三單 那也就是needs。


1)在具備旋轉意義,即有or或or not時,尤爲是直接於or not連用時,每每用whether不用if。

Let me know whether he will come or not. 你讓我知道他是否會來。

Let me know whether or not he will come.


I’m interested in介詞 whether he likes English. 我感興趣的是他是否喜歡英語。

I worry about介詞 whether I hurt her feelings.


He hasn’t decided whether to visit the old man. 他尚未決定是否去拜訪那位老人。

I don’t know whether to go. 我不知道是否要走。

4)從句置於句首表示強調時,用whether,而不用if。 #:賓語從句通常來說都是在動詞的後面,也就是說賓語從句一般狀況下不放在句子的開頭。可是,有時候咱們爲了強調賓語從句的內容也會把它往前提,由於英文當中一句話越靠前的成分越重要,因此說,要強調賓語從句的內容,把它往前放了,這個時候也得用 whether 而不用 if 。由於用 if 的感受有點像條件狀語從句。

Whether this is true or not , I can’t say. 這是不是真的?我可說很差。

Whether it is a mistake , I don’t quite know. 這是不是一個錯誤,我並不徹底知道。

5)若用 if 會引發歧義時,則用whether。 #:歧義是指能夠按照不一樣方式理解。例如:

Please let me know if you like the book.

A. Please let me know whether you like the book. 讓我知道,你是否喜歡這本書。

B. If you like the book , please let me know. 若是你喜歡這本書,請讓我知道。



特殊疑問詞不能省略。 #:英文當中總共有九個特殊疑問詞,每一個特殊疑問詞都有本身的意思。

  • What are you talking about? 大家在談論什麼呢?
    → I want to know what you are talking about. 我想知道大家在談論什麼呢。

    原來是 what 引導的特殊疑問句,放在賓語的位置,那就是由 what 引導的這樣的賓語從句。

  • Where have you been? 你去哪了?
    → I want to know where you have been. 我想知道你去哪了。

    原來就是 where 引導的特殊疑問句,如今仍然用 where 引導的賓語從句。必定要把 have 還原到主語 you 的後面。因此就是 where you have been.

  • When did Tom leave? Tom何時離開的?
    → I want to know when Tom left. 我想知道Tom何時離開的?

    放在賓語的位置沒有 did ,leave 要體現出來過去時的樣子。那就是left , when Tom left。

  • How did you get here? 你怎麼到這的?
    → I want to know how you got here. 我想知道你怎麼到這的?

    What does she like? 她喜歡什麼?
    → I want to know what she likes. 我想知道她喜歡什麼。

  • Who told you that? 誰告訴你的那件事?
    → I want to know who told you that?

    這個賓語從句當中 who told you that 原本就是 who told you that 放在賓語的位置 語序沒有變,由於如今的 who 這個特殊疑問詞它當的是主語,特殊疑問詞當主語原本這個特殊疑問詞就沒有助動詞提到主語的前面,因此它原本用的也就不是疑問詞的語序。放在賓語從句中語序不變。


  1. Who took my pen? 誰拿了個人鋼筆呀?

    → I want to know who took my pen. 我 想知道 誰拿了個人鋼筆。

  2. How many people are waiting? 有多少人在等? #:how不能單獨作主語但 How many people 一塊兒作的主語。因此放在賓語的位置語序不變。

    → I want to know how many people are waiting. 我 想知道 有多少人在等。




I don’t know when he will come back. 我 不知道 他何時會回來。

He tells me that his sister came back yesterday. 他 告訴 我說 他的妹妹昨天回來了。


The children didn’t know who he was. 孩子們不知道他是誰。 #:主句 didn’t know 通常過去時態,那麼從句也只能用 who he was,不用 who he is。

He asked his father how it happened. 他問他的爸爸這事怎麼發生的。 #:因爲主句是 asked 那麼這是通常過去時態,賓語 how it happened 也是通常過去時態。


The teacher said that the earth goes around the sun. 老師說 地球是圍繞着太陽轉的。

特別關注:賓語從句該用 what 仍是 that 來引導?

賓語從句中 that 不作成分,what 須要在從句中做主語、賓語或者表語。所以,若從句不缺成分則用 that ,若從句缺主語,賓語或表語則用 what。

I know that you did your best. 我知道你盡了本身最大的努力。 #:由於 you did your best.不缺成分。 you主語 did賓語 your best 賓語。這時候用 that 引導。

I don’t believe what you said. #:you said 你說,從句部分缺賓語。缺賓語,用 what 來引導。

He told me that he came back yesterday. 他告訴我說他昨天回來了。

He told me what he saw during the journey. 他告訴了我他在旅行期間所看到的事。



主語從句即用一句話做主語,大多數主語從句均可以用 it 來代替,做形式主語,把主語從句後置,主語從句和賓語從句相似,都屬於名詞性從句。

  1. 若原來是陳述句,用that引導。that在句首時不可省略。

    • That she will succeed is certain.

      It is certain that she will succeed.

  2. 若原來是通常疑問句,用 whether/if 引導(不可省略)。若從句置於句首隻能用 whether。從句中用陳述語序。

    • Whether she will come is not known.

      It is not known whether / if she will come.

  3. 若原來是特殊疑問句,用原來的特殊疑問詞引導(不可省略)。從句中用陳述語序。

    • How the prisoner escaped is a mystery.

      It is a mystery how the prisoner escaped.

注:當what引導的主語從句表示 「...的東西時」,通常不用it做形式主語。

  • What he needs is more experience. T

    It is more experience what he needs. F

  • What I said is true. T

    It is true what I said. F


  1. if引導主語從句時不可位於句首。

    • If he will come isn't known yet. F

      It isn't known yet if he will come. T

  2. 「It doesn't matter...」 結構中主語從句不可位於句首。

    • Whether he likes it or not. F

      It doesn't matter whether he likes it or not. T

  3. "It is said / reported..." 結構中主語從句不可位於句首。

    • That three people were killed in the accident is reported. F

      It is reported that three people were killed in the accident. T

  4. 含有主語從句的複合句是疑問句時,主語從句不可位於句首。

    • Is that it will snow this afternoon is likely? F

      Is it likely that is will snow this afternoon? T


賓語從句:由陳述句轉化由 that 引導常省略,由通常疑問句轉化由 whether/if 引導個別狀況只用 whether,由特殊疑問句轉化由特殊疑問詞引導。

主語從句:由陳述句轉化由 that 引導句首不可省略,由通常疑問句由 whether/if 引導句首不用 if,由特殊疑問句轉化由特殊疑問詞引導。


表語從句即一句話做表語,通常結構是「主語 + 系動詞 + 表語從句」。常見的能夠接表語的系動詞由 be, look, remain, seem等,表語從句和賓語從句相似,都屬於名詞性從句。

  • The fact is (that) I can't finish the job in two days. that 能夠省略。
  • The question is whether it is true or not.
  • This is not what I meant.
  • That is why Jack was criticized.
  • This is how Jane lives.
  • It seems that it's going to rain.
  • The question remains whether we can win the game.
  • The reason why he didn't come 定於從句 is that he was ill.

注:「The reason is that...」結構中that不能夠用because,可是能夠用"It(This/That) is because..."結構

  • The reason why I was angry is that he didn't keep his promise.
  • That is because he didn't keep hes promise.


賓語從句:由陳述句轉化由 that 引導常省略,由通常疑問句轉化由 whether/if 引導個別狀況只用 whether,由特殊疑問句轉化由特殊疑問詞引導。

表語從句:由陳述句轉化由 that 引導常省略,由通常疑問句轉化由 whether 引導,由特殊疑問句轉化由特殊疑問詞引導。






  1. 同位語從句和賓語從句引導詞的比較

    賓語從句:由陳述句轉化而來由 that 做引導可省略,由通常疑問句轉化而來由 whether/if 引導(個別狀況只用 whether),由通常疑問句轉化而來由特殊疑問詞來引導。

    同位語從句:由陳述句轉化而來由 that 引導(正式文體不可省略),由通常疑問句轉化而來由 whether 來引導,由特殊疑問句轉化而來由特殊疑問詞來引導。

  2. 同位語從句先行詞多爲fact, news, idea, thought, reply, answer, remark, plan, possibility, question, hope, doubt, mystery, information等。

    • No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy陳述句
    • The question whether Tom will arrive on time同位語 is still unknown.
    • The child's question why the sky is blue同位語從句 is hard to answer


  • An idea came to her that she could do the experiment in another way. idae的具體內容 她想到了一個主意,她能夠用另一種方法作這個實驗。
  • 若是放在idea的後面咱們應該說成:An idea that she could do the experiment in another way came to her.這樣謂語部分到末尾就很短。致使頭重腳輕句子會很是不協調。
  • The news gave him a shock that his best friend committed suicide自殺的標準表達 in his five_bedroom house.
  1. 同位語從句與定語從句的區分







    1. 引導定語從句的that除了起鏈接做用,還在定語從句中充當必定成分,而且在乎義上表明先行詞,在從句中做賓語且以前無介詞時能夠省略。引導同位語從句的that只起鏈接做用,在從句中不住任何成分,一般不能省略。#:定語從句中的that起鏈接做用,由於從句的引導出要起一個鏈接做用的。 定語從句中的that要作成分,同位語中的that不能夠做成分。

    2. when、where、why引導的定語從句的先行詞必定分別的表示時間、地點和緣由的名詞,而三者引導的同位語從句的先行詞則確定不是表示時間、地點和緣由的名詞。


    3. The reply that he gave me定語從句 hurt my feelings.
      The reply that he couldn't help me同位語從句 hurt my feelings.

    The news that you told me yesterday定語從句 was really exciting.

    We heard the news that our team had won.同位語從句








  1. 直接引語是陳述句時

    直接引語若是是陳述句,變爲間接引語時,用連詞 that 引導(that 在口語中常省去),that從句以前用say、tell 等動詞,從句中的人稱、時態、指示代詞、時間狀語、地點狀語等要做相應的變化。

    • Sally says:」I'm sitting under the tree." → Sally says that she is sitting under the tree.
    • Sara says:"I broke that plate." → Sara says that she broke that plate.
    • She said: "I'm hungry." → She said that she was hungry.
    • "'I am having breakfast,'he told me." → He told me that he was having breakfast.
  2. 直接引語是疑問句時



    直接引語如果通常疑問句,變爲間接引語時,須用鏈接詞 whether 或者 if 將其引出,使其成爲間接引語的賓語從句。若是主句中的謂語動詞爲 said,則將其改成 asked。若是謂語動詞後面沒有間接賓語,能夠加上一個間接賓語me, him, her, them, us等。

    • She said: "Is your father an engineer?" → She asked me whether my father was an engineer.
    • The teacher said to Li Ming: "Have you finished your homework?" → The teacher asked Li Ming whether he had finished his homework.
    • The boss asked him: "Has the work been finished?" → The boss asked him if the work had been finished.


    若是直接引語爲特殊疑問句,改成間接引語時,仍用特殊疑問句中的特殊疑問詞做爲鏈接詞將其引出,構成間接引語中的賓語從句,但需將疑問句語序改成陳述句語序。若是主句中的謂語動詞爲 said,則將其改成 asked。

    • "What do you do every Sunday morning?" my friend said to me. → My friend asked me what I did every Sunday morning. #:直接引語,放在前面仍是後面均可以,可是轉化成間接引語時候,咱們一般都放在後面。
    • 「Where have you been, Lily?」 her mom asked. → Her mom asked Lily where she had been.
    • I asked her: "How many English words have you learned?" → I asked her how many English words she had learned.
    • ‘When did you get home?' asked my father. → My father asked me when I had got home. #:在直接引語中謂語放在主語前,放在主語後都行,可是轉化成間接引語的時候,只能主語在前,謂語在後。
  3. 直接引語是祈使句時

    轉述祈使句時,要使祈使句的動詞原形變爲帶 to 的不定式,並在不定式的前面根據句子的意思加上tell, ask, order等動詞;若是祈使句爲否認式,在不定式的前面加 not。若是祈使句中有 please 一詞,改成間接引語時,將 please 去掉。

    • He said: 'Sit down, please.' → He asked me to sit down.
    • The teacher said: 'Don't talk in class!' → The teacher told us not to talk in class.
    • The captain said to his men: 'Fire!' → The captain ordered his men to fire.



直接引語變間接引語時,人稱的變化遵循 「一主二賓三不變」 的原則

  1. 「一主」,即直接引語中的第一人稱,轉化爲與主語相一致的人稱。

    He said: 'I am very sorry.' → He said that he was very sorry.

    He said:'I like it very much' → He said that he liked it very much.

  2. 「二賓」,即把直接引語中的第二人稱變爲和主句的間接賓語(即聽話人,如無聽話人,可根據上下文的體會人爲肯定一我的稱)相一致的人稱。

    'You should be more careful next time,' my father told me. → My father told me that I should be more careful the next time.

  3. 「三不變」,即直接引語中的第三人稱變爲間接引語時,人稱不變。

    She said to her son:'I'll check your homework tonight. → She said to her son that she would check his homework that night.


    • He told me:'I'll go to the station to meet a friend of mine this afternoon.' → He told me that he would go to the station to meet a friend of his that afternoon.


  1. 若立即轉述別人的話,主句的謂語動詞(如say,tell等)用通常如今時,則直接引語中的時態不用做任何改變放在間接引語中。

    • He says:'I am busy.' → He says that he is busy.
    • Mr. Jones says: 'I have just finished my work.' → Mr. Jones says that he has just finished his work.
    • Jack says: 'I'll go to England tomorrow.' → Jack says that he will go to England tomorrow.
  2. 若過了一段時間再轉述別人的話,主句的謂語動詞用通常過去時態(said,told等),則直接引語的時態須要做變化。

    直接引語 間接引語
    通常如今時 通常過去時
    通常過去時 過去完成時
    如今進行時 過去進行時
    通常未來時 過去未來時
    如今完成時 過去完成時
    情態動詞 對應的過去式
    • He said: 'I want to see you.' → He said that he wanted to see me.

    • She said : 'I've just made a new film' → She said that she had just made a new film.

    • She said : 'I am going to retire.' → She said that she was going to retire.

    • Tom said : 'I broke the cup.' → Tom said that he had broken the cup. #:過去的過去,過去完成時態。


    • The teacher said:'The earth is round.' → The teacher said that the earth is round.


  1. 時間狀語:

    直接引語 變間接引語
    now then
    today that day
    tonight that night
    tomorrow the next day
    yesterday the before
    this week (month···) that week (month···)
    last week (month···) the week (month···) before
    next week (month···) the next week (month···)
    two weeks (month···) ago two weeks (month···) before
  2. 地點狀語:直接引用:here;變間接引用:there

  3. 指示代詞:直接引語:this/these;變間接引語:that/those

  4. 動詞:直接引語:come, bring;變間接引語:go, take

  • Lily said : 'I will come back next month.' → Lily said that she would go back the next month.
  • He said : 'It is nine o'clock now.' → He said that it was nine o'clock then.
  • He said : 'I haven't seen her today.' → He said that he hadn't seen her that day.
  • She said : 'I went there yesterday.' → She said that she had gone there the day before.




定語從句即一句話做定語,多用來修飾句中的名詞或代詞,通常位於被修飾成分以後,被修飾的成分紅爲 「先行詞」 。

Why 爲何稱爲先行詞呢?由於定語從句是放在所修飾的,那個成分的後面的,那麼所修飾的成分是否是就在前,它在前就先行一步,因此咱們管它叫 先行詞


分爲關係代詞(who, whom, whose, that, which)和關係副詞(when, where, why)。引導詞指代先行詞,並必定在定語從句中一先行詞的身份充當某個成分(主語、賓語、定語、表語或狀語)。

  1. 關係代詞:

    who 先行詞是人,在句中做主語或賓語。

    whom 先行詞是人,在句中做賓語。

    which 先行詞是物,在從句中做主語或賓語。

    that 先行詞是人或物,在句中做主語或賓語。

    whose 先行詞是人或物,在從句中做定語。


    • that/who以前不能要介詞,如有介詞需用which/whom。
    • 關係代詞或關係副詞在定語從句中已充當必定成分,所以從句中不能出現與它重複的成分。
  • She is the girl. The girl lives next door. → She is the girl who lives next door.

  • She is the girl. The girl's legs are broken. → She is the girl whose legs are broken.

  • The house belongs to him. The house's windows face to the north. → The house whose windows face to the north belongs to him.

  • This is the book. I want to read the book. → This is the book which I want to read.

  • That was a mistake. The mistake couldn't be forgiven. → That was a mistake which couldn't be forgiven.

  1. 關係副詞:

    when 先行詞須要表示時間的名詞,在從句中做時間狀語。

    where 先行詞須要是表示地點的名詞,在從句中做地點狀語。

    why 先行詞只能是 reason,在從句中做緣由狀語。

  • I will never forget the day, I came to Beijing on that day. → I will never forget the day when I came to Beijing.

  • The police searched the house. He lived in the house. → The police searched the house where he lived.

  • I don't know the reason. He is angry for that reason. → I don't know the reason why He is angry.

注1:這三個關係副詞在乎義上都至關於」必定的介詞 + which 「結構。

  • when = on (in, at, during...) + which

    • I will never forget the day when (on which) I came to Beijing.
  • where = in(at, on...) + which

    • The police searched the house where (in which) he lived.
  • why = for which

    • I don't know the reason why (for which) He is angry.


  • I'll never forget the day when we first met.
  • I'll never forget the day which/that we spent together.
  • This is the school which/that I visited.
  • This is the school where I studied.
  • The reason which/that you gave me is unacceptable.



  • 限定性定語從句:關係代詞做賓語(不能位於介詞以後)或表語時能夠省略,關係副詞 when,why能夠省略。

    • This is the book (which) I want to read. #:在從句中which 做動詞read的賓語。
    • I don't know the man (who/whom) you are talking about.
    • I don’t know the man about whom you are taking. #: whom 不能夠省掉 由於前面有介詞。
    • This is the movie (that) I want to see.
  • 非限定性定語從句:關係代詞和關係副詞都不可省略。

    • She is the girl who lives next door.
    • She is the girl whose legs are broken.
    • The house whose windows face to the north belongs to him.
    • That was a mistake which couldn't be forgiven.


  • The man (who is) standing behind the counter served me. #: 不省就是定語從句省掉就是如今分詞。
  • Give me the book (which is) on the desk. #: 省掉就變成介詞短語做定語。

2、定語從句關係詞只用 that 的場合

在限定性定語從句中,下列狀況下關係詞只能用 that 不用 which 或 who(m)。

  1. 先行詞有形容詞最高級修飾時。
    • Newton was one of the greatest men that ever lived.
    • This novel is the best one that I have ever read.
  2. 先行詞有序數詞修飾時。
    • This is the first movie that I have ever seen.
  3. 先行詞有 the only, the very修飾時。
    • The only thing that he is interested in is eating.
    • He is the only person that can do this job well.
    • This is the very book that I am looking for.
  4. 當先行詞爲 all, something, anything,everything,nothing等不定代詞時。
    • All that can be done has been done.
    • I need to eat something that isn't so sweet.
  5. 當先行詞被 all, any, no, much, little, few, every 等限定詞所修飾時。
    • I heard clearly every word that he said.
  6. 當主句是以 which 或 who 開頭的特殊疑問句時。
    • Which is the bike that you lost?
    • Who is the boy that won the gold medal?
  7. 當先行詞即含表人的名詞又含表物的名詞時。
    • The man in charge complained that the boss didn't send the men and money先行詞 that he needed.
    • She described in her compositions the people an places that impressed her most.
  8. 當先行詞在主句中做表語,而關係代詞在從句中也做表語時。
    • Shanghai is no longer the city表語、先行詞 that it used to be.

3、定語從句中關係詞不能夠用 that 的場合

  1. 非限定性定語從句不能夠用 that 來引導。
    • More and more people are beginning to learn English, which is becoming very popular in our country. #: which引導的這個定語從句前面有逗號引導,那你就不要用that了。
  2. 介詞後面不能夠用 that。
    • Is this the room in which Mr. White lives?
    • 注:在一些固定搭配的動詞短語中,因爲動詞和介詞不可分割,所以不能把介詞置於關係代詞以前。
      • This is the pen (that/which) I am looking for. T
      • This is the pen for which I am looking. F
  3. 當關系代詞後面帶有插入語時不能夠用 that。
    • Here's the book which, as I have told you插入語, will help improve your English.
  4. 先行詞自己就是 that 時關係代詞只用 which。
    • What's that which flashed in the shy just now?
  5. 當定語從句的先行詞是整個主句時,關係代詞用 which 不能夠用 that。
    • He went to work without breakfast, which was quite unusual.





  • Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year.
  • My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden.
  • This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching.


  1. 從意義上看,限定性定語從句起限定做用,不可省略,不然原句句意不完整;非限定性定語從句僅做補充或說明,若省略掉原句句意仍然完整。
  2. 從結構上看,限定性定語從句緊跟先行詞,同先行詞之間通常不加逗號;非限定性定語從句用逗號與主句隔開。
  3. 從功能上看,限定性定語從句修飾先行詞;非限定性定語從句能夠修飾先行詞或整個主句。
  4. 從引導詞上看,非限定性定語從句不能夠由 that 來引導。
  5. 從翻譯角度來看,限定性定語從句通常譯爲定語從句;非限定性定語從句通常譯爲並列分句。
  • He has two sisters who are working in the city.他有兩個在這個城市裏工做的妹妹。

    He has two sisters, who are working in the city.他有兩個妹妹,她們在這個城市裏工做。

  • The children who wanted to play football were disappointed because it rained.想踢足球的那部分孩子很失望。

    The children,who wanted to play football, were disappointed because it rained.這些孩子很失望,由於下雨了。

  • He will wear no clothes先行詞 that will make him look different.他不會穿那些讓他看起來不同凡響的衣服。

    He will wear no clothes, which will make him look different.他不會穿任何衣服,這會讓他看起來不同。

3、which 和 as 引導的特殊的定語從句:

which / as引導的非限定性定語從句能夠修飾整個主句。

as多含有 」正如「 的意思,位於主句先後都可。which 含義沒有限制,只能用於主句後,多數狀況下意思同 and this類似。

  • I said nothing, which made him more angry.

  • He was a policeman in disguise which surprised me a lot.

  • One of my high school classmates died a year ago, which I can't believe.


    • as is well known 衆所周知
    • as may be imagined 能夠想象得出
    • as has been said before 如前所述
    • as has been pointed out 正如已經指出的
    • as is expected/anticipated 正如預料到的

注1: as後若爲"is/was + 過去分詞"構成的被動語態,is或was 能夠省去;which後的is或was在一樣的狀況下則不可省。

  • She is absent again, as (is) expected.
  • As (is) reported, a foreign delegation will visit our town.

注2: as 也能夠引導限定性的定語從句,多和the same 或such連用,構成「the same ... as」和「such ... as」 結構,先行詞是表示人或物的名詞。

  • This is the same book as I read last week.
  • She told me the same story as she had told you.


1、「 介詞 + 關係代詞 」 的定語從句

  1. 關係代詞的選擇,在介詞後做賓語的關係代詞通常只有哦 which 和 whom。如先行詞是物,引導詞用which;如先行詞是人,則引導詞用 whom。

    • The man to whom you spoke is a teacher.
    • The city in which she lives is far away. #:原來能夠說The city which she lives in is far away.
  2. 介詞的選擇

    「 介詞 + 關係代詞 「 中的介詞主要經過如下三種方法肯定:


    • This is the book for which you asked. #: 原句:This is the book which you asked for.常常會把for往前提。
    • This is the iPad on Which I spent 3000 yuan. #: spend on。
    • The West Lake, for which Hangzhou is famous, is a beautiful place. #: buy sth. for sb.


    • In his room, we saw a big bookcase in which there were all kinds of books. #: 在bookcase裏面。
    • I won't forget the day on which he got married.
    • The plane in which we flew to Canada is very comfortable.


    • Air, without which man can't live, is rally important.
    • These are my glasses, without which I can't see clearly.
    • This is the book from which I got the story.
  3. 介詞的位置

    介詞通常放在關係代詞 which 和 whom 以前,但也可放在原來的位置上。

    • The house in which we live is not large. #: 放在前面比較有用的多。

      = The house which we live in is not large.

    • This is the man from whom I earned the news. = This is the man whom I learned the news from.


    This is the book (which/that) I am looking for. T

    This is the book for which I am looking. F

    常見的這樣的搭配有:look for, look after, take care of, pay attention to等。

    注2:「介詞 + 關係代詞」 前可有some、any、both、all、neither、none、many、much、most、each、a few 、a litter、few、one等代詞或者數詞。

    • Last week, four people came to look at the house, each of whom wanted to buy it.
    • He loved his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him.
  4. 」 介詞 + 關係詞 「 結構同關係副詞的互換

    在從句中充當時間,地點或緣由狀語的 」 介詞 + 關係詞 「 結構每每能夠同關係副詞 when, where 和 why 互換。

    • Do you remember the day on which you joined our club? = Do you remember the day when you joined our club?
    • This is the house in which地點狀語 I lived two years ago. = This is the house where I lived two years age.


  1. 若是作主語的先行詞跟有一個較長的定語從句和一個較短的謂語,爲平衡句子結構,常把謂語動詞放在先行詞和定語從句之間。
    • A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you English.
    • The day is not fat off when I'll move to Australia.
    • A man can conquer the world who can conquer himself. #: 原本說成:A man who can conquer himself can conquer the world.
  2. 若是做賓語的先行詞跟有一個較長的定語從句和一個較短的賓語補足句(或定語、狀語),爲平衡句子結構,常把賓語補足句(或定語、狀語)放在先行詞和定語從句之間。
    • He asked the girl to stay at home who had been ill for along time.
    • Do you remember on afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a diamond necklace? #:英語上,咱們習慣把短的放前長的放後。



  1. when, while, as和whenever,前三者都有」 當···的時候 「之意。when 既能夠和短暫性動詞連用,也能夠和連續性動詞連用;while和as每每和連續性動詞連用;while 和 as 每每和連續性動詞連用;whenever意味 」不管什麼時候,每次「。

    • He entered the room when (while/as) the meeting was going on.
    • When she comes, I'll tell her to wait for you.
    • Whenever I hear that tune, it makes me think of you.

    注:1. while能夠做並列連詞,引導並列分句,表示對比,可譯爲「而...」。

    ​ I am fond of English while he likes maths.

    注:2. while還能夠表示「儘管」,至關於although。

    ​ While I admit that the problem is difficult, I don't think that it can't be solved.

  2. before 和 after,before 和 after 表示的是兩個時間或兩個事件之間的前後關係。before 意爲 」 在···以前 「,after 意爲 」 在···以後 「。

    • They had got everything ready before I arrived.
    • After the game had started, he left.
  3. as soon as,as soon as 意爲」 一 ··· 就 ··· 「,若表達過去的事,一般主句和從句都用通常過去時態;若表達未來的事,每每主句用通常未來時態,從句用通常如今時態。

    • He told me the news as soon as he got the message.
    • As soon as the bell rang, the students went out of the classroom. #:狀語從句沒有特殊的要求,每每放在主句前主句後都行。
    • I'll call you as soon as I finish dinner. #: 主將從現。
  4. till 和 until,這兩個詞意思都是」 直到··· 「,用法相近,但在句首隻能用until。在確定句中,主句要用延續性動詞;在否認句中,主句每每用短暫性動詞。

    • He didn't leave until I came back.
    • You'd better wait until the rain stops.
    • Until they finished the work, they didn't go home.


地點狀語從句經常使用 where 和 wherever 來引導,能夠放在主句前,也能夠放在主句後。where指」 在某個地方 「,wherever指 」 在任何一個地方 「。

  • You should put the book where it was.
  • You can sit wherever you like.


最多見的狀語從句有 if 引導,結構爲:

  1. if 從句:現代時態(通常如今,如今進行,如今完成);


    口訣:主將從現 主情從現 主祈從現

    • If you leave now, you will regret it.
    • If he is sleeping, don't wake him up.
    • If you've finished the housework, you can see the movie.
  2. unless能夠引導條件狀語從句 ,表示反面的條件,意爲「除非,若是不」;

    而 if 表示正面的條件,意爲「若是」。unless = if···not

    • I can't help you unless you tell me what happened. 等價於 I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened.


because,science as和for

  1. Because語氣最強,可位於主句前或主句後;

    I didn't go to see him because it was raining hard.

  2. since意爲「既然」引導的從句常在句首;

    Since you say so, I suppose it's true.

  3. as所表示的理由較弱,as從句常放在主句前;

    As I didn't see her, she probably didn't attend the meeting.

  4. for語氣最弱,位於主句後,且以前有逗號與主句隔開。

    There must be no one in the house, for the door is closed.


So和so that均可以引導結果狀語從句,放在主句後。需注意的是,so that引導結果狀語從句時,從句中不可有情態動詞,不然表示目的,翻譯爲「爲了,以便於···」。

  • He passed the exam, so he was very happy.
  • I have many things to do, so that I am busy all day long.
  • She left early, so that she caught the train.



  • Though I didn't know many people at the party, I had a very good time.


最多見的方式狀語從句的引導詞爲as, 表示"如··· , 像···「。

  • Please do it as I told you.
  • They watched her closely as a cat watches a rat.


  1. once conj. 一旦。;

    • Once you get there. you'll love it.
  2. now that 既然,因爲;

    • Now that dinner is ready, let's eat first.
  3. even though 儘管;

    • Even though you have no interest in art, the museum is worth visiting.儘管你對藝術沒有興趣,這個博物館也值得參觀。(即成事實,我知道你對藝術沒有興趣。)
  4. even if 即便。

    • Even if you have no interest in art, the museum is worth visiting.即便你對藝術沒有興趣,這個博物館也值得參觀。(假設未來的事,我不知道你對藝術是否感興趣。)





1 不知道動做的執行者或沒必要要說出動做的執行者。
2 強調動做的承受者。
3 爲了更好地安排句子。
4 在文章標題、廣告、新聞中。


理論上每一種時態都有主動語態和被動語態兩種結構;被動語態,謂語動詞結構。be + 動詞的過去分詞;不一樣時態體如今be形式不一樣。

1 通常如今時態。am/is/are + 動詞的過去分詞。
2 通常過去時態。was/were/ + 動詞的過去分詞。
3 如今進行時態。am/is/are + being + 動詞的過去分詞。
4 過去進行時態。was/were + being + 動詞的過去分詞。

5 通常未來時的被動語態。
1)will/shall + be + 動詞的過去分詞。
2)am/is/are + going to be + 動詞的過去分詞。

6 過去未來時態。
1)would/should +be + 動詞的過去分詞。
2)was/were + going to be+動詞的過去分詞。

7 如今完成時態。 Have / has + been + 動詞的過去分詞

8 過去完成時態。had + been + 動詞的過去分詞。

9 未來完成時態。will / shall have been + 動詞的過去分詞。

10 過去未來完成時態。would/ should have been + 動詞的過去分詞。

11 情態動詞的被動語態:情態動詞 + be + 動詞的過去分詞。


1 及物動詞或不及物動詞詞組不能用於被動語態。如 happen, die, disappear, take place 等。

2 系動詞不能用於被動語態。如be , look, sound, appear 等。

3 表示狀態的動詞不能用於被動語態。如have, fit, suit, cost, suffer 等。

4 帶有同源賓語、反身代詞的及物動詞不能用於被動語態。如dream a dream, live a···life, enjoy one self 等。

5 不及物動詞構成的及物性短語動詞能夠用於被動語態如look, after, look into 等。



  1. 把主動語態的賓語變爲被動語態的主語。
  2. 把謂語變成被動結構(be + 過去分詞。)
  3. 把主動語態中的主語放在介詞by以後。將主格改成賓格。


  1. 動做執行者不肯定時,
  2. 沒必要代表動做的執行者時。
  3. 動做執行者爲通常大衆時。


  1. 時態保持一致。
  2. 謂動爲動詞短語的被動語態不能丟掉動詞短語的介詞或副詞。
  3. 主動語態中如有雙賓語。緊跟在動詞以後的賓語變爲被動語態的主語。另外一個賓語不變。
  4. 主動語態如有複合賓語,將主動語態的賓語變爲被動語態的主語,其他不變。





  1. 我先感官動詞和系動詞加形容詞,能夠表示被動意義,如look,smell,taste,fell,sound,prove等。

  2. 要是開始,結束,運動等的動詞每每用主動形式表示被動意義。如begin, start, end, open, close, shut, catch, move 等。

  3. 某些表示主語的屬性特徵的動詞能夠表示被動意義。如read, write, eat, sell, wash, clean, dry, peel 等

  4. want, need, require, worth 等詞的後面可用動名詞的主動形式表示被動意義。

  5. 某些做表語的形容詞後,用不定式的主動形式表示被動意義。

  6. 有些「介詞+名詞」構成的介詞短語表示被動意義。


1、if 引導的條件狀語從句

  1. 真實條件句。
  2. 非真實條件句。(即虛擬語氣。)


從句謂語:did(be 只用 were);

主句謂語:would / should / could / might + do ;


從句謂語:had done;

主句謂語:would / should / could / might + have done;


從句謂語:did(be 用 were),should + do, were to + do;

主句謂語:would / should / could / might + do


1、wish 型的虛擬語氣

wish 後的賓語從句用虛擬語氣,表示不能實現的願望。與如今事實相反,從句中的謂語動詞用通常過去時(be的過去式只用were);與過去事實相反,從句中的謂語動詞用「had加過去分詞」;表示未來不太可能實現的願望,從句中的謂語動詞用「would / could / should / might + 動詞原形」。

2、should 型的虛擬語氣

  1. 在表示"建議「、」要求「、」命令「等的動詞。好比suggest, advise, require, request, insist, order 等後的賓語從句中,謂語動詞用「(should)+動詞原形」 結構。
  2. 表示"建議「、」要求「、」命令「等的名詞是suggestion, advice, request, order 等的表語從句和同位語從句中,謂語動詞用「(should)+ 動詞原形 」 結構。
  3. 在形容詞important, necessary, natural, strange, surprising等後的主語從句中用「(should)+動詞原形」結構。

3、as if/though 引導的虛擬語氣

在 as if/though引導的狀語從句中,若從句與事實相反,則要用虛擬語氣。結構以下:

  1. 主句 + as if / though + 主句 + 通常過去時(從句的動做與主句同時發生)
  2. 主句 + as if / though + 主語 + would /could + 動詞原形(從句的動做相對於主句來講,在未來發生)
  3. 主句 + as if / though + 主語 + 過去完成時(從句的動做先發生於主句動做以前)

4、If only 引導的虛擬語氣

If only後用的虛擬語氣,常譯爲「 要是 ··· 就行了 」。表示如今沒有實現的願望,謂語動詞用通常過去時;

表示過去沒有實現的願望,謂語動詞用過去完成時;表示未來不太可能實現的願望,從句中的謂語動詞用「would / could / should / might + 動詞原形」。

5、It is (high / about) time (that) ··· 結構的虛擬語氣

在 「It is (high / about) time (that) ··· 」 結構中,從句的謂語動詞用通常過去時(be的過去式用were),表示「早該幹某事而已經有些晚了」。

6、would rather引導的虛擬語氣

would rather意爲「寧願···」,以後接從句時從句應用虛擬語氣;用通常過去時表示如今或未來的願望,用過去完成時表示過去的願望。










