在咱們正確配置了Keras使用GPU,並在Terminal中運行一切順利的的時候,轉到Pycharm或者Eclipse中運行有可能會出現「nvcc not found on the $PATH」.這是爲何呢?
you should probably know that all environment variables are inherited. When you define environment variable in your .bash_profile it becomes available in your terminal (bash), and in all processes that will be started from terminal (These processes will be children for the bash process). That's why you are getting expected values when running your script from within the terminal.bash
You start PyCharm not from a terminal, so it doesn't inherit PATH. And so do Python or venv (they launched from PyCharm).session
To solve your issue you have 3 options here: just start PyCharm from terminal or move PATH variable definition from .bash_profile to session init scripts (PATH will be defined system-wide) or Duplicate your PATH in PyCharm's run configuration (it has such option over there)eclipse
Good luck!ide
Use "Tools | Create Command-line Launcher" in PyCharm. This lets you choose the name of the script that will be used to start PyCharm.繼承