str格式化有另種方式printf style 和str.format()ui
二、printf style編碼
In [2]: s = 'i love %s'
In [3]: s Out[3]: 'i love %s' In [4]: s %('python',) Out[4]: 'i love python' In [5]: s %('python') Out[5]: 'i love python' In [6]: s %'python' Out[6]: 'i love python' In [7]: 'i love %s' %'python' Out[7]: 'i love python'
In [9]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python', 18) Out[9]: 'i love python, i am 18' In [11]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python' 18) File "<ipython-input-11-b6c40f507b33>", line 1 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python' 18) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax In [13]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python',) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-13-b0f8a99953ee> in <module>() ----> 1 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python',) TypeError: not enough arguments for format string In [14]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python',"xxj") --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-14-9819bcbd229f> in <module>() ----> 1 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python',"xxj") TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str
In [25]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python', 18) Out[25]: 'i love python, i am 18' In [26]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python', "xxj") --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-26-448f3d60565b> in <module>() ----> 1 'i love %s, i am %d' % ('python', "xxj") TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str In [27]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % (18, 18) # 爲何這裏類型不對,但沒報錯 Out[27]: 'i love 18, i am 18' In [28]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % ([1, 2], 18) Out[28]: 'i love [1, 2], i am 18' In [29]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % (1, 2, 18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-29-de8412982695> in <module>() ----> 1 'i love %s, i am %d' % (1, 2, 18) TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting In [30]: 'i love %s, i am %d' % ((1, 2), 18) Out[30]: 'i love (1, 2), i am 18'
print 「String %format1 %format2 …」 %(variable1, varialbe2, …)
## %s In [34]: 'I love %s, i am %d' % ("python", 18) Out[34]: 'I love python, i am 18' In [35]: 'I love %-s, i am %d' % ("python", 18) Out[35]: 'I love python, i am 18' In [36]: 'I love %-30s, i am %d' % ("python", 18) Out[36]: 'I love python , i am 18' In [37]: 'I love %30s, i am %d' % ("python", 18) Out[37]: 'I love python, i am 18' In [38]: 'I love %030s, i am %d' % ("python", 18) Out[38]: 'I love python, i am 18' In [39]: 'I love %-030s, i am %d' % ("python", 18) Out[39]: 'I love python , i am 18' In [40]: 'I love %-030.5s, i am %d' % ("python", 18) Out[40]: 'I love pytho , i am 18' ## %d In [49]: 'I love %s, i am %d' % ("python", 18) Out[49]: 'I love python, i am 18' In [50]: 'I love %s, i am %20d' % ("python", 18) Out[50]: 'I love python, i am 18' In [51]: 'I love %s, i am %020d' % ("python", 18) Out[51]: 'I love python, i am 00000000000000000018' In [52]: 'I love %s, i am %-20d' % ("python", 18) Out[52]: 'I love python, i am 18 In [53]: 'I love %s, i am %-20.5d' % ("python", 18) Out[53]: 'I love python, i am 00018 ' In [54]: 'I love %s, i am %-20.6d' % ("python", 18) Out[54]: 'I love python, i am 000018 ## %f In [43]: 'I love %s, i am %f' % ("python", 18) Out[43]: 'I love python, i am 18.000000' In [44]: 'I love %s, i am %20f' % ("python", 18) Out[44]: 'I love python, i am 18.000000' In [45]: 'I love %s, i am %020f' % ("python", 18) Out[45]: 'I love python, i am 0000000000018.000000' In [46]: 'I love %s, i am %-020f' % ("python", 18) Out[46]: 'I love python, i am 18.000000 ' In [47]: 'I love %s, i am %-020.5f' % ("python", 18) Out[47]: 'I love python, i am 18.00000 ' In [48]: 'I love %s, i am %-020.5d' % ("python", 18) Out[48]: 'I love python, i am 00018
printf style 格式化對其它語言,尤爲是c語言轉過來的人,很是容易接受;但並非Python建議使用的方法。
In [67]: 'I love {}'.format('python') Out[67]: 'I love python'
In [68]: 'I love {}, i am {}'.format('python', 18) Out[68]: 'I love python, i am 18'
In [70]: 'I love {}, i am {}'.format('python', 18) Out[70]: 'I love python, i am 18' In [71]: 'I love {}, i am {}'.format(18, 'python') Out[71]: 'I love 18, i am python' In [72]: 'I love {1}, i am {0}'.format(18, 'python') Out[72]: 'I love python, i am 18' In [73]: 'I love {1}, i am {1}'.format(18, 'python') Out[73]: 'I love python, i am python' In [74]: 'I love {1}, i am {1}'.format(18) # 佔位符中的數字指定的位置參數須要存在 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-74-9777ef27de22> in <module>() ----> 1 'I love {1}, i am {1}'.format(18) IndexError: tuple index out of range In [75]: 'I love {0}, i am {1}'.format(18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-75-1381c3981335> in <module>() ----> 1 'I love {0}, i am {1}'.format(18) IndexError: tuple index out of range In [76]: 'I love {0}, i am {0}'.format(18) # 佔位符中的數字能夠屢次調用一個位置參數 Out[76]: 'I love 18, i am 18'
In [77]: 'I love {lang}, i am {age}'.format(lang='python', age=18) Out[77]: 'I love python, i am 18' In [78]: 'I love {lang}, i am {lang}'.format(lang='python', age=18) Out[78]: 'I love python, i am python' In [79]: 'I love {lang}, i am {lang}'.format(lang='python') Out[79]: 'I love python, i am python' In [81]: 'My name is {0}, i love {lang}, i am {age}'.format('xxj', lang='python', age=18) Out[81]: 'My name is xxj, i love python, i am 18'
In [82]: '{} {}'.format(18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-82-21db8d47c754> in <module>() ----> 1 '{} {}'.format(18) IndexError: tuple index out of range In [83]: '{} {lang}'.format(18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-83-afb26cfd80bf> in <module>() ----> 1 '{} {lang}'.format(18) KeyError: 'lang' In [84]: '{1} {2}'.format(0, 1, 2) Out[84]: '1 2' In [85]: '{1} {2}'.format("a", "b", "c") Out[85]: 'b c'
{} 會按照順序使用位置參數
{數字} 會把位置參數當成一個列表args, agrs[i],當i不是args的索引的時候,拋出IndexError
{關鍵字} 會把關鍵字參數當成一個字典kwargs,使用kwargs[k]當k不是kwargs的key時,會拋出KeyError
如何print 大括號呢?
In [90]: '{}'.format(18) Out[90]: '18' In [91]: '{{}}'.format(18) Out[91]: '{}' In [92]: '{{{}}}'.format(18) Out[92]: '{18}' In [93]: '{{{}}}'.format() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-93-d7108b8b948d> in <module>() ----> 1 '{{{}}}'.format() IndexError: tuple index out of range
python3 str默認使用utf-8編碼
In [175]: b = b'i love python' In [176]: b.find('o') --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-176-03a41f7339b4> in <module>() ----> 1 b.find('o') TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' In [177]: b.find(b'o') Out[177]: 3 In [180]: s = '馬哥教育' In [181]: s.encode() Out[181]: b'\xe9\xa9\xac\xe5\x93\xa5\xe6\x95\x99\xe8\x82\xb2' In [182]: s.encode().find(b'\xac') # bytes的操做是按字節來的 Out[182]: 2 In [184]: b Out[184]: b'i love python' In [185]: b.decode() # bytes所特有的方法 Out[185]: 'i love python' In [186]: b.hex() # bytes所特有的方法 Out[186]: '69206c6f766520707974686f6e'
In [145]: help(str.encode) Help on method_descriptor: encode(...) S.encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') -> bytes Encode S using the codec registered for encoding. Default encoding is 'utf-8'. errors may be given to set a different error handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and 'xmlcharrefreplace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle UnicodeEncodeErrors. In [103]: s.encode() # 將str編碼成bytes Out[103]: b'\xe9\xa9\xac\xe5\x93\xa5\xe6\x95\x99\xe8\x82\xb2' # 每3個16進制的數字表示一箇中文 In [106]: type(s.encode) Out[106]: builtin_function_or_method In [107]: type(s.encode()) Out[107]: bytes In [109]: '馬'.encode() Out[109]: b'\xe9\xa9\xac' In [127]: bin(0xe9) # 將16進制轉化爲二進制 Out[127]: '0b11101001' In [128]: bin(0xa9) Out[128]: '0b10101001' In [129]: bin(0xac) Out[129]: '0b10101100' 11101001 10101001 10101100 代碼馬字 In [133]: s.encode() Out[133]: b'\xe9\xa9\xac\xe5\x93\xa5\xe6\x95\x99\xe8\x82\xb2' In [134]: s.encode(gbk) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-134-8fa822e76cc5> in <module>() ----> 1 s.encode(gbk) NameError: name 'gbk' is not defined In [135]: s.encode("gbk") # 使用不一樣的編碼,所獲得的bytes不一樣 Out[135]: b'\xc2\xed\xb8\xe7\xbd\xcc\xd3\xfd' In [136]: s.encode("GBK") Out[136]: b'\xc2\xed\xb8\xe7\xbd\xcc\xd3\xfd' In [137]: s.encode("utf8") Out[137]: b'\xe9\xa9\xac\xe5\x93\xa5\xe6\x95\x99\xe8\x82\xb2' In [138]: s.encode("utf-8") Out[138]: b'\xe9\xa9\xac\xe5\x93\xa5\xe6\x95\x99\xe8\x82\xb2'
In [143]: help(bytes.decode) Help on method_descriptor: decode(self, /, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') Decode the bytes using the codec registered for encoding. encoding The encoding with which to decode the bytes. errors The error handling scheme to use for the handling of decoding errors. The default is 'strict' meaning that decoding errors raise a UnicodeDecodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle UnicodeDecodeErrors. In [139]: s.encode().decode() # decode()解碼 Out[139]: '馬哥教育' In [140]: s.encode().decode("gbk") # 須要使用編碼時所使用的編碼方式才能正確解碼 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnicodeDecodeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-140-e4970109fa53> in <module>() ----> 1 s.encode().decode("gbk") UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0xac in position 2: illegal multibyte sequence
In [197]: help(bytearray) Help on class bytearray in module builtins: class bytearray(object) | bytearray(iterable_of_ints) -> bytearray | bytearray(string, encoding[, errors]) -> bytearray | bytearray(bytes_or_buffer) -> mutable copy of bytes_or_buffer | bytearray(int) -> bytes array of size given by the parameter initialized with null bytes | bytearray() -> empty bytes array | | Construct a mutable bytearray object from: | - an iterable yielding integers in range(256) | - a text string encoded using the specified encoding | - a bytes or a buffer object | - any object implementing the buffer API. | - an integer In [206]: bytearray(10) Out[206]: bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') In [207]: bytearray(b"10") Out[207]: bytearray(b'10') In [208]: bytearray(b"abc") Out[208]: bytearray(b'abc') In [209]: bytearray("abc") --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-209-355ddbfdfb18> in <module>() ----> 1 bytearray("abc") TypeError: string argument without an encoding In [210]: bytearray("abc", encoding) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-210-6baeeb8ceb00> in <module>() ----> 1 bytearray("abc", encoding) NameError: name 'encoding' is not defined In [211]: bytearray("abc", "utf") Out[211]: bytearray(b'abc') In [212]: bytearray("abc", "utf8") Out[212]: bytearray(b'abc') In [213]: bytearray("abc", "utf-8") Out[213]: bytearray(b'abc') In [215]: bytearray([1, 2]) Out[215]: bytearray(b'\x01\x02') In [226]: b = bytearray(12) # bytearry 是可變的 In [227]: b Out[227]: bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') In [228]: b[3] Out[228]: 0 In [229]: b[3]= 5 In [230]: b Out[230]: bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
bytearray相對於bytes來講,多了insert、append、extend、pop、remove、clear reverse方法,而且能夠索引操做