服務器名稱(hostname) | 系統版本 | 配置 | 內網IP | 外網IP(模擬) |
k8s-master | CentOS7.7 | 2C/4G/20G | | |
k8s-node01 | CentOS7.7 | 2C/4G/20G | | |
k8s-node02 | CentOS7.7 | 2C/4G/20G | | |
ConfigMap 是一種 API 對象,用來將非機密性的數據保存到健值對中。使用時能夠用做環境變量、命令行參數或者存儲卷中的配置文件。api
ConfigMap 將環境配置信息和容器鏡像解耦,便於應用配置的修改。當你須要儲存機密信息時能夠使用 Secret 對象。服務器
備註:ConfigMap 並不提供保密或者加密功能。若是你想存儲的數據是機密的,請使用 Secret;或者使用其餘第三方工具來保證數據的私密性,而不是用 ConfigMap。app
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# pwd 2 /root/k8s_practice/storage 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# ll /root/k8s_practice/storage/configmap # 配置文件存在哪一個目錄下 4 total 8 5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 159 Jun 7 14:52 game.properties 6 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 83 Jun 7 14:53 ui.properties 7 [root@k8s-master storage]# 8 [root@k8s-master storage]# cat configmap/game.properties # 涉及文件1 9 enemies=aliens 10 lives=3 11 enemies.cheat=true 12 enemies.cheat.level=noGoodRotten 13 secret.code.passphrase=UUDDLRLRBABAs 14 secret.code.allowed=true 15 secret.code.lives=30 16 17 [root@k8s-master storage]# 18 [root@k8s-master storage]# cat configmap/ui.properties # 涉及文件2 19 color.good=purple 20 color.bad=yellow 21 allow.textmode=true 22 how.nice.to.look=fairlyNice
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl create configmap game-config --from-file=/root/k8s_practice/storage/configmap 2 configmap/game-config created 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# 4 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap 5 NAME DATA AGE 6 game-config 2 14s
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap -o yaml ##### 查看方式1 2 apiVersion: v1 3 items: 4 - apiVersion: v1 5 data: 6 game.properties: |+ ##### 本段最後有一行空格,+ 表示保留字符串行末尾的換行 7 enemies=aliens 8 lives=3 9 enemies.cheat=true 10 enemies.cheat.level=noGoodRotten 11 secret.code.passphrase=UUDDLRLRBABAs 12 secret.code.allowed=true 13 secret.code.lives=30 14 15 ui.properties: | 16 color.good=purple 17 color.bad=yellow 18 allow.textmode=true 19 how.nice.to.look=fairlyNice 20 kind: ConfigMap 21 metadata: 22 creationTimestamp: "2020-06-07T06:57:28Z" 23 name: game-config 24 namespace: default 25 resourceVersion: "889177" 26 selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/game-config 27 uid: 6952ac85-ded0-4c5e-89fd-b0c6f0546ecf 28 kind: List 29 metadata: 30 resourceVersion: "" 31 selfLink: "" 32 [root@k8s-master storage]# 33 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl describe configmap game-config ##### 查看方式2 34 Name: game-config 35 Namespace: default 36 Labels: <none> 37 Annotations: <none> 38 39 Data 40 ==== 41 game.properties: 42 ---- 43 enemies=aliens 44 lives=3 45 enemies.cheat=true 46 enemies.cheat.level=noGoodRotten 47 secret.code.passphrase=UUDDLRLRBABAs 48 secret.code.allowed=true 49 secret.code.lives=30 50 51 52 ui.properties: 53 ---- 54 color.good=purple 55 color.bad=yellow 56 allow.textmode=true 57 how.nice.to.look=fairlyNice 58 59 Events: <none>
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# pwd 2 /root/k8s_practice/storage 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# cat /root/k8s_practice/storage/configmap/game.properties 4 enemies=aliens 5 lives=3 6 enemies.cheat=true 7 enemies.cheat.level=noGoodRotten 8 secret.code.passphrase=UUDDLRLRBABAs 9 secret.code.allowed=true 10 secret.code.lives=30
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl create configmap game-config-2 --from-file=/root/k8s_practice/storage/configmap/game.properties 2 configmap/game-config-2 created 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# 4 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap game-config-2 5 NAME DATA AGE 6 game-config-2 1 29s
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap game-config-2 -o yaml ##### 查看方式1 2 apiVersion: v1 3 data: 4 game.properties: |+ ##### 本段最後有一行空格,+ 表示保留字符串行末尾的換行 5 enemies=aliens 6 lives=3 7 enemies.cheat=true 8 enemies.cheat.level=noGoodRotten 9 secret.code.passphrase=UUDDLRLRBABAs 10 secret.code.allowed=true 11 secret.code.lives=30 12 13 kind: ConfigMap 14 metadata: 15 creationTimestamp: "2020-06-07T07:05:47Z" 16 name: game-config-2 17 namespace: default 18 resourceVersion: "890437" 19 selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/game-config-2 20 uid: 02d99802-c23f-45ad-b4e1-dea9bcb166d8 21 [root@k8s-master storage]# 22 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl describe configmap game-config-2 ##### 查看方式2 23 Name: game-config-2 24 Namespace: default 25 Labels: <none> 26 Annotations: <none> 27 28 Data 29 ==== 30 game.properties: 31 ---- 32 enemies=aliens 33 lives=3 34 enemies.cheat=true 35 enemies.cheat.level=noGoodRotten 36 secret.code.passphrase=UUDDLRLRBABAs 37 secret.code.allowed=true 38 secret.code.lives=30 39 40 41 Events: <none>
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# pwd 2 /root/k8s_practice/storage 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl create configmap special-config --from-literal=special.how=very --from-literal="special.type=charm" 4 configmap/special-config created 5 [root@k8s-master storage]# 6 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap special-config 7 NAME DATA AGE 8 special-config 2 23s
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap special-config -o yaml ##### 查看方式1 2 apiVersion: v1 3 data: 4 special.how: very 5 special.type: charm 6 kind: ConfigMap 7 metadata: 8 creationTimestamp: "2020-06-07T09:32:04Z" 9 name: special-config 10 namespace: default 11 resourceVersion: "912702" 12 selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/special-config 13 uid: 76698e78-1380-4826-b5ac-d9c81f746eac 14 [root@k8s-master storage]# 15 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl describe configmap special-config ##### 查看方式2 16 Name: special-config 17 Namespace: default 18 Labels: <none> 19 Annotations: <none> 20 21 Data 22 ==== 23 special.how: 24 ---- 25 very 26 special.type: 27 ---- 28 charm 29 Events: <none>
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# pwd 2 /root/k8s_practice/storage 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# cat configmap.yaml 4 apiVersion: v1 5 kind: ConfigMap 6 metadata: 7 name: configmap-demo 8 data: 9 # 類屬性鍵;每個鍵都映射到一個簡單的值 10 player_initial_lives: "3" 11 ui_properties_file_name: 'user-interface.properties' 12 # 13 # 類文件鍵 14 game.properties: | 15 enemy.types=aliens,monsters 16 player.maximum-lives=5 17 user-interface.properties: | 18 color.good=purple 19 color.bad=yellow 20 allow.textmode=true
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml 2 configmap/configmap-demo created 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap configmap-demo 4 NAME DATA AGE 5 configmap-demo 4 2m59s
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap configmap-demo -o yaml ##### 查看方式1 2 apiVersion: v1 3 data: 4 game.properties: | 5 enemy.types=aliens,monsters 6 player.maximum-lives=5 7 player_initial_lives: "3" 8 ui_properties_file_name: user-interface.properties 9 user-interface.properties: | 10 color.good=purple 11 color.bad=yellow 12 allow.textmode=true 13 kind: ConfigMap 14 metadata: 15 annotations: 16 kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: | 17 {"apiVersion":"v1","data":{"game.properties":"enemy.types=aliens,monsters\nplayer.maximum-lives=5\n","player_initial_lives":"3","ui_properties_file_name":"user-interface.properties","user-interface.properties":"color.good=purple\ncolor.bad=yellow\nallow.textmode=true\n"},"kind":"ConfigMap","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"configmap-demo","namespace":"default"}} 18 creationTimestamp: "2020-06-07T11:36:46Z" 19 name: configmap-demo 20 namespace: default 21 resourceVersion: "931685" 22 selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/configmap-demo 23 uid: fdad7000-87bd-4b72-be98-40dd8fe6400a 24 [root@k8s-master storage]# 25 [root@k8s-master storage]# 26 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl describe configmap configmap-demo ##### 查看方式2 27 Name: configmap-demo 28 Namespace: default 29 Labels: <none> 30 Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: 31 {"apiVersion":"v1","data":{"game.properties":"enemy.types=aliens,monsters\nplayer.maximum-lives=5\n","player_initial_lives":"3","ui_proper... 32 33 Data 34 ==== 35 game.properties: 36 ---- 37 enemy.types=aliens,monsters 38 player.maximum-lives=5 39 40 player_initial_lives: 41 ---- 42 3 43 ui_properties_file_name: 44 ---- 45 user-interface.properties 46 user-interface.properties: 47 ---- 48 color.good=purple 49 color.bad=yellow 50 allow.textmode=true 51 52 Events: <none>
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap 2 NAME DATA AGE 3 configmap-demo 4 30m 4 game-config 2 5h9m 5 game-config-2 1 5h1m 6 special-config 2 5m48s
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# pwd 2 /root/k8s_practice/storage 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# cat pod_configmap_env.yaml 4 apiVersion: v1 5 kind: Pod 6 metadata: 7 name: pod-configmap-env 8 spec: 9 containers: 10 - name: myapp 11 image: registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/google_registry/myapp:v1 12 command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "env"] 13 ### 引用方式1 14 env: 15 - name: SPECAIL_HOW_KEY 16 valueFrom: 17 configMapKeyRef: 18 name: special-config ### 這個name的值來自 ConfigMap 19 key: special.how ### 這個key的值爲須要取值的鍵 20 - name: SPECAIL_TPYE_KEY 21 valueFrom: 22 configMapKeyRef: 23 name: special-config 24 key: special.type 25 ### 引用方式2 26 envFrom: 27 - configMapRef: 28 name: game-config-2 ### 這個name的值來自 ConfigMap 29 restartPolicy: Never
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl apply -f pod_configmap_env.yaml 2 pod/pod-configmap-env created 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# 4 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get pod -o wide 5 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES 6 pod-configmap-env 0/1 Completed 0 6s k8s-node02 <none> <none>
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl logs pod-configmap-env 2 MYAPP_SVC_PORT_80_TCP_ADDR= 3 KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=443 4 KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp:// 5 MYAPP_SVC_PORT_80_TCP_PORT=80 6 HOSTNAME=pod-configmap-env 7 SHLVL=1 8 MYAPP_SVC_PORT_80_TCP_PROTO=tcp 9 HOME=/root 10 SPECAIL_HOW_KEY=very ### 來自ConfigMap 11 game.properties=enemies=aliens ### 來自ConfigMap 12 lives=3 ### 來自ConfigMap 13 enemies.cheat=true ### 來自ConfigMap 14 enemies.cheat.level=noGoodRotten ### 來自ConfigMap 15 secret.code.passphrase=UUDDLRLRBABAs ### 來自ConfigMap 16 secret.code.allowed=true ### 來自ConfigMap 17 secret.code.lives=30 ### 來自ConfigMap 18 19 20 SPECAIL_TPYE_KEY=charm ### 來自ConfigMap 21 MYAPP_SVC_PORT_80_TCP=tcp:// 22 NGINX_VERSION=1.12.2 23 KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR= 24 PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin 25 KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT=443 26 KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO=tcp 27 MYAPP_SVC_SERVICE_HOST= 28 KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS=443 29 KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP=tcp:// 30 PWD=/ 31 KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST= 32 MYAPP_SVC_SERVICE_PORT=80 33 MYAPP_SVC_PORT=tcp://
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# pwd 2 /root/k8s_practice/storage 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# cat pod_configmap_cmd.yaml 4 apiVersion: v1 5 kind: Pod 6 metadata: 7 name: pod-configmap-cmd 8 spec: 9 containers: 10 - name: myapp 11 image: registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/google_registry/myapp:v1 12 command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo \"===$(SPECAIL_HOW_KEY)===$(SPECAIL_TPYE_KEY)===\""] 13 env: 14 - name: SPECAIL_HOW_KEY 15 valueFrom: 16 configMapKeyRef: 17 name: special-config 18 key: special.how 19 - name: SPECAIL_TPYE_KEY 20 valueFrom: 21 configMapKeyRef: 22 name: special-config 23 key: special.type 24 restartPolicy: Never
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl apply -f pod_configmap_cmd.yaml 2 pod/pod-configmap-cmd created 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# 4 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get pod -o wide 5 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES 6 pod-configmap-cmd 0/1 Completed 0 5s k8s-node01 <none> <none>
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl logs pod-configmap-cmd 2 ===very===charm===
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# pwd 2 /root/k8s_practice/storage 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# cat pod_configmap_volume.yaml 4 apiVersion: v1 5 kind: Pod 6 metadata: 7 name: pod-configmap-volume 8 spec: 9 containers: 10 - name: myapp 11 image: registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/google_registry/myapp:v1 12 #command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "ls -l /etc/config/"] 13 command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 600"] 14 volumeMounts: 15 - name: config-volume 16 mountPath: /etc/config 17 volumes: 18 - name: config-volume 19 configMap: 20 name: configmap-demo 21 restartPolicy: Never
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl apply -f pod_configmap_volume.yaml 2 pod/pod-configmap-volume created 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# 4 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get pod -o wide 5 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES 6 pod-configmap-volume 1/1 Running 0 5s k8s-node02 <none> <none>
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl exec -it pod-configmap-volume sh 2 / # ls /etc/config 3 game.properties player_initial_lives ui_properties_file_name user-interface.properties 4 / # 5 / # 6 / # 7 / # cat /etc/config/player_initial_lives 8 3/ # 9 / # 10 / # 11 / # cat /etc/config/ui_properties_file_name 12 user-interface.properties/ # 13 / # 14 / # 15 / # cat /etc/config/game.properties 16 enemy.types=aliens,monsters 17 player.maximum-lives=5 18 / # 19 / # 20 / # cat /etc/config/user-interface.properties 21 color.good=purple 22 color.bad=yellow 23 allow.textmode=true
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# pwd 2 /root/k8s_practice/storage 3 [root@k8s-master storage]# cat pod_configmap_hot.yaml 4 apiVersion: v1 5 kind: ConfigMap 6 metadata: 7 name: log-config 8 namespace: default 9 data: 10 log_level: INFO 11 --- 12 apiVersion: apps/v1 13 kind: Deployment 14 metadata: 15 name: myapp-deploy 16 namespace: default 17 spec: 18 replicas: 2 19 selector: 20 matchLabels: 21 app: myapp 22 release: v1 23 template: 24 metadata: 25 labels: 26 app: myapp 27 release: v1 28 env: test 29 spec: 30 containers: 31 - name: myapp 32 image: registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/google_registry/myapp:v1 33 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent 34 ports: 35 - containerPort: 80 36 volumeMounts: 37 - name: config-volume 38 mountPath: /etc/config 39 volumes: 40 - name: config-volume 41 configMap: 42 name: log-config
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl apply -f pod_configmap_hot.yaml 2 configmap/log-config created 3 deployment.apps/myapp-deploy created 4 [root@k8s-master storage]# 5 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap log-config 6 NAME DATA AGE 7 log-config 1 21s 8 [root@k8s-master storage]# 9 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get pod -o wide 10 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES 11 myapp-deploy-58ff9c997-drhwk 1/1 Running 0 30s k8s-node02 <none> <none> 12 myapp-deploy-58ff9c997-n68j2 1/1 Running 0 30s k8s-node01 <none> <none>
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap log-config -o yaml 2 apiVersion: v1 3 data: 4 log_level: INFO 5 kind: ConfigMap 6 metadata: 7 annotations: 8 kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: | 9 {"apiVersion":"v1","data":{"log_level":"INFO"},"kind":"ConfigMap","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"log-config","namespace":"default"}} 10 creationTimestamp: "2020-06-07T16:08:11Z" 11 name: log-config 12 namespace: default 13 resourceVersion: "971348" 14 selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/log-config 15 uid: 7e78e1d7-12de-4601-9915-cefbc96ca305
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl exec -it myapp-deploy-58ff9c997-drhwk -- cat /etc/config/log_level 2 INFO
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl edit configmap log-config ### 將 INFO 改成了 DEBUG 2 # Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored, 3 # and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be 4 # reopened with the relevant failures. 5 # 6 apiVersion: v1 7 data: 8 log_level: DEBUG 9 kind: ConfigMap 10 metadata: 11 annotations: 12 kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: | 13 {"apiVersion":"v1","data":{"log_level":"DEBUG"},"kind":"ConfigMap","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"log-config","namespace":"default"}} 14 creationTimestamp: "2020-06-07T16:08:11Z" 15 name: log-config 16 namespace: default 17 resourceVersion: "971348" 18 selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/log-config 19 uid: 7e78e1d7-12de-4601-9915-cefbc96ca305
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl get configmap log-config -o yaml 2 apiVersion: v1 3 data: 4 log_level: DEBUG 5 kind: ConfigMap 6 metadata: 7 annotations: 8 kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: | 9 {"apiVersion":"v1","data":{"log_level":"DEBUG"},"kind":"ConfigMap","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"log-config","namespace":"default"}} 10 creationTimestamp: "2020-06-07T16:08:11Z" 11 name: log-config 12 namespace: default 13 resourceVersion: "972893" 14 selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/log-config 15 uid: 7e78e1d7-12de-4601-9915-cefbc96ca305
1 [root@k8s-master storage]# kubectl exec -it myapp-deploy-58ff9c997-drhwk -- cat /etc/config/log_level 2 DEBUG
二、Kubernetes K8S之經過yaml建立pod與pod文件經常使用字段詳解
若是以爲不錯就關注下唄 (-^O^-) !